661) XIX: Armenia Voluntarily Joins Soviet Union "Republic" Becomes Communist Of Its Own Free Will : Secrets Of "Christian" Terrorist State Armenia
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While the Armenian terrorist dictators were plotting to invade the Ottoman Empire, the Russians were not sitting around idly.
The network of Armenian institutions in Soviet Russia (lobby and support organizations much like Armenia organized in the United States and other Christian nations) was disrupted and largely dismantled by the Commissariat for Nationalities headed byl.V. Stalin. Moreover, the Russian Communist Party’s Caucasian Regional Committee (Kraikon), Caucasian Bureau (Kavhuro), and affiliated organizations steadfastly called for the forcible overthrow oj the Armenian government, which was branded a `lackey of imperialism` and a sworn enemy of the workers and peasants. (1)
By the spring of 1920 the Communist armies were in control "along the entire length of the Caucasus Mountains from the Black Sea to the Caspian Sea» (P 45)
The Armenian leaders did what they always did when they got into trouble – they tried to talk their way out of it. So it was, a small group of Armenian leaders traveled to Moscow to tell the Communist leaders how it was to their benefit to leave them in power in their tiny state.
The Red Army continued to advance while the Armenian leaders tried to stop them with mere words. In May 1920, the Red Army moved into disputed districts in Zangezur as they said they would do unless the Armenians withdrew their troops. The Russians had told the Armenian terrorists they would do this if they didn’t leave because they would put and end to the "mutual Armenian-Muslim massacres» (P 63)
The Armenians protested loudly to anyone who would listen. The Armenian terrorist leaders whined that the "Red Army had occupied Armenian Karabagh and was pressing into Zangezur. These were inalienable parts of the republic of Armenia, and the forcible entry of Soviet troops" caused the misunderstood Armenian terrorist losers to have doubts about the Russians goodwill» (P 70)
The ever-present General Dro, when not attacking defenseless Muslim women and children, tried to bluster the Russians out of Zangezur. He issued a demand "that the Red Army leave the confines of Zangezur within twenty-four hours or face a full scale Armenian attack along the front» (P 85)
The Armenian terrorist general went on to add insult to injury:
The Armenian peasantry, Dro continued, was enthusiastically taking arms against the Bolshevik invaders, and hundreds and thousands of men were hastening to his headquarters to fight in the name of the freedom and independence, that had been won at such a high price during the revolutionary struggle of the past thirty years: "I am demanding that you remove your bloody hands and abandon the territories of Armenia occupied by you». Dro concluded: "Do not cause bloodshed, for before the workers of the entire world
the responsibility for the spitted blood of two brotherly peoples, Russians and Armenians, whose hearts beat in unison for the highest ideals of mankind, will fall upon you. Leave Armenia. Return all the possessions of the toiling Armenian peasantry, which you have robbed» (P 87)
Needless to say, this outburst infuriated the commanders of the Red Army. The thirty-year rebellion Dro and the other Armenian terrorist leaders brayed about was about to come to an end. While the Ottomans tolerated the disloyal Armenians for some twenty-five years before removing them from the country, the Russians would not be so forgiving of a disloyal people living among them.
With all Dro’s threats and claims of military powers, the Armenians tucked their tails between their legs and gave up without firing a shot. They signed a preliminary treaty with the Soviet government and "had to acquiesce in the provisional occupation by the Red Army of the strategic Karabagh-Zangezur-Nakhichevan passageway» (P 90)
"The Armenian-Soviet agreement created a furor among Allied circles in the Caucasus. The European representatives had not been forewarned of the negotiations or of the Armenian strategy. The Armenian government seemingly had softened toward Bolshevism and was beginning to rely on Soviet Russia" (P 96).
This is the same gang of Armenian terrorist dictators who, only a few months before, had conned the Allies out of arms and ammunition to fight these same Bolsheviks, so they could retain their freedom and independence. Now, at the first sign of conflict, they gave up without firing a shot after receiving hundreds of thousands of dollars worth of European arms and ammunition.
The French commissioner for Trans-Caucasia bluntly stated "that Armenia could no longer be regarded as an ally and might even be considered to be in the enemy camp" (P 96).
