1041) Esteemed member of the European Parliament
Below message received, in relation to Turkish demonstration to be held on Tuesday Sept. 26, 2006 at 11.00 a.m. in front of Strasbourg European Parliament signed by
Mehmet Alkoç 0173-7348740 Repres. of I.P.
Abdullah Coşkun 0041-794552417 Almanya Atatürkçü Düşünce Birlikleri
Ali Mercan 0033-675451587 Berlin Talat Paşa Yürütme Kurulu
. .
Below content of letter sent by Doğu Perinçek to European Parliament members.
Distinguished Members of the European Parliament,
The meeting of the European Parliament on September 26, 2006 has, on its agenda, the Foreign Relations Commission Report and motions 97, 135, 140, 209, 277 which have Turkey as their target.
The report and the motions made by the members of the French Socialist Party disregard historical facts and represent the policies of the great European Powers of the past. These efforts are the latest examples of the attitude which aims at destroying European-Turkish relations.
Esteemed member of the European Parliament,
As the Chairman of the Workers’ Party (Turkey), I am, at the same time, a member of the Talat Pasha Committee which has been motioned to be condemned and dissolved.
Before everything else, it should be noted that the members of the Talat Pasha Committee have always been against the chauvinistic nationalism instigated by the West among certain ethnic groups in Turkey. We are the present representatives of Turkey’s two-hundred-year-old tradition of struggle against imperialism. If you take a look at the distinguished personalities of the members of the Talat Pasha Committee bringing together Turkey’s accumulation of learning and integrity , you can easily notice that they are the present vanguards of the tradition of the Turkish Revolution.
Qualifying our Committee as ‘extremely rightist’ is both against realities and also a method of psychological war adopted by the makers of the motion, in order to hide their imperialist character. V. I. Lenin, the great revolutionary of the 20th Century used the term, ‘social imperialist’ for those who were socialist in word but practiced imperialist policies. This term is very fitting for the mentality of the makers of the motion which demand that the Talat Pasha Committee be condemned. The centre of rightism, chauvinistic nationalism and reaction, in our age, is imperialism and today, in concrete terms, it is the US imperialism. And fighting against imperialism is the future of humanity.
Distinguished members,
The motion is full of mistakes.
The Erdoğan government, let alone supporting our struggle, has always obstructed it in all stages and by every means. He threatened the Members of Parliament from his party, at the meeting in Kızılcahamam, Ankara, on March 10-11, not to participate in the Berlin meeting and protest march. The news concerning the issue have been published in almost all of the Turkish newspapers.
For this reason, there is no need to put pressure on the Erdoğan Government to dissolve the Talat Pasha Committee. Those who have positioned Turkey on the threshold of the EU, according to US projects are already busy with it.
However, we should point out that the tradition of independence and revolution in Turkey has always been powerful enough to frustrate the efforts of executing the missions assigned by foreign sources. Mr. Tayyip Erdoğan, who was placed at the head of the Turkish governmental mechanism by the Neocons in Washington has repeatedly stated that he is ready to serve the Greater Middle East Project of the US and in fact has prided himself with being one of the co-presidents of this cursed project. You should not attach importance to the fact that a person who has a position in the hierarchy of another state bears, at the same time, the title of the Turkish Prime-minister.
You should know that a possible resolution to be taken by the European Union to put pressure on Mr. Tayyip Erdoğan to dissolve the Talat Pasha Committee will bear no practical results, for the Talat Pasha Committee rests upon the tradition of Turkish Revolution and patriotism and all the imperialist attempts have been frustrated in face of that tradition.
However, such a resolution will only show that the European Parliament has broken away from the libertarian tradition of Cromwell, Robespièrre and Goethe and has altogether abandoned the European values of civilization. It will have no other bearing.
We have not asked the European Union for permission to carry out the requirements of our responsibility to complete the Atatürk Revolution. And also, we are obliged to remind you that you do not possess such an authority.
Distinguished members of the European Parliament,
The allegations as to the ‘Armenian Genocide’ are a historical falsification.
The allegations as to the ‘Armenian Genocide’ are an international falsification.
The falsification of ‘Armenian Genocide’ was fabricated under the conditions of the First World War, by Britain, France and the Tsarist Russia as a tool of psychological war, with the purpose of partitioning Turkey.
