2414) Action Alert : Call To Civic Duty! by Ergun KIRLIKOVALI
Please call, write, fax, or e-mail the senators listed below and tell them you are against SJR-24 and SJR-26. Tell them these resolutions are based on racist and dishonest history. Some sample letters are provided below for your convenience:
Capitol Office
State Capitol, Room 205, Sacramento, CA 95814
District Office
1515 Clay Street, #2202, Oakland, CA 94612
Press Office
State Capitol, Room 500, Sacramento, CA 95814
State Capitol, Room 3063, Sacramento, CA 95814
Phone: 916-651-4018
----- 5001 California Ave., Room 105, Bakersfield, CA 93309
Phone: 661-323-0443
Capitol Office
State Capitol, Room 5100, Sacramento, CA 95814
----- District Office
617 South Olive Street, Suite 710, Los Angeles, CA 90014
State Capitol, Room 5094,Sacramento, CA 95814
Phone: (916) 651-4031
Fax: (916) 327-2272
---- 8577 Haven Avenue, Suite 210, Rancho Cucamonga, CA 91730
Phone: (909) 466-4180
Fax: (909) 466-4185
----- 3560 University Ave, Suite B, Riverside, CA 92501
Phone: (951) 715-2625
Fax : (951) 715-2627
Capitol Office: 916-651-4020
State Capitol, Room 4032, Sacramento, CA 95814
----- District Office: 818-901-5588
6150 Van Nuys Blvd., #400, Van Nuys, CA 91401
Letter 1
Dear senator__________
To call the events of 1915 a genocide, is to treat the wartime allied propaganda of 90+ years ago— and the exaggerated Armenian version of history feeding endlessly from it—at face value, with total disregard for historical facts. I urge you to reconsider your position.
No to SJR-24 and SJR-26.
(Your Name Here)
Letter 2
Dear senator__________
Allegation of genocide is a racist interpretation of history, because it implies that only Armenian dead count, Turkish dead don’t… and that only Christian Armenian suffering is worth commemorating, Muslim Turkish suffering is not.
Shouldn’t we be grieving all the human suffering, without being selective and discriminatory on the basis of religion, race, nationality, or other features?
No to SJR-24 and SJR-26.
(Your Name Here)
Letter 3
Dear senator__________
The allegations of genocide is based on dishonest history because they deliberately ignore, belittle, or dismiss the “6 T’s” of Turkish-Armenian conflict:
1) Tumult (violent Armenian uprisings)
2) Terrorism (by Armenian nationalists and militias)
3) Territorial demands (where Armenians were only a small minority)
4) Treason (Armenians joining the invading enemy armies)
5) Turkish suffering and losses (caused by the Armenian nationalists)
6) Tereset (Temporary Resettlement) triggered by the five T’s above and amply documented as such; not to be confused with or equated to the misrepresentations by Armenian-funded lobbyists, advocates, and/or their friends.
No to SJR-24 and SJR-26.
(Your Name Here)
Letter 4
Dear senator__________
I oppose SJR-24 and SJR-26 because they fraudulently promote “partisan accounts” of a controversial piece of history as “settled history”. I believe our elected officials have a responsibility to ensure that the unsuspecting public is given a fair chance to hear both sides of a disagreement.
No to SJR-24 and SJR-26.
(Your Name Here)
Letter 5
Dear senator__________
While the Armenian-penned texts, such as SJR-24 and SJR-26, readily refer to the definition of genocide, as put forth by the 1948 United Nations Convention on the Prevention and Punishment of the Crime of Genocide in articles 1-3, the same texts shamefully ignore the Articles 6 and 9 of this very same convention. Articles 6 and 9 clearly set out a methodology as to how that verdict of genocide shall be reached: via a “competent tribunal.” No genocide verdict is reserved for politicians, newspaper reporters, activists, missionaries, diplomats, generals, academicians,or others. Only one address is named in the U.N. convention: a “COMPETENT TRIBUNAL.”
