267) The Armenian Problem: A Short Bibliography
The Armenians in the Ottoman Empire and the Armenian Terrorism in the 20th Century.
Key Words: The Armenian Question, Armenian Refugees Armenians, Armenian Terrorism, Armenian Terrorism against Turkish Diplomats, Deportation, Genocide, Imperialism, Lausanne Treaty, Massacre, Minority, Ottoman Armenians, Settlement, War, Woodrow Wilson. . .
- Aktan, Gündüz, "The Armenian Problem and International Law"?, in Ataov, Türkkaya (ed.), The Armenians in the Late Ottoman Period, (Ankara: The Turkish Historical Society, 2001), pp. 263-314.
2413.Allen, W. E. D. and Muratoff, P., Caucasian Battlefields, (Cambridge: 1953). - Details the role of the Armenians in the clashes of the First World War, s.l.
2414.Alp, Ali Hikmet, "Today's Armenia and Motives Behind the Genocide Accusations: More Than a matter of "National Identity'?"?, Armenian Studies (Ankara), Vol. 1, No. 2, June-August 2001, pp. 145-158.
2415.American Committee Opposed to the Lausanne Treaty (prep.), The Lausanne Treaty, Turkey and Armenia, (New York: 1926).
2416.American Military Mission to Armenia; Conditions in the Near East, 66th Congress, Second Session, Senato Document No. 266, (Washington, D.C.: 1920).
2417."Anti-Semitism in Armenia"?, NCSJ Armenia Country Report, 2001.
2418.Armenia and the Turkish Settlement : Memorandum Submitted for the Consideration of H.M. Government, (London: British Armenia Committee, 1920). 8 p.
2419.Armenia, Azerbaijan, and Georgia / Washington, D.C. : Federal Research Division, Library of Congress, 1995. 298 p.
2420.Armenian Allegations, An Assessment, (Istanbul: Foundation for Middle East and Balkans Studies, OBIV, June 2001). 45 pages.
2421."Armenian Book Denies Holocaust"?, Jewish Telegraphic Agency, 18 February 2002.
2422.(The) Armenian Committee for the Independence of Armenia: A Report on the Activities, 1918-1922, (New York: 1922).
2423.(The) Armenian Issue in Nine Questions and Answers, (Ankara: Foreign Policy Institute, 1982).
2424.Armenian Violence and Massacre in the Caucasus and Anatolia Based on Archives I, (Ankara: Başbakanlik Devlet Arşivleri Gen. Md. Dokümantasyon Dairesi Baskanligi, Publication No.: 22, 1995. 685 pp.
2425.Armenian Violence and Massacre in the Caucasus and Anatolia Based on Archives II, (Ankara: Başbakanlik Devlet Arşivleri Gen. Md. Dokümantasyon Dairesi Baskanligi, Publication No.: 23, 1995). 642 pp.
2426.Armenians in Ottoman Documents, 1915-1920, (Ankara: The Turkish Republic Prime Ministry General Directorate of the State Archives, Publication No.: 25, 1995). 641 pp.
2427.Armenians in the Ottoman Empire and Modern Turkey, (Istanbul: Bogaziçi University Press, 1984).
2428.Arpee, Leon, The Armenian Awakening: A History of the Armenian Church, 1820-1860, (Chicago: 1909).
2429.Arslanan, A. H., British Wartime Pledges, 1917-1918: The Armenian Case, Journal of Contemporary History, Vol. XIII, 1978.
2430.Artinian, Vartan, A Study of the Historical Development of the Armenian Constitutional System in the Ottoman Empire, 1839-1863, PhD. thesis, Brandeis University (USA), 1970.
2431.Artinian, Vartan, The Armenian Constitutional System in the Ottoman Empire, 1839-1963, (Istanbul: n.d.).
2432.Atamian, Sarkis, The Armenian Community, The Historical Development of a Social and Ideological Conflict, (New York: Philosophical Library, 1955).
2433.Ataov, Türkkaya, Ermeni Sorunu: Bibliyografya, (The Armenian Question: Bibliography), (Ankara: 1981).