The meaning behind the fact that the British imperialists and the French imperialists drove Australian and New Zealander soldiers on Turkey in Gallipoli on April 24, 1915 is the very same meaning behind the fact that their ally, the Tsarist Russia armed and mobilized Armenian units on the Eastern Front. We have resisted imperialist aggression on the forefront of all the oppressed nations of the world, we have killed the enemy and have been killed as well. In the First World War, while every other country was waging an imperialist war, Turkey, as Lenin observed, was defending her own lands and was fighting a righteous war. Those who call themselves socialist need to learn from Lenin.
You should study the facts from sources such as H. Katchaznouni, the first Pirime-Minister of Armenia between 1918-1919 or Armenian statesmen and historians like Lalaian, Karinian, Borian, Myasnikian or Soviet statesmen like Mikoian, who was a Foreign Minister of the Soviet Union of Armenian origin. All the sources published between 1920-1945 in the Soviet Union and Armenia unanimously noted the following facts: the units organized by Armenian separatists fought under the command of imperialist armies. In these wars, both parties lost thousands of lives and also nations mutually massacred each other. The instigator of these tragedies are the imperialist powers who wanted to partition Turkey and share it among them.
Our sources for these facts are not Turkish sources, we are referring to Russian and Armenian archives and statesmen. As an example, we are presenting for your information the report by Hovannes Katchaznouni, the first Prime-Minister of Armenia, submitted to the Dashnagzoutiun Party Conference convened in Bucharest in April 1923, in English, French and German.
Distinguished Parliament Members,
We ask you: do those who have turned the falsification of Armenian Genocide into a motion and those who have passed resolutions of similar content in the past, know the facts better than the Armenian Prime-Minister?
We have one request from you: read the report by Hovannes Katchaznouni and cast your vote, listening to the voice of your conscience alone.
We would like to remind you that the USA is being defeated in the Middle East. Those who serve the mono-polar US strategy will both be abandoning European interests and sharing the US defeat; just like those who shared Hitler’s defeat.
Declining the motions with imperialist intentions made to the European Parliament, concerning Turkey will not only confirm facts but also express the intention of normalizing the Turkish-European relations.
With my best regards,
Doğu Perinçek
Workers’ Party (Turkey)
Below message received, in relation to Turkish demonstration to be held on Tuesday Sept. 26, 2006 at 11.00 a.m. in front of Strasbourg European Parliament signed by
Mehmet Alkoç 0173-7348740 Repres. of I.P.
Abdullah Coşkun 0041-794552417 Almanya Atatürkçü Düşünce Birlikleri
Ali Mercan 0033-675451587 Berlin Talat Paşa Yürütme Kurulu
. .
Below content of letter sent by Doğu Perinçek to European Parliament members.
Distinguished Members of the European Parliament,
The meeting of the European Parliament on September 26, 2006 has, on its agenda, the Foreign Relations Commission Report and motions 97, 135, 140, 209, 277 which have Turkey as their target.
The report and the motions made by the members of the French Socialist Party disregard historical facts and represent the policies of the great European Powers of the past. These efforts are the latest examples of the attitude which aims at destroying European-Turkish relations.
Esteemed member of the European Parliament,
As the Chairman of the Workers’ Party (Turkey), I am, at the same time, a member of the Talat Pasha Committee which has been motioned to be condemned and dissolved.
Before everything else, it should be noted that the members of the Talat Pasha Committee have always been against the chauvinistic nationalism instigated by the West among certain ethnic groups in Turkey. We are the present representatives of Turkey’s two-hundred-year-old tradition of struggle against imperialism. If you take a look at the distinguished personalities of the members of the Talat Pasha Committee bringing together Turkey’s accumulation of learning and integrity , you can easily notice that they are the present vanguards of the tradition of the Turkish Revolution.
Qualifying our Committee as ‘extremely rightist’ is both against realities and also a method of psychological war adopted by the makers of the motion, in order to hide their imperialist character. V. I. Lenin, the great revolutionary of the 20th Century used the term, ‘social imperialist’ for those who were socialist in word but practiced imperialist policies. This term is very fitting for the mentality of the makers of the motion which demand that the Talat Pasha Committee be condemned. The centre of rightism, chauvinistic nationalism and reaction, in our age, is imperialism and today, in concrete terms, it is the US imperialism. And fighting against imperialism is the future of humanity.