The International Court of Justice in the Hague is the only U.N. institution that is authorized as a “competent tribunal.” Such a tribunal, a la Nuremberg, had never been convened in the case of Turkish-Armenian conflict and a genocide verdict, therefore, does not exist. How can then so many continue to benefit from a non-existent court verdict for so long? How can so many so passionately convict so many others without the benefit of a proper court verdict? Isn’t that the definition of lynching? Doesn’t the “chorus” on the so-called Armenian genocide actually boil down to “lynching” of the Ottoman Muslims of yesteryear and Turks of today?
No to SJR-24 and SJR-26,
(Your Name Here)
Letter 6
Dear senator__________
Genocide verdict can only reached if the “intent” is proven after “due process” at a “competent tribunal.” The whole controversy focuses on that one all important word “intent” and Armenian propagandists know it. That is why Armenians never dared to take Turkey to the International Court of Justice or at least join Turkey’s official invitation of 2005 to establish a research and inquiry commission to sort out this complex human tragedy where both Turks and Armenians and others suffered. Turkish Prime Minister Erdogan, as late as February 8, 2008, repeated his invitation to establish a joint committee to study the Turkish and Armenian archives (Please watch this portion of his address to the International Munich Conference, with Armenian Foreign minister Oskanian in the audience, looking on with a gloomy face:
http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=PUf4y-0HC3Y )
Armenians, instead of taking this matter to a competent tribunal, chose to “fabricate” evidence and pressure governments into political recognition. Talât Pasha telegrams, for example, were forged to provide a smoking gun for the bogus genocide allegations. Armenians falsified many other records after that. Among them, the infamous Hitler quote which was proven by Prof. Heath Lowry of Princeton to be a fabrication—which, by the way, continues to find its way like a persistent flu virus, into the newspaper columns and political resolutions. Armenians continue the bad tradition of falsification to this day. The latest example is the Armenian assertions that the U.N. accepted Armenian claims, which was REFUTED BY the U.N.’s Farhan Haq on September 5, 2000.
Turkish-Americans and Turks around the world are confident that if non-partisan, dispassionate scholars looked at the Ottoman archives, they will quickly realize that the Ottoman intent was TERESET (temporary resettlement) of the Ottoman-Armenians who overtly or covertly supported the many violent Armenian uprisings and countless acts of unspeakable, dastardly treason.
Isn’t it time now to look forward?
No to SJR-24 and SJR-26.
(Your Name Here)
Letter 7
Dear senator__________
Not giving responsible opposing ideas a place in any “alleged” genocide text is a form of censorship which violates the very spirit of freedom of speech in America. I urge you to see a 45-minute documentary called “Armenian Revolt: 1894-1920” as an antidote to Armenian propaganda you have been ceaselessly fed all these years. The name of this documentary alone should make any fair and objective American STOP AND THINK.
Freedom of speech should be honored by such “solid deeds” as inviting the other side of the story to the table without having to resort to stereotypes and hide behind terms like“consensus”, which, in effect, work like “ licenses for censorship of dissent.” America is better than the lynch mob penning these perennial boilerplate resolutions think…
No to SJR-24 and SJR-26.
(Your Name Here)
Letter 8
Dear senator__________
Another year and yet another “Bash-The-Turk” resolution –or two—to appease the Armenian voters! I urge you to go beyond the hollow clichés penned by the “genociders” and invite the responsible opposing views to be included in the text for the sake of the truth.
Calling the events of 1915 a genocide without a verdict by a competent court to back it up is akin to play historian, diplomat, politician, wily salesman, judge, jury, and the executioner, all at once. Politically correct? Maybe. Historically correct? Not by a long shot!
Elected representative assemblies should not be places where popular lies are cultivated, promoted, and rammed down the throats of unsuspecting public in return for political benefits.
No to SJR-24 and SJR-26.
(Your Name Here)
Letter 9
Dear senator__________
What transpired in 1915 was a civil war within a world war, not genocide; how the Armenians and their Western patrons deliberately misrepresented it since 1915 is clearly an ETHOCIDE— a new term coined back in 2003, a Turkish-American’s humble gift to the English language, to help describe the partisan stance of the Armenian-funded, inspired, and/or deceived “genociders” vis-à-vis the Turkish-Armenian conflict.
A brief definition of “ETHOCIDE” is “deliberate and systematic extermination of ethics via malicious mass deception for political and/or other benefits.”
