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349) The Armenian Terrorism Against the Turks

 For many years different nations lived peacefully, side by side in Ottoman epire. Turks approached respectfully to the rights of all the nations, including armenians.
 Rich and well - to - do men in armenians were more than in other nations of empire. It was the result of particular and privilaged treatment of turkish governors with armenians for centuries. Armenian professor K. Patkanyan was writing: «Ar-menians didn`t signify in the history of mankind, they weren`t good masters of the land, but they were good servants of powerful neighbours». And that`s why, as professor Z. Bunyadov noticed, they were a nation having great privilages even in the Saljuges times. Middle age armenians called the saljuge sultans «cross-lovers». Armenians were living free, and elite was rich in times of the Atabays, Elkhanies, Jalairs, Garagoyunlues, Aggoyunlues, Safavits (except Shah Abbas`s times), the Gajars and Ottoman period. In 1441 Jahanshah the Garagoyunlu transferred the centre of armenian catholikos from Sis (It was in Kilikiya) to Uch-kilsa (Echmiadzin).Armenian trusted into ruling and financial systems and they took advantageous posts almost in all trading and credit affairs. F.Engels was writing: «In Turkey not turks, but europeans and armenians that settled in big sea ports and gathered all the trade affairs in their hands were carrying the trade». Dashnaksutun leaders - Akop pasha and Nubar pasha were dear peoples of sultan Abdulhamid the II. Former was his personal treasurer, the latter was visier. As Echmiadzin synod`s procurator wrote to Russia emperor proves with irrefutable exactness, that historical fate of this nation was not able to establish its independent state, state organism, to accept the funda-mental values of high civilization. He attracts our attention to a such fact that in history for some thousands of years there wasn`t a single name of armenian among the genuises of science and art.
 Russia for realizing of its aims always made the best use of armenian appe-tite. In 1826-1827 when Russia occupied Iravan and Nakhchivan khanates of Azer-baijan, deceived by Petersburg`s saying «we shall give you independence», armenians under head of patriarch Nerses Ashtarak took an active part in helping them. In his appeal Nerses said to poeple: «Courageous armenians, rise everybody, as a single whole&#8230ash your native land with blood, live free and independently forever!..Forge ahead! Now, or never!». Since from the occupation of Northern Azerbaijan by Russia till the beginning of XX century about 1 000 000 armenian were transferred to Azerbaijan from neighbouring countries. Russians jointly armenians formed un-bearable conditions for turks, so 100 000 azerbaijanians from Iravan, Nakhchivan, Garabagh, Shuragol, Pambak and Lory regions of Azerbaijan were obliged to leave their native lands. According to Turkmen-chay agreement between Iran and Russia (February 10, 1828) those of khan, bay origin and ecclesiastic chiefs could not settle in Nakhchivan, Garabag and Iravan territories. Russia formed «Armenian regi-on» in Azerbaijan territory. 69,3 per cent of the population were azerbaijanians, but only 23 per cent - armenians.
 From the beginning of the X?X century for some objective reasons the Ottoman empire rapidly began to weaken. One of the basic conditions of bourgeois ownership was personal and property safeguarding. As it wasn`t safeguarding it instigated armenians against the existed regime (F. Engels). Countries which wanted to devide Turkey began to set a fire and turn armenians against the central government. The leaders of Turkish armenians knew that those armenians who lived in Russia, as other nations were rightless . At the end of I 30s of XIX cenruty a part of armenians that moved to Russia couldn`t bear the existing conditions and tried to return back. In his report to Nickolas I baron Gan was writing: «Armenians, that moved from Turkey to Russia refusing homes and lands given them, by their own wish are returning back to Turkey. The number of armenian refugees is so large the border military units are increased for their returning back». Since from 1863 (after suppressing of Polish revolt) russianizing policy was inten-sified in the far provinces of Russia. 500 armenian schools have been closed in Caucasus. According to tzar`s decree since march 11, 1863 all the rights and duties of armenian catholikos have been restricted, they were allowed to be occupied only with religious affairs. Afterwards catholikos could only have relations with foreign churches through the Ministry of Foreign Affairs.
 But in Ottoman empire the condition of armenians was better than other nations. Since from 1863 armenian сommunity of empire was living according to their own constitution consisting of 99 points called «Regulations of armenian people». They had their supreme organ - a national as-sembly consisting of 140 representatives, which was able to have relations with embassies of foreign countries, rule and represent the nation, had special rights, system of tax. Since from 1859 newspapers and books were publishing in armenian lanquage.
 On his meeting with the ambas-sador of Great Britain on March, 1878 armenian patriarch in Istanbul noticed that armenians mustn`t be displeased about their turkish governors. They prefered to live under the sultan`s ruling. But as patriarch confessed, when armenians knew about that, eastern parts of empire could be joined to Russia, in 1878 they changed their minds. Russian tzar Nickolas I`s idea of «division of a big man (Ottoman empire - T.G.)» gave armenian nationalists great hopes. One of the «Ghnchak» party foun-ders Kofah (Sh. Kofyants T.G.) was justifiably writting: «Looking at the history we can say decisively that at first the tzarist autocracy, Russian patriarchate used to instigate us - armenians».
 During the YII Russia - Turkey War years, as Ottoman empire had been defeated and Russia demanded a part of Anadolu, surely, following the advices of Echmiadzin catholikos, patriarch of Istanbul Varjha-badyan on his meeting with Russian prince Nickolas at the beginning of, noticed how armenians were «long sufferings», how they had been chased, and asked for help. Under pretext of it Russia according the XYI paragraph of San - Stefano agreement (1878, 3 March) seezed a great part of Anadolu, besides it he became a protector of armenians who lived in other regions of Ottoman empire and got the rights to interfere in armenian - turk problem. Indeed, San - Stefano agreement wasn`t translated into life. According to the de-mands of England it was reconsidered under the chairmanship of Bismark in Berlin congress (1878, 13 June,). Lands of Anadolu rereturned. But by the help of Russians armenians could raise «the armenians problem» to the level of inter-national politics for the first time. The Turkish sultan was instructed to carry out reforms on the improving of life conditions of armenians who lived in these regions. So, there was sowed seeds of dissension bet-ween armenians and turks. ?? ????e???? ?? ???? ??????? ?????? ? ????? ???? «?????-???????» w???? were formed at schools opened by american catholic missionaries in 30 - 40 years of XIX century, societies functioning in 1870-1880 in Van, Mush, Erzrum, besides organized in 1878 in Van a terrorist society «Black Cross» considering the main way of reaching their aims with half true - half false agitation, terror and armament, organized in 1881 society «De-fenders of the motherland», leaders of ar-menian community, parties as «Armenican» which were organized in 1885 in France, «Ghnchak» organized in 1886 in Geneva (it was revolutionary - socialist party), arme-nian revolutionary federation - «Dashnak-sutun» which formed in 1890 in Tiflis. The aim of these parties was however to excite hatred against turks, to arm them and to organize rising in arm. In the program of «Ghnchak» party it was clearly noted to kill turks and kurds where they saw them. They even advised to kill those armenians who didn`t defend interests of other armenians. In the IY point of the programme was written: «Terror is the aid of people`s defence and for having their confidence». In the program of «Dashnaksutun» which was functioning both in Russia and Turkey was written that the bonds preventing the prog-ress of armenians were in Turkey. These bonds had to be broken. Armenians losing the sense of reality, following their untrue dreams were the toys in the hands of governments who wanted to divide the Ottoman empire and they were the suitable instruments in the hands of those, who wanted to reach their aims.
 Russia and England supported armenian separatists. Even the special armenian committee was organized in London. Baron Briss and the organization of «Friends of Armenia» collected money for their armament. Russian diplomat - general Moskevitsky, as he noted himself, played a great part in war supplies, and in the organization of armenian uprisings in 1896 in Van. As a result of this some armenian revolts and uprisings took place in the Ottoman empire at the end of the XIX century. Large number of uprisings took place in Erzrum, Istanbul, Samsun, Zeytun and Van. Agasi, who was one of the leaders of Zeytun revolt noted that at this revolt died 20 000 (13 000 soidiers) turks and only 125 armenians. By a sudden attack armeni-ans took 50 officers and 600 soldiers into prisoners, running wild armenian women tortured and killed them. Later armenians and their accompanists (Lepsius and others) were noting that their loses were as if about 6 000 men. At the result of Van revolt 418 turks and 1715 armenians hab been killed. Attacking Kuvas settlement armenians lost 100 men, from the turkish side 4 men died. Understanding their responsibility for their deeds arnenians ran from Van away. From 2 armenian bands, having 780 and 286 men, survived only a man. On September 30, 1895 armed armenians tried to take offensive on Bab-i-Aly (Government was situated there -T.G.) in Istanbul. It was made with that end in view, to from disturbances and to give cause to new pressures of Europe to Turkey. As it was noted in the information of German ambas-sador to his government: «Only armenians frightened, been tempted and armed by revolutionary committee took part in this meeting». Armed units killed gendarme who called them to order and by this they incited the opposite side to fire. Shootings took place between armenians and moslems in the city.
 Totally, in 90s of the XIX century at the result of rebels and uprisings insti-gated by armenian revolutionary commit-tees were killed 5 000 (according to Agasy`s boastful information 20 000 only in Zeytun) turks and 20 000 armenians. (Armenian and armenian lover authors without any facts increased it to 50 - 300 000).
 At the beginning of XX century «Liberators society of armenian community» was organized in Turkey and its pugnacious leaders began to collect units.
 Though Russian tzarism always in capable management exploited «armenian factor» for his political favour, but never wanted establishing of independent arme-nian government, even in Turkey. Empire didn`t need an organized nation. They saw the important role of church in this way and wanted to weaken it. Only Echmiadzin church had a wealth about 113 million roubles which was sended by armenians from different parts of the world. In June 12, 1903 tzar government passed a law about the confiscation of armenian - gri-gorian church`s wealth. This law was met with great displeasure by armenians. Armenians of Iravan, Echmiadzin, Ghumru, Gars, Baku, Shusha, Shaki, Ghanja and Tiflis armed and raised against the realizing of this law. Armenian nationalist parties - «Ghnchack»`s departments in Baku - «Inker», «Banvour» and «Murad», besides that «Droshakists» (It was the name of Dashnak party`s newsparer published since 1892) which was popular among the armenian workers of the city raised against the Russion chauvinism. Terror methods took a great part. Terror acts took place against the high rank Russian offisals. Kinyaz Galitsin who was badly wounded by armenian terrorists wrote: «If I had a chance, I would keep only 2 armenians - a man and a woman. I would make a stuffed figures of them and put them in the Caucasian museum, to show them to the future generations. I want them to know what kind of nation were the armenians».
 The teachers and examples were not far away. These were echoes of vanda-lizm, robbery and annihilations of the «Unit of Russian people» organization against the jews.
 The tzar government looked at the activity of the armenian nationalists in South Caucasus as one of the means in setting on fire national conflicts and clashing of interests against the centrifugal inclunations which might be as a result of rapid national awakening.
 First blood events on the national basis between the armenians and azerbaijanians took place in 1904. It was done by the hands of armenians came from Ira-van for the special aims. One of these armenians boastfully told how he had killed azerbaijanians. And he was killed by a young azerbaijanian. But on January 12, 1905 armenian soldiers killed him on the way when he was taken to the court. So armenian - moslem conflict began in Baku. On February 2, 1905 armenians killed one azerbaijanian by name Agarza in «Guba meydan». On February 6, one more azerbaijanian was killed by armenian avengers. Hundreds of men were killed in the battle, the city traffic was stopped. Armed armenians began robberies and murderings. On February 7 azerbaijanians were obliged to answer them. The Baku governor knyaz V.Nakishidze on the purpose of instigating gave some guns to azerbaijanians. Didn`t bearing the azer-baijanians counter - attack, armenians took position on the roofs of the houses and attacked all who crossed the streets - even old, women, children. Forced to defend themselves azerbaijanians gave them merited answer.