2434.Ataov, Türkkaya, A "Statement' Wrongly Attributed to Mustafa Kemal Atatürk, (Ankara: Sistem Ofset, 1984).
2435.Ataov, Türkkaya, "The Jewish Holocaust and the Armenians"?, in Ataov, Türkkaya (ed.), The Armenians in the Late Ottoman Period, (Ankara: The Turkish Historical Society, 2001), pp. 315-344.
2436.Ataov, Türkkaya (ed.), The Armenians in the Late Ottoman Period, (Ankara: The Turkish Historical Society, 2001), 373 pages.
2437.Avakian, M. Anne (complied by), Armenia and the Armenians in Academic Dissertations: a Bibliography, (Berkeley, Calif.: Professional Press, 1974), 38 p.
2438.Ayyildiz, Vedii Kent, The Vision of a Protestant Anatolia: The American Board and Turkish - American Relations, 1810-1920, unpublished MA thesis, Bogaziçi University, Istanbul, 1991.
2439.Bailey, T. A., Woodrow Wilson and the Great Betrayal, (New York: 1945).
2440.Binark, Ismet, Archive Documents about the Atrocities and Genocide Inflicted upon Turks by Armenians, (Ankara: TBMM, 2002). 156 pages.
2441.Bournoutian, George A., A History of the Armenian People, (Costa Mesa, Calif.: Mazda Publishers, 1993).
2442.Boyajian, D. H., Armenia: The Case for a Forgotten Genocide, (New Jersey: 1972) - Armenian point of view, s.l.
2443.Braude, Benjamin & Lewis, Bernard (eds.), Christians and Jews in the Ottoman Empire: The Functioning of a Plural Society, Vol. I, (New York: 1982).
2444.Bryson, T. A., Woodrow Wilson, Senate, Public Opinion and the Armenian Mandate, 1919-1920, unpublished PhD. thesis, University of Georgia, 1965.
2445.Carlson, J. R. (ed.), The Armenian Revolutionary Federation (Dashnagtcoutiun) Has Nothing to Do Any More, (New York: 1955).
2446.Cornell, S. E., Turkey and the Conflict in Nagorna Karabakh: A Delicate Balance, Middle Eastern Studies, Vol. 34, No. 1, 1998, pp. 51-72.
2447.Çelik, Hüseyin, "The 1915 Armenian Revolt in Van: Eyewitness Testimony"?, in Ataov, Türkkaya (ed.), The Armenians in the Late Ottoman Period, (Ankara: The Turkish Historical Society, 2001), pp. 87-108.
2448.Davison, R. H., The Armenian Crisis, 1912-1914, American Historical Review, 43, 1948.
2449.Dekmejian, R.H., Soviet-Turkish Relations and Politics in the Armenian SSR, Soviet Studies, Vol. XIX, No.: 4, April 1968.
2450.Der Nersession, S., The Armenians, (London and New York: 1969).
2451.Dyer, Gwynne, "Turkish Falsifiers' and Armenian "Deceivers': Historiography and the Armenian Massacres, Middle Eastern Studies, Vol. 12, January 1976, pp. 99-107.
2452.Edwards, Robert W., The Fortifications of Armenian Cilicia, (Washington, D.C.: Dumbarton Oaks, 1987). 288 pages + photos.
2453.Eminov, Ali, Turkish and Other Muslim Minorities in Bulgaria, (London: Hurst & Co., 1997). 218 p.
2454.Feigl, Erich, A Myth of Terror, Armenian Extremism: Its Causes and Its Historical Context, (Salzburg, Austria: Edition Zeitgeschichte, 1986),
2455."Frankly Speaking Two Ambassadors Discuss Armenian Question, Ambassador (Rtd.) Yüksel Soylemez and Ambassador (Rtd.) Ömer Lütem"?, Armenian Studies (Ankara), September-November 2001, Vol. 1, No. 3, pp. 320-327.