I believe it is high time that the ethocidal coverage embodied in the SJR-24 and SJR-26 of the Turkish-Armenian conflict left its place to more research and dialog. The Armenian archives in Boston, Yerevan, Jerusalem, and elsewhere should be opened to researchers, just like Turks opened their archives in 1980s and 1990s. What are the Armenians afraid of? Could it be the very distinct possibility that the real “smoking gun” documents exposing the Armenian war crimes, revolts, terrorism, and treason will be readily found?
Openness, fairness, honesty, and truth are all that I ask.
No to SJR-24 and SJR-26.
(Your Name Here)
Dear Senators Don Perato,Roy Ashburn, Gilbert Cedillo, Robert Dutton, and Alex Padilla, Sacramento, California
Senate Joint Resolution No. 24, introduced by Senators Simitian, Cogdill, and Scott, with principal coauthors: more Armenians (such as Assembly Members Aghazarian and Krekorian) on March 10, 2008,
Senate Joint Resolution No. 26, Introduced by Senator Cogdill on March 13, 2008,
Both of which aspiring to designate April 24, 2008, as “Armenian Genocide: Day of Remembrance” treat the wartime allied propaganda of a 90+ years ago and exaggerated Armenian version of history feeding endlessly on it, at face value, with total disregard for historical facts.
A new term was coined back in 2003—a humble gift by this Turkish-American to the English language—to help describe such partisan stance of the Armenian-funded genocide politicians and scholars vis-à-vis the Turkish-Armenian conflict:
“ETHOCIDE”, a brief definition of which is “deliberate and systematic extermination of ethics via malicious mass deception for political and other benefits.”
The “ethocidal coverage of the Turkish-Armenian conflict” as embodied in SJR-24 and SJR-26 is based on a racist and dishonest interpretation of history that totally ignores the 6-T’s and even the most basic facts surrounding the Turkish-Armenian conflict:
1) Tumult (as in many violent and bloody Armenian armed uprisings, climaxing with the capture of VAN and exterminating its Muslim population by armed Armenian thugs and criminals in the Spring of 1915.)
2) Terrorism (by Armenian nationalists and militias bent on petrifying the Muslims to flee Eastern Anatolia in order to manipulate demographics in favor of the Armenian population in order to justify an Armenian homeland on Turkish soil. )
3) Territorial demands (where Armenians were a small minority, dispersed in a Muslim majority, spread far and wide in Eastern Anatolia, in the form of a relatively harmonious co-habitation for almost a millennium, until Western meddling in the 19th Century.)
4) Treason (Armenians joining the invading enemy armies and ruthlessly butchering their Muslim neighbors, much like they did in Karabagh and occupied Western Azerbaijan in 1990s.)
5) Turkish suffering and losses (i.e. those caused by the Armenian nationalists in and out of Russian and French uniforms as well as no uniforms at all. More than 500,000 Muslims, mostly Turks met their tragic end at the hands of ruthless Armenian killers like Garo, Dro, and other such Armenian monsters whom the Armenians shamefully treat as heros today.)
6) Tereset (Temporary Resettlement) triggered by the first five T’s above and amply documented as such; not to be confused with or equated to the misrepresentations by Armenian lobbyists and Armenian-funded politicians and.)
ALLEGATIONS OF ARMENIAN GENOCIDE ARE RACIST because they imply that only Armenian dead count, Turkish dead don’t… and that only Armenian suffering is worth commemorating, Turkish suffering is not… About 3 million Muslims, mostly Turks, lost their lives during WWI; around half a million of those at the hands of Armenian nationalists. Shouldn’t we be grieving all the human suffering, without being selective and discriminatory on the basis of religion, race, nationality, or other features? Is selective morality such as advocated in SJR-24 and SJR-26 becoming an American?
AND ALLEGATIONS OF ARMENIAN GENOCIDE ARE DISHONEST because they deliberately ignore, belittle, or dismiss the six T’s of Turkish-Armenian conflict listed above.
