2459) 800 Thousand Kurds Were Annihilated With The Attacks Of Armenians
Russian commander: “I consider adding that Armenians are looting Kurdish villages and raping Kurdish women as my duty.” The publication of Armenian nationalists: “The area, where 800 thousands Kurds inhabited were completely emptied.” General Bolhovitinov: “When the hunter battalion came back it encountered with bodies of 20 Muslim children, who were cut into pieces.” Another Russian commander: “Which precautions shall we take against looter Armenian volunteers?”
20 children who were cut into pieces in Tatvan
“In one of the houses in Tatvan, a hunter battalion and Armenian voluntaries spend the night together. The battalion invited more than 20 homeless Muslim children to the house and gave them food. When the battalion was sent for reconnaissance activity and came back they found the bodies of the children, who were cut into pieces.”
These lines take part in a telegram, which was sent to Headquarters of Russian Supreme Military Command by General Bolhovitinov and dated 17 March 1916. There are also other witnesses on the massacres of the Armenian volunteers in the telegram:
“I had to sent this unit out of the city due to uninterrupted aggressions of the vountaries against the Muslims on the third day of the capture of Bitlis.”
“When I learned that the civil population was massacred by the Armenians, I called Adranik, the commander of Armenian unit. Adranik told me that these kinds of incidents are natural.”
Young scientist Mehmet Perinçek has published 20 documents, as the one above, at the last issue of Teori Magazine (April 2008). Mehmet Perinçek, who is a researcher at the Istanbul University (AIITE) continues his research activities that was given by the Ministry of Foreign Affairs on the Russian archives. This time Mehmet Perinçek has concentrated on the Tsarist documents.
The last documents that were presented to us, has leveled the Armenian genocide claims.
Europe and Russia starts scratching the question 40 ago.
The first document is from the book, which was published in 1914, entitled “The Solution for the Armenian Issue” of Armenian writer G. D. Mnatsakanyan. The following is said by the Armenian writer: “The European diplomacy has considered worthy of listening to Armenians and so, Turkish Armenians, even though the Armenians of Turkey do not posses a representative before the areopag officially, in practice their representatives were accepted many times.”
When? We learn this from Mnatsa¬kanyan`s book: “In 1878, the Armenian delegation, Petrograd, was accepted by the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of London and Berlin.” During 1894 and 1895, the representatives of Russia, England and France had met the Patriarch of Istanbul in the framework of memorandum arrangement.
The Payment that would be Made with Blood of the Armenians
Armenian writer: “How large piece of land Armenia is planned on, the money spent for the invasion of the underground sources, would be that much more than the war expenses.” And adds: “Seeing that point, the Armenians should give everything the Europeans demand for Armenia. The Armenians should not be a sponger and should make her payment to Europe with her blood.”
“The Armenians in Turkey were Organized Secretly Fighting for Russia”
The second document is from a letter of the Regional Commander of Kağızman to Sergey Aleksandroviç, on 4 August 1914. The Russian Commanders says the following:
“There is a secret organization among the Armenians, which organizes special units that would mobilize against Turks at the back front in the event of war between Turkey and Russia and if this effort would not be possible, then attempts to transfer these units to Russia and fight together with the Russian armies.”
List of the Armenians of Turkey, who would like to join the voluntary Armenian units, is informed at the telegram of Russian Ambassador to Bucharest dated 9 January 1915 and the telegram of Sofia Ambassador dated 20 January 1915.Aproximately the names of 120 Armenians are on the list. The things that are written by the Ambassador is also significant:
“It starts as “…who expressed their devotion before our mission…”!
“Three quarters of the Kurdish population was lost”
A title of an article that was published at the pulishing organs of the Armenian nationalists on November 1916: “The casualties of the Kurds in this war”:
“The region, where 800000 Kurds inhabit formerly, from Van Lake to South and West to Bitlis-Muş region and then to Eleşkirt together with Hınıs, Bulanık, Patnos, Malazgirt, Aladağ, Beyazıt-Diyadin region, is currently emptied. Hundreds of Kurd villages are destroyed.”
The writer asks: “Did the Kurds immigrate to other regions from these regions during the withdrawal of Turks, or did they die?” and answers: “In fact, both of them are true.”
The writer mentions about the witnesses of the Armenian “voluntary” units: “I think Kurds have lost everything they posses during the war”, said, one of them. “If they continue to fight against our forces, the number of poor Kurds will not pass beyond 250,000 at Eastern Kurdistan and Diyarbakır regions.”
The Armenian writer finishes his article with the following statement of Cafer Aga, who is a quite wealthy, famous and popular Turkish man from Muş: “No doubt that Kurds have lost a quarter of their population.”