Distinguished members,
The motion is full of mistakes.
The Erdoğan government, let alone supporting our struggle, has always obstructed it in all stages and by every means. He threatened the Members of Parliament from his party, at the meeting in Kızılcahamam, Ankara, on March 10-11, not to participate in the Berlin meeting and protest march. The news concerning the issue have been published in almost all of the Turkish newspapers.
For this reason, there is no need to put pressure on the Erdoğan Government to dissolve the Talat Pasha Committee. Those who have positioned Turkey on the threshold of the EU, according to US projects are already busy with it.
However, we should point out that the tradition of independence and revolution in Turkey has always been powerful enough to frustrate the efforts of executing the missions assigned by foreign sources. Mr. Tayyip Erdoğan, who was placed at the head of the Turkish governmental mechanism by the Neocons in Washington has repeatedly stated that he is ready to serve the Greater Middle East Project of the US and in fact has prided himself with being one of the co-presidents of this cursed project. You should not attach importance to the fact that a person who has a position in the hierarchy of another state bears, at the same time, the title of the Turkish Prime-minister.
You should know that a possible resolution to be taken by the European Union to put pressure on Mr. Tayyip Erdoğan to dissolve the Talat Pasha Committee will bear no practical results, for the Talat Pasha Committee rests upon the tradition of Turkish Revolution and patriotism and all the imperialist attempts have been frustrated in face of that tradition.
However, such a resolution will only show that the European Parliament has broken away from the libertarian tradition of Cromwell, Robespièrre and Goethe and has altogether abandoned the European values of civilization. It will have no other bearing.
We have not asked the European Union for permission to carry out the requirements of our responsibility to complete the Atatürk Revolution. And also, we are obliged to remind you that you do not possess such an authority.
Distinguished members of the European Parliament,
The allegations as to the ‘Armenian Genocide’ are a historical falsification.
The allegations as to the ‘Armenian Genocide’ are an international falsification.
The falsification of ‘Armenian Genocide’ was fabricated under the conditions of the First World War, by Britain, France and the Tsarist Russia as a tool of psychological war, with the purpose of partitioning Turkey.
The meaning behind the fact that the British imperialists and the French imperialists drove Australian and New Zealander soldiers on Turkey in Gallipoli on April 24, 1915 is the very same meaning behind the fact that their ally, the Tsarist Russia armed and mobilized Armenian units on the Eastern Front. We have resisted imperialist aggression on the forefront of all the oppressed nations of the world, we have killed the enemy and have been killed as well. In the First World War, while every other country was waging an imperialist war, Turkey, as Lenin observed, was defending her own lands and was fighting a righteous war. Those who call themselves socialist need to learn from Lenin.
You should study the facts from sources such as H. Katchaznouni, the first Pirime-Minister of Armenia between 1918-1919 or Armenian statesmen and historians like Lalaian, Karinian, Borian, Myasnikian or Soviet statesmen like Mikoian, who was a Foreign Minister of the Soviet Union of Armenian origin. All the sources published between 1920-1945 in the Soviet Union and Armenia unanimously noted the following facts: the units organized by Armenian separatists fought under the command of imperialist armies. In these wars, both parties lost thousands of lives and also nations mutually massacred each other. The instigator of these tragedies are the imperialist powers who wanted to partition Turkey and share it among them.
Our sources for these facts are not Turkish sources, we are referring to Russian and Armenian archives and statesmen. As an example, we are presenting for your information the report by Hovannes Katchaznouni, the first Prime-Minister of Armenia, submitted to the Dashnagzoutiun Party Conference convened in Bucharest in April 1923, in English, French and German.
Distinguished Parliament Members,
We ask you: do those who have turned the falsification of Armenian Genocide into a motion and those who have passed resolutions of similar content in the past, know the facts better than the Armenian Prime-Minister?
We have one request from you: read the report by Hovannes Katchaznouni and cast your vote, listening to the voice of your conscience alone.
We would like to remind you that the USA is being defeated in the Middle East. Those who serve the mono-polar US strategy will both be abandoning European interests and sharing the US defeat; just like those who shared Hitler’s defeat.
Declining the motions with imperialist intentions made to the European Parliament, concerning Turkey will not only confirm facts but also express the intention of normalizing the Turkish-European relations.
With my best regards,
Doğu Perinçek
Workers’ Party (Turkey)
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