Dear Friends,
Some Democrats are ready to bring up the so-called Armenian genocide issue to the Congress. My family has suffered from the Armenian Terrorist organizations, but we lived as close friends with Armenians of Turkish origin. I feel it is inappropriate to legislate a historic events especially if it is presented from one side only and thus give in to racist and prejudicial points of view.
Please, help prevent a mistake by our legislators to judge history by sending a letter to the House Speaker similar to that I sent to Nancy Pelosi. It would be better if you could add your own comments. The attached files are for your information and will tell you what I based my letter on.
This message is best sent by mail. I dont think an e-mail message will be read since it is too long.
However it doesn't hurt to e-mail as well:
Your letters may be posted to your district congressman/woman as well. Others may want to send to their district representatives as well.
November 17, 2006
Congresswoman Nancy Pelosi
2371 Rayburn HOB
Washington, DC 20515
Re: Let there be peace on earth. Reject hatred and vengeance.
Please improve USA image in the world and not create new enemies?
Dear Representative Pelosi,
The most likely source of the story of the alleged Armenian genocide must have come to you from people who have been brought up to hate and seek vengeance from childhood by their parents. Hatred and vengeance are the instigators of wars. You are a person who would uphold the law, be unbiased in making laws and reject unfounded racist propaganda.
From 1890’s to 1920 the Armenian Hinchak and Dashnak terrorist organizations were responsible for ethnic cleansing and for massacring over 350 thousand Turks, Kurds and Jews living in Anatolia. They destroyed and burnt down 22 Moslem villages and massacred their residents. Excavations and documentations are being conducted at present. You could visit these sites.
You cannot be impartial if you have not read the report of Hovannes Katchaznouni and compared the contents of that report with the misrepresentations and false facts presented by the Armenians of to-day. He was the first Prime Minister of the Armenian Republic before it was annexed by the communist Russian Republics. He was the head of the Armenian Dashnak Party and presented this report to the Dashnak Party conference in 1923 held in Brussels. At that time, the report was published in Armenian. The English translation was published in New York in 1955.
Katchaznouni essentially announced the following:
1. The Armenians tried their hands in uprising, terrorism, assaults, war, defense, organizing political parties, founding a State, etc. There is nothing else we could do but to make peace.
2. Creating the armed Armenian guerillas that came under Russian dominance was a mistake.
3. They had not counted on the segments of the Armenians who were siding with the Turks.
4. Turkey had acted in defense of its existence when it decided on the relocation.
5. Armenians had massacred the Moslem population.
6. There is no one guilty other than the Dashnak organization.
Do you believe in the American value of “Innocent until proven guilty”? This traditional American value is being trampled with in the accusations of the so called “Armenian Genocide”.
When the Ottoman Empire was defeated in WWI the Allies occupied its lands. They imprisoned more than 100 officials and took them to Malta for trial as perpetrators of war crimes. According to article 239 of the Sevr treaty signed by the Ottomans, the Occupying Nations were given complete access to all archives and documents of the Ottoman government. Archive specialists brought in by the Allies studied every document in the files of the Ottoman Government in order to find evidence of crimes committed against humanity. It took them 2 years, 4 months, and 27 days to come up empty handed. Since 1918 there still is no one that can produce a document that will hold up in a court of law. As a result, the High Court of the Allies which resembled somewhat the Nuremberg tribunals decided that there was not sufficient evidence to convict the Turks and released them. Attached are the documentations of these trials. Should you wish you could examine them.
Once proven innocent the retrying for the same crime is un-American when no additional documents of those times can be produced. The Armenians as well as the Russians refused to open their archives. Turkish archives were opened during the occupation and still is completely open and available to anyone. One can find many forged documents invented by Armenians of to-day. Most photos of alleged Armenian dead people could as well be the dead Turks of Erzurum. Museums in Erzurum and Van have the relics from the excavations of the mass graves. As a gesture of good will the Turks asked the Armenians to show where their dead were buried, but received no response.
Looking at the Armenian events from one side only means that you would legitimize the activities of the Hinchak, Dashnak and Asala terrorists whose methods were copied by the Al-Qaeda and you would find killing of Turks by Armenians very acceptable. Is it possible for you to review the works of historians who are not Armenian or Turkish nor employed by the Armenian Diaspora?
“The Diplomacy of Imperialism,” by William L. Langer, A. A. Knoff Publisher, NY, 1935.
Mr. Langer received A.B., Ph.D. and honorary LLD degrees from Harvard. He has been awarded an honorary D. Phil. by the University of Hamburg. In July 1946, as a result of his outstanding wartime record, Mr. Langer was awarded the Medal of Merit by President Truman.
“The Armenians,” by C.F. Dixon-Johnson, G. Toulmin & Sons, Northgate, Blackburn, UK, 1916.
Mr. Dixon-Johnson was an officer in the UK armed forces which were at war with Turkey. He was designated as a hero of the Boer War. He writes that the purpose of his book was to tell the truth. He adds:
“Give a lie twenty-four hours’ start, and it will take a hundred years to overtake it.”
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