The Washington Post
NO. 10,287 USA
August 10, 1904
12 Pages, 3 Cents
Slain With Bombs Turkish Garrisons Attacked by Armenian Rebels
Revenge For Massacre
Several Hundred Soldiers Killed in Fighting Around Sassun.
Destruction of Five Villages and Massacre of the Male Population Followed by Desperate and Successful Counter Attack
No Reply to Secretary Hay's Note Yet Received from the Porte
Our Stand Justified at Berlin.
London, Aug. 10.—The Tabriz, Persia, correspondent of the Daily News, In dispatch dated August 6, says:
"On July 33 a band of Armenian revolutionists appeared near Outchkilissa.
Turkish soldiers and Kurds, finding an excuse, attacked and destroyed the villages of Outchkilissa, Koomlouboujak, Gougan, Karabazar, and Sayto, butchering men and outraging women.
"Two large Armenian bands, marching to Sassun to help the insurgent leader Antranik, attacked the garrisons at Mossunzory and Goutchagh for revenge on July 25. At dawn bombs were thrown into these places, killing many, and severe fighting ***ued. A majority of the soldiers were killed and the garrisons resembled graveyards. One band forced its way througa the Kurdish tribes toward Arjess. "The number of soldiers killed amounted to several hundred."
Demands Not Yet Granted
Constantinople, Monday, Aug. 8.—The American Legation has not yet received a reply from the porte regarding the demand upon the Turkish government fon the same favored treatment in the matter of schools, hospitals, and charitable Institutions accorded to other powers. However, it is anticipated by diplomats that the demands will be granted before the arrival of the American squadron at Smyrna.
Berlin, Aug. 9.—Secretary Hay's course toward Turkey, according to the official view here. Is fully justifiable. The example of France In forcing the porte to settle claims through a fleet demonstration is cited as an analogous case, and the officials here expect that the Sultan will promptly yield to the United States' demands before the demonstration at Smyrna reaches a serious aspect. Germany, unlike most European countries, has no claims against Turkey, although Turkey still owes money to Germany's shipbuilding and arms companies. The very exceptional relations Germany has with the porte will, it Is assumed, be favorable to America should the Sultan ask for German's advice.
Better Diplomatic Status
The press generally prints the news of the action taken by Secretary of State Hay with regard to the difficulties between the United States and Turkey without commenting thereon.
The National Zeitung, however, considers the subject at great length, and says that the center of gravity lies in the demands of the United States, which are no longer for compensation to Americans for losses sustained owing to the troubles in Armenia, but for the raising of American diplomatic representation to ambassadorial dignity in order that American citizens may enjoy in Turkey the same rights and privileges enjoyed by the citizens of othen powers signatory to the treaties of Paris and Berlin.
The Turkish government opposes the wishes of the United &tates in this respect ostensibly on the grounds of economy, but really because naturalized Armenians, "American Asiatics," are the most dangerous enemies to the existing order of affairs in Turkt y . The Sultan, the National Zeitung says, is not likely to yield without a hard struggle, and President Roosevelt cannot afford the loss of prestige which, would result from a failure to enforce hia demands. For this latter reason the outcome will be watched with the greatest interest.
Possible Diplomatic Rupture
Secretary Hay occupies considerable time at the Cabinet meeting yesterday im a presentation of the latest phases of the Turkish situation. He recounted the details of his interview with Chekib Bey the Turkish Minister, at which the Secretary forcibly stated the attitude of the American government. He explained also the reasons which had actuated him to requesting that the American European Squadron should be sent to Smyrna, the most convenient port to Constantinople, It Is not deemed wise by the Secretary that the reasons for this action should be disclosed entirely at this time. Fresh negotiations with the porte have been Instituted, and, in the event of their failure, it may be that Minister Leishman will leave his post and go aboard the American flagship, thus creating ~ situation of some seriousness"
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