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1219) What did they think about us

This is only a translation of a slide show, which may be found interesting. (Actually, I have a whole chapter in my book draft, for other “interesting remarks” such and much worse than these.) I limit this message to the text received, as below. I do not have the “originals” or references. I should be excused for any probable differences between my translation (from Turkish) and original languages. This is only an informal informative translation!

Sukru Server Aya . .

1. Examples of sayings and expression of thoughts of some of the dignitaries in Europe and USA

2. There are two nations I would like to wipe off the globe: These are Spaniards and Turks!
US President Theodore Roosevelt

3. Today, the Christians who are suffering under the feet of Turks, when time comes, will judge and punish them. Turkish Army is Devil’s Army!
Martin Luther

4. Among humans, from standpoint of understanding, Turks count the very last. They cannot comprehend beyond their beliefs and they even don’t try to !

A Turk does not have the ability for true friendship towards a Christian ! (!!!)
Paul Rycaut

5. Turks are natural and all time sworn enemy of Christianity, arts and knowledge. For these reasons they should be kicked out from Europe. But before that, we should agree on the subject of dividing.
Jean Louis Carra

Turks passed from there. All ruined and griefed.
Victor Hugo

6. Turks must be thrown out of Europe. As the American Senator Lodge said, Istanbul should be totally taken from Turks, this nest of pestilence, creator of wars and blasphemy for neigbors, should be wiped off from Europe.
Lord Curzon

7. The relief assistances to be made to Armenians, shall contribute to the cleansing of Istanbul from Turks , which remained Christian since its conquest in 1453 by Muslims.
Lord Byrce

In Europe of the future, Turks will definitely have no place.
Lord Owen

8. Fanatic and ignorant humans. Barbarous nation. Turks will always remain Turk and will not be Europeanized. We should show no weakness to Turks because they have a parliament. Let us not forget what type of humans they are.
Lord Salisbury

9. Truth is not told to Turkey. The real intention of those who say that we should accept the candidacy of Turkey, is in the direction that Turkey can never become a member of EU.

A large section of European managers know that Turkey has no place in this project, and when they get together among themselves, they speak of it.
Valerie Giscard d'Estaing

10. Whatever happens, Turkey has no place in the future of Europe. We should see that this country does not posses the fundamental principles of globalization and cannot absorb international brotherhood. Turkey should never be permitted to enter EU. Enlightenment did not reach Turkey, and will never reach there.
Helmuth Schmidt

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Mr. Gladstone at age of eighty-six made a last great speech against the ‘unspeakable Turk’ whose empire deserved to be ‘rubbed off the map’ as a ‘disgrace to civilization’ and a ‘curse to mankind’. He branded the Sultan as ‘Abdul the Great Assassin’. “
Lord Kinross, THE OTTOMAN CENTURIES, Morrow Quill Paperback, NY 1977, ( ISBN 0-688-08093-6) p. 562

“Only in the most desperate moments of the war had the British conceded Russian control over the straits fortunately owing to the revolutions of 1917, Russia would not be collecting its prize. Even the Young Turk revolt just before the Great War did little to arrest their decline. Their empire shrank, in the Balkans and across North Africa. The Ottoman Empire fought astonishingly bravely, given its relative weakness. In Mesopotamia and at Gallipoli, Turkish soldiers humiliated the Allies, who had expected quick victories. But by 1918, Ottoman luck ran out.”
Margaret Macmillan, PARIS 1919, Random House – New York, (ISBN0-375-76052-0), p. 367

“Years later Rauf looked back: ‘There was a general conviction in our country that England and France were countries faithful not only to their written pacts, but also to their promises, And I had this conviction too. What a shame that we were mistaken in our beliefs and convictions’.”
Margaret Macmillan, PARIS 1919, Random House – New York, (ISBN0-375-76052-0), p. 368

Mehmed VI was sane but it was difficult to gauge whether there were many ideas in his bony head. He took over as sultan with deep misgivings. ‘I am at a loss’ he told a religious leader. ‘Pray for me’. Although Constantinople was not officially occupied at first, Allied soldiers and diplomats ‘were everywhere’ – ‘advising, ordering and suggesting’. Allied warships packed the harbor so tightly that they looked a solid mass. ‘I am ill: murmured the sultan, ‘I can’t look out the window. I hate to see them’. Ataturk had a very different thought: ‘As they have come, so they shall go ‘.”
Margaret Macmillan, PARIS 1919, Random House – New York, (ISBN0-375-76052-0), p. 369

“Armenian populations were concentrated in greater Armenia, and in lesser Armenia or Cilicia to the South. They were also found in most of the cities of Anatolia and the Ottoman dominions. Ottomans began to see them, the way Curzon did, as the enemy within.- William Gladstone emerged from semi-retirement to stigmatize Turks as ‘the one great anti-human specimen of humanity, wherever they went a broad line of blood marked the track behind them’...”
Kildare Dobbs, ANATOLIAN SUITE , – Little Brown & Co. Canada – (ISBN 0316-18779-8) p. 200

In the first place, condemnation without hearing both sides is unjust and un-American, and yet many American have shown this injustice in regard to the Turks… If an Armenian or Greek is killed, it is always referred as the massacre of a Christian… As a matter of cold, indisputable fact there is more religious freedom in Turkey than in any other country of the world, more than has ever been recorded in history.