 Profitted by the confession armenians who came from Turkey and Iranian workers began the robbery of the houses. Murders and robberies continued till February 9. Battalion was brought from Tiflis to prevent it. Number of killed azer-baijanians and armenians in this conflict were about 1000 persons. If the azer baijanians didn`t conceal and save them killed armenians may be rather more.
 So, in spite of good preparation armenians had been defeated by azer-baijanians.
 In spring of 1905 dashnaks became more active. On May 5, 1905 armenians of Shikhmahmud wounded one of the villagers of Jahri. On May 7th armenians killed one azerbaijanian in Tunbul, on May 9th, one more in Nakhchivan. On May 11, dashnaks murdered rich armenian family in Cultapa and they put fault on azerbaijanians. In state offices nobody wanted to hear complai-ments of azerbaijanians. On May 11, arme-nian bandits attacked the city. Azerbaijan-ians were almost unarmed. But they could defend themselves. No one was killed. On May 12, a group of armed armenians attacked azerbaijanians in the market. In mutual attacks 5 azerbaijanians and many more armenians were killed. 10 of azerbaijanian shops and many armenian ones were robbed. Murders and robberies continued till the next day. During the Nakhchivan events in May, 1905 though azerbaijanians were greatly harmed, armenians had been defeated. After it armenian nationalists enlarged their safety activity in Iravan.
 On May 23 - 24, 1905 armenians killed 5 men, 4 women and 2 children in Garshachay village of Iravan.
 On May 24, enemy attacked the part of Iravan where lived azerbaijanians, 11 men were killed. From neighbouring regions, Turkey and South Azerbaijan armed moslems came for help. Armenians had more losses in killed and wounded. On July 1, they attacked Gozajik village of Girkhbulag region which consisted of 20 houses. When the people left the village, 50 years old Novruz Kazim tried to defend the village alone. After killing 2 armenian cut - throats with the double - barrelled gun, he was caught by them. Father of one killed armenians, clergyman named Ayrapet cut his throat and said: «This is the head of a man who is equal to 1500 moslem leaders». He sent this head at first to Ghumru, then to Baku. The people of Gozajik sheltered in Mangus. In June 12, population of 12 crushed azerbaijanian villages including Mangus gathered in Tazakand. In june 3 - 4 the villages Gulluja and Kamal were also destroyed and robbed by armenians. They also attacked the villages in Echmiadzin.
 In June 3, armed armenians of Shoragol, Panpak and Ghumru gathered in Ilanli and attacked azerbaijanian village Ushu which was not far from here. After 8 houred battle armenians with great losses in killed and wounded receded. Taking the women and the children out of the village men foughted themselves. In June 8, enemy again attacked Ushu and neighbouring village Takya. That night 4 azerbaijanians and 180 armenian cut - throats were killed in bloody battles. But as azerbaijanians were less they were obliged to leave the village. After it armenians began to attack azerbaijanians in all the places of the region. Only on June 10, 9 azerbaijanian villages were turned upside down, robbed and burnt in this district.
 Bloodthirsty armenian vandals fired on mosques, destroyed them. They sacked akhund Gazizadeh`s library in Takya and 200 sacred Goran`i Kerim were stabbed on bayonet and burnt as tourches. But tzar government didn`t take any measures against the frenzied armenian cut - throats.
 In South Azerbaijan and in other places of Iran situation became tense. People of Tabriz gazered and attacked the armenian blocks to take avengeance for the innocent bloods of azerbaijanians. But government army could prevent armenian bloodshed. Moslems completely destroyed armenian shops in Khorasan. The shah army prevented the bloodshed there, too.
 In June 1905, armed conflicts took place in Jabrail, too. Enemy completely turned upside down the village Veysalli under the leadership of Sokrat by name. Armenians attacked the village Gajar. After 6 houred battles armenians lost about 150 men and they were obliged to run away. Company headed by officer named Ashot was annihilated. 12 azerbaijanians were killed. Armenian village Afshar was burnt, tens of cut - throats were taken prisoners. After a while 3 000 armed armenians reattacked the village of Gajar. Defenders of the village and their armed helpers attacked armenians. They suffered great losses. 400 armenian cut - throats were killed. Suddenly moslem riders attacked the armenian village of Sheykhmali. They obliged armenians to run. Enemy suffered great losses. Enemy taking shelter in Duduklu was driven away. Moslem riders defeated them in Jamilli. Despite of the Russians` help armenian cut - throats were driven away from the village Khirmanjic considered to be inpregnable.
 By instigation of armenians bloody battles took place from August 16 - to 21 in Shusha. Azerbaijanians won this battle. Here is the summary of these events: In August 8, 17 workers from the South Azerbaijan were killed by armenians. In August 16, azerbaijanians were attacked. Moslems subjected to attack took a defence position and made 5 barricades. Mounted defachments came for help from neigh-bouring villages. Armed armenians were obliged to run away. Cavalry from the South Azerbaijan attacked from Agdam armenian villages of Pirjamal and Aran-zamin. Losing 213 men in these battles enemy concealed in the forests.
 In the middle of 1905 again the situation was tense in Baku. After this failure well - armed armenians again began to attack azerbaijanians. Exchange of fires continued till september 10. 10 azerbaijanians were killed. Armenians had been calmed by the help of 82th Dagestan regiment.
 At the end of september arme-nians began to attack azerbaijanians in Javanshir region. With unseen cruelty they murdered all the residents of the village Sirkhavand. A lot of azerbaijanian villages were destroyed in this region. In bloody battles in Papravand armenians met with the serious resistance of azerbaijanians. 15 azerbaijanians and 120 armenians were killed.
 In November, 1905 armenian cut - throats killed 40 men in Ghanja, and about 15 men were killed and wounded in Tiflis. Moslem blocks of Mollajamilly, Chayly and Hajimalikly of the mountainous part of Ghanja often ran attacks of arme-nians. Armenians (basically women) were robbing the wasted azerbaijanian houses and burning them. A brave man Tatogly Gara by name, with his companion-in-arms was courageously fighting against the enemies and preventing their promotion. Tatogly`s murdering by Russians made the moslem residents of the city more incen-sive. Alakhbar bay Rafibayly mobilized the Ghanja patriots. The band of outlaws headed by Dali Ali came down from the mountains to help them. Armenian vandals got their deserts.
 In autumn again the bloodshed took place in Nakhchivan. In November 26, at night armenians attacked and killed many azerbaijanians, destroyed shops and mar-kets. Russian Cossacks evidently helped armenians. In this battle lasted till Novem-ber 30, was robbed a lot of wealth. Arme-nians with Russian Cossacks robbed the village Jahri and burnt it.
 In November, 1905 they de-stroyed Sofulu village of Gazakh region and killed its population. On January 22, 1906 on «Gurban bayram» day (day of sacrifice) armenians killed 2 men, 2 women were taken prisoners with their babies and burnt. Hearing it Ismail bay Nuri came to the aid of village with his men and drove arme-nians away. Counter - attacked azerbai-janians had killed 80 armenians in Askipara. 4 azerbaijanians died death of heroes in this battle. 300 armenians had been killed in Garagoyunlu. Enemy lost 50 men in Tatly.
 On June 12 - 18, 1906, armed armenians with the government troops under the leadership of Goloshapov, - general - governor of Yelizavetpole attacked azerbaijanians in Shusha for the II time. Armenian provocateurs had killed a clergyman and threw his body into moslem block - «Gocharli». Inspired by it armenian sotnic Gazarov had been raged. They blocked azerbaijanians` way to Shusha from Askharan and Shusha was blockaded. Sultan bay and Ibrahim bay came to help from Zangazur. Armenians couldn`t bear azerbaijanians` attacks and ran away. 30 men died death of heroes, 21 men were wounded in this battle. Enemy had loses 500 men in killed, 290 men in wounded.
 On Jule 29, 1906 armenians attacked the village Kharkhana of Zangazur province. Unarmed people was obliged to leave the village. Cut - throats found and killed 30 women who had been concealed. On that day enemy also dealt with the residence of Khalaj, Saldashli, Injivar and Dashnov. Who could escape huddled together in Gatar. 9 days they courageously fought against the armed armenians. But finally they had to leave the village. After turning into heap of ruins the village Gatar consisting of 750 houses and 3500 of men armenian cut - throats in August attacked village Okhchu, Shabadak, Aralik, Pirdavud, Atgiz which were situated on the bank of river Okhchu. They dealt with the azerbaijanians. Those who survived found a shelter in a place called Saqqarsu. Early in the morning armenians attacked these helpless, unarmed people and killed them. 62 women and children who was hiding behind the stones were killed. Tens of women, old and children were murdered in the forests nearby. Bloodthirsty enemy cut 15 children`s throat at once. Totally, arme-nian bandits attacked 21 azerbaijanian villages, killed men and women, robbed and turned into heap of ruins.
 At that period the party «Difai» substantiated on enlightenment and military power played an important part in the struggle of turks against the armenian terrorism. Soon national defence organi-zations formed in places - commissions and committees (Tatar committees) reorga-nized to the local organs of this party. This process began in summer of 1906. The founder of this party was one of the leaders of national resistance movement Ahmad bay Agayev. Tzar officials called this party as «The moslem fighting party». Thanks to the organizational activities of this party patriotic forces joined, had gotten guns.Met with a serios opposition enemy and his Russian patrons had understood that they had to answer for all that they had done and acted accordingly. The tzar goveren-ment declared reconciliation between these two nations.
 On a whole, from February of 1905 till autumn of 1906 at the result of opposition of armenians and moslems more than 10 000 men had been killed from both sides, 128 armenian, 158 azerbaijanian villages had been turned into heap of ruins, 15 000 family was robbed.
 During the World War I which precipitated to the disintegration of both Russia and Ottoman empires, England, France and Russia took an occasion of the armenian separatism in Turkey. Armenians considered that the great states would give them an opportunity to establish indepen-dent state of Armenia. But it wasn`t so. It was clearly seen from the English - Russian and French agreements of 1915 - 1916, that those areas of Turkey which wished arme-nians would be divided between Russia and France. Tzar Nickolas implied to armenians who was living in those areas of Turkey which had been invaded by Russian troops: «There is no an armenian problem in Rus-sia, as well as yakut one». In May, 1916 in London between England and France was concluded confidential contract about divi-sion of the Arabian territories and partially part of Small Asia which entered into structure of Ottoman empire.
 Following the vain dreams armenians had brought great misfortunes and tragedies both to his own and Turkish people. But it wasn`t a good lesson for them.
 Before the war began between Turkey and Russia Caucasian committees of «Dashnak» and «Ghnchak» parties formed voluntary military units in order to help Russian troops. They assured them that if the war begins they would rise in rebelition and support Russians.
 In November though Ottoman empire («Ittihad va Taraqqi» - «Unit and Progress» government) was internally weak and wasn`t ready to war. He joined the World War I in allience with Germany.
 In November of 1914 under the instigation of their patrons artmenians rose in rebelition in Zeytun. They demanded guns and military supplies from Russians for 15 000 men. Russia wanted to transfer it through the port of Antalya by the help of Englishmen to rebels of Zeytun, but couldn`t. Englishmen prefered to arm arme-nian rebels themselves.
 In November of 1914 Ottoman government mobilized armenians to the army and armed them. But armenians deserted from the army, organized armed detachments, took the part of Russians and helped them. The member of Ottoman Parliament dashnak Haro Pastermachyan headed this armed detachment in Van. In February of 1915 such detachments had been formed in Bitlis and Mush. Another member of parliament dashnak Papazyan took an active part in this matter. In December of 1914 Pastermachyan`s armed detachments deserted to Russians side, formed a special batalion and began fighting against the Ottoman troops. In February of 1915 Papazyan`s detachments also acted so. All these had effected the battles on Gars direction and Turkish troops had been defeated in Sariqamish.