2456.Gabrielian, M. C., Armenia: A Martyr Nation, (New York: 1918).
2457.Gidney, J. B., A Mandate for Armenia, (Kent, Ohio: 1967).
2458.Gocek, Fatma Muge, "The Decline of the Ottoman Empire and the Emergence of Greek, Armenian, Turkish and Arab Nationalisms' in Muge Gocek (ed.), Social Constructions of Nationalism in the Middle East, (Suny Press, 2002), pp. 15-83.
2459.Gocek, Fatma Muge, "Reconstructing the Turkish Historiography on the Armenian Deaths and Massacres of 1915' in R. Hovannisian (ed.), Looking Backward and Forward, (Boston: Transaction Publishers, 2003).
2460.Gocek, Fatma Muge and Ronald Grigor Suny, "Turkish-Armenian Dialogue on the Armenian Deaths and Massacres of 1915', International Institute Journal, Summer 2002.
2461.Goyünç, Nejat, "Turkish - Armenian Cultural Relations"?, Ataov, Türkkaya (ed.), The Armenians in the Late Ottoman Period, (Ankara: The Turkish Historical Society, 2001), pp. 23-42.
2462.Greenshields, Thomas H., The Settlement of Armenian Refugees in Syria and Lebanon, 1915-39, in Clarke, John I. And Bowen-Jones, Howard (eds.), Change and Development in the Middle East, Essays in Honour of W.B. Fisher, (London and New York: Methuen, 1981), pp. 233-241.
2463.Gunter, Michael M., A Study of Contemporary Armenian Terrorism, (Westport, Ct.: Greenwood, 1986).
2464.Gürün, Kamuran, The Armenian File, (Nicosia and London: Rustem and Weidenfeld & Nicolson, 1985). - The Turkish point of view, s.l.
2465.Halaçoglu, Yusuf, "Realities Behind the Relocation"?, in Ataov, Türkkaya (ed.), The Armenians in the Late Ottoman Period, (Ankara: The Turkish Historical Society, 2001), pp. 109-142.
2466.Hasanli, Camil, "Spring 1918: Armenian Terrorism and the Turko-Moslem Genocide in Azerbaijan', Journal of Azerbaijani Studies, 1998, Vol. 1, No. 4, pp. 157-164.
2467.Heller, J., Britain and the Armenian Question, 1912-1914, Middle Eastern Studies, Vol. 27, 1991.
2468.Hovannisian, R. (ed.), Looking Backward and Forward, (Boston: Transaction Publishers, 2003).
2469.Hovanissian, R. G., Armenia on the Road to Independence, 1918, (Berkeley and Los Angeles: 1967).
2470.Hovanissian, R. G., The Republic of Armenia, 1918-1919, (Los Angeles: 1971).
2471.Hovanissian, R. G., Forum: The Armenian Question, International Journal of Middle East Studies, Vol. IX, 1978.
2472.Hovanissian, Richard G. (ed.), The Armenian Holocaust: A Bibliography Relating to the Deportation, Massacres, and Dispersion of the Armenian People: 1915-1923, (Cambridge, Mass.: Armenian Heritage Press, 1980).
2473.Hovannisian, Richard G. (ed.), The Armenian People from Ancient to Modern Times, (New York : Macmillan, 1997).
2474.Iyigüngor, Aydan, "The Profile of the Armenian Diaspora in Germany"?, Armenian Studies (Ankara), September-November 2001, Vol. 1, No. 3, pp. 258-273.
2475.Iyigüngor, Aydan, "The Profile of the Armenian Diaspora in Germany', in Kasim, Kamer, Laçiner, Sedat and Iyigüngor, Aydan, Armenian Diaspora in Australia, the United Kingdom and Germany, (Ankara: Institute for Armenian Research, Occasional Papers 10101, 2001), pp. 53-73.
2476.Iyigüngor, Aydan, "The Profile of the Armenian Diaspora in Germany' in Kasim, Kamer and Sedat Laçiner (eds.), The Armenian Diaspora, In France, United Kingdom, Germany and Australia, (Ankara and London: TEIMK, 2003).