THE 1948 THE UNITED NATIONS CONVENTION on the Prevention and Punishment of the Crime of Genocide provides the definition of the term genocide. While the Armenian-funded speakers readily blurt out this U.N. definition of genocide, as stated in the articles 1-3 in this convention, the same speakers maliciously ignore the Articles 6 and 9 of this very same convention, which clearly set out a methodology as to how that verdict of genocide shall be reached: via a “competent tribunal.” The genocide verdict is not reserved for partisans, academicians, biased newspaper reporters, prejudiced activists, missionaries, diplomats, generals, politicians, or others. Only one address is named in that convention: a “COMPETENT TRIBUNAL.”
The International Court of Justice in the Hague is the only U.N. institution that is authorized as a “competent tribunal.” Such a tribunal, a la Nuremberg, had never been convened in the case of Turkish-Armenian conflict and a genocide verdict, therefore, does not exist.
How can then so many continue to benefit from a non-existent court verdict for so long?
How can so many so passionately convict so many others without the benefit of a proper court verdict?
Isn’t that the definition of lynching?
Doesn’t the “chorus” on the so-called Armenian genocide actually boil down to “lynching” of sorts victimizing the Ottoman Muslims of yester year and Turks of today?
Genocide verdict can only reached if the “intent” is proven after “due process” and to the scrutiny and satisfaction of the “competent the court”. The whole controversy is surrounded around that one all important word “intent” and Armenian propagandists and their allies know it. That is why Armenians never dared to take Turkey to the International Court of Justice or join Turkey’s official invitation of 2005 to establish a joint research and inquiry commission to sort out this complex human tragedy where both Turks and Armenians and others suffered. Turkish Prime Minister Erdogan, as late as February 8, 2008, repeated his invitation to establish a joint committee to study the Turkish and Armenian archives (Please watch this portion of his address to the International Munich Conference, with Armenian Foreign minister Oskanian in the audience, looking on with a face as long as this letter:
http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=PUf4y-0HC3Y )
Armenians, instead of taking this matter to a competent tribunal, chose to “fabricate” evidence and pressure governments into political recognition. Talât Pasha telegrams, for example, were forged to provide a smoking gun for the bogus genocide allegations. Armenians falsified many other records after that. Among them, the infamous Hitler quote which was proven by Prof. Heath Lowry of Princeton to be a fabrication—which, nevertheless, found its way like a persistent flu virus, into the text of these political resolutions.
Then there is the case of the American Ambassador Morgenthau, a rabid anti-Turk, who was frequently used as a credible source. Morgenthau posed as a career diplomat and a historian, but he was neither. He was a real estate agent and a developer from upstate New York who raised the most funds for the Wilson campaign in 1912 and was rewarded with an ambassadorial post by the president elect Wilson. His male Armenian interpreter and secretaries ghost wrote all his letter and reports home and Morgenthau never ventured into Anatolia’s hinterland to investigate the outrageous Armenian claims. He just rubber-stamped stories and reports filed by the Armenian nationalists and/or American missionaries, hardly unbiased sources, no matter how embellished, exaggerated, or distorted those stories and reports were.
It is time now to look forward. Turkish-Americans and Turks around the world are confident that if non-partisan, dispassionate scholars looked at the Ottoman archives, they will quickly realize that the Ottoman intent was to temporarily resettle (TERESET) the Ottoman-Armenians who overtly or covertly supported the many violent Armenian uprisings and acts of supreme treason.
Not giving responsible opposing ideas a place in genocide resolutions is a form of censorship which violates my freedom of speech as an American. Include the other side of the story in your genocide claims. I offer to participate as a speaker, for example, to offer the other side of the story anytime and anywhere you wish. I further propose the showing of the 45-minute documentary “Armenian Revolt: 1894-1920” during any panel. The name of this documentary alone should make any fair and objective American stop and think.
Freedom of speech should be honored by such “solid deeds” as inviting me to your “Bash-The-Turk” panels, not simply by “hollow words” and clichés blurted by the “genociders”. As a public office holder, I believe you have a responsibility to ensure that the public is given a fair chance to hear all sides of a controversy and that “partisan accounts” are not promoted as “settled history”.
What transpired in 1915 was a civil war within a world war, not genocide; but how the Armenian camp deliberately misrepresented it since 1915 is ethocide.
Fairness, honesty, and truth are all that I ask. So, please help stop ETHOCIDAL POLITICS in Sacramento!
NO to SJR-24 & SJR-26 !