The army consisted of Turkish subjects of all nationalities, being drafted just as ours are drafted. At the front the Armenians used blank cartridges and deserted in droves. This was bad enough, but the Armenians were not satisfied with this form of treachery. The provinces in the rear of the army had a large Armenian population, and these people, feeling that there was an excellent chance of the Russian defeating Turks, decided to make it certainly by rising up in the rear of the army and cutting off from its base of supplies.

What do you think we as people, especially the Southerners would do to the Negroes ? Our Negroes have ten times the excuse for hating the whites that the Armenians have for their attitude toward the Turks.

New York Times Current History” Feb. 1923 “ANGORA AND THE TURKS” by Arthur T. Chester, representative of U.S. Shipping Board in Istanbul, son of Rear Admiral Colby M. Chester
“Lord Bryce appropriately described by Boghos Nubar as the ‘prominent doyen’ of the ‘Friends of Armenia’…”
Akaby Nassibian, BRITAIN AND THE ARMENIAN QUESTION 1915-1923 Croom Helm, London (ISBN0-7099-1820-8)p. 50

“But if reform was to be made ‘real in Turkey’, it could only be by European Control. …’paper reforms’ could be guaranteed only by the employment of Europeans with ample executive authority.”
Akaby Nassibian, BRITAIN AND THE ARMENIAN QUESTION 1915-1923 Croom Helm, London (ISBN0-7099-1820-8)p. 51

“The British Armenia Committee sent letter received from one of the Principals of Robert College … Talaat Bey, a man ‘deficient in self-control’ had become Minister of Interior; … was the hour of peril for the Armenians.”
Akaby Nassibian, BRITAIN AND THE ARMENIAN QUESTION 1915-1923 Croom Helm, London (ISBN0-7099-1820-8)p. 52

“The Turkish Empire had committed suicide, and dug with its own hand its grave. Lloyd George went further: he did not know what the Turks contributed either to culture, to art, or any aspect of human progress. They were ‘a human cancer, creeping agony to flesh of the lands which they misgoverned, and rotting every fiber of life’. The hour had struck on the great clock of destiny for settling accounts with the Turk. Lloyd George was glad that the Turk was to be called to a final account for his long record of infamy against humanity in this gigantic battle.”
Akaby Nassibian, BRITAIN AND THE ARMENIAN QUESTION 1915-1923 Croom Helm, London (ISBN0-7099-1820-8)p. 53

“A British officer in Turkey had strongly advised that the Turk should be induced to ‘eat out of our hand’ since he was the ‘only means’ of arresting the advance of Bolshevism to the south and east. Where else could one find, he asked, human war material which was so ‘ready made and cheap’- as the Turkish soldiers who were enduring, required little and had a natural amenity to discipline.”
Akaby Nassibian, BRITAIN AND THE ARMENIAN QUESTION 1915-1923 Croom Helm, London (ISBN0-7099-1820-8)p. 229

“‘We must let the Greeks occupy Smyrna’, Lloyd George had proposed and President Wilson and Clemenceau had agreed to use the Greek forces for frustrating Italian designs in Anatolia and also for controlling the Turks. The Greeks would substitute the forces which the Allies were neither able nor willing to send themselves. In return the Allies, and especially the British Prime Minister, wished to support the Greek territorial claims. Lloyd George firmly believed that a friendly Greece dominant in the eastern Mediterranean at the expense of Turkey and flanking the main communications through the Suez Canal with India and Far East, would be an invaluable advantage to the British Empire. Lloyd George’s dislike of the Turk was unalloyed: he argued that the Turk was a continual source of trouble in Europe and Asia. Britain and France had kept the ‘wretched’ Turkish Empire alive again and again. But as soon as the war broke out the Turks had betrayed them shamefully.
Akaby Nassibian, BRITAIN AND THE ARMENIAN QUESTION 1915-1923 Croom Helm, London (ISBN0-7099-1820-8) p. 199

“One reason for the U.S. was not assertive about an investigation related to Armenia. For months the assumption among the Allies in Paris had been that the United States should take mandates for Armenia and Constantinople. Lloyd George and Clemenceau desired American obligations to Turkey because each leader mistrusted the other country’s gaining an edge in the Asia Minor settlement.
Joseph L. Grabill, PROTESTANT DIPLOMACY & THE NEAR EAST , Univ.of Minnesota Press, 1991, (ISBN 0816-605-750), p. 179