2477.Izgi, Ömer, "Turks and Armenians: The Ottoman Experience"?, in Ataov, Türkkaya (ed.), The Armenians in the Late Ottoman Period, (Ankara: The Turkish Historical Society, 2001), pp. 1-21.
2478.Kanbolat, Hasan and Gül, Nazmi, "The Geopolitics and Quest for Autonomy of the Armenians of Javakheti (Georgia) and Krasnodar (Russia) in the Caucasus', Armenian Studies (Ankara), Vol. 1, No. 2, June-August 2001, pp. 186-210.
2479.Kantarci, Şenol, "Examination Of Historical Events Mentioned In Ararat"?, in Laçiner, Sedat and Şenol Kantarci, Art and Armenian Propaganda, Ararat As A Case Study, (Ankara: Eren Publication, 2002), pp. 97-124.
2480.Kasim, Kamer, "The Nagorno-Karabakh Conflict from Its Inception to the Peace Process', Armenian Studies (Ankara), Vol. 1, No. 2, June-August 2001, pp. 170-185.
2481.Kasim, Kamer, "Armenian Community in Australia', Armenian Studies (Ankara), September-November 2001, Vol. 1, No. 3, pp. 305-319.
2482.Kasim, Kamer, "Armenian Community in Australia', in Kasim, Kamer, Laçiner, Sedat and Iyigüngor, Aydan, Armenian Diaspora in Australia, the United Kingdom and Germany, (Ankara: Institute for Armenian Research, Occasional Papers 10101, 2001), pp. 22.
2483.Kasim, Kamer, Laçiner, Sedat and Iyigüngor, Aydan, Armenian Diaspora in Australia, the United Kingdom and Germany, (Ankara: Institute for Armenian Research, Occasional Papers 10101, 2001). 76 pages.
2484.Kasim, Kamer, "Armenian Community in Australia' in Kasim, Kamer and Sedat Laçiner (eds.), The Armenian Diaspora, In France, United Kingdom, Germany and Australia, (Ankara and London: TEIMK, 2003).
2485.Kasim, Kamer and Sedat Laçiner (eds.), The Armenian Diaspora, In France, United Kingdom, Germany and Australia, (Ankara and London: TEIMK, 2003).
2486.Kaya, Ibrahim, "The Holocaust and Armenian Case: Highlighting the Main Differences', in Laçiner, Sedat and Kaya, Ibrahim, Armenian Issue and the Jews, (Ankara: IFAR, 2002), pp. 31-46.
2487.Kaya, Ibrahim, "The Holocaust and Armenian Case: Highlighting the Main Differences' in Laciner, Sedat and Ibrahim Kaya, The Armenian Issue and the Jews, (Ankara and London: TEIMK, 2003).
2488.Kazemzadeh, F., The Struggle for Transcaucasia, 1914-1921, (New York: 1951).
2489.Kerr, S. E., The Lions of Maras: Personal Experiences with American Near East Relief, 1919-1922, (Albany, N.Y.: 1973).
2490.Konukçu, Enver, "Massacres of the Turks and Mass Graves"?, in Ataov, Türkkaya (ed.), The Armenians in the Late Ottoman Period, (Ankara: The Turkish Historical Society, 2001), pp. 143-154.
2491.Koni, Hasan, "The research of Arnold Toynbee on Turks and the Birth of Armenian Propaganda"?, Armenian Studies (Ankara), Vol. 1, No. 2, June-August 2001, pp. 159-169.
2492.Krikorian, Mesrob K., Armenians in the Service of the Ottoman Empire, 1860-1908, (London: 1977).
2493.Kurkjian, V. H., A History of Armenia, (New York: 1959).
2494.Laçiner, Sedat, "Armenian Diaspora in Britain and the Armenian Question', Armenian Studies (Ankara), September-November 2001, Vol. 1, No. 3, pp. 233-257.