April 4, 2008
Son of Turkish-survivors from both maternal and paternal sides
Please call, write, fax, or e-mail the senators listed below and tell them you are against SJR-24 and SJR-26. Tell them these resolutions are based on racist and dishonest history. Some sample letters are provided below for your convenience:
Capitol Office
State Capitol, Room 205, Sacramento, CA 95814
District Office
1515 Clay Street, #2202, Oakland, CA 94612
Press Office
State Capitol, Room 500, Sacramento, CA 95814
State Capitol, Room 3063, Sacramento, CA 95814
Phone: 916-651-4018
----- 5001 California Ave., Room 105, Bakersfield, CA 93309
Phone: 661-323-0443
Capitol Office
State Capitol, Room 5100, Sacramento, CA 95814
----- District Office
617 South Olive Street, Suite 710, Los Angeles, CA 90014
State Capitol, Room 5094,Sacramento, CA 95814
Phone: (916) 651-4031
Fax: (916) 327-2272
---- 8577 Haven Avenue, Suite 210, Rancho Cucamonga, CA 91730
Phone: (909) 466-4180
Fax: (909) 466-4185
----- 3560 University Ave, Suite B, Riverside, CA 92501
Phone: (951) 715-2625
Fax : (951) 715-2627
Capitol Office: 916-651-4020
State Capitol, Room 4032, Sacramento, CA 95814
----- District Office: 818-901-5588
6150 Van Nuys Blvd., #400, Van Nuys, CA 91401
Letter 1
Dear senator__________
To call the events of 1915 a genocide, is to treat the wartime allied propaganda of 90+ years ago— and the exaggerated Armenian version of history feeding endlessly from it—at face value, with total disregard for historical facts. I urge you to reconsider your position.
No to SJR-24 and SJR-26.
(Your Name Here)
Letter 2
Dear senator__________
Allegation of genocide is a racist interpretation of history, because it implies that only Armenian dead count, Turkish dead don’t… and that only Christian Armenian suffering is worth commemorating, Muslim Turkish suffering is not.
Shouldn’t we be grieving all the human suffering, without being selective and discriminatory on the basis of religion, race, nationality, or other features?
No to SJR-24 and SJR-26.
(Your Name Here)
Letter 3
Dear senator__________
The allegations of genocide is based on dishonest history because they deliberately ignore, belittle, or dismiss the “6 T’s” of Turkish-Armenian conflict:
1) Tumult (violent Armenian uprisings)
2) Terrorism (by Armenian nationalists and militias)
3) Territorial demands (where Armenians were only a small minority)
4) Treason (Armenians joining the invading enemy armies)
5) Turkish suffering and losses (caused by the Armenian nationalists)
6) Tereset (Temporary Resettlement) triggered by the five T’s above and amply documented as such; not to be confused with or equated to the misrepresentations by Armenian-funded lobbyists, advocates, and/or their friends.
No to SJR-24 and SJR-26.
(Your Name Here)
Letter 4
Dear senator__________
I oppose SJR-24 and SJR-26 because they fraudulently promote “partisan accounts” of a controversial piece of history as “settled history”. I believe our elected officials have a responsibility to ensure that the unsuspecting public is given a fair chance to hear both sides of a disagreement.
No to SJR-24 and SJR-26.
(Your Name Here)
Letter 5
Dear senator__________
While the Armenian-penned texts, such as SJR-24 and SJR-26, readily refer to the definition of genocide, as put forth by the 1948 United Nations Convention on the Prevention and Punishment of the Crime of Genocide in articles 1-3, the same texts shamefully ignore the Articles 6 and 9 of this very same convention. Articles 6 and 9 clearly set out a methodology as to how that verdict of genocide shall be reached: via a “competent tribunal.” No genocide verdict is reserved for politicians, newspaper reporters, activists, missionaries, diplomats, generals, academicians,or others. Only one address is named in the U.N. convention: a “COMPETENT TRIBUNAL.”
The International Court of Justice in the Hague is the only U.N. institution that is authorized as a “competent tribunal.” Such a tribunal, a la Nuremberg, had never been convened in the case of Turkish-Armenian conflict and a genocide verdict, therefore, does not exist. How can then so many continue to benefit from a non-existent court verdict for so long? How can so many so passionately convict so many others without the benefit of a proper court verdict? Isn’t that the definition of lynching? Doesn’t the “chorus” on the so-called Armenian genocide actually boil down to “lynching” of the Ottoman Muslims of yesteryear and Turks of today?