“Aggressions and Lootings at the Kurdish Villages”
I consider adding the following to the things that I have reported above as my duty: The report of the Commander of the 589th Kuban Infantry Unit to the Russian Commander of Kars Castle dated 19 January 1915: “The local Greeks and Armenians, who returned back to their villages, are wandering around in large groups with the pretext of searching their cattle and goods and after the escape of the Turkish armies, exploiting from the penetration of the Kurdish population, they are looting the Kurdish villages and raping the Kurdish women.”
Armenian Looting Gangs from Ardahan to Kars
The telegram of General Bolhovitinov to Kars Governor on 27 January 1915: “General İstomin reports that Armenian and Greek looting gangs, who attacks on the civilian population and steals their products and food stocks, have erupted at Gülvabert, on the way to Ahılkelek and Kars from Ardahan. Also, the same circumstances exist at Merdenek and Gelsk region.”
The telegram of Gulkeviç, an official of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs, dated 2 February 1915, it was stated that 15 Tashnak Armenians demand to be send to Caucasus voluntarily and a passing permission is required. The Armenians that are recommended by the Varna Church are from Bitlis, Muş, Sivas, Erzurum, Bolu! It is perceived from thğs document that the Armenians resorted for fighting against the Turks all over Turkey.
“The Tsarist Regime Demanded and We got organized”
The 13th Document is the report that is written by Aleksandr İvanoviç Hatisov and the Head of Armenian Central Committee Samson Stepanoviç Arutyunov. The title of the report dated 29 October 1915, is “On the Armenian Units”. it is indicated at the report that as soon as it was evident that the war was inevitable at the circles of Armenian leader, the leaders of gangs of the oppressed regions of Turkey and the other voluntary units have started to flow to Caucasus from everywhere. At the same time, the local leaders of Armenian society, have established a relation with Graf İ. İ. Vorontsov-Daşkov, the Govornor of Empire, which is the supreme personality of the Caucasus. It was stated to the governor that Armenians were ready to do every kind of activity during a war with Turkey. The answer of the Russian general was short: “Armenians should be prepared to be victims during the war.”
At the private meetings, which were held between the Russian authorities and the Armenian leaders, the Armenians were suggested to organize special units (humb), which would be within the military units and which would be under the order of experienced Armenian gang leaders (humbapet) during the operations from 4 main points of our Caucasus armies.
The Armenians met the suggestion for organizing units in an absolute decisiveness. The Armenians of Turkey, who believe in the absolute victory of Russia, were considering Russia as their savior.
The Armenian population took sides with an exterior country and surrendered its destiny to the power and protection of the supreme Russia, and attempted to organize its units for joining the salvation war at the side of the Caucasus army. Most of them were Turkish citizens. At the end of the report, there are some concrete information on the first Armenian unit that was organized for working for the Tsarist Russia.
The Lootings, Murders and Aggressions of the Armenian Units
Letter of Major General Zubov, the Commander of Kars Castle, to the Commander of the Caucasus Armies Headquarters dated 20 January 1915: “I request you to inform me which Armenian units were formed at the Caucasus by indicating the names of their commanders, also who they are depended on and which ones were sent to Kars for to be billeted. This information is particularly important for the are some serious disagreements based on murder, looting and every kind of aggression between the population and the units because of the undisciplined behavior of the soldiers, which can be realized right away.”
“15 Thousand Armenians Demanded Arms for Attacking Turks”
Telegram of Graf Varontsov Daşkov, the Caucasus Governor of the Tsarist Russia, to the Ministry of Foreign Affairs on 6 february 1915. “The representatives of Zeytun Armenians came to the headquarters of the Caucasus Armies and stated that approximately fifteen thousand Armenians were ready for the attack against the transportation routes of Turks but they did not have weapon and bullets. Because of Zeytun is on the way of the connection routes of Turkish Erzurum army, sufficient amount of weapon and bullets should be sent to Aleksandret, where it would be received by the Armenians.”
There is an important point at the telegram of the Russian Governor. Caucasus Governor Daşkov mentions the value of the Armenian activities and offers a meeting with the French or the English governments for sending the weapons.
Armenian Leaders: Armenians took missions at the Russian Armies
The instruction of the Commander-in-Chief of Caucasus dated December 1917 is as following: “I order a regiment to be formed consisted of the Armenian population at the invaded regions with the instructions of General-Commissar of the invaded regions due to the circumstances which is posed by deserters in every corps.”
Letter of the Commander of the Headquarters of the Invasion Regions dated February 1918 displays how the Turkish Armenians were within the other at the invaded regions: “Considering the fact that Armenians are tasked with Contra-intelligence activities…”
Destruction and Looting Once Again
Telegram of the Russian Commander that was send to another commander dated 15 February 1915: Russian commander Mışlayevskiy sends the telegram, which was send by Ministry of Foreign Affairs to Russian Commander-in-Chief, to General Çernozubov. The destruction that was implemented by Armenians was given at this telegram. And Russian General asks to his counterpart: “Determine your prudence on what kind of precautions could be taken against the criminals of these incidents and by what methods these incidents, can be prevented to happen again in the future.?”