Naval Commander Harry Luke was the acting British Chief Commissioner for the region. He expressed his "amazement at this reversal of the Armenian position. He stated `that the Armenian government’s consent to the Bolshevik occupation of Nakhichevan, which opened their road into northwest Persia and into Turkey, almost amounted to an act of treachery against Great Britain, and was especially deplorable at this time when Armenia had just received a large consignment of British munitions» (P 97)
Hovannissian describes the situation:
In September 1920 the Turkish Nationalists made the bold move of striking across the former Russo-Turkish frontier into the Republic of Armenia. For Turkey, the elimination of the Armenian front in the east would open the way to Azerbaijan and Russia and allow Mustafa Kemal to concentrate his armies against the Greek threat from the west. The Armenians had often warned of an impending invasion, but the Allies – did not believe the nationalists would actually move as long as British, French, and Greek military forces were operating in Asia Minor and worldwide sympathy for the Armenians focused attention on the `debt of humanity` to that long-suffering people (P 1 80)
The word now "owes" Armenia "the debt of humanity" because they were a long-suffering people? These people brought the suffering upon themselves. If the world "owes" anyone anything, it is a debt of gratitude to Mustafa Kemal and his Turkish nationalists. Just think how much more territory would have become a part of Soviet Russia had Ataturk not been bold and lead the true people’s revolution in the heart of the old Ottoman Empire. Turkey would emerge as a great friend of the West, while Armenia, still making secret deals, became a part of Soviet Russia and continues to remain close to the Russians to this very day.
The Cold War outcome may well have been different had Turkey not stood firm and prevented the Russian aggression to spread any further west. But to hear Hovannissian spin his tale, Mustafa Kemal was in the pocket of the Russians and nothing more than a pawn. The pages of history disprove this wild and irresponsible allegation. The actual truth is that it was the Armenians who were in the pocket of the Russians and served as nothing more than their pawn.
The Armenian leaders had bragged about how good their army was and that all they needed was guns, ammunition, and supplies, and they could defend themselves. The truth of the matter was that their little army was good only at raiding defenseless Muslim villages. When it faced a good Russian Army in the east, they gave up without firing a shot. Now they had to deal with a good Turkish Army.
In September 1920 the Armenian army still suffered from the after-effects of the May uprising and the serious cracks that had appeared in the military establishment. The officer corps, though well trained in the military academies of imperial Russia, had not yet adjusted to the needs of a small, evolving nation-state. Friction between the officers and partisan chieftains remained pronounced despite the government’s efforts to integrate the ranks. The constant state of alert and frequent clashes all along the frontier exhausted the army and kept its regiments dispersed and unable to concentrate on a single front. The soldier’s lot was harsh, and draft evasion and absence without leave were commonplace (P 1 84)
Now the Armenian terrorist dictators were blaming their mistakes of judgment on their army. First these bandits pretended to be friends with the Ottoman Muslims for twenty-five years when they were in reality terrorists, trying to stir a rebellion that got all Armenians behind the battle lines thrown out of the country. Next these thugs made a sneak attack on neighbor Georgia and lost. Next, they made another sneak attack on neighbor Azerbaijan and lost again. Then they planned to make a sneak attack on the Turks. This time the Turks were ready and attacked the Armenian terrorist dictators first and the thugs lost again.
Where was Armenia’s well-trained army?
Hovannissian writes,
"The Armenians were rudely awakened when five battalions of Turkish regulars with machine guns, cannons and cavalry and several units making up the Olti detachment attacked from the front and rear at 2:30 in the morning of September 13. Asleep physically and militarily, the Armenians were caught in a blistering cross fire".
He goes on to add: "...the Armenians had suffered more than 200 casualties and been forced to abandon cannons and machine guns. The hard-won Armenian occupation in June of the Peniak coal fields was wiped away in a few hours, and a great wave of anxiety spread among soldiers and civilians that a full-scale Turkish invasion might be imminent» (P 188)
One has to wonder just where General Dro was at this time? After all, he was so successful in making surprise attacks against defenseless Muslim villages and making irresponsible threats against the Red Army. Note how the Armenians had taken someone else’s land only four months earlier and now Hovannissian reports this land had become the bandit Armenians`. The poor Armenians suffered a total of some two hundred men killed or wounded in their desperate fight to save "Armenian historic homelands». In reality, the Armenian troops were abandoning their weapons and running for their lives now that they faced a real army.