No to SJR-24 and SJR-26,
(Your Name Here)
Letter 6
Dear senator__________
Genocide verdict can only reached if the “intent” is proven after “due process” at a “competent tribunal.” The whole controversy focuses on that one all important word “intent” and Armenian propagandists know it. That is why Armenians never dared to take Turkey to the International Court of Justice or at least join Turkey’s official invitation of 2005 to establish a research and inquiry commission to sort out this complex human tragedy where both Turks and Armenians and others suffered. Turkish Prime Minister Erdogan, as late as February 8, 2008, repeated his invitation to establish a joint committee to study the Turkish and Armenian archives (Please watch this portion of his address to the International Munich Conference, with Armenian Foreign minister Oskanian in the audience, looking on with a gloomy face:
http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=PUf4y-0HC3Y )
Armenians, instead of taking this matter to a competent tribunal, chose to “fabricate” evidence and pressure governments into political recognition. Talât Pasha telegrams, for example, were forged to provide a smoking gun for the bogus genocide allegations. Armenians falsified many other records after that. Among them, the infamous Hitler quote which was proven by Prof. Heath Lowry of Princeton to be a fabrication—which, by the way, continues to find its way like a persistent flu virus, into the newspaper columns and political resolutions. Armenians continue the bad tradition of falsification to this day. The latest example is the Armenian assertions that the U.N. accepted Armenian claims, which was REFUTED BY the U.N.’s Farhan Haq on September 5, 2000.
Turkish-Americans and Turks around the world are confident that if non-partisan, dispassionate scholars looked at the Ottoman archives, they will quickly realize that the Ottoman intent was TERESET (temporary resettlement) of the Ottoman-Armenians who overtly or covertly supported the many violent Armenian uprisings and countless acts of unspeakable, dastardly treason.
Isn’t it time now to look forward?
No to SJR-24 and SJR-26.
(Your Name Here)
Letter 7
Dear senator__________
Not giving responsible opposing ideas a place in any “alleged” genocide text is a form of censorship which violates the very spirit of freedom of speech in America. I urge you to see a 45-minute documentary called “Armenian Revolt: 1894-1920” as an antidote to Armenian propaganda you have been ceaselessly fed all these years. The name of this documentary alone should make any fair and objective American STOP AND THINK.
Freedom of speech should be honored by such “solid deeds” as inviting the other side of the story to the table without having to resort to stereotypes and hide behind terms like“consensus”, which, in effect, work like “ licenses for censorship of dissent.” America is better than the lynch mob penning these perennial boilerplate resolutions think…
No to SJR-24 and SJR-26.
(Your Name Here)
Letter 8
Dear senator__________
Another year and yet another “Bash-The-Turk” resolution –or two—to appease the Armenian voters! I urge you to go beyond the hollow clichés penned by the “genociders” and invite the responsible opposing views to be included in the text for the sake of the truth.
Calling the events of 1915 a genocide without a verdict by a competent court to back it up is akin to play historian, diplomat, politician, wily salesman, judge, jury, and the executioner, all at once. Politically correct? Maybe. Historically correct? Not by a long shot!
Elected representative assemblies should not be places where popular lies are cultivated, promoted, and rammed down the throats of unsuspecting public in return for political benefits.
No to SJR-24 and SJR-26.
(Your Name Here)
Letter 9
Dear senator__________
What transpired in 1915 was a civil war within a world war, not genocide; how the Armenians and their Western patrons deliberately misrepresented it since 1915 is clearly an ETHOCIDE— a new term coined back in 2003, a Turkish-American’s humble gift to the English language, to help describe the partisan stance of the Armenian-funded, inspired, and/or deceived “genociders” vis-à-vis the Turkish-Armenian conflict.
A brief definition of “ETHOCIDE” is “deliberate and systematic extermination of ethics via malicious mass deception for political and/or other benefits.”