Source: Aydınlık Magazine-27 April 2008
20 children who were cut into pieces in Tatvan
“In one of the houses in Tatvan, a hunter battalion and Armenian voluntaries spend the night together. The battalion invited more than 20 homeless Muslim children to the house and gave them food. When the battalion was sent for reconnaissance activity and came back they found the bodies of the children, who were cut into pieces.”
These lines take part in a telegram, which was sent to Headquarters of Russian Supreme Military Command by General Bolhovitinov and dated 17 March 1916. There are also other witnesses on the massacres of the Armenian volunteers in the telegram:
“I had to sent this unit out of the city due to uninterrupted aggressions of the vountaries against the Muslims on the third day of the capture of Bitlis.”
“When I learned that the civil population was massacred by the Armenians, I called Adranik, the commander of Armenian unit. Adranik told me that these kinds of incidents are natural.”
Young scientist Mehmet Perinçek has published 20 documents, as the one above, at the last issue of Teori Magazine (April 2008). Mehmet Perinçek, who is a researcher at the Istanbul University (AIITE) continues his research activities that was given by the Ministry of Foreign Affairs on the Russian archives. This time Mehmet Perinçek has concentrated on the Tsarist documents.
The last documents that were presented to us, has leveled the Armenian genocide claims.
Europe and Russia starts scratching the question 40 ago.
The first document is from the book, which was published in 1914, entitled “The Solution for the Armenian Issue” of Armenian writer G. D. Mnatsakanyan. The following is said by the Armenian writer: “The European diplomacy has considered worthy of listening to Armenians and so, Turkish Armenians, even though the Armenians of Turkey do not posses a representative before the areopag officially, in practice their representatives were accepted many times.”
When? We learn this from Mnatsa¬kanyan`s book: “In 1878, the Armenian delegation, Petrograd, was accepted by the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of London and Berlin.” During 1894 and 1895, the representatives of Russia, England and France had met the Patriarch of Istanbul in the framework of memorandum arrangement.
The Payment that would be Made with Blood of the Armenians
Armenian writer: “How large piece of land Armenia is planned on, the money spent for the invasion of the underground sources, would be that much more than the war expenses.” And adds: “Seeing that point, the Armenians should give everything the Europeans demand for Armenia. The Armenians should not be a sponger and should make her payment to Europe with her blood.”
“The Armenians in Turkey were Organized Secretly Fighting for Russia”
The second document is from a letter of the Regional Commander of Kağızman to Sergey Aleksandroviç, on 4 August 1914. The Russian Commanders says the following:
“There is a secret organization among the Armenians, which organizes special units that would mobilize against Turks at the back front in the event of war between Turkey and Russia and if this effort would not be possible, then attempts to transfer these units to Russia and fight together with the Russian armies.”
List of the Armenians of Turkey, who would like to join the voluntary Armenian units, is informed at the telegram of Russian Ambassador to Bucharest dated 9 January 1915 and the telegram of Sofia Ambassador dated 20 January 1915.Aproximately the names of 120 Armenians are on the list. The things that are written by the Ambassador is also significant:
“It starts as “…who expressed their devotion before our mission…”!
“Three quarters of the Kurdish population was lost”
A title of an article that was published at the pulishing organs of the Armenian nationalists on November 1916: “The casualties of the Kurds in this war”:
“The region, where 800000 Kurds inhabit formerly, from Van Lake to South and West to Bitlis-Muş region and then to Eleşkirt together with Hınıs, Bulanık, Patnos, Malazgirt, Aladağ, Beyazıt-Diyadin region, is currently emptied. Hundreds of Kurd villages are destroyed.”
The writer asks: “Did the Kurds immigrate to other regions from these regions during the withdrawal of Turks, or did they die?” and answers: “In fact, both of them are true.”
The writer mentions about the witnesses of the Armenian “voluntary” units: “I think Kurds have lost everything they posses during the war”, said, one of them. “If they continue to fight against our forces, the number of poor Kurds will not pass beyond 250,000 at Eastern Kurdistan and Diyarbakır regions.”
The Armenian writer finishes his article with the following statement of Cafer Aga, who is a quite wealthy, famous and popular Turkish man from Muş: “No doubt that Kurds have lost a quarter of their population.”
“Aggressions and Lootings at the Kurdish Villages”
I consider adding the following to the things that I have reported above as my duty: The report of the Commander of the 589th Kuban Infantry Unit to the Russian Commander of Kars Castle dated 19 January 1915: “The local Greeks and Armenians, who returned back to their villages, are wandering around in large groups with the pretext of searching their cattle and goods and after the escape of the Turkish armies, exploiting from the penetration of the Kurdish population, they are looting the Kurdish villages and raping the Kurdish women.”