"The Turkish operation in Olti elicited no response from the Allied powers or Soviet Russia. In Western circles by 1920, Armenian warnings were met with much skepticism. The Armenians had often sounded the alarm about an impending invasion, Pan-Turkic and pan-Islamic intrigues, and Soviet-Turkish collusion, yet nothing had happened. There was even suspicion that the Armenians complained the loudest when they themselves were planning or already involved in some questionable activity» (P 190)
Why should the Allied powers respond to this Turkish Nationalist attack when just a few weeks before the Armenian terrorist dictators had entered into a secret deal with the Russians? Now, the Armenians wanted the Allies to come save them. There was no reason for the Allies to get their young men killed for the terrorist Armenian state in this real world.
"In announcing the victory..». on September 29, Mustafa Kemal declared that " Turkey had done everything possible to live in peace with its neighbors, but the Dashnaks had disregarded the sincere desire and had instead intensified their attacks upon the Turkish army and the innocent Muslim population in places such as Kulp, Kaghismman, and Olti» (P 197)
Kemal told the truth. It took his army only thirteen days to run the "grand" army of Armenia out of the Turkish "historic homelands». Kemal’s attack caught the Armenian leaders by total surprise. One has to ask why because they were preparing for just such a surprise attack on Ottoman soil themselves. Hovannissian answers the question this way: "The Armenian leaders did not believe that Mustafa Kemal, beset by so many other problems, would dare to launch an offensive against the Republic» (P 198)
"On September 30 the Bureau Government, declaring the country under a stage of siege, established martial law, issued mobilization orders for men up to thirty-five years of age, adopted stringent measures against desertion, and exhorted the populace with the call, `Everyone toward the front. Everything for the front».`(P 198) Well, that was everyone toward the front except the dictators. This is such an oddball reaction because Kemal had declared victory just the day before and stopped his advance.
The fearful Armenian terrorists continued to panic. The minister of military affairs "warned that at the hour when `all loyal and genuine children of Armenia are mobilizing to crush the enemy under the blows of their powerful fist`, any person evading military service or being absent without leave would be punished according to wartime laws and regulations. Deserters would be hanged in public».
The Armenian terrorist dictators waved the flag of religion and race before their people. The prime minister cried out, "These are historic times. Recall the days of 1918; remember Sardarabad and Karakilisa, as a new summons to heroism is being read…to arms, without wavering and more than ever with self-confidence. ... I summon you to a holy war. The enemy will be defeated only on the day when all of you stand as one person ready to fight and die. Citizens. To arms, toward the front, toward victory.`"(P 199)
Clearly, Armenian citizens were not ready to die for these terrorist thugs and the end result proved it. The British "was clearly annoyed by what it considered incessant, excessive demands" by the Armenians (P 212)
Hovannissian writes of the cold and callused thinking of the Armenian leaders: "the hope of the Armenian government was that all elements of the population would join to slow the enemy advance and make the invasion costly enough that the Turks would be more disposed to offer relatively lenient terms of peace» (P 268)
In other words, these Armenian dictator terrorists were trying to sacrifice their own people just to get a better deal from the Turks. What kind of leaders would deliberately try to kill their untrained unarmed civilians this way?
On November 31, the Armenian Foreign Minister sent a telegram to the Grand National Assembly of Turkey. Consider how the Armenian leaders began their communication:
"The Turkish and Armenian peoples having lived as neighbors for centuries, the common boundaries of Turkey and the Republic of Armenia now dictate that there be peaceful relations between those governments based on mutual respect and the vital interests of each country». The Foreign Minister went on to say "...the Armenian people and government find it incompressible and surprising that your troops have advanced toward the boundaries of Armenia without explaining the reasons and purposes..». the Foreign Minister concluded: "confident that such a course can and will be found, the Armenian government is requesting from your government to set the time and place for your and our representatives to meet in order to clarify the reasons for the conflict and seek a peaceful solution» (P 268)
This is an amazing distortion of the truth by the terrorist Armenian leaders. Granted Turks and Armenians had lived together as neighbors in peace for perhaps eight hundred years, but in about 1890 the peace ended because the Armenian leaders began a secret terror campaign against the Turks in their attempt to start a rebellion to overthrow the legal government in the Ottoman Empire. Now, when they are in trouble and defeated once again, these Armenian leaders cry that there should be peace between the two peoples "based on mutual respect». This is the same gaggle of dictators who, just two months before the Turkish first strike, were planning an attack of their own against the Turks.