 Armenian separatists were inspired by the promotion of Russian troops. In April of 1915 more than 15 000 armenians joined Russian army in Sivas, but the rest stayed to assault Turkish troops in the flank. In March - April number of rebels had been increased twice - to 4000. Governor of the city Jovdat bay was obliged to leave it. On May 8th armenians attacked Van. On May 17th Van broke up. On May 18th, Russian tzar Nickolas thanked armenians for their selflessness in this operation. By the help of Echmiadzin not only armenians of eastern provinces, but also those who lived in Istanbul had connections with Russian government. Such a case was unpermissible in war conditions.
 On April 24, Minister of Internal Affairs of Ottoman empire gave an order to abolish all the armenian committees in Istanbul and other cities, to arrest all the leaders and the most active members of these nationalist and traitorous organi-zations. 2345 suspected men were arrested. Those men whose offence was proved were kept arrested, the rest were dismissed. Armenians appraised this event as the I steps in false «Armenian genocide». They absolutely unfounded prosecute Turkey in killing of about 600 armenian intellects during this action. The objective inves-tigators are wondered not at these arrests, but why they were so late.
 Armenians helped Russian troops to enter Van. After it thousands of armenians came there from Eastern Anadolu. There had been gathered more than 250 000 of armenians. Armenian cut - throats annihilated 47 000 moslem population of the city with unseen torments and they were driven away of their native lands. The reason for such an atrocious treating was armenians attempts to change «minority» into «majority». They were in minority in all these provinces, but they wanted to establish their own independent government.
 Naturally, armenian atrocities against moslems couldn`t stay without reaction by turks.
 Armenians` open betrayal, help to enemy, their prejudice of successes of Turkish troops made necessary to displace them from war positions to rear. Ottoman government tried to neutralize armenians not harming them. From the middle of May began displacing of armenians from frontage position to Syria and Mesopotamia.
 In given instruction all connected with displacement - social and precautionary measures were provided. But, unfortunately, translating exactly of all these instructions into reality in war conditions wasn`t always possible. In some places there were cases of indefference and weakness of controlling by local func-tionaries. There was lack of food products in the country.
 703 000 of armenians were displaced to provided regions from Eastern Anadolu. But about 300 000 of them couldn`t bearing hard conditions of migration, hunger, infectionous deseases, further more, at the result of attacks of unknown bandits died.
 The Ottoman government arres-ted about 1400 criminals and a greater part of them were sentenced to death.
 In July of 1915, turkish troops attacked and set Van free. For fear of those accomplished crimes 200 000 of armenians retreated with the Russian troops. About 40 000 of them were caught in traps made by kurds and died.
 In August of the same year Russian troops attacked and seized Van for the second time. Armenians going in the front and behind of the Russians troops had done unseen atrocities against the moslems of those places seized by them. Thousands of turks were victims of their bloody crimes. Armenian cut - throats killed about 600 000 kurds. Their atrocity terrified even Russian officers.
 Though, before the war totally there lived 3 000 000 moslems in Trabzon, Arzinjan, Erzrum, Van and Bitlis, after war there stayed only 600 000 refugees.
 Facts show that deeds of arme-nian separatists and dashnak cut - throats led to unfortunate results and tragedies for both nations - turks and armenians. It was evident that Europe that latently ruled over these events, used armenians as «pawns» (Jan Pol Ru). They made them to move as if on the chess - board and finally threw them away. But this also wasn`t a lesson for them.
 The «long-suffering nation» ev-en tried to be profitted by this events in their own favour. Soon they kicked a false row about the armenian «genocide». But the truth was so, that the Ottoman empire didn`t want to annihilate them as an ethnic group. There was neither a single fact, argument, nor a document connected with those events had been published and reached to the world community in the state archieves.
 The reasons of armenians tragedy were their open help to enemy taking his side and making state crimes. And this obliged the Ottoman government to displace armenians from the front line to the rear. In war conditions it was impossible to equipe even the army with food products sufficiently. At that time when the infectious deseases and robberies were increasing it wasn`t possible exactly to translate into realizing all the measures for providing social welfare.
 Couldn`t prove their fancy about «genocide» by documents armenians and their supporter historians, raised another groundless, a violent assumption, as if at that time there was another illegal govern-ment, beside the official one in Turkey and all these atrocities had been committed by them. In order to make these violent assumptions more impressionable they artificially increased little by little the number of killed armenians from 300 000 to 2 000 000 men. But in reality, it is an exact fact, that before the war there lived only 1 300 000 armenians in Turkey. In 1921 their number was about 685 000. During the war years 420 000 armenians removed from Turkey to Russia. It is evidently seen from the simple countings that number of killed men had not to be more than 300 000 persons. The number of killed men was shown as many as so in the letter of arme-nian delegation to France Foreign Affaires in December of 1918.
 These desinformations helped to hide the bloodshed - the real genocide of armenians against the turks.
 In January of 1917, when the Russian troops retreated from Trabzon Erzinjan and Bitlis armenians outrageously dealt with turks. In the middle of Desember 1917, when the Russian soldiers were deser-ting from the army, armenians formed an organization of «Union of armenian fighters» and gave 400 men to the Russian officer`s disposal. Armenians got armed. Erzrum and neighbouring Russian ammuni-tion dumps were also in their hands. But turks were unarmed . Armenians committed atrocities and robberies and killed residents with unseen savagery. In February of 1918 in Erzinjan was committed unseen massacre by armenians headed by Murad Sivasetsin. Armenians wearing Russian soldier`s dres-ses gathered all turks of Erzinjan and neighbuoring settlements to the church yard, shot them down and burnt their dead-bodies.
 The wildness of bloodthirsty armenians terrified even Russian soldiers. According the Russian army commander`s information they have slaughtered 800 turks in Erzinjan. Armenians also have massacred the peaceful, unarmed residents of Ilige village, not far from Erzrum. Russian officer, lieutenant-colonel Tverdo-khlebov was writting: «We…were power-less against the armenian wildness…». On February 12, 1918 armed armenians shot unarmed turks at the station. On the next day Andranik Gazanyan was nominated the commandant of Erzrum. Armenians` wild-ness increased. On that same day they slaughtered the whole population of Gara-goy village. Europeans published in the pages of their newspapers and magazines informations under the titles «Armenians crimes against peaceful inhabitants». «Murderous actions of armenians in Erzrum», «Andranik is a werewolf», «Erzrum is a butchery», etc.
 After the October revolution, after nominating of S. Shaumyan as an extraordinary commissar of Caucasus terror and violences of armenians for reesta-blishment of made - up «Great Armenia» expanded (This state had been existing for 29 years - in 95 - 66 B.C.).
 Armenian nationalists destroyed 109 villages in Zangazur, 157 in Garabag. From 1917 - till March 1918 they rased into the ground 197 moslem villages in Iravan province. Totally, at that time 60 settle-ments were annihilated entirely, 388 were burnt, 5140 farms were wrecked.
 Further, armenian`s genocide politics against the turks more intensified.
 In March of 1918, in Baku, for strenghening the social base of Soviet government existing under the leadership of S. Shaumyan they had been mediated by a great number of bolshevicks in genocide against the moslem population who supported the «Musavat» party. In his letter to V.Lenin (1918, 13 april) Shaumyan confessed that the government itself wittingly allowed the national bloodshed. Nariman Narimanov`s supplications about the preventing of poor from pogroms didn`t influence on S. Shaumyan being his party companion. In those days M. A. Rasulzadeh was writing: «Shaumyans` actions in Baku doesn`t ressemble those in Petrograd and Moscow&#8230here a class war, but here under the cover of class war the national blood-shed was executed. Dashnaks reven-ged&#8230hose gun - fires that were exploded on heads of turkish democracy, unjustice done against the azerbaijanians, was for the annihilation of those, who carried the idea of Azerbaijan, self - government and sovereignity».
 As the railroad was closed several thousands of armed armenians which were demobilized from the cancelled Caucasian front gathered in Baku. In general 7 000 of armenian soldiers gathered there. Besides it there was a well - armed dashnak military unit consisting of several thousands of men armed armenians acted wilfully, robbed and destroyed in the city. 70 per cent of the soldiers of the military unit of Baku Soviet (Red Quards) consisting of 10 000 - 12 000 persons were armenians. But the forces that azerbaijanians relied on were some hundreds of soldiers of officers of moslem division in steam-ship of «Evelina» that was standing in Baku port.
 On March 29, the Baku Soviet dis-armed this unit. On March 30, azerbaijanians went into the streets and demanded on to giving back their guns. Bolshevic - dashnak forces blocaded «Ismailiyya» and «Icheri sheher» (Inner City). One of their detachments took position along the boulevard. On March 31, national forces oppressed and blocaded them. But the forces coming for help saved them from death. National forces disamed bolshevic - dashnak detachments in Surakhani. Bloody battles took place between the sides in Bibiheybat. Bolshevics consisting a great part of armenians began to collaborate with dashnaks, menshevics, socialist - revolu-tionaries and even kadets (constitutional democrats) against «Musavat» on national base. On March 31, the Baku Soviet gave an ultimatum saying that, it had to be known as the only state organ, azerbaijan division had to be out of the city, Baku - Tiflis, Baku - Petrovsk railroads had to be opened. Avoiding from bloodshed «Musavat» agreed with it. But the Baku Soviet having aim to annihilate azerbaijanians, to strengthen own social base and joined troops of national council of armenians consisting of 10 000 men began to shoot peaceful moslems. Ruling on military units , majority in detachment staffs of the Baku Soviet was in the hands of armenians. Armenian Z. Avetisyan was nominated as a commander of III brigade, and Gazaryan (Gazarov) as a commander of corps. They and others took an active part in killing and robbering of moslems.
 Azerbaijanians for preventing bloodshed on a mass scale stopped the battle. But armenians didn`t do so. The battle was severe that armenian and soviet detachments could take every house by attack in moslem part. Experienced and well armed armenian soldiers stabled, killed men with the dagger, assulted them by a sword - bayonet, threw the children into the burning houses, babies 3 - 4 days of birth had been charged with the bayonets. Armenian soldiers attacked Nickolas street were heading by armenian intellectuals. One of them entered the moslem house shot down 8 women and children. Burst into the house of Haji Amir Aliyev armenians had killed everyone at home, they nailed a women of 25 years to the wall, cut a child of 3 years into pieces. Another unit got into the Mukhtarovs` house in Persian street, obliged 9 moslem intellectuals to go out the street, shot them down in church square and burnt 2 of dead bodies. Vandal armenians showed more savageness against the moslem women. Ears, noses and genitals of 57 dead moslem women`s body found in the same place were cut off and their stomacks were punched. Tens of young women alively were nailed to the wall. Dashnaks killed not only musavatists, but the all moslems. The moslem population of «Zibilli dara» and «Mahammadli» estates of Baku were absolutely annihilated.
 Russian aeroplanes and the ships of the Caspian Fleet fired down the moslem estates of the city. 200 sea - men of the Caspian Fleet took part in these street fightings. The Fleet staff had been deceived that moslems were killing Russians in Icheri Sheher. On April 1-sh the ships fired on the city. «Ismailiyya», the minaret of the mosque «Taza Pir» and some other buil-dings were serioussly destroyed.
 Bloodshed came to such an extent that taking side of the Baku Soviet in battles 36-th «Turkmanistan» regiment, the Caspian Fleet,including the staffs of «Krasnovodsk» and «Ardahan» ships demanded to stop outrages and violencies, otherwise they would open gun - fire at the armenian part of the city. Massacre of azerbaijanians in Baku lasted till midnight of April 2 nd.
 According the accounts of the Extraordinary Military - Investigation Commission during 3 days armenians had killed 12 000 turk - moslem population in Baku. The newspaper «Наш голос», (Our voice) in its number for march 24 (April 4), 1918 was writting: «The dead bodies had been benumbed and mutilated everywhere. There is unbeared scene near the mosque «Taza Pir». The mosque itself is partly destroyed. The insult of the worship place hurts the hearts of great masses, the dead bodies mostly excited them. It is felt how the poison of abhorrence and outrage pierced deeply. Much more must be done for eliminating of this enemity. We mustn`t allow changing of this abhorrance into furious revenge». Iranian communist M. Pishavary writes: «I was an eye witness of dashnack atrocities in March of 1918, how unfaulty men, especially Iranians were killed and their dead-bodies were burnt in karvansaray». Another foreigner by name Kulna describes what he sow: «Attacking only moslem blocks of the city armenians were killing men, slashing them by sword, charging with the bayonets, burnt houses, threw the children into burning houses and burnt them alively. Children who were only 3-4 days of birth were put on the bayonets. After some days in one of the ditches were found 87 moslem dead-bodies. Their sto-macks were torn out, their ears, noses, and genitals…were cut off. They didn`t feel sorry for alds and children».