I believe it is high time that the ethocidal coverage embodied in the SJR-24 and SJR-26 of the Turkish-Armenian conflict left its place to more research and dialog. The Armenian archives in Boston, Yerevan, Jerusalem, and elsewhere should be opened to researchers, just like Turks opened their archives in 1980s and 1990s. What are the Armenians afraid of? Could it be the very distinct possibility that the real “smoking gun” documents exposing the Armenian war crimes, revolts, terrorism, and treason will be readily found?
Openness, fairness, honesty, and truth are all that I ask.
No to SJR-24 and SJR-26.
(Your Name Here)
Dear Senators Don Perato,Roy Ashburn, Gilbert Cedillo, Robert Dutton, and Alex Padilla, Sacramento, California
Senate Joint Resolution No. 24, introduced by Senators Simitian, Cogdill, and Scott, with principal coauthors: more Armenians (such as Assembly Members Aghazarian and Krekorian) on March 10, 2008,
Senate Joint Resolution No. 26, Introduced by Senator Cogdill on March 13, 2008,
Both of which aspiring to designate April 24, 2008, as “Armenian Genocide: Day of Remembrance” treat the wartime allied propaganda of a 90+ years ago and exaggerated Armenian version of history feeding endlessly on it, at face value, with total disregard for historical facts.
A new term was coined back in 2003—a humble gift by this Turkish-American to the English language—to help describe such partisan stance of the Armenian-funded genocide politicians and scholars vis-à-vis the Turkish-Armenian conflict:
“ETHOCIDE”, a brief definition of which is “deliberate and systematic extermination of ethics via malicious mass deception for political and other benefits.”
The “ethocidal coverage of the Turkish-Armenian conflict” as embodied in SJR-24 and SJR-26 is based on a racist and dishonest interpretation of history that totally ignores the 6-T’s and even the most basic facts surrounding the Turkish-Armenian conflict:
1) Tumult (as in many violent and bloody Armenian armed uprisings, climaxing with the capture of VAN and exterminating its Muslim population by armed Armenian thugs and criminals in the Spring of 1915.)
2) Terrorism (by Armenian nationalists and militias bent on petrifying the Muslims to flee Eastern Anatolia in order to manipulate demographics in favor of the Armenian population in order to justify an Armenian homeland on Turkish soil. )
3) Territorial demands (where Armenians were a small minority, dispersed in a Muslim majority, spread far and wide in Eastern Anatolia, in the form of a relatively harmonious co-habitation for almost a millennium, until Western meddling in the 19th Century.)
4) Treason (Armenians joining the invading enemy armies and ruthlessly butchering their Muslim neighbors, much like they did in Karabagh and occupied Western Azerbaijan in 1990s.)
5) Turkish suffering and losses (i.e. those caused by the Armenian nationalists in and out of Russian and French uniforms as well as no uniforms at all. More than 500,000 Muslims, mostly Turks met their tragic end at the hands of ruthless Armenian killers like Garo, Dro, and other such Armenian monsters whom the Armenians shamefully treat as heros today.)
6) Tereset (Temporary Resettlement) triggered by the first five T’s above and amply documented as such; not to be confused with or equated to the misrepresentations by Armenian lobbyists and Armenian-funded politicians and.)
ALLEGATIONS OF ARMENIAN GENOCIDE ARE RACIST because they imply that only Armenian dead count, Turkish dead don’t… and that only Armenian suffering is worth commemorating, Turkish suffering is not… About 3 million Muslims, mostly Turks, lost their lives during WWI; around half a million of those at the hands of Armenian nationalists. Shouldn’t we be grieving all the human suffering, without being selective and discriminatory on the basis of religion, race, nationality, or other features? Is selective morality such as advocated in SJR-24 and SJR-26 becoming an American?
AND ALLEGATIONS OF ARMENIAN GENOCIDE ARE DISHONEST because they deliberately ignore, belittle, or dismiss the six T’s of Turkish-Armenian conflict listed above.
THE 1948 THE UNITED NATIONS CONVENTION on the Prevention and Punishment of the Crime of Genocide provides the definition of the term genocide. While the Armenian-funded speakers readily blurt out this U.N. definition of genocide, as stated in the articles 1-3 in this convention, the same speakers maliciously ignore the Articles 6 and 9 of this very same convention, which clearly set out a methodology as to how that verdict of genocide shall be reached: via a “competent tribunal.” The genocide verdict is not reserved for partisans, academicians, biased newspaper reporters, prejudiced activists, missionaries, diplomats, generals, politicians, or others. Only one address is named in that convention: a “COMPETENT TRIBUNAL.”