The Turks responded with a direct statement of fact that spoke truth as contrasted to the "big lie" spouted by the Armenian Foreign Minister.
"We are conscious that the long, bloody battles between the Turkish and Armenian peoples up to the year 1918 that were caused essentially by the ambitions of Czarism to establish its domination over eastern Anatolia. The fall of the imperial regime of Russia led to a period of calm, thanks to the cold-bloodedness of Turkey in face of the terrible massacres perpetrated by the Armenian bands after the retreat of the Russians» (P 270)
Certainly the Armenians had conspired with Russian interests since 1890 to overthrow the Turks. Certainly the Armenians were guilty of the massacre of many more Muslims than the Turks killed Armenians. The Armenians killed innocent Muslims who were murdered for no other reason than their religion and the Armenian greed of coveting their neighbor’s lands and property.
The Turk reply also stated it was because of the "incessant attacks of the Armenian troops that have forced us to act vigorously against your state..» (P 270) It was because of this thirty-year Armenian history of disloyalty and betrayal that caused the Turks to demand proof they would not have to ever fight the Armenians again.
Hovannissian explains the Turkish demands to end the war: "Submission to the Turkish ultimatum would eliminate all possibility of further Armenian resistance, place half of the territory of the Armenian republic under foreign occupation, and hand over to the Turkish Army supervision of the country’s primary artery of communication and transportation with the outside world».`(P 276)
He explains the Armenian dictator point of view: "This was war of the people in which every citizen had to participate whether at the front or at the rear. It was not unusual for nations at war to seek external support. The Armenian people had repeatedly appealed to foreign powers, but these petitions had fallen on deaf ears. At least, it had become self-evident that there would be no outside intervention.`"(P 279)
The Armenians tried to stall and put off their total defeat. The Turks began a new attack and it was over in less than a week. "There was nothing left for the Armenian government except to capitulate» (P 289) On November 18, 1920, the Armenian terrorists signed the armistice agreement written by the Turks that ended the war.
While the Armenian terrorist dictators were plotting to invade the Ottoman Empire, the Russians were not sitting around idly.
The network of Armenian institutions in Soviet Russia (lobby and support organizations much like Armenia organized in the United States and other Christian nations) was disrupted and largely dismantled by the Commissariat for Nationalities headed byl.V. Stalin. Moreover, the Russian Communist Party’s Caucasian Regional Committee (Kraikon), Caucasian Bureau (Kavhuro), and affiliated organizations steadfastly called for the forcible overthrow oj the Armenian government, which was branded a `lackey of imperialism` and a sworn enemy of the workers and peasants. (1)
By the spring of 1920 the Communist armies were in control "along the entire length of the Caucasus Mountains from the Black Sea to the Caspian Sea» (P 45)
The Armenian leaders did what they always did when they got into trouble – they tried to talk their way out of it. So it was, a small group of Armenian leaders traveled to Moscow to tell the Communist leaders how it was to their benefit to leave them in power in their tiny state.
The Red Army continued to advance while the Armenian leaders tried to stop them with mere words. In May 1920, the Red Army moved into disputed districts in Zangezur as they said they would do unless the Armenians withdrew their troops. The Russians had told the Armenian terrorists they would do this if they didn’t leave because they would put and end to the "mutual Armenian-Muslim massacres» (P 63)
The Armenians protested loudly to anyone who would listen. The Armenian terrorist leaders whined that the "Red Army had occupied Armenian Karabagh and was pressing into Zangezur. These were inalienable parts of the republic of Armenia, and the forcible entry of Soviet troops" caused the misunderstood Armenian terrorist losers to have doubts about the Russians goodwill» (P 70)
The ever-present General Dro, when not attacking defenseless Muslim women and children, tried to bluster the Russians out of Zangezur. He issued a demand "that the Red Army leave the confines of Zangezur within twenty-four hours or face a full scale Armenian attack along the front» (P 85)
The Armenian terrorist general went on to add insult to injury:
The Armenian peasantry, Dro continued, was enthusiastically taking arms against the Bolshevik invaders, and hundreds and thousands of men were hastening to his headquarters to fight in the name of the freedom and independence, that had been won at such a high price during the revolutionary struggle of the past thirty years: "I am demanding that you remove your bloody hands and abandon the territories of Armenia occupied by you». Dro concluded: "Do not cause bloodshed, for before the workers of the entire world
the responsibility for the spitted blood of two brotherly peoples, Russians and Armenians, whose hearts beat in unison for the highest ideals of mankind, will fall upon you. Leave Armenia. Return all the possessions of the toiling Armenian peasantry, which you have robbed» (P 87)
Needless to say, this outburst infuriated the commanders of the Red Army. The thirty-year rebellion Dro and the other Armenian terrorist leaders brayed about was about to come to an end. While the Ottomans tolerated the disloyal Armenians for some twenty-five years before removing them from the country, the Russians would not be so forgiving of a disloyal people living among them.