 Armenian cut-throats settling in armenian villages of Shemakha - Madrasa, Maysarily, Kalakhana, Zarkhy, Sagiyan and Kalghanje very often were attacking azerbaijanians, commited atro-cities and robberies. In Madrasa and Gozlu (Khilmilly -T.G.) where molokans (russians) were living organized armed bands. Under the head of Shemakha elit-nobility and merchants small, but skillful units were formed aganist their violent actions of armenians, they resisted, some-times attacked and drove them away. Against the armenian cut-throats good shots unit took an active part headed and trained by the old turkish officer, wounded in World War I resident of Shemakha Osman Affandy. In the struggle against the enemy chif of the city colonel Azad bay Gojamanbayov, police officer Vahab bay Rahimbayov, besides Mehmed Tagi, Ushudu Ibad, Mehmed Sadig, Baymirza and others especially distinguished. Bolshevik-dashnak army`s arrival to Shemakha in April intensified activity of armenians.
 Frantic bolshevic - dashnak mili-tary detachments by the help of native armenians and malokans seized Lankaran on April 14, Shemakha on 18 - 19 , Salyan on 21, Guba on 24, and killed azerbai-janians. Especially they acted violently in Shemakha and Guba. Under the leadership of S. Lalayan they destroyed 72 villages and killed about 7 000 azerbaijanians in Shemakha. 1653 of them were women, 965 were children. Lalayan ordered to blocked all the mosques, where old, women and children have sheltered and burn them. It was noted in the acts of invenians burst into the mosque, caught Akhund Mullah Jafargulu, put out his eyes, cut off his tongue, nose and ears, stripped the skin of his face and head, then shot him. Killed all the women that have been sheltered in the mosque and in akhund`s house. Shemakha was absolutely smashed and burnt. Only a small part of Shemakha dwellers could escape with the help of armed units came from Ghanja and leave the city. Armenian`s terror continued in Shemakha afterwards. Thus at the beginning of 1918 there were living 15 000 inhabitants, in 1921 stayed only 1 700 men. Under the leadership of Amazasp bolshevics and dashnaks robbed and destroyed 122 moslem villages, hun-dreds of azerbaijanians murdered in Guda.
 On the whole in March-April of 1918 armenians had killed more than 50000 azerbaijanians.In May of 1918 they had murdered hundreds of moslems in Akhal-kalak and in neighbouring villages.
 Bolshevik-dashnak troops consisting of 18 000 men seizing Shemakha went on Ghanja, along the way till Goy-chay they killed all moslem population, robbed and ruined the settlements. Russia for keeping oil Baku in his hands was agree to disintegrate Azerbaijan, to give Gara-bagh, Zangazur and Nakhchivan to Arme-nia, whole territory beginning from Ghanja to Georgia. Stalin was writting to Sha-umyan: «Germans are agree to keep Baku in our hands. But they want some oil instead of it. As Georgia`s sovereignity is recog-nized by Germany, don`t overstep the limits of Ghanja». Azerbaijanians saw the only way of getting rid of armenian and russian terrors in forming of a regular army by the help of Turkey. Appeals were made to and delegation were sent on this purpose. After Turkish governments` close acquaintance with the situation on initiative of War Minister Anvar Pasha and by the participant of turkish men of war in March of 1918 military structure - «The Caucasian Islamic Army» was formed in Azerbaijan. Young, but wise and gifted general Nuru Hasha was appointed as an army Commander. On May 25 Nuru Pasha with the staff of 20 men came to Ghanja and started forming of the army, mainly consisting of azerbaijanians.
 On May 28, 1918 Azerbaijan National Assembly (Milli Shura) declared about the establishment of Azerbaijan People Republic (Azerbaijan Khalg Jumhuriyyati). As in Baku and in environment was existing Soviet Power under the head of Shaumyan supported by bolshevik-dashnak forces, Azerbaijan national government settled in Ghanja. On aim of freeing Baku from enemies, putting an end to armenian genocide against turks, setting Coucasus free from bolshevik-dashnak disaster Azerbaijan govern-ment asked Turkey for help as there was an agreement between them signed on June 4, 1918 in Batum. Firstly Y Caucasian division headed by Mursal bay came for help. Nuru Pasha ordered to disarm Ghanja armenians who were impatiently waiting for bolshevik-dashnak army and were busy with devastations in rear. This problem was successfully solved in June 11-13. Armenians fightings and terror who lived along the way of Shemakha-Ghanja aganist the mos-lems was absolutely prevented. On June 27-30 Azerbaijan-turkish detachments defeated the Red Army near Ghoychay and Garamaryam. On June 6, enemy was overwhelmed in Agsu. On June 10, Kurdamir district was set up free. On June 20th Shemakha, a day later Maraza was set up free. On 27th of the same month bolshevik-dashnak forces were driven out of Hajigabul station. Armenians understanding their responsibility for committed violencies, Russians who were using them for ruling in Azerbaijan, for owaing the oil Baku, besides Englishmen were resisting turkish-azerbaijan troops and wanted at any cost to keep the city in their own hands. At the beginning of September XY Turkish division headed, by Suleyman Izzet bay came for help to Caucasian Islamic Army. On September 15, Baku was set free from the enemy. Till that day Turkish divisions in Azerbaijan lost 1214 men in killed, and 73 men were missing. So, armenian genocide against the azerbaijanians was prevented and disintegration danger of Azerbaijan was passed.
 Armenians followed the policy of annihilation of all the turks in the Southern-Caucasus.
 In April of 1918 they smashed up 82 villages in Gars.
 During the last years of war armenian and russian armed cut-throats dealt atrociously with the azerbaijanians around the lake Urmiya. These events were known in history as «Urmiya Trouble». Loathsome enemy formed a regiment of bared girls and organized official parades.
 Defeated by turkish troops and retreated on the Coucasian direction Andronik Gazanyan being on the head armenians` unit of cut-throats on July 20,1918 entered Nakhchivan. On the next day after 2 houred battle they entered Julfa and seized the bridge leading to Iran. They movedon Khoy - Salmas direction and by sudden attacks they killed 4 Ottoman officers and 200 soldiers took prisoner, they seized 2 cannons and 3 machineguns. Though on june 24 Andronik seized knoy soon he was retreated by Ottoman military detachments. 125 of armenian cut-throats had been killed.
 Returning to Nakhchivan Andro-nik`s men committed atrocities along the way. 2 500 azerbaijanians were killed in Yaygi. Tens of women and children had been drowned in Araks river. Andronik settling near the armenian village Chananav of Ordubad region in July,1918 having no legal bases declared that there had been established the Soviet power in Nakh-chivan and it was the inseparable part of Soviet Russia. But this made-up «govern-ment» had no real supremacy. Akbar khan Nakhchivansky`s arrival with his 149 armed men to Nakhchivan from Baku, organization of Nakhchivan elite, (Moslem assembly was formed in Nakhchivan. Mirza Nasrullah bay, Abbasgyly bay Tahirov, Mashadi Haydar Akbarov, Haji Ali Askar Husseynov, Baylar aga Ghangharlinsky, Mashady Mehmedali Bayramov, Jafargulu khan, Boyuk khan Nakhchivansky were the members of this assembly) and mobilizing of people pacified armenians. Androniks` cut-throats had been defeated at the end of June in Arbagunis, on August 3 in the battles near Nakhchivan by turkish military detachments. At first enemy retreated to Gafan, then to Ghorus. By Andronik`s arrivial from May Armenian state military forces with the help of native armenians enlarged their ethnic cleaning policy in Zangazur - in Azerbaijan area. Azerbai-janians rejected Andronik`s demand to be subbordinated to Armenia. It became the pretext for Zangazur atrocities in 1918. In September 4, Andronik came to Sisiyan and killed 300 men near the village Garagishlag. He demobilized armenians and committed much atrocities. The villages were destroy-ed, more than 500 men were murdered. In general, during the summer - autumn months 115 azerbaijanian villages and 10 small settlements were destroyed in Zangazur. Armenian cut-throats murdered 7729 azerbai-janians, 3257 of them men, 2276 women, 2196 were children. 2339 of them had been mutilated. 400 men from Vagudi were congested into the mosque, exploded them up by home-made grenade, then burnt. They dispenced 14 young girls among the armenian soldiers and finally murdered them with torture. When the bloodsuckers robbed and destroyed the village Imishli they put the babies on the bayonets, then cut the dead-bodies into pieces. Women`s dead-bodies with cut off bosoms, children`s bodies cut into pieces had been thrown on the ways of the village Shaki.
 In August of 1918, armanians held a congress in Shusha and established a made-up structure - «Garabagh goverment» and impudently demanded on people to submit them. Ways to Askaran, Agdam and Karyaghin were blockaded, so azerbai-janians of Daglig Garabagh (Mountainous Garabagh - Nagorniy Karabak) were isolated from the Lowland Karabakh. Azerbaijanians formed a self-defence de-tachment in Shusha. For arms and ammunitaion money was collected and military cources were formed. Ditches were digged and guardiance was appointed in moslem blocks. For the security of rela-tions with the neighbouring villages barricades were made in the mountain Uchmikh. When Nuru pasha arrived to Baku for mobilizing of national forces he kept some turkish officers in Garabagh under Ismayil Haggy bay. One of the I regiments arriving to Azerbaijan was also sent to Garabagh. After that Baku became free I Azerbaijan division (together with the 9th and 106th turkish, lezghin and Garayazy regimenrs), headed by Jamil Jahid bay were sent to Garabagh. On September 25, these detachments entered Garabagh and Jamil bay demanded armenians on disarmament and recognition of Azerbaijan government. Disagreed armenians were warned for the II time. On October 1st Nuru pasha arrived to Agdam. Armenians recognized Azerbaijan government, but kept arms. To keep arms in the hands of vandal armenians was very dangerous. Jamil bay demanded on re-turning the arms within 34 hours. Armenians didn`t give back the arms. (They gave back only 1 cannon, 1 machine gun, 80 guns). On October 4 was taken offencive on Shusha direction. A bloody battle took place not far from Askaran. Enemy ret-reated. The resistance of Khramort, Khanabad, Dashbashy, Garakand, Aranza-min armenians was success fully broken. Armenian villages in Askaran - Shusha, Ghoranboy - Ghanja, Barda - Tartar territories were mainly disarmed. On October 8th, in the morning I Azerbaijan division entered Shusha. Jamil bay met armenian representatives in Shusha church, said that they were forgiven and colled them to be quite. Armenians yielded outwardly, but they were secretly preparing. On Octo-ber 18-19 a bloody skirmish took place not far from Agbulag. Armenians were waiting for a suitable moment.
 On December 5, 1918 «khmba-bet» Japan attacked the moslems in the environment of Nakhchivan. The armenian cut-throats murdered 2116 men, tortured young women and children and insulted them in Almali. They committed artocities near Vedi and Sadarak, too.
 Azerbaijanians as far back in November of 1917 asked for help the Turkish YI army command in Mosul. At first a small unit came to the region on the purpose of studing the situation. In August 1918 turkish troops commanded by Kazim Garabekir pasha entered Nakhchivan. In July-August the Ottoman troops and azer-baijanians oppressed Andranik`s cut-throats back. They wanted to enter Shusha passing through the valley Zibikh. (There armenians declared about the establishment of so made - up «Garabagh (Shusha) republic») Otto-man troops preventing them entered Shusha. Habitants of Haji Hassan village on the head of Sultan bay showed the real heroism in the valley of Zibikh.
