1997) Tsarist Documents And The Armenian Cruelty
Every year, when 24th of April approaches the baseless Armenian allegations, guided by the West starts to come on the agenda of the World more frequently. Nevertheless, there are two main points, which indicates the legitimate reasons of the relocation: First, the cooperation of masses of Armenians, under the leadership of the Tashnaks, with Western imperialist countries and Tsarist Russia. Secondly, the ethnical cleansing policy followed against the Muslim population by the Armenian voluntary units for turning the population balance in their favor for to be able to found the “Great Armenia.”
The Tsarist archives are full of documents, which prove the first main point; and this is natural. The Tsarist officials had written many reports for inciting the uprisings and arming Turkish Armenians; they had corresponded and held negotiations among themselves and with Tashnaks. Nevertheless, the striking point in the Tsarist archives is that it displays thousands of documents that prove the second main point. In other words; the Tsarist Russia, which was the enemy of Turkey during the World War I, had registered the massacres committed for separating the Ottomans by the Armenians prior and after the relocation. In fact, that is also understandable. According to these documents, the Armenian voluntary unions had put the Turkish and Kurdish inhabitants of the villages to the sword. And they had even killed the prisoners of war. The massacres and looting realized by Tashnaks had even terrorized the Russian commanders who had used them against the Ottomans.
Various reports, reveal that Muslim women, children and elderly were massacred by the Armenian gangs, were personally written by the Tsarist officials, and hundreds of instructions were given to the Armenian voluntary units to prevent these incidents. Numerous Armenian officers and soldiers were even judged in the military courts, which were formed and sentenced the related ones to penalties. The massacres directed at the civilian population were also reflected in the documents of Tashnak authorities.
A lawsuit, which is dealt by the military court which was dependent on the headquarters of the Tsarist Caucasian Armies, illustrates the dimensions of the cruelty that was realised. The sentence over the lawsuit, which eight Armenian officers and soldiers, who are depended on third and fourth Armenian voluntary units, were judged, was horrifying:
“Meeting on the 10 September 1916, the Army Corps Court of Azerbaijan-Van Unit has judged the accused Arutunyan, eight persons in total, including Hay (also Ayk ) Ohanyan and the others, who are the volunteers of the third and fourth Armenian voluntary units and found guilty of raping Kurdish women and girls, torturing and killing intentionally 26 women and children, and sentenced them to be executed and taking all the privileges they posses.”
Moreover, the lootings of the Armenian units against the Muslims are fixed by the reports of the Courts.
The Tashnak documents are also full with the massacre stories of the Tashnaks, who were under the command of the Tsarist Russia and the west imperialism. In the instruction numbered 34, dated 22 June 1915 which was send by Nikolayev, the commander of the Van unit of the Russian armies to Aram, who was the governor of the city following the invasion of Van, it was ordered not to attack the Kurdish inhabitants in the region and not to loot the villages of these inhabitants. Aram, in the protest respond to the instruction, indicated that the orders would not be followed and the guilty ones would be punished heavily for constituting a warning for the Muslims living in the regions, which have not yet been invaded.
The telegraph of Prjevalski, the Commander-in-chief of the Caucasian front of the Russian Armies, to the military governor of Tbilisi, was indicating the preparation of the Armenian immigrants, who came from Russia, for massacring Turks, soon, and demanded to take every precaution for forbidding such actions. Moreover, the facts that the mass relocation of the Armenian immigrant families, most of whom Russian subjects, to the Pasin Plain by coming from the back of the front, and these families had invaded the Turkish families’ houses, together with the residences, which were allocated to military units, was reflected in the Tsarist reports.
There were many complaints regarding the Armenian voluntary units. Lootings, robberies, murders and mass massacres continued without a break. General Nikolayev, even reports that the Armenian volunteers, who try to ran away after looting, opened fire to the Russian military units, which desired to prevent them. Orders are also given for not giving permission to leave to the Armenian volunteers, without a written paper with the signature of their chief as well as confiscating the arms of the Armenians, who do not posses an Identification Card and detaining them until their identities are verified.
The following telegram of the commander of the Russian Caucasian Armies Odis,elidze is significant, as he witnessed these incidents as the commander of an army, which battles against the Ottoman State