“The President thereupon wrote Dodge: ‘You need not doubt my advocacy of the utmost autonomy and protection for the Armenians and I am sure you do not’. Barton’s nine point plan for an integral Armenia under U.S. tutelage, noted above, went to the Peace Commission on January 28th. At Supreme Council sessions two days later, Wilson hinted about a United States duty in Turkey. Lloyd George, influenced by James Bryce and other British Armenophiles, said the duty should be in Armenia. On February 8 the President wrote his Secretary of War, asking if it was legal to dispatch American soldiers to Armenia and Constantinople. He got an affirmative opinion, with the caution that bring-the-boys-home demands were increasing. Then the New York Federation of Churches cabled Wilson asking British or Armenian supervision for the Armenians in Asia Minor.

Disembarking in Boston after recrossing the Atlantic, Wilson in a speech of February 24 orated there: ‘Have you thought of the sufferings of Armenia? You poured out your money to help succor the Armenians… Now set your strength so they shall never suffer again.

Lodge sympathized with Wilson’s view, though he wanted nothing to do with America’s appearing to help what he believed were tyrannical Turks’. “
Joseph L. Grabill, PROTESTANT DIPLOMACY & THE NEAR EAST , Univ.of Minnesota Press, 1991, (ISBN 0816-605-750), p. 180

“But the idea that Turkey would have to pay the penalty for her unprovoked entry into war was accepted by the Cabinet even before the actual declaration. As already mentioned, Asquith had referred to the ‘blight’ of Turkish rule and Lloyd George predicted that the day had come when the Turk would be called to account for his long record of infamy against humanity. Such statements from great leaders -all vague and made in general terms- apparently elated the Armenians, a people hitherto without a state and therefore without the experience of statecraft. To serve Armenia is to serve civilization (said Gladstone). Boghos Nubar expressed his conviction that the British government which was then fighting for ‘civilization, for fundamental rights as well as for the principle of nationality’, would support the reconstitution of national unity of the Armenian people. They had placed ‘all our hopes on the Allied Powers’ he wrote to Bryce.”
Akaby Nassibian, BRITAIN AND THE ARMENIAN QUESTION 1915-1923 Croom Helm, London (ISBN0-7099-1820-8) p. 109

It would seem that the horrible thing about the history of the Armenians is that the o majority of hard working, intelligent, highly educated Armenians have let themselves be manipulated, blackmailed, misled, and op pressed by a handful of fanatics waging an irrational campaign of revenge. This majority silently ignores the acts of terror of the ‘task forces’ or ‘freedom fighters’ or what ever else the terrorists choose to call themselves. They fear for their property, their safety, their lives. They give money to the terrorist groups without saying anything, and they act as it nothing has happened when another bomb goes off, killing more innocent, respectable citizens. It was no different before the First World War. Today, the myth of the genocide has been added. I will have to suffice as a rationalization, even if the truth is totally different.”
Erich Feigl, A MYTH OF TERROR, Edition Zeitgeschichte Freilassing, Salzburg, Austria, p. 80

“When the ‘peace conference’ -which was actually nothing but a dictate-preparation conference- began meeting in Paris in January of 1919, it appeared as if the Armenian extremists’ hour had arrived. The Armenians sent two delegations to the ‘peace conference’. One was led by the professional emigrant Boghos Nubar, who had been working towards the dismemberment of the Ottoman Empire for many years. The other was from the Republic of Armenia (the existence of which had only been made possible by the Turks after the Treaty of Baku on May 28, 1918).

The two delegations immediately began ‘auctioning’ — outbidding each other in demands for territory and underbidding each other in rational arguments. They were apparently confusing politics with a carpet bazaar, where the important criteria are the pattern, the number of square meters, and the age of the desired item. Their demands became so excessive that even such inveterate carpet-lovers as the Allied rulers lost interest in making a real offer. After all, it did not have to be an Armenian carpet. Those of the Turks were much older, more valuable, and more reliable.
After the Armenian delegation led by Boghos Nubar started things off by demanding an Armenia in eastern Anatolia, the joint delegation (the group led by Avetis Aharonian from the Republic of Armenia had in the meantime merged with Nubar) worked its way up to territorial claims stretching from the Black Sea, with Trabzon as a harbor, all the way to Cilicia.

The Armenian population of this ‘Greater Armenia’ would not even have accounted for a fifth of the total population of the region — and that is based on the figures from 1914! Moreover, even if back then in 1914 the entire Armenian population of the world had gathered in eastern Anatolia, there still would not have been an Armenian majority in the region.