 As had been defeated in the World War I the Ottoman troops made to retreat from Caucasus. Turkey retreated to its former borders till 1914. Georgians burst into Akhiskha and Ardahan, armenians to Gars. Armenian cut- throats annihilated the population of Agjagaya among Gars and Otlu, cut off heads of 60 men in every village, and committed atrocities and robberies in Yuzgush, Garagyrd, Guru-dara, Kagisman and Sarigamish. Armenians believing false promises of their patrons were olreaming about Sivas. They didn`t hide their dreamings about meeting with Greek who invaded Izmir and to stain Irmak with blood. Turkish villages seized by Armenia have been robbed, 2 000 turks murdered. Young moslem women were carried from Ghumru to Gars, hundreds of women and children were shot down in the mountains.
 Taking occasion armenians in December of 1918 seized Zangibasar and Vedibasar and entered Sharur. Sharurians with the help of 400 men unit of Kalbali khan coming from Nakhchivan squashed enemy and made them run till the station Arazdayan. Armed unit heading by Mashadi Alaskhar merited in this battle. In January of 1919 armenians bombed Boyuk Vedi and neighbouring villages. But the attacks on Boyuk Vedy at the beginning of July was tragical for armenians. 800 cut-throats were killed, 1 200 men wounded. Azerbaijanians seized 6 machine-guns and a great number of ammunation. Meanwhile major-general Shel-kovnikov`s secret order saying: «Kill all the moslems and throw them to Araks river», was caught.
 After that Turkey troops left Zanga-zur, Andranik enlarged his ethnic cleaning. His cut-throats came to Ghorus in November 24, and with the native arme-nians ruined more than 30 azerbaijanian villages in neighbourhood. A great part of moslems ran to Iran. Some part of refugees drowned in Araks when they were crossing the river.
 Atrocity of armenian cut-throats came to such an extent that general Tomson declared for the allies in Caucasus he demanded on Andranik to stop atrocities and violences against the azerbaijanians.
 Eastern countries tried to prove the armenian-azerbaijanian problem by giving Daglig Garabagh to Azerbaijan, Nakhchivan and Zangazur to Armenia. Final desision would be given by Paris peace conference, but carefully analized the existing documents such an idea was formulated on them. For the serious resis-tance of heroic people of Nakhchivan their efforts to establish Armenian government in this region at first by the support of Englishmen, then americans had been fail-ed.
 In July of 1919 military-politi-cal situation got strained again. Armenian attacks to Alikhanli estate were prevenred. Nakhchivan population with the help of Givrag people beated and made them run. Armenian garrison and armed men of Japan were destroyed near the station Shahtakhti. Armenian military units were absolutely destroyed not far from the station Norashen too. Attacks of enemy to Vedi also wasn`t successful. They lost 4 000 men there. Armenians couldn`t calming robbed and destroyed 60 moslem villages in Igdir and Echmiadzin in August.
 At the begining of September of 1919 native armed armenians got more active in Zangazur. Khozavurt armenians attacked the village Musalmanlar. On September 7, armenians of Shikhauz, Tsav, Kilsakand, Shishkand attacked suburban settlement Shukuratar, killed 2 men and abducted more than 2 500 cattle of azerbaijanians. On November 19, 1919 armenian troops by the help of Iranian and native armenians destroyed the villages Okhchu, Shabadin, Pirdavud, Atgiz in Okhchu valley and dealt with the people. Only 216 out of 1 000 population of 4 villages could save. In total, enemy robbed and destroyed more than 40 villages. On December 25, refugees gathered in Ordubad with the participant of Ottoman Alinja de-tachment and azerbaijanian units in Ordu-bad drove away Aylis armenians from the village who wanted to join enemy to attack the village. Armenian sources declares that at that time 1 400 armenian had been killed.
 On 21 January 1920 armenians ruined 48 villages in Donbarli, 3 in Zangi-lan. It is known that englishmen, americans, besides armenian officers of Lankharan military bolshevik detachments were on their side. Azerbaijan government took precautionary measures against enemy . In February enemy was defeated near the village Donbarli. The villages Donbarli and Gubadli set free. Armenians retreated from Aligulushagi to Zangilan. On March 8, 1920 enemy drew nearer to Ordybad from the side of mountain Nusnus. Armenians of the villages Urtis, Paraga, Chananab and Bist took their part. Ordubad people with the help of forces send by Kalbali khan annihilated more than 300 men of enemy. On the eve of Novruz bayram more than 10 000 of armenian cut-throats attacked some villages of Ordubad and burnt them. Coming for help ottoman military unit consist of 500 men defeated armenian forces near the village Aza. Giving some losses in manpower the enemy ran away.
 Armenian armed units of Zangazur and Garabagh was eager to join. But their efforts had been prevented. In March of 1920 - on Novruz bayram days armenians revolted. But soon it was dispirited. At the end of march enemy was defested in Malkhalaf, Abdallar and Zeyva battles, too. On March 26-27 azerbaijanians with the native partisans got some villages back. In spite of their advantage over forces armenians` new attacks on March 27, failed. Two days later they Aligulushagi got back. Armenians lost more than 300 men. But they with much forces began attacking the areas begining from Hakari river to Shusha. On March 31 enemy seized Gubadli and Donbarli. Armenians of Garabagh and Zangazur could join.
 In April for the proper measures taken by Azerbaijan government enemy was opressed a lot. But on the 28th of that same month Russia with the help of XI Red Army made revolution and established the Soviet Power in Azerbaijan and this influenced the process of events. On April 30, Azerbaijan troop detachments in Garabagh and Zangazur were ordered to stop attacks againist dashnacks and get defence position. But moslems made disarmed. After the failure of revolt rose by instigating of bolsheviks against the dash-nack government on May 1920, armenians got a chance to came to Azerbaijan. Arme-nian troops following them committed robberies and atrocities in Shamkir, Gazakh, Khankandy, Malibayly and Gushchular.
 Breaking the Mondros truce (October 23, 1918) and beginning invade the south regions of Turkey Frenchmen and Englishmen again profitted armenians. From the end of 1918 till the middle of 1919 Frenchmen occupied Kilikiya, Antepe, Marash and Urf. They seized the whole Syria and Aden. A great part of soldiers in Frans military detachments were armenians. Armenian population were also armed. That`s why unarmed turks were givinggreat loses in Belen, Beyrut and other discords spread by armenians. In spite of armenians` subservince. All tries of Istanbul patriarch France didn`t support establishment of Armenian government in Kilikiya.
 Turks rose up against the arme-nians` terrors committed hand-in hand with foreign invaders. Partizan movement took place. On January 20, 1920, national forces, supporters of Kamal pasha over-whelmed Frenchmen and armenians in Marash, Urf and Antep. Armenians and their european supporters appriciated it as genocide again and made a noise. Minister of Foreign Affairs of France Milleran made this noise clear. He announced officially: «There isn`t a singl efact about armenian genocide&#8230r-menians also took part in battles, so we did and naturally they also gave loses (about 1 000 men - T. G.) in this war».
 Armenians committed unseen violences in Turkish areas seized by Armenian Republic. They burst into Chakhmag, Yukhary Kotanly, Ashagy Ko-tanly, Oluklu, Kamarly, Tuzluja, Vujuklu, Subhanazad, Igdir, Javlak, Garajayir, Pasly and other villages in the north of Gars, and neighbouring molokan ones, committed massacres and robberies. Molokans who willingly helped armenian terrorists in She-makha and Lankharan were also persuited by them and asked Turkey border teoops for help as turks did.
 Armenians continued violences and outrages in Garabagh, Zangazur and Nakhchivan. Some actions took place against them in Sharur. Armed units head-ed by Kalbali khan and Khalil bay came for help from Nakhchivan. At the beginning of July armenian military detachments attack-ed Zangibasar and seized the station Shah-takhti and Sharur region. 76 villages in Sharur, 48 in Zangazur, 118 in Vedibasar, 74 in Daralayas were robbed, ruined and burnt. Thousands of azerbaijanians were murdered and taken prisoners. 120 000 became refugees. 45 000 of them ran to Iran, a great number of them died of hunger and deseases.
 Armenian troops wanted to seize Nakhchivan. Meanwhile turkish troops (Bayazid division) under the com-mand of Javid bay were obliged to take Nakhchivan under control. On July 6, Russian troops seized Ghorus.
 At the end of july armenian military detachments being under the comands of generals Dro and Njde started new operations in Zangazur, they invaded Sisyan and Ghorus. On august 9, XI army counter-attacking got it back. The next day an agreement was sighned between Arme-nia and Russia. Garabagh, Zangazur and Nakhchivan was considered under the power of Russia. But soon armenians disturbed this agreement and began military operations in Zangazur. Gafan, Sisyan and Ghorus were invaded. Dashnak cut-throat Vahram in 1920 depicted his «courage» so: «I murdered the turk habitants mithout paying attention to anything. Sometimes I spared my bullets&#8230…killed and stuffed all the men, women and children to the well filled them with stones».
 According to results of the First World war in August 10, 1920, in the French city Sevr was signed the peace contract between the allies and Turkey. The humiliating conditions of this contract for Turkey have given strong pushes to expansion of national movement in the country. Skilfully using the contradictions in Versailles - Washington system and collision of interests of west and Soviet Russia Mustafa Kamal Ataturk has achieved liquidation of this contract.
 Striving to occupy new lands Armenia at the end of September 1920, declared war to Turkey. Turkish troops soon defeated the dashnak army. On September 28th, Sarigamish, 30th Merdinik, on Octo-ber 1st Kagisman, 30th Gars, on November 7th Ghumru was set free. On December 3rd Ghumru (Alexandropol) agreement was signed. Armenian territory was appointed 10 000 km 2 according to this agreement.
 On October 20, 1920 was formed Zangazur «blow group» of the XI army. Sharur and Gafan were seized and sovie-tized.
 On the whole, in 1918-1920 out of 575 000 azerbaijanians 565 000 were murdered and driven out. 60 per cent of azerbaijanians lived there were annihilated. 84 villages in Bayazid, 96 in Echmiadzin and Surmali regions, all the moslem villages in Iravan had been destroyed. 22 villages with their 60 000 population had been turned into heap of ruins by armenians in Goyja. On the whole, in November 1920, when the Soviet Power was eatablished in Armenia stayed a little more than 10 000 azerbaijanians there.
 In 1921, when dashnaks revolted in Armenia SSR, armenian cut-throats headed by Yapon for seizing the Norashen railway station attacked and seized the villages Sadarak, Yaygi, Jafarli, Arpa and robbed azerbaijanians. «Girmizi Tabor» (Red Camp) headed by Abbasgulu bay Shadlincky courageously fought against the enemy, in bloody battles near Danzik dashnak bands annihilated.
 So, at the begining of the XX century (till 1921) about 600 000 azerbaijanians became objects of terror politics of armenian nationalists. About 351 000 azerbaijanians had been murdered. Meny villages - 197 of Iravan, 229 of Baku provinces, 62 in Ghanja and 157 in Gara-bagh regions were striken out of the map.
 In this genocide not only arme-nians, but as well as their patrons - who supported, armed and instigated them were guilty.
 The Soviet empire considered armenian problem as a mean for keeping its power in Southern Caucasus. Only by a dacisive position and help of Turkey (According to Turkey-Russia agreements «Moscow» signed in 1921, March 16 and «Gars» on October 13), for heroic Nakhchivan people, as a result of active struggle of its elite, Nakhchivan stayed as an autonomous republic in the structure of Azerbaijan.
 In the second half of 1921 Zangazur-Ghorus were seized by Armenia. It was the result of the weakness of elite, indifferent attitude of Azerbaijan govern-ment to this region, mistaken attitude - approaching from the class position to Sultanov (Sultan and Khosrov bays) brothers who had a great authority there.
 Moscow achieving to from autonomous region in Daglig Garabagh on July 7, 1923 lit a camp fire of conflict that could blaze up whenever they liked.