With all Dro’s threats and claims of military powers, the Armenians tucked their tails between their legs and gave up without firing a shot. They signed a preliminary treaty with the Soviet government and "had to acquiesce in the provisional occupation by the Red Army of the strategic Karabagh-Zangezur-Nakhichevan passageway» (P 90)
"The Armenian-Soviet agreement created a furor among Allied circles in the Caucasus. The European representatives had not been forewarned of the negotiations or of the Armenian strategy. The Armenian government seemingly had softened toward Bolshevism and was beginning to rely on Soviet Russia" (P 96).
This is the same gang of Armenian terrorist dictators who, only a few months before, had conned the Allies out of arms and ammunition to fight these same Bolsheviks, so they could retain their freedom and independence. Now, at the first sign of conflict, they gave up without firing a shot after receiving hundreds of thousands of dollars worth of European arms and ammunition.
The French commissioner for Trans-Caucasia bluntly stated "that Armenia could no longer be regarded as an ally and might even be considered to be in the enemy camp" (P 96).
Naval Commander Harry Luke was the acting British Chief Commissioner for the region. He expressed his "amazement at this reversal of the Armenian position. He stated `that the Armenian government’s consent to the Bolshevik occupation of Nakhichevan, which opened their road into northwest Persia and into Turkey, almost amounted to an act of treachery against Great Britain, and was especially deplorable at this time when Armenia had just received a large consignment of British munitions» (P 97)
Hovannissian describes the situation:
In September 1920 the Turkish Nationalists made the bold move of striking across the former Russo-Turkish frontier into the Republic of Armenia. For Turkey, the elimination of the Armenian front in the east would open the way to Azerbaijan and Russia and allow Mustafa Kemal to concentrate his armies against the Greek threat from the west. The Armenians had often warned of an impending invasion, but the Allies – did not believe the nationalists would actually move as long as British, French, and Greek military forces were operating in Asia Minor and worldwide sympathy for the Armenians focused attention on the `debt of humanity` to that long-suffering people (P 1 80)
The word now "owes" Armenia "the debt of humanity" because they were a long-suffering people? These people brought the suffering upon themselves. If the world "owes" anyone anything, it is a debt of gratitude to Mustafa Kemal and his Turkish nationalists. Just think how much more territory would have become a part of Soviet Russia had Ataturk not been bold and lead the true people’s revolution in the heart of the old Ottoman Empire. Turkey would emerge as a great friend of the West, while Armenia, still making secret deals, became a part of Soviet Russia and continues to remain close to the Russians to this very day.
The Cold War outcome may well have been different had Turkey not stood firm and prevented the Russian aggression to spread any further west. But to hear Hovannissian spin his tale, Mustafa Kemal was in the pocket of the Russians and nothing more than a pawn. The pages of history disprove this wild and irresponsible allegation. The actual truth is that it was the Armenians who were in the pocket of the Russians and served as nothing more than their pawn.
The Armenian leaders had bragged about how good their army was and that all they needed was guns, ammunition, and supplies, and they could defend themselves. The truth of the matter was that their little army was good only at raiding defenseless Muslim villages. When it faced a good Russian Army in the east, they gave up without firing a shot. Now they had to deal with a good Turkish Army.