2495.Laçiner, Sedat, "Armenian Diaspora in Britain and the Armenian Question', in Kasim, Kamer, Laçiner, Sedat and Iyigüngor, Aydan, Armenian Diaspora in Australia, the United Kingdom and Germany, (Ankara: Institute for Armenian Research, Occasional Papers 10101, 2001), pp. 23-53.
2496.Laçiner, Sedat, "A Masterpiece Propaganda Film From Armenian Director Atom Egoyan', Turkish News, 8 February 2002.
2497.Laçiner, Sedat, "Armenia's Jewish Scepticism and Its Impact on Armenia-Israel Relations', in Laçiner, Sedat and Kaya, Ibrahim, Armenian Issue and the Jews, (Ankara: IFAR, March 2002), pp. 1-30.
2498.Laçiner, Sedat, "Ararat: Art As A Tool in Propaganda', Turkish Daily News, 5 September 2002.
2499.Laçiner, Sedat and Kaya, Ibrahim, Armenian Issue and the Jews, (Ankara: IFAR, March 2002). 46 pages.
2500.Laçiner, Sedat, "Art As A Tool For Armenian Propaganda: The Movie "Ararat' As An Example', in Laçiner, Sedat and Şenol Kantarci, Art and Armenian Propaganda, Ararat As A Case Study, (Ankara: Eren Publication, 2002), pp. 1-96.
2501.Laçiner, Sedat and Şenol Kantarci, Art and Armenian Propaganda, Ararat As A Case Study, (Ankara: Eren Publication, 2002). 16 pages.
2502.Laçiner, Sedat, "Armenians in Britain and the Armenian Question' in Kasim, Kamer and Sedat Laçiner (eds.), The Armenian Diaspora, In France, United Kingdom, Germany and Australia, (Ankara and London: TEIMK, 2003).
2503.Laciner, Sedat, "Armenia's Jewish Scepticism and Its Impact on Armenia-Israel Relations' in Sedat Laciner and Ibrahim Kaya, The Armenian Issue and the Jews, (Ankara and London: TEIMK, 2003).
2504.Laciner, Sedat and Ibrahim Kaya, The Armenian Issue and the Jews, (Ankara and London: TEIMK, 2003).
2505.Langer, W. L., The Diplomacy of Imperialism, (New York: 1956). - Well balances Turkish and Armenian arguments, s.l.
2506.Lepsius, Johannes, The Armenian Question, Muslim World, 10, 1920, pp. 341-355.
2507.Lütem, Ömer E., "Facts and Comments"?, Armenian Studies (Ankara), September-November 2001, Vol. 1, No. 3, pp. 209-232.
2508.Mah", Jean-Pierre, "Napoleon and the Armenians"?, Journal of Armenian Studies, Vol. VI, No. 1, Winter / Sipring 1998-99, pp. 46-58.
2509.Mandatory over Armania, Report Made to Major General Harbord by Brigadier General G. van H. Moseley, 66th Congress, Second Session, Senato Document No.: 281, (Washington: 1920).
2510.McCarthy, Justin, "The Population of the Ottoman Armenians"?, in Ataov, Türkkaya (ed.), The Armenians in the Late Ottoman Period, (Ankara: The Turkish Historical Society, 2001), pp. 65-85.
2511.McCarthy, Justin, "Let the Historians Decide"?, Armenian Studies (Ankara), Vol. 1, No. 1, March-May 2001, pp. 48-65.
2512.Milli Kongre, The Turco-Armenian Question: The Turkish Point of View, (London: 1919).
2513.Missakion, J., A Searchlight on the Armenian Question, 1878-1950, (Boston: 1950).
2514.Morgan, J. De, The History of the Armenian People, (Boston: 1948).
2515.Morgenthau, Henry, The Tragedy of Armenia, (London: 1918).
2516.Moskoffian, J. G., Independence for Armenia, (New York: 1919).
2517.Nalbandian, L., The Armenian Revolutionary Movement: The Development of Armenian Political Parties Through the Nineteenth Century, (Berkeley and Los Angeles: 1963). - The Armenian point of view, s.l.