 In January of 1927 by the resolution of Transcaucasion Executive Committee 24 villages of Mehri and Jabrail provinces, in June of the same year 1 065 dessiatina (measure of land - 2,7 acrs) from Ashagi Zangazur, in February of 1927 13 000 hectares of Azerbaijan territory - villages Nuvady, Tugut, Yernazar, 9 villages of Nakhchivan (582,9 des.), areas between Gaymagly and Kurumuzlu (228,9 hec.) were given to Armenia. So, Nakhchivan territorially parted from Azerbaijan. In 1938 for the accurate definition of Azerbaijan - Armenia borders «equalateral» commission was formed. From the Azerbaijan side this commission was headed by an armenian - Isakhanyan - the chief of Land Commission.(A strange equalateral, isn`t it ?!) According to signed protocol on March 5-7, Garagol plato of Lachin, area colled «Chayzamin» of Gubadlu, Kamarli village of Gazakh, «Zod» area of Kalbajar was given to Armenia. But azerbaijanians resisted and didn`t give their lands.
 Grigoryans and markaryans burst into low protection organs of Azerbaijan SSR, especially taking an occassion of repression years of 30s be-came the organizers of Azerbaijan elite`s - politicans, scientists, specialists, including oil specialists, poets, writers and art men`s annihilation charging them with false faults.
 Using Anastas Mikoyan`s high posi-tion in the USSR supremecy armenians during the World War II made a new pian for displacing azerbaijanians to Central Asia and Kazakhstan. By particular efforts of Mikoyan being the chif of State Migra-tion Committee formed on October 25th, 1941, was adopted a resolution on this case on December 7th, 1942. But Azerbaijan ruler M. J. Bagirov could make Stalin to believe that deportation of azerbaijanians from Azerbaijan wouldn`t serve victory neither politically, nor economically. It would reduce oil production and badly effect azerbaijan soldiers in army. A.Miko-yan as if wanting Baku not to be seized by Germans, made a plan with code of «Spe-cial Operation» which considered Baku to be mined amd destroyed. Germans plan on seizing Baku failed on September 25th, 1942, and this saved the city of annihilation.
 By the end of war - in 1944 deportation of a part of Azerbaijan turks and Mahsati turks not having any military neccessity from their motherland was also A.Mikoyans «service».
 In autumn of 1945 Armenia SSR for the next time asked the USSR sup-remecy for handing Daglig Garabagh to Armenia. When supremecy of the state asked Bagirov`s mind on this case he agreed on one condition, the all Daglag Garabagh, except Shusha, which the majority of the population are azerbaijanians would be given to Armenia, instead of Azerbaijanian regions of Armenia where azer-baijanians lived. It would be a great condescension to Armenia. Becouse those areas demanding by Azerbaijan were a small part of those given to Armenia «voluntarily» in request of Moscow in 1920. It would be abolishing of artifical «armenian territory» formed among turkish nations of Soviet empire and Turkey. Naturaly Moscow didn`t go on this. On the contrary rose a problem - for the settling of «akhbars» - armenians came from abroad, undoubtedly on Mikoyan`s initiative - the problem of deportation of azerbaijanians from Armenia SSR to Azerbaijan SSR. It was the next stage in deportation of azerbaijanians from their motherlands - from the lands invaded by Armenia SSR. On December 23, 1947 Council of Ministers passed a resolution about «The deportation of collective farmers and other Azerbaijanian popu-lation from the Armenia SSR to the Kur-Aras lowland of the Azerbaijan SSR». In accordance to this resolution in 1948-1950 years 100 000 azerbaijanians voluntarily had to be moved to Azerbaijan. But in 1948-1953 not account rhat principle of voluntarity more than 144 000 men were moved from the Armenia SSR to the Azerbaijan SSR by force. Every one out of 3 that deportees from mountainous regions to lowland couldn`t get accustomed to a new, hot, dry climate, living conditions died from hunger and deseases. Moscow achieved its wish. Azerbaijanians decreased in Armenia. Bisides expension of armenians to western regions of Azerbaijan - Dashkassan, Goranboy, Shamkir, Ghanja, Mountainous Karabakh and to Baku increased. Thousands of armenians were expanded to a new industrial centers - Sumgait, Ali-Bayramly, Mingachevir, Dashkassan.
 Armenians consolidated in the supremacy of the USSR tried to prevent the economic development of Azerbaijan. On this case the I vice-chairman of the USSR State Planning Committee Mkrtichyan, chairman of the Industrial Department Kalankarov appealed to the State Chiefs with a special letter saying about the unprofitableness of Azerbaijan oil industry, stopping the capital investment to oil-extration industry, especially to oil-output from the sea.
 From the II half of 40s stimulated interests of organizing and acting of «Garabagh» movement in Armenia. Making disturbances armenians demanded on approving of resolution from May 5, 1938. Dealing with azerbaijanians in Khan-kandy in 1967, murdering some of them was also appearance of that pressure. On May 7, 1969 at Moscow`s urgent request Supreme Soviet of the Azerbaijan SSR proved the resolution about the giving of more than 2 000 hectares of Azerbaijan areas in border regions to Armenia. But later on being Azerbaijan head Haydar Aliyev didn`t allow execution of this resolution.
 Another appearance of anti-turk policy of the Soviet empire realized by armenians in Southern Caucasus was the armenization of toponymes of ancient Azerbaijan areas. Names of 876 ancient Azerbaijan villages and districts were changed and made armenian ones in 1924-1959 in Armenia.
 In 70s the Soviet empire felt shakening and weakening of its basis in consecutive order, again took an occasion of Turkey`s difficulties - which was the member of NATO, tried to impair its, as well as the NATO`s authority in this region. Again armenians turned to the implement in the hands of Russian chauvinists. In 1975 for the liberation of Armenia clandestine army - ASALA was formed by a Syrian armenian of marxist outlook who intro-duced himself as Akopyan in Beyrouth. It was a terrorist organization being under the control of Soviet Power, trained in the bases of Palestine Liberty Organization. In forming of ASALA soviet diplomat, col-laborator of the USSR State Security Committee Soldatof, who was serving in Lebanon at that time had a share. Besides ASALA «Armenian revolutionary army», «The justice commandos for armenian genocide» and other organizations were functioning in this direction. From 1973 for the attracting the world`s attention to «armenian problem» armenian terrorists killed more than 50 Turkey citizens, chiefly diplomats and their relatives. American armenian organization considering itself «The main blow group» in various international forms began to announce the political demands of terrorists. These demands were as follows: Armenian ter-rorists wanted Turkey to acknowledge the fact of «armenian genocide», to establish Armenian state in its territory, to join this state including Nakhchivan, Akhalkalak and Daglig Garabagh with Armenia SSR. Slanderous accusations company began against the Turkey Republic. But NATO states, especially USA was understanding the stratejic essence of the matter.
 In the II half of 80s when the centrifugal forces of «perestroyka» (reorganization) became more active, both states wanting destruction of the «trouble empire», and Russia wanting to keep the Southern Caucasus in its clutches tried to tare occasion. In 1985 the fact of «Armenian genocide» was recognized by UNO (United Nations Organization), later (in July 18, 1987) by European Parliament. Beeing under the protection of 2 sides armenian nationalists again activated the realizing of their reckless politics - to form «The Great Armeniа» - which was based on genocide and terror. The XXIII congress of dashnak party held in Athens in 1985 called armenians to make the most efficient use of the situation, put forces together for the enlarging of struggle for «The Great Armenia». After bringing by international armenian mafia marshal Lana Anto-neskonn`s close friend Levon Karapet Palchyan to the post of cathalikos anti-turkish agitation and terror was enlarged.
 At the end of 80s in the con-ditions of existed reality Soviet empire`s efforts - headed by Gorbachov - execution of half - utopian politica of «perestroyka» and hopes to his precarious methods were failing. State was rapidly growing weak, and traditional Russia-Turkey problem becaming actual. The official quarters prepared such a veiled plan, gradually to move turks from their native lands to slav republics, and settle other nations in their lands. Using all the means such an idea was formed in people that the turkish people, including azerbaijanians were not able to independent political and economical ruling. The Kazakhstan problem, uzbek matter and other processes, especially removing of his high post the eminant leader of the turkish world Heydar Aliyev, who was vigorously oppossed to anti-turk politics of government in reality was serving to frustraition of selfconfidence to their ability, to their leaders, to live self-dependently, putting them without leaders. Being in the encirclement of Gorbachov shahnazarovs, aganbekyans had a great influence on Moscow officials in the formation of anti-turk attitude of mind. Paruy Gazaryan, Zorry Balayan, S. Khan-dzanyan, B. Ulubabyan, Silva Kapu-tickyants and other`s instigating works that falsificated the history, insulted azerbai-janians, took an exceptional importance in making armenian nationalism more pugnacious, in flaming of national conflict. Zorry Balayan`s books «Between the two fires», «Accident», «Heath» more emotionally affected the «long-suffering nation». In her poems Silva Kaputickyants colled bloodthirsty Andranic to take his mouser again to kill azerbaijanians, to tear stomacks of women. And she noted that she-herself would help him. All was done for enlarging the activity of «Garabagh Committee». In the middle of 1980 armenians tried to seize some parts of Gazakh region by force. But republic government by the help of military forces suppressed the protest of azerbaijanian population. Trying to make disturbances in Baku armenian terrorists set off an explosions in the city traffic. Three times was burnt the Theatre of Opera and Ballet which was repaired recently. Appeals with the 300 000 signs of armenians were sent from Armenia to more than 30 countries and international organizations of the world with an intention of proving the necessity of joining the Daglig Garabagh to Armenia. In October of 1987 first open meeting was held in Pushkin square of Iravan. Official Moscow didn`t retrain from announcing to the world his positive attitude to Garabagh movement - that was said by A. Agan-bekyan in November 1987, though it was non-official. He notified in his interview to the newspaper of «Humanite» on its number for 18th November, 1987, that he consi-dered joining of Daglig Garabagh to Arme-nia advisable and he had made some sug-gestions on this matter to the head of state. Behind a group of armenian nationalists again communists, agents of State Security Committee were at the head of armenian movement.
 Armenian committees of «Unity of independent national predetermination» and «Armenian committee on defence of political prisoners» were carrying work in this direction in Moscow. Local organi-zation of «Garabag Committee» for a long time clandestinely functioning in Azer-baijan, especially in Daglig Garabagh, began an open activity under the name of «Krunk», movement of «Miatsum» (jun-ction) was expending.
 The result of this politics was that in 1988, from the territory of Armenia SSR, from 185 villages and other settlements, being their ancestor`s native lands, 230 000 azerbaijanians were driven out, 31 000 house, 1000 farmings belonging to them, 165 kolkhoz and state farms were robbed, 214 men killed, 1154 wounded, hundreds of men outraged, girls and women were in-sulted. For this purpose beforehand special well-armed units had been prepared. Refugees from Gafan and Mehri of Arme-nia SSR getting rid of the atrocities of the criminals on January 25, 1988 came to Azerbaijan.
 On February 9, 1988 a large anti-turk meeting was held in Erivan. «Clear out Armenia from turks!», «Only arme-nians must live in Armenia!» and other nationalist catchwords was sounding. On February 21, armenian vandals attacked and ruined the last mosque kept in Erivan. The genius of Azerbaijan art of ashug (Caucasian folk poet and singer) - Ashug Aleskhar`s grave was insulted and the great poet - Samad Vurgun`s monument was destroyed. At the beginning of 1988 terror acts against the azerbaijanians were expanding in Vedibasar. Girls and women, old men had been insulted. The villages were robbing. Having no help about 4 000 person beaten, insulted, bearfoot were obliged to come over the snowy mountain ridges to Azerbaijan. On March 10, 1988 in the south of Erivan, 4 habitants of the village Mehmandan were murdered. Again a great number of refugees getting rid of armenian chaze came to Zangilan. More than 100 houses in villages Vedi, Shirazli, Khalisa, Shidli of Ararat region were robbed, burnt and residents were driven out. In the middle of may again azer-baijanian villages had been attacked near Erivan. 880 habitants of the village Shirazli ran up to USSR-Turkey border and sheltered there. 10 000 habitants of 5 more villages of Ararat region joined them. Armenian fasicists committed more awful atrocities in Gugark. At the end of No-vember and at the begining of December of 1988, 70 azerbaijanians were murdered in this region. Only in the village of Gozaldara of this region 21 persons, including 6 women and 3 babies had been murdered, 17 persons were murdered in Vartana. On August 8, 1991, the last representatives of azerbaijanians - Nuvadi inhabitanrs during a day by the help of Russian soldiers were driven out from Armenia. There stayed no single azerbaijanian in the ancient Azerbaijan lands being the territories of Ar-menia. Ended the genocide of azerbaijanians in their native lands being after-wards territories of Armenia state.