In September 1920 the Armenian army still suffered from the after-effects of the May uprising and the serious cracks that had appeared in the military establishment. The officer corps, though well trained in the military academies of imperial Russia, had not yet adjusted to the needs of a small, evolving nation-state. Friction between the officers and partisan chieftains remained pronounced despite the government’s efforts to integrate the ranks. The constant state of alert and frequent clashes all along the frontier exhausted the army and kept its regiments dispersed and unable to concentrate on a single front. The soldier’s lot was harsh, and draft evasion and absence without leave were commonplace (P 1 84)
Now the Armenian terrorist dictators were blaming their mistakes of judgment on their army. First these bandits pretended to be friends with the Ottoman Muslims for twenty-five years when they were in reality terrorists, trying to stir a rebellion that got all Armenians behind the battle lines thrown out of the country. Next these thugs made a sneak attack on neighbor Georgia and lost. Next, they made another sneak attack on neighbor Azerbaijan and lost again. Then they planned to make a sneak attack on the Turks. This time the Turks were ready and attacked the Armenian terrorist dictators first and the thugs lost again.
Where was Armenia’s well-trained army?
Hovannissian writes,
"The Armenians were rudely awakened when five battalions of Turkish regulars with machine guns, cannons and cavalry and several units making up the Olti detachment attacked from the front and rear at 2:30 in the morning of September 13. Asleep physically and militarily, the Armenians were caught in a blistering cross fire".
He goes on to add: "...the Armenians had suffered more than 200 casualties and been forced to abandon cannons and machine guns. The hard-won Armenian occupation in June of the Peniak coal fields was wiped away in a few hours, and a great wave of anxiety spread among soldiers and civilians that a full-scale Turkish invasion might be imminent» (P 188)
One has to wonder just where General Dro was at this time? After all, he was so successful in making surprise attacks against defenseless Muslim villages and making irresponsible threats against the Red Army. Note how the Armenians had taken someone else’s land only four months earlier and now Hovannissian reports this land had become the bandit Armenians`. The poor Armenians suffered a total of some two hundred men killed or wounded in their desperate fight to save "Armenian historic homelands». In reality, the Armenian troops were abandoning their weapons and running for their lives now that they faced a real army.
"The Turkish operation in Olti elicited no response from the Allied powers or Soviet Russia. In Western circles by 1920, Armenian warnings were met with much skepticism. The Armenians had often sounded the alarm about an impending invasion, Pan-Turkic and pan-Islamic intrigues, and Soviet-Turkish collusion, yet nothing had happened. There was even suspicion that the Armenians complained the loudest when they themselves were planning or already involved in some questionable activity» (P 190)
Why should the Allied powers respond to this Turkish Nationalist attack when just a few weeks before the Armenian terrorist dictators had entered into a secret deal with the Russians? Now, the Armenians wanted the Allies to come save them. There was no reason for the Allies to get their young men killed for the terrorist Armenian state in this real world.
"In announcing the victory..». on September 29, Mustafa Kemal declared that " Turkey had done everything possible to live in peace with its neighbors, but the Dashnaks had disregarded the sincere desire and had instead intensified their attacks upon the Turkish army and the innocent Muslim population in places such as Kulp, Kaghismman, and Olti» (P 197)
Kemal told the truth. It took his army only thirteen days to run the "grand" army of Armenia out of the Turkish "historic homelands». Kemal’s attack caught the Armenian leaders by total surprise. One has to ask why because they were preparing for just such a surprise attack on Ottoman soil themselves. Hovannissian answers the question this way: "The Armenian leaders did not believe that Mustafa Kemal, beset by so many other problems, would dare to launch an offensive against the Republic» (P 198)
"On September 30 the Bureau Government, declaring the country under a stage of siege, established martial law, issued mobilization orders for men up to thirty-five years of age, adopted stringent measures against desertion, and exhorted the populace with the call, `Everyone toward the front. Everything for the front».`(P 198) Well, that was everyone toward the front except the dictators. This is such an oddball reaction because Kemal had declared victory just the day before and stopped his advance.
The fearful Armenian terrorists continued to panic. The minister of military affairs "warned that at the hour when `all loyal and genuine children of Armenia are mobilizing to crush the enemy under the blows of their powerful fist`, any person evading military service or being absent without leave would be punished according to wartime laws and regulations. Deserters would be hanged in public».