Armenian Looting Gangs from Ardahan to Kars
The telegram of General Bolhovitinov to Kars Governor on 27 January 1915: “General İstomin reports that Armenian and Greek looting gangs, who attacks on the civilian population and steals their products and food stocks, have erupted at Gülvabert, on the way to Ahılkelek and Kars from Ardahan. Also, the same circumstances exist at Merdenek and Gelsk region.”
The telegram of Gulkeviç, an official of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs, dated 2 February 1915, it was stated that 15 Tashnak Armenians demand to be send to Caucasus voluntarily and a passing permission is required. The Armenians that are recommended by the Varna Church are from Bitlis, Muş, Sivas, Erzurum, Bolu! It is perceived from thğs document that the Armenians resorted for fighting against the Turks all over Turkey.
“The Tsarist Regime Demanded and We got organized”
The 13th Document is the report that is written by Aleksandr İvanoviç Hatisov and the Head of Armenian Central Committee Samson Stepanoviç Arutyunov. The title of the report dated 29 October 1915, is “On the Armenian Units”. it is indicated at the report that as soon as it was evident that the war was inevitable at the circles of Armenian leader, the leaders of gangs of the oppressed regions of Turkey and the other voluntary units have started to flow to Caucasus from everywhere. At the same time, the local leaders of Armenian society, have established a relation with Graf İ. İ. Vorontsov-Daşkov, the Govornor of Empire, which is the supreme personality of the Caucasus. It was stated to the governor that Armenians were ready to do every kind of activity during a war with Turkey. The answer of the Russian general was short: “Armenians should be prepared to be victims during the war.”
At the private meetings, which were held between the Russian authorities and the Armenian leaders, the Armenians were suggested to organize special units (humb), which would be within the military units and which would be under the order of experienced Armenian gang leaders (humbapet) during the operations from 4 main points of our Caucasus armies.
The Armenians met the suggestion for organizing units in an absolute decisiveness. The Armenians of Turkey, who believe in the absolute victory of Russia, were considering Russia as their savior.
The Armenian population took sides with an exterior country and surrendered its destiny to the power and protection of the supreme Russia, and attempted to organize its units for joining the salvation war at the side of the Caucasus army. Most of them were Turkish citizens. At the end of the report, there are some concrete information on the first Armenian unit that was organized for working for the Tsarist Russia.
The Lootings, Murders and Aggressions of the Armenian Units
Letter of Major General Zubov, the Commander of Kars Castle, to the Commander of the Caucasus Armies Headquarters dated 20 January 1915: “I request you to inform me which Armenian units were formed at the Caucasus by indicating the names of their commanders, also who they are depended on and which ones were sent to Kars for to be billeted. This information is particularly important for the are some serious disagreements based on murder, looting and every kind of aggression between the population and the units because of the undisciplined behavior of the soldiers, which can be realized right away.”
“15 Thousand Armenians Demanded Arms for Attacking Turks”
Telegram of Graf Varontsov Daşkov, the Caucasus Governor of the Tsarist Russia, to the Ministry of Foreign Affairs on 6 february 1915. “The representatives of Zeytun Armenians came to the headquarters of the Caucasus Armies and stated that approximately fifteen thousand Armenians were ready for the attack against the transportation routes of Turks but they did not have weapon and bullets. Because of Zeytun is on the way of the connection routes of Turkish Erzurum army, sufficient amount of weapon and bullets should be sent to Aleksandret, where it would be received by the Armenians.”
There is an important point at the telegram of the Russian Governor. Caucasus Governor Daşkov mentions the value of the Armenian activities and offers a meeting with the French or the English governments for sending the weapons.
Armenian Leaders: Armenians took missions at the Russian Armies
The instruction of the Commander-in-Chief of Caucasus dated December 1917 is as following: “I order a regiment to be formed consisted of the Armenian population at the invaded regions with the instructions of General-Commissar of the invaded regions due to the circumstances which is posed by deserters in every corps.”
Letter of the Commander of the Headquarters of the Invasion Regions dated February 1918 displays how the Turkish Armenians were within the other at the invaded regions: “Considering the fact that Armenians are tasked with Contra-intelligence activities…”
Destruction and Looting Once Again
Telegram of the Russian Commander that was send to another commander dated 15 February 1915: Russian commander Mışlayevskiy sends the telegram, which was send by Ministry of Foreign Affairs to Russian Commander-in-Chief, to General Çernozubov. The destruction that was implemented by Armenians was given at this telegram. And Russian General asks to his counterpart: “Determine your prudence on what kind of precautions could be taken against the criminals of these incidents and by what methods these incidents, can be prevented to happen again in the future.?”
Source: Aydınlık Magazine-27 April 2008