 Population of neighboring regi-ons uprose to drive out armenians from Daglig Garabagh. It was reaction to driving out of azerbaijanian turks from Armenia. But the prosess had been stopped by the local functioners being oppressed by Centre. Even azerbaijanians driven out from Armenia were not allowed to settle in Daglig Garabagh.
 Armenians for proving their deeds on world communities eyes on February 28, 1988 committed intrigation by the active help of Edik Grigoryan in Sum-gait.
 Â«Murdered armenian is dearer for dashnaks». These words had been said in 1919 by western journalist Scotland Lid-dle which exactly characterized the real face of armenian nationalists. And this opinion also belongs to him and quite corresponds the truth: «Armenians always looking for fighting. When they achieve it, on the purpose of agitation say: Don`t let them to kill us». Sumgait provacation also was prepared on this scenario. Some days before that rich armenians got their savings from the banks and left the city. Milishmen weren`t allowed to carry not only gans, but ever bludgeon in the city where extremist mood was purposely instigating and any time could be committed a provocation (a great part of humilated and driven away people were here). Procurator`s organs, detachments brought to city under the command of general Karayev were also inactive. For taking photographs, bringing it with a sensation to the whole world`s notice, in the places where the planned crimes could be commited beforehandly tele-photo operators were replaced. One of the provocateurs Edic Grigoryan personally killed 5 armenians. At the result of this tragedy commited by armenians in the city 32 peoples, including 26 armenians and 6 azerbaijanians were killed. The whole Azer-baijan people condemned this provocation, its authors and those who translated it into reality. Armenians reached their aims. Adorning this tragedy with inconceivable made ups they achived to form a negative attitude of mind on international community.
 Crimes commited aganist azer-baijanians were met indefferently both by Moscow and deceived world community and this inspired separatists in Daglig Garabagh - NKAR. On March, 1988 Cen-tral Committee of the Communist Party of Soviet Union (CC CPSU) and Council of Ministers of the USSR passed a resolution on increasing the speed of social-economical development in NKAR. But in reality was put a foundation of NKAR`s leaving from Azerbaijan. By this resolution Mountainous Garabag got exclusiv rights and all unit Ministers and Structures had been charged on solving problems of region. On June 21, 1988 session of People`s Deputies of Daglig Garabagh dis-cussed the problem of annection of NKAR to Armenia SSR. Supreme Soviet of Arme-nia SSR gave his consent. This actions weren`t lawful according the existed Consti-tution of the USSR . But the resolution adopted on January 12, 1989 by the Presidium of Supreme Soviet of the USSR about the formation of special ruling form in Daglig Garabagh and its straight subordination to Centre was a new step in separation of NKAR from Azerbaijan SSR. Heads of the USSR in subsequent offical documents even didn`t mentioned to whom the region was belonging.
 All these made armenian nationalists more active. On September 18, 1988 they attacked Khojali. The bloody skirmish took place there. On September 21 and October 18 in Khankahdy (Stepanakert) azerbaijanians, in reply in Shusha houses and automobiles of armenians were burnt. On November 24, armed cut-throats from Armenia attacked, invaded villages Eyvazli, Davudlu, Gadirli of Gubadli region and committed atrocities. Eyvazli village was absolutely burnt.
 Beginning from June 12, 1989 in conditions that created by Special Ruling Committee of Daglig Garabagh (headed by A. Volsky) azerbaijanian settlements in the region had been blockaded. With the assisstance of Soviet army detachments armenian «bearded men» drove out all the azerbaijanians - 14 000 men from Khankandy. At the end of August azer-baijanians having lost some part of them were obliged to leave villages Jamilli, Hassanabad and Dashbulag.
 On November 28 by demands and insists of democratic forces of Azerbaijan Supreme Soviet of the USSR annuled Special Ruling Committee in Daglig Garabagh. Ruling of the region had been intrusted to the Organizing Com-mittee of Azerbaijan SSR under the control of Special Commission of Supreme Soviet of the USSR. But on December 1, 1989 Supreme Soviet of Armenia SSR adopted a resolution on joining Daglig Garabagh and Armenia SSR. Armenian state flag was haisted in Khankandy. Management affairs, enterprises had been submitted to ministries and central boards of Armenia SSR. On January 15, 1990, Supreme Soviet of the USSR announced about the state of emergency in NKAR and in neighbouring region. By the resolution from May 22, 1990, Council of Ministers of the USSR revirted the right of economical manage-ment of the region to Azerbaijan.
 But savegery of armenian nationalists was continued. On January 12, 1990, enemy from the helicopters threw some landing forces to village Gushchu of Khanlar region, outrageously dealt with the peaceful people, tens of men, women, children and old were murdered. Armenian fascists attacked the village Karki of Nakhchivan, seized it and drove out 320 inhabitants. Detachments of the Soviet Army also took part in this operation. On March 24, by night, armenian military units with the help of Russians attacked the village Baganis-Ayrum of Gazakh region, 7 inhabitants of it, including 2 women and two-months` baby were killed and then burnt. On August 18-20, armenian military units with the help of Russians, helicopters and weapons and equipments attacked Gazakh region. Baganis-Ayrum was again destroyed and inhabitants were tortured. 40 days baby was put on bayonets by armenian women and fried. Wild armenians burnt a man and danced yalli around him (I. Ashyrov took it into video-film and showed on CNN TV channel). At the same time they were attacking the villages of Zangilan, Gubadli, Lachin. The inhabitants of Yu-khari-Jibikli of Gubadli with fortitude resis-ted enemy and killed 20 armenian cut-throats.
 For the aggravation of situation armenian terrorists used all the means. On September 16, 1989 they exploded inter-urban passenger bus Tiflis-Baku near Yevlakh. On August 10, 1990 they com-mitted a new terror act in Tiflis-Agdam passenger bus near Khanlar. At the result of explosion 17 men died and 15 wounded. On June 31, 1991 armenian terrorists set of a big explosion on Moscow-Baku passenger-teain not far from Makhachkala, 15 passehgers died, 16 badly wounded. The similar crime was committed on May 30, 1991, near the Kolonyard station. At the result of passenger train`s explosion 12 men died. Not long ago there were tries to explode Simpheropole-Baku train near Rostov.
 A new stage started in Garabagh conflict after the declaration of sovereignity of Azerbaijan Republic (1991, August 30).
 At the beginning of September an illegal assembly calling himself as the session of NKAR and Shaumyan regional Soviet of People`s deputies declared about the establishment of made-up «Republic of Mountainous Garabagh» consisting of Daglig Garabagh and a part of Goranboy region of Azerbaijan. On November 26, Azerbaijan Republic annuled the status of NKAR. Beginning from September of 1991, till the middle of 1992, armeniabs by the help of the personal staff of Soviet Army detachments and with the active part of military equipments drove all the azer-baijabians out of former autonomous region`s territories. On January 15 Kjarki-jahan, on February 10, Malibayly, Gushchu-lar were seized.
 Blockaded areas of Khojali and Shusha were tapering. For the forexess, isolation and betray all the resistance measures of detachments of newly formed Azerbaijan Army, Milish units of Special Nomination and native self-defence units were not a success. The operation for running the blockade of Shusha from the side of Dashalti was absolutely unsec-cessful. Azerbaijanian had great loses: 33 in killed, 34 being missed, 36 wounded.
 In February of 1992 enemy began attacking the village Garadagli for the second time. During the bloody battle village passed from hand to hand. After the unequal battles lasting for 4 days armenians seized the village, killed 92 defenders, 54 inhabitants of it and threw them into silo trenches, the rest of the population were taken into prisoners.
 The reasons of enemy`s successes were that the independent repub-lic hadn`t defensive forces, the powerful army building was purposely hampered and conflict factor was used for seizing the power. The state authorities weren`t interested in powerful, regular army and they wanted to prove the importance of keeping the UIS`s (Union of Independent States) troops in republic. Beside he was bared of that the army would be a violency impliment in the hands of opposition. On November 19, was given a decree about the formation of 22 regional and city self-defence battalions, personal staff of which was formulated on the bases of local populations. Beginning from February of 1992, in the majority of villages of Daglig Garabagh were formed self-defence bat-talions consisting of local population. But equipment of these units were very bad. They were unexperienced. They needed officer personnel. Opposition, with their ignorant, populist actings and political ambitions prevented the army building. The wasted actions of those who wanted to seize the post of Minister of Defence, to have power, often changes of Minister of Defence seriously impeded progress of army building and all these helped armenians.
 On February 25, 1992, armenian and russian troops committed one of the bloodiest tragedies of the XX century - Khojali bloodshed. For the neglect of republic officials the defence of this stratejic settlment wasn`t efficiently organized. Self-defence battalion of Khojali consisting of 80 men wasn`t equiped with any armoured cars and weapons. Only mortar battery of 2nd battalion of Shikh brigade consisting of 20 men helped them. Milish unit of 60 men stood in guard of the aeroport.
 On February 25, at 21 o`clock armenian military units with the 366 th moto-rifle-regiment of UIS troops in Khankandy ( 2 battalions out of 3, with their full complrment, the other partially), besides hired assassins brought from abroad (Groups "Asala", "Haydad", "Chichakran") attacked Khojali. The first stroke was at the aeroport near the city. Though the defenders of the city were few in number and weren`t armed well, they were fighting with fortitude. Comander of units of Special Nominations Alif Hajiyev was especially distinguished. Unit consisting of 22 men headed by him 3 times repulsed assults of enemy on aeroport. But forces were unequal. When A. Hajiyev saw the situation to be desperated he blew up the controller`s office of the aeroport, with the aim of not to be seized by enemy. The brave commander died a death of hero in the next battle.
 After the strong preparatory bombardment tanks and armoured machinery invaded the town, and street battles began. Hundreds of men were killed, wounded and taken into prisoners. The town was ruined and burnt. A part of escaped people, mostly women, old and children ran on Agdam direction. Spending a snowy, frosty night barefoot, bareheaded in the forest most of the refugees were frozen, some of them being wounded couldn`t bare it and died. The rest were shot down when they were going out of the forest in the place colled Garagaya, 6 km far from Khojali. It was already morning. Hundreds of helpless women,old and children had been killed. Enemy blockaded those, who wanted to escape and were running from Khojali on Abdal-Gulabli direction and shot them down. Those, who survived were taken into prisoners. Armenian blood-suckers tortured the wounded men, dis-figured the dead-bodies and ravished wo-men and girls.
 In this genocide committed by arme-nians against the azeri-turks 613 men were killed, 487 mutilated, 1275 taken into prisoners. 6 family were absolutely annihi-lated. For handing prisoners armenians made 150 gallows in Khankandy.
 The city of Shusha for a long time was in blockade. It wasn`t efficiently equiped with food and arms. Though it was known that 180 military specialists of 366th moto-rifle-regiment of UIS troops with their 90 armoured cars deserted to the armenians, only 24 armoured cars stood in guard of the city. There wasn`t a clever plan of defence. State officials was seeing a real danger in formed milish and army units and didn`t provide a single command on defensive forces. Most of the officers were unexperi-enced. The military communication was very bad. Though offensive was expecting a lot of soldiers were sent to furlough holiday. Holding the post of Minister of Defence in March of 1992, Rahim Gaziyev relying on his Russian supporters wanted to seize the power and establish a dictatorship and for this he was interested to intensify the situation in front and in society. All the facts give us right to say that all the officials being responsible for the defence of Shusha, either deliberately, or being unexperienced and shortsighted helped armenians to translate their nasty plans into reality.