2518.Nazar, J., The First Genocide of the XXth Century: The Story of the Armenian Massacre, (New York: 1968) - The Armenian point of view, s.l.
2519.Nersessian, Vrej, An Index of Articles on Armenian Studies in Western Journals, (London: Luzac, 1975-1976), 95 p.
2520.Nersessian, Vrej Nerses (compiler), Armenia, (Oxford and Santa Barbara, Calif.: Clio Press, 1993), 304 p.
2521.Ögün, Süleyman Seyfi, "Facing "Original Sin' or "Realities': Mediations of the Armenian "Genocide'"?, in Ataov, Türkkaya (ed.), The Armenians in the Late Ottoman Period, (Ankara: The Turkish Historical Society, 2001), pp. 239-261.
2522.Öke, Mim Kemal, The Armenian Question: 1914-1923, (London: K. Rustem & Brother, 1988).
2523.Öztuna, Yilmaz, "The Political Milieu of the Armenian Question"?, in Ataov, Türkkaya (ed.), The Armenians in the Late Ottoman Period, (Ankara: The Turkish Historical Society, 2001), pp. 43-64.
2524.Papazian, K. S., Patriotism Perverted: Armenain Revolutionary Federation, (Boston: 1934).
2525.Pasdermadjian, G., Why Armenia Should Be Free, (Boston: 1918).
2526."Peres: Armenian Allegations
2527.Pierce, J. H. (ed.), Story of Turkey and Armenia, (Baltimore: 1896).
2528.(The) Plight of Armenia : Armenia's Reward for Supporting Turkish Constitution, (Woodford Green, 1913?). 32 p.
2529.Redgate, A.E., Armenians, (Oxford and Malden, MA.: Blackwell Publishers, 1998), 331 p.
2530.Sanjian, Avedis K., The Armenian Communities in Syria and under Ottoman Dominion, (Cambridge, Mass.: Harvard University Press, 1965).
2531.Sarkissian, A. O., History of the Armenian Question to 1885, (Urbana, 1938).
2532."Scottish American Christian Author Reveals Truth About Armenian Genocide Claims, Interview with Samuel A. Weems', Turkish Daily News, 13 February 2002.
2533.Shaw, Stanford J., "Christian Anti-Semitism in the Ottoman Empire"?, Belleten, Vol. LIV, No. 68, 1991.
2534.Shaw, Stanford J., "The Armenian Legion and Its Destruction of the Armenian Community of Cilicia"?, in Ataov, Türkkaya (ed.), The Armenians in the Late Ottoman Period, (Ankara: The Turkish Historical Society, 2001), pp. 155-206.
2535.Simsir, B. N., British Documents on Ottoman Armenians, 1856-1880, (Ankara: 1982).
2536.Simsir, B. N., The Deportations of Malta and the Armenian Question, (Ankara: 1984).
2537.Sonyel, Salahi Ramsdam, The Armenian Deportations: A Re-Appraisal in the Light of New Documents, Belleten, Vol. XXXVI.
2538.Sonyel, Salahi Ramsdam, The Ottoman Armenians: Victims of Great Power Diplomacy, (London: K. Rustem & Brother, 1987). - The Turkish point of view, s.l.
2539.Sonyel, Salahi, The Great War and the Tragedy of Anatolia, (Ankara: TTK, 2000).
2540.Suny, Ronald Grigor, Looking Toward Ararat: Armenia in Modern History, (Bloomington, IN.: Indiana University Press, 1993).
2541.Süslü, Azmi, Armenians in the History of the Turks: Basic Textbook, (Kars: Rectorate of the Kars University, 1995).
2542.Süslü, Azmi, Armenians and the 1915 Event of Displacement, (Ankara: KÖKSAV, 1999). 225 pp.
2543.Swerdlow, Steve, "The Forgotten Jews of Karabakh"?, IWPR, CRS No. 85, 14 June 2001.
2544.Ternon, Yves, The Armenian Cause, (Delmar: Caravan Books, 1985). 287 pages.