But so what? In the nineteenth century, the various Armenian churches had wrestled over who was the ‘most Armenian’. Later, the Dashnaks and Hunchaks both wanted to carry off the palm in the fight to be the best terrorists. And now, the delegation from the Republic of …”
Erich Feigl, A MYTH OF TERROR, Edition Zeitgeschichte Freilassing, Salzburg, Austria, p.101

“On November 15, the violently anti-Turkish Lloyd George lost the premiership to the sixty-four-year old Andrew

Bonar Law, who had made no bones about conviction that Britain could no longer act alone “as the policeman of the world”. Bonar Law’s view could well imply Britain’s readiness for a rapid settlement. Contrary to all indications, the negotiations turned out to be long and arduous, rife with confrontations between the chide British and Turkish negotiators; Lord Curzon and General Ismet Pasha.”
Efraim & Inari Karsh, EMPIRES OF THE SAND, (ISBN 0-674-00541-4), Harvard Univ.Press p. 339

“The British Cabinet soon agreed to propose to the Allies that the Kemalists should be invited ‘unconditionally ‘to a Conference; and if necessary Angora might be informed that on a satisfactory settlement being reached, Britain would be prepared to consider favorably the grant to Turkey of financial assistance for rehabilitation’. The French and Italian policy of winning the favors of Turkey continued unabated. Curzon considered his task of negotiating a new peace treaty with Turkey very difficult and the prospect of achieving success remote, recalling the ‘consistent and almost treacherous’ attitude of the French. There was reason to believe that all the British views, if communicated to the French Government, were passed on to the Turks and General Pelle and the French Foreign Office had practically thrown themselves into the arms of the Turks. These relations were not improved at the Conference of Lausanne, where the Allies met the representatives of Turkey to make peace for the second time. Curzon remarked: Lausanne was a shocking chapter of ‘treachery and ineptitude’. Thus on the one hand the Allies were divided among themselves: on the other they were wooing Turkey, who was enjoying now the advantage of her victory over Greece.”
Akaby Nassibian, BRITAIN AND THE ARMENIAN QUESTION 1915-1923 Croom Helm, London (ISBN0-7099-1820-8) p. 234

“An entry in a diary kept during the Conference has referred to Barrere and Garroni, the French and Italian representatives, who: …’today Ismet, bawling ‘Excellence’ at him at every sentence, shouting ‘ami et cher collegue’ This makes Curzon sick with disgust. Allied unity was an illusion. This was not the scene of an alliance of victors imposing or negotiating a peace in unity but perhaps a spectacle nearer prostration. Bonar Law, now Prime Minister, was well aware of the situation. He warned Curzon: …’there are two things which seem to me vital. The first is that we should not go to war for the sake of Mosul, and second, that if the French, as we know to be the case, will not join us, we shall not by ourselves fight the Turks to enforce what is left of the Treaty of Sevres’. And to quote Churchills’s words, in the Treaty of Lausanne ‘history will search in vain for the word “Armenia”’. It seems that neither Armenia, nor Britain and the Allies, nor even Russia had adjusted their aspirations and objectives to the realities of their resources. Kemal Ataturk alone had measured all too exactly the immense strategic strength of his country and knew precisely what actual power he could achieve. Armenia was the greatest loser in 1923, Turkey the beneficiary.”
Akaby Nassibian, BRITAIN AND THE ARMENIAN QUESTION 1915-1923 Croom Helm, London (ISBN0-7099-1820-8) p. 235

Personal Notes of translator:
1- Hope and Pray (!) that this message is read by optimist Turkish politicians, and “understood”.
2- Let me contribute just a few lines, for BIGOTS of RELIGION, instead of COMPASSION:
A- Religion is the opium of the people (Karl Marx)
B- Truth is never pure and rarely simple (Oscar Wilde)
C- The Bible is the Book of the Church...The Jewish Church stands behind old Testament. The Christian Church stands behind the new Testament, The Bible is the Making. And behind the Church Stands Priesthood. (Lloyd A. Graham – Deceptions and Myths of the Bible)

And Now Cheap Politicians Exploit These Issues Denying Below Pillars Of Biblical Teachings:

You Shall Not Take Name Of The Lord, Your God In Vain ! (and politics ???)
You Shall Not Bear False Witness Against Your Neighbor ! (but you can curse???)
You Shall Not Covet Your Neighbors House Or Anything That Is Your Neighbor’s! (Yeahhh! Divide the spoils, kick out Turks of Istanbul because they did not kill the Christians since they conquered the city in 1453! These stupid Muslims did not learn anything from European Catholics, Protestants, Anglicans, 100 year’s wars, Inquisitions, anti-Semitism. Surely we cannot comprehend this kind of civilized-humanity or divinity! We do not like to live with grudge and hatred for other humans... we do not even have possibility to “confess and purify ourselves”! ... .

Understand all heavens sold out to Christians by E.U. Turks left out (bad-dua) again!


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