 In the night of May 7th to May 8th enemy attacked the city with artillery fires. 80 tanks and 6 000 fighters took part in this attack. The military machinery were taken out of the city. Fighters of milish units left the city. Mines planted territories rendered harmless. (On that day Azerbaijan-Arme-nia-Iran negotiations were carrying in Tehran and for this a passage had to be given to arnenians to go Armenia through Lachin.This was a diplomatic trick for ensnaring of Azerbaijan «chiefs». On May 9, at 5 o`clock all the posts around the city had already been seized. In some positions azerbaijanian soldires were courageously fighting against the enemy. In some places invaders were made to retreat. Enemy lost 1600 men in Shusha and Malibayly. But defenders of the city didn`t get any help. In Shusha battles 155 men died a death of hero, 167 men were wounded. On May 18, Lachin was seized by enemy.
 Inconnection of empire-lover forces armenians efficiently used the policy of those who were eager despite everything to seize the power in Azerbaijan. This policy was prejudicing to build a mighty army, to mobilize the military forces. Azerbaijan military detachments were consisting of those who served to various convictions, with political views and anarchists. In reality, there wasn`t a general com-manding. What a pity, successes of summer operations of 1992 gained for the blood and courage of manful, honest sons of Azer-baijan (In July-August Azerbaijan army`s and Tartar detachments freed Agdara from enemy. Armenian fighters had been driven out of Bashkand. The «passage» between Armania and Daglig Garabagh was made narrower.)for the becoming empire-lover forces more active, wasn`t continued. Self-defence detachments, who knew the position well and were more quick intentionally had been called away. In Agdam 11 self-defence battalions headed by Shirin Mirzayev, Asif Maharramov and some others acted together and didn`t allow enemy to do something. But detachments brought instead of them, were serving to different political forces. At the beginning of September, as the result of betrayal, such heights of stratejic importance, as Abdal Gulabli, Papravand, Jinli, Yeddikhirman were lost. On December 10, armenian armed forces entered Gubadli and Zangilan territories, seized and burnt them. Meanwhile, Azerbaijan army and polis could made enemy to retreat, which took the offensive on Tovuz and Ghadabay direction. In reply military bases of Armenia had been attacked.
 With the help of their supporters enemy again took an offensive. On February 5, 1993, at night expedition corps of Armrnia in Garabag,with the 128th moto-rifle-regiment of UIS`s YII army and hired cossacks assumed the offensive on Agdara region. Attacks of enemy on the villages Shelly, Erky, Janyatag and Gulyatag intensified.
 Nearly before Russia clearly and in ultimative form declared Azerbaijan it had to allow russian troops enter to its territory and use their help, (Independent Azerbaijan achieved to take the russian troops out of his terrirory) or it had to rely on its own army. Azerbaijan government couldn`t agree to be under yoke of Russia again. Invaders attacked Agdara region and seized a lot of settlements there till the 10th of March. At the end of March enemy began to attack Kalbajar from two sides - Armenia and Agdara. The defence of the region was very poor. A part of military detachments and machi-nery had been taken out. On one side it was connected with the betrayal of some army officials who wanted to be in service of empire-lover forces, on the other hand republic chiefs surrendering Kalbajar wanted Armenia to be known as an agressor. (As if leading states were beware of that! It wasn`t a true attitude of mind. Simply it was necessary to understand that these states had their own interests on this problem, and they were acting according to it.) On March 26, 1993 enemy invaded Agdaban village of the region and burnt it. (This village was burnt on April 8, 1992 for the first time.) 3 days later the way Bashibel-Tunel was closed. On March 31 enemy seized the bridge Gamishli. Now Kalbajar was absolutly blockaded. On April 3 armenians occupied Kalbajar. When Azerbaijan armed forces retreated for indifference of republic chiefs they couldn`t take all the people out of the region. About 15 000 men were cought by armenian fascists. Armenians were immadietely shooting women and old who couldn`t work. Houses enterprises, rich museums, especially their carpets, farms were robbed and cattle was driven away.
 At the result of criminal betray of those who was hoping the political crises, that could take place by surrender of the lands, hoping to overturn and wanting to seize the power, new blows had been striken on Azerbaijan territorial integrity in summer and autumn of 1993. Taking an occasion of the political crisis in the republic from the beginning of june enemy assumed the offensive. Both governmental forces (Azerbaijan People`s Front - Musavat tandem),and forcis rose in rebelion took out a lot of machinery from Agdam front. Internal troops` units were mobilized for the prevention of Baku from rebels expected attacks. Taking an occasion armenians occupied areas from Gargarchay to Shaybaly village of this region.
 At night from June 25 to 26 troop detachments in Agdam front were taken out of the battle field. At the beginning of july military detachment № 709 being subordinated to Curat Husseynov entered Agdam. Self defence battalions were absolutely pushed aside from the battle operations. When the town was under the intensive shot, there wasn`t a single fire in reply. Armenian military detachments rapidly advanced. Bloody battles took place in Malibayly. On July 22-23, whole day and night the fighters of Asif Maharramov`s defence battalion fought aganist the enemy, but getting no help retreated. On July 23, Agdam which by the help of local self-defence units carried on bloody battles for about 43 days was occupied by enemy.
 On August 25 Jabrail and Fuzuly and on August 31 Gubadli had been occupied by armenians. Zangilan fall into blockade and on October 27 was occupied by enemy.
 Beginning from the end of 1993, a great steps were made in Azerbaijan national army building. All the people responded Prezident Haydar Aliyev`s call. Battalions were formed of voluteers and sent to front. Veterans of Afganistan War appealed to president by the initiative of formation a regiment. Military detachment formed out of these experienced fighters courageously fought against the enemy. 33 former unorganized units were annuled. False «generals», political swindlers, traitors were pushed aside. Pecuniary bases of armed forces got stronger. At the result Azerbaijan army stopped attacks of the enemy, even returned some areas back. In the middle of december national army showed great courages against the enemy`s attacks on Beylagan direction. 7 attacking tanks out of 15 were crushed. Our fighters by a counter attack went 30 km forward. At the result of successful operations on January 5, 1994 having a stratejic impor-tance Horadiz district and 22 villages of Fuzuly region set up free. A part of Jabrail - Bozlu, Takagaya, Babashlar, Ganlikand, Chanly, Susuzlyg, Gasimbinasy, Yanshag-bina, Yanshag, Bagirsag, Gamishly, Bagirly settlements of Kalbajar region set free. Chichakly dag and othr stratejic heights were taken away. In the battles of Decem-ber 1993 - January 1994 enemy lost 4 000 soldiers and officers, 50 armoured cars, 15 artillery equipments and etc. Loses of Azerbaijan were 1-1,5 times less.
 Development of army, practical steps towards Europe formed a good situation for the relentless independance of Azerbaijan republic. Intending at any cost to prevent it authority empire-lover forces increased their help to armenians. At the end of December 1993, successfully starting in Kalbajar «Murovdag» operation plan (Azerbaijan soldiers showed a great heroism in destruction of armenian piquets in «Omar» ridges. 3 000 armenians were killed along the river Meydan) by a betrayal group of officers of Defence Ministry was handed to enemy and in February of 1994 this operation failed. In April Russia offered Azerbaijan a humiliating draft, that could from a legal base for saving its positions in this region inconceivable political and economical condescensions. In order to make Azerbaijan to accept this draft which was suitable for armenians on April 10, they assumed offensive along the front attacks. Azerbaijan aoldiers won the battles of Talish and Gulustan of Goranboy region, enemy losing 150 soldiers and officers retreated. More than 200 men of enemy was annihilated in bloody battles in Ilkhichilar and Keyar directions of Tartar region. But armenians could occupy 18 villages of Agdam and villages of Agdara region. A precarious situation arose for Barda. Azerbaijay army bringing here additional forces could prevent attacks of enemy by counter-attack returned some settlments back. So plan - offered by empire-lover forces - plan which considered to be through the mediation of only Russia, withoutparticipation of OSCE (Organizetion of Security and Colloboration in Europe), foiled. In this USA and Minisk group of OSCE (This group was formed in May, 1992 for the settling of Daglig Garabagh conflict) took a great part. At the same time kept within the bounds of respecting its souvereignity Azeerbaijan did not deny assistance of Russia in achieving the cease fire. On May 8, 1994 Azerbaijan Republic signed Bishkek protocol proving intentions of Russian Federation and of conflict sides, including Azerbaijan an Armenian commu-nity of Daglig Garabagh. On May 12, 1994 was achieved cease fire in front.
 At the result of bloody battles and war broke out by armenian nationalists 20 per cent of republic territories had been trampled under enemies feet. Armenians undertook the tactics of «ruining the territory». In this war 20 000 azerbaijanians killed, 100 000 men wounded, 5 000 became cripples. Number of refugees and migrants were more than 1 000 000. 4861 azerbaijanian, including 314 women, 58 children and 255 old men were taken into prisoners and as hostage.Armenian fascists hid the real number of prisonera and hostages from international humanitarian organizations, behave with them non-humanly, made them work as slaves, insulted them. In items of Archavanik, Lusagor, Arizin, Diljan were created the camps - the valid hells for captive women. More than 700 settlements, including towns of Shusha, Lachin, Khojali, Kalbajar, Agdam, Fuzuly, Gybadly, Zaygikan, more than 100 000 houses, 31 mosque, 9 palaces-karvansaray complexes, 4366 social object, including 1145 child`s pre-school unstitutions, 690 educational schools, 4 technical schools, 1 high school building, 982 libraries, 862 clubs, 1831 film plants, 4 theaters, 10 parks, 13 museums with their more than 100 000 displays, 13 fortress towers, 22 barrows, 2 cave-temples had been robbed and ruined. Republic suffered damages of about 60 billions in USA dollars.
 Armenians want to get important privilages by the help of Russia in concluding of political treaty between Armenia and Azerbaijan under the leadership of Minsk group. But Azerbaijan is strengthening its international status, to prove it on the bases of obeying such international principles as peace and inviolability of lands.
 So, being guided by their supporters armanians in XIX-XX centuries with their terror and genocide policy against turks brought a lot of mental and pecuniary loses to these nations. Weapon of armenian terrorism is a strong agitation basing on lie and noise, falsification of history in their own favour, to stimulate the interest of armenians and others on that «armenians are a nation of special high qualities, so being merited of special privilages», but turks being in large majority in areas they wanted to establish own state are «wild», «vampires» and «cut-throats», to form a national psychosis, by offering their services aim to use artifically the gread powers`, especially Russia`s geopolitical interests, committing provocation - murdering armenians to have grounds for future aggressions, to murder turks, to make them leave their motherland, to become refugees in their country.
 No wonder that, Europe for a long time acknowledged armenians as «a poor», «long-suffering» nation, being unaware of realrapacious, aggressive face of nationalists brought up by them, wanted to show or showed genocide and ethnic cleaning policy against turks planned and translated in consecutive order by armenian political structures, Gregorian church and their supporters.
 Genocide and ethnic cleaning policy of armenian nationalists and their supporters for the first time appraised at its real legal-political worth by decrees «About the mass deportation of azerbaijanians from their historical ethnic lands - from the territory of Armenia SSR in 1948-1953» from December 17, 1997 and «About the azerbaijanian genocide» from March 26, 1998 given by President of Azerbaijan Republic Haydar Aliyev. These historical decrees elucidate the real truth to world community and shows that aids used by armenians in policy against turks contradict the civil principles of modern international relations.
 Russia, considering agressive Armenia his stratejic partner, had armed it from top to toe, replaced his military bases and modern weapons in its territory. But armenian nationalists knew that their successes were temporary. They had to understand that when they are useless Russia would threw them aside, as it was before.
 Civil world and democratic countries don`t accept the way of driving out the people from their motherland by terror, establishing the own power in these lands.
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 *** - in Russian
 by Tahir Gaffarov 
 The scientific editors: O. Sultanov, N. Maxwell 
 Translated from Azerbaijanian by A. Agabayli


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