2545.Terzioglu, Arslan, "The Assasination of Dr. Bahaddin Sakir in Berlin and the Armenian Relocation in Line with National and Foreign Sources of Information"?, Armenian Studies (Ankara), September-November 2001, Vol. 1, No. 3, pp. 274-304.
2546.Toynbee, Arnold J. (ed.), The Treatment of Armenians in the Ottoman Empire, (London: 1916).
2547.Tupper, H. A., Armenia: Its Present Crisis and Past History, (New York: 1896).
2548.Turan, Ömer, "The Armenian Question at the Lausanne Peace Talks"?, in Ataov, Türkkaya (ed.), The Armenians in the Late Ottoman Period, (Ankara: The Turkish Historical Society, 2001), pp. 207-238.
2549.Vratzian, S., Armenia and the Armenian Question, (Boston: 1943).
2550.Walker, Christopher J., Armenia: The Survival of a Nation, (London: 1980).
2551.Walekr, Christopher J., Visions of Ararat, Writings on Armenia, (London: I. B. Tauris, 1997). 157 pages.
Sedat Laciner, Turkey and the World, A Bibliography of Turkey and Turks in English, (Istanbul: Kaknus, 2001).
Key Words: The Armenian Question, Armenian Refugees Armenians, Armenian Terrorism, Armenian Terrorism against Turkish Diplomats, Deportation, Genocide, Imperialism, Lausanne Treaty, Massacre, Minority, Ottoman Armenians, Settlement, War, Woodrow Wilson. . .
- Aktan, Gündüz, "The Armenian Problem and International Law"?, in Ataov, Türkkaya (ed.), The Armenians in the Late Ottoman Period, (Ankara: The Turkish Historical Society, 2001), pp. 263-314.
2413.Allen, W. E. D. and Muratoff, P., Caucasian Battlefields, (Cambridge: 1953). - Details the role of the Armenians in the clashes of the First World War, s.l.
2414.Alp, Ali Hikmet, "Today's Armenia and Motives Behind the Genocide Accusations: More Than a matter of "National Identity'?"?, Armenian Studies (Ankara), Vol. 1, No. 2, June-August 2001, pp. 145-158.
2415.American Committee Opposed to the Lausanne Treaty (prep.), The Lausanne Treaty, Turkey and Armenia, (New York: 1926).
2416.American Military Mission to Armenia; Conditions in the Near East, 66th Congress, Second Session, Senato Document No. 266, (Washington, D.C.: 1920).
2417."Anti-Semitism in Armenia"?, NCSJ Armenia Country Report, 2001.
2418.Armenia and the Turkish Settlement : Memorandum Submitted for the Consideration of H.M. Government, (London: British Armenia Committee, 1920). 8 p.
2419.Armenia, Azerbaijan, and Georgia / Washington, D.C. : Federal Research Division, Library of Congress, 1995. 298 p.
2420.Armenian Allegations, An Assessment, (Istanbul: Foundation for Middle East and Balkans Studies, OBIV, June 2001). 45 pages.
2421."Armenian Book Denies Holocaust"?, Jewish Telegraphic Agency, 18 February 2002.
2422.(The) Armenian Committee for the Independence of Armenia: A Report on the Activities, 1918-1922, (New York: 1922).
2423.(The) Armenian Issue in Nine Questions and Answers, (Ankara: Foreign Policy Institute, 1982).
2424.Armenian Violence and Massacre in the Caucasus and Anatolia Based on Archives I, (Ankara: Başbakanlik Devlet Arşivleri Gen. Md. Dokümantasyon Dairesi Baskanligi, Publication No.: 22, 1995. 685 pp.
2425.Armenian Violence and Massacre in the Caucasus and Anatolia Based on Archives II, (Ankara: Başbakanlik Devlet Arşivleri Gen. Md. Dokümantasyon Dairesi Baskanligi, Publication No.: 23, 1995). 642 pp.
2426.Armenians in Ottoman Documents, 1915-1920, (Ankara: The Turkish Republic Prime Ministry General Directorate of the State Archives, Publication No.: 25, 1995). 641 pp.
