Merchants of What!. . .
Source: Usi e costumi sociali, politici e religiosi di tutti i popoli del mondo da documenti autentici e dai viaggi migliori e piu recenti : traduzione riveduta dal cavaliere Luigi Cibrario. (Torino : Stabilimento tipografico fontana, 1844-1847.) Dally, Nicolas, author.
There were not only Armenian merchants (Mercanta Armeno) in Asia (read Ottoman Turkey) but also Merchants of false information aided by a misguided print media. These are real books [1]. They are not written by Borat .
Mavi Boncuk
The Armenian Crisis and the Rule of the Turk (1895)by Frederick Davis Greene [2]
The Rule of the Turk;: A revised and enlarged ed. of The Armenian crisis, by Frederick Davis Greene (1896)
"Armenian Massacres or the Sword of Mohammed, Containing a Complete and Thrilling Account of the Terrible Atrocities and Wholesale Murders Committed in Armenia by Mohammedan Fanatics, Including a Full Account of the Turkish People, Their History, Government, Manners, Customs and Strange Religious Belief by Frederick Davis Greene, to Which Is Added the Mohammedan Reign of Terror in Armenia. Edited by Henry Davenport Northrop.[3] [Philadelphia]: American Oxford Publishing Co., 1896
"The Mohammedan Reign of Terror in Armenia" by Henry Davenport Northrop
Mavi Boncuk Footnotes
[1] The Armenian Research Center has cooperated with Michael Kane in New York to reprint nine classics of 19th century Armenian history, namely The Treatment of Armenians in the Ottoman Empire (Lord Bryce's famous Blue Book), Fr. Michael Chamich's History of Armenia: From B.C. 2247 to the Year of Christ 1780, or 1229 of the Armenian Era (Vols. I & II), the anthology Germany, Turkey and Armenia, Dr. Harry Stuermer's Two War Years in Constantinople, Clarence D. Ussher's An American Physician in Turkey (for which the Society of Van gave a subvention so it could be sent to 200 major universities), Aurora Mardiganian's Ravished Armenia, Dr. Fridjof Nansen's Armenia and the Near East, Fr. H.F. Tozer's Turkish Armenia and Eastern Asia Minor, and Frederick Davis Green's Armenian Massacres and Turkish Tyranny, or The Sword of Mohammed.
[2] Rev Frederick Davis Greene, who for several years resided in Armenia in the beginning of the 20th century. [See: Tall Armenian Tale....all the exaggerations, all the slanders that abound in the Rev. Frederick Davis Greene's pamphlet on Turkey. This agitator for he is one undertook the task of proving his story by so-called " genuine " testimony. With that aim in view, he published in his pamphlet some anonymous letters, about which, however, he wrote in an "explanatory note" the following: "It must be borne in mind that no writer was an eyewitness of the actual massacre." "The letters have largely based on the testimony of refugees from that region, or of Kurds and soldiers who participated In the butchery, and who had no hesitation In speaking about the affair In public or private."]
[3] Now largely forgotten, Henry Davenport Northrop was a popular writer of the 1880s and 1890s who catered to the taste for the eye-opening spectacle of human variety, with heavily illustrated books. But it would be difficult to find a writer less suited to the temper of our times. The title alone of his 1891 volume, Indian Horrors or Massacres by the Red Men, Being a Thrilling Narrative of Bloody Wars with Merciless and Revengeful Savages…, shows Northrop to be a man who dealt in sensationalized stereotypes, a stirrer-up of the fantasies that fuel discrimination and ethnic strife.
Temporary Direct Link: Armenian Crisis And The Rule Of Turk By Frederick Davis Greene, 1895
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