The International Court of Justice in the Hague is the only U.N. institution that is authorized as a “competent tribunal.” Such a tribunal, a la Nuremberg, had never been convened in the case of Turkish-Armenian conflict and a genocide verdict, therefore, does not exist.
How can then so many continue to benefit from a non-existent court verdict for so long?
How can so many so passionately convict so many others without the benefit of a proper court verdict?
Isn’t that the definition of lynching?
Doesn’t the “chorus” on the so-called Armenian genocide actually boil down to “lynching” of sorts victimizing the Ottoman Muslims of yester year and Turks of today?
Genocide verdict can only reached if the “intent” is proven after “due process” and to the scrutiny and satisfaction of the “competent the court”. The whole controversy is surrounded around that one all important word “intent” and Armenian propagandists and their allies know it. That is why Armenians never dared to take Turkey to the International Court of Justice or join Turkey’s official invitation of 2005 to establish a joint research and inquiry commission to sort out this complex human tragedy where both Turks and Armenians and others suffered. Turkish Prime Minister Erdogan, as late as February 8, 2008, repeated his invitation to establish a joint committee to study the Turkish and Armenian archives (Please watch this portion of his address to the International Munich Conference, with Armenian Foreign minister Oskanian in the audience, looking on with a face as long as this letter:
http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=PUf4y-0HC3Y )
Armenians, instead of taking this matter to a competent tribunal, chose to “fabricate” evidence and pressure governments into political recognition. Talât Pasha telegrams, for example, were forged to provide a smoking gun for the bogus genocide allegations. Armenians falsified many other records after that. Among them, the infamous Hitler quote which was proven by Prof. Heath Lowry of Princeton to be a fabrication—which, nevertheless, found its way like a persistent flu virus, into the text of these political resolutions.
Then there is the case of the American Ambassador Morgenthau, a rabid anti-Turk, who was frequently used as a credible source. Morgenthau posed as a career diplomat and a historian, but he was neither. He was a real estate agent and a developer from upstate New York who raised the most funds for the Wilson campaign in 1912 and was rewarded with an ambassadorial post by the president elect Wilson. His male Armenian interpreter and secretaries ghost wrote all his letter and reports home and Morgenthau never ventured into Anatolia’s hinterland to investigate the outrageous Armenian claims. He just rubber-stamped stories and reports filed by the Armenian nationalists and/or American missionaries, hardly unbiased sources, no matter how embellished, exaggerated, or distorted those stories and reports were.
It is time now to look forward. Turkish-Americans and Turks around the world are confident that if non-partisan, dispassionate scholars looked at the Ottoman archives, they will quickly realize that the Ottoman intent was to temporarily resettle (TERESET) the Ottoman-Armenians who overtly or covertly supported the many violent Armenian uprisings and acts of supreme treason.
Not giving responsible opposing ideas a place in genocide resolutions is a form of censorship which violates my freedom of speech as an American. Include the other side of the story in your genocide claims. I offer to participate as a speaker, for example, to offer the other side of the story anytime and anywhere you wish. I further propose the showing of the 45-minute documentary “Armenian Revolt: 1894-1920” during any panel. The name of this documentary alone should make any fair and objective American stop and think.
Freedom of speech should be honored by such “solid deeds” as inviting me to your “Bash-The-Turk” panels, not simply by “hollow words” and clichés blurted by the “genociders”. As a public office holder, I believe you have a responsibility to ensure that the public is given a fair chance to hear all sides of a controversy and that “partisan accounts” are not promoted as “settled history”.
What transpired in 1915 was a civil war within a world war, not genocide; but how the Armenian camp deliberately misrepresented it since 1915 is ethocide.
Fairness, honesty, and truth are all that I ask. So, please help stop ETHOCIDAL POLITICS in Sacramento!
NO to SJR-24 & SJR-26 !
April 4, 2008
Son of Turkish-survivors from both maternal and paternal sides