2427.Armenians in the Ottoman Empire and Modern Turkey, (Istanbul: Bogaziçi University Press, 1984).
2428.Arpee, Leon, The Armenian Awakening: A History of the Armenian Church, 1820-1860, (Chicago: 1909).
2429.Arslanan, A. H., British Wartime Pledges, 1917-1918: The Armenian Case, Journal of Contemporary History, Vol. XIII, 1978.
2430.Artinian, Vartan, A Study of the Historical Development of the Armenian Constitutional System in the Ottoman Empire, 1839-1863, PhD. thesis, Brandeis University (USA), 1970.
2431.Artinian, Vartan, The Armenian Constitutional System in the Ottoman Empire, 1839-1963, (Istanbul: n.d.).
2432.Atamian, Sarkis, The Armenian Community, The Historical Development of a Social and Ideological Conflict, (New York: Philosophical Library, 1955).
2433.Ataov, Türkkaya, Ermeni Sorunu: Bibliyografya, (The Armenian Question: Bibliography), (Ankara: 1981).
2434.Ataov, Türkkaya, A "Statement' Wrongly Attributed to Mustafa Kemal Atatürk, (Ankara: Sistem Ofset, 1984).
2435.Ataov, Türkkaya, "The Jewish Holocaust and the Armenians"?, in Ataov, Türkkaya (ed.), The Armenians in the Late Ottoman Period, (Ankara: The Turkish Historical Society, 2001), pp. 315-344.
2436.Ataov, Türkkaya (ed.), The Armenians in the Late Ottoman Period, (Ankara: The Turkish Historical Society, 2001), 373 pages.
2437.Avakian, M. Anne (complied by), Armenia and the Armenians in Academic Dissertations: a Bibliography, (Berkeley, Calif.: Professional Press, 1974), 38 p.
2438.Ayyildiz, Vedii Kent, The Vision of a Protestant Anatolia: The American Board and Turkish - American Relations, 1810-1920, unpublished MA thesis, Bogaziçi University, Istanbul, 1991.
2439.Bailey, T. A., Woodrow Wilson and the Great Betrayal, (New York: 1945).
2440.Binark, Ismet, Archive Documents about the Atrocities and Genocide Inflicted upon Turks by Armenians, (Ankara: TBMM, 2002). 156 pages.
2441.Bournoutian, George A., A History of the Armenian People, (Costa Mesa, Calif.: Mazda Publishers, 1993).
2442.Boyajian, D. H., Armenia: The Case for a Forgotten Genocide, (New Jersey: 1972) - Armenian point of view, s.l.
2443.Braude, Benjamin & Lewis, Bernard (eds.), Christians and Jews in the Ottoman Empire: The Functioning of a Plural Society, Vol. I, (New York: 1982).
2444.Bryson, T. A., Woodrow Wilson, Senate, Public Opinion and the Armenian Mandate, 1919-1920, unpublished PhD. thesis, University of Georgia, 1965.
2445.Carlson, J. R. (ed.), The Armenian Revolutionary Federation (Dashnagtcoutiun) Has Nothing to Do Any More, (New York: 1955).
2446.Cornell, S. E., Turkey and the Conflict in Nagorna Karabakh: A Delicate Balance, Middle Eastern Studies, Vol. 34, No. 1, 1998, pp. 51-72.
2447.Çelik, Hüseyin, "The 1915 Armenian Revolt in Van: Eyewitness Testimony"?, in Ataov, Türkkaya (ed.), The Armenians in the Late Ottoman Period, (Ankara: The Turkish Historical Society, 2001), pp. 87-108.
2448.Davison, R. H., The Armenian Crisis, 1912-1914, American Historical Review, 43, 1948.
2449.Dekmejian, R.H., Soviet-Turkish Relations and Politics in the Armenian SSR, Soviet Studies, Vol. XIX, No.: 4, April 1968.
2450.Der Nersession, S., The Armenians, (London and New York: 1969).
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