The Armenian terrorist dictators waved the flag of religion and race before their people. The prime minister cried out, "These are historic times. Recall the days of 1918; remember Sardarabad and Karakilisa, as a new summons to heroism is being read…to arms, without wavering and more than ever with self-confidence. ... I summon you to a holy war. The enemy will be defeated only on the day when all of you stand as one person ready to fight and die. Citizens. To arms, toward the front, toward victory.`"(P 199)
Clearly, Armenian citizens were not ready to die for these terrorist thugs and the end result proved it. The British "was clearly annoyed by what it considered incessant, excessive demands" by the Armenians (P 212)
Hovannissian writes of the cold and callused thinking of the Armenian leaders: "the hope of the Armenian government was that all elements of the population would join to slow the enemy advance and make the invasion costly enough that the Turks would be more disposed to offer relatively lenient terms of peace» (P 268)
In other words, these Armenian dictator terrorists were trying to sacrifice their own people just to get a better deal from the Turks. What kind of leaders would deliberately try to kill their untrained unarmed civilians this way?
On November 31, the Armenian Foreign Minister sent a telegram to the Grand National Assembly of Turkey. Consider how the Armenian leaders began their communication:
"The Turkish and Armenian peoples having lived as neighbors for centuries, the common boundaries of Turkey and the Republic of Armenia now dictate that there be peaceful relations between those governments based on mutual respect and the vital interests of each country». The Foreign Minister went on to say "...the Armenian people and government find it incompressible and surprising that your troops have advanced toward the boundaries of Armenia without explaining the reasons and purposes..». the Foreign Minister concluded: "confident that such a course can and will be found, the Armenian government is requesting from your government to set the time and place for your and our representatives to meet in order to clarify the reasons for the conflict and seek a peaceful solution» (P 268)
This is an amazing distortion of the truth by the terrorist Armenian leaders. Granted Turks and Armenians had lived together as neighbors in peace for perhaps eight hundred years, but in about 1890 the peace ended because the Armenian leaders began a secret terror campaign against the Turks in their attempt to start a rebellion to overthrow the legal government in the Ottoman Empire. Now, when they are in trouble and defeated once again, these Armenian leaders cry that there should be peace between the two peoples "based on mutual respect». This is the same gaggle of dictators who, just two months before the Turkish first strike, were planning an attack of their own against the Turks.
The Turks responded with a direct statement of fact that spoke truth as contrasted to the "big lie" spouted by the Armenian Foreign Minister.
"We are conscious that the long, bloody battles between the Turkish and Armenian peoples up to the year 1918 that were caused essentially by the ambitions of Czarism to establish its domination over eastern Anatolia. The fall of the imperial regime of Russia led to a period of calm, thanks to the cold-bloodedness of Turkey in face of the terrible massacres perpetrated by the Armenian bands after the retreat of the Russians» (P 270)
Certainly the Armenians had conspired with Russian interests since 1890 to overthrow the Turks. Certainly the Armenians were guilty of the massacre of many more Muslims than the Turks killed Armenians. The Armenians killed innocent Muslims who were murdered for no other reason than their religion and the Armenian greed of coveting their neighbor’s lands and property.
The Turk reply also stated it was because of the "incessant attacks of the Armenian troops that have forced us to act vigorously against your state..» (P 270) It was because of this thirty-year Armenian history of disloyalty and betrayal that caused the Turks to demand proof they would not have to ever fight the Armenians again.
Hovannissian explains the Turkish demands to end the war: "Submission to the Turkish ultimatum would eliminate all possibility of further Armenian resistance, place half of the territory of the Armenian republic under foreign occupation, and hand over to the Turkish Army supervision of the country’s primary artery of communication and transportation with the outside world».`(P 276)
He explains the Armenian dictator point of view: "This was war of the people in which every citizen had to participate whether at the front or at the rear. It was not unusual for nations at war to seek external support. The Armenian people had repeatedly appealed to foreign powers, but these petitions had fallen on deaf ears. At least, it had become self-evident that there would be no outside intervention.`"(P 279)
The Armenians tried to stall and put off their total defeat. The Turks began a new attack and it was over in less than a week. "There was nothing left for the Armenian government except to capitulate» (P 289) On November 18, 1920, the Armenian terrorists signed the armistice agreement written by the Turks that ended the war.
Labels: Drastamat "Dro" Kanayan, Samuel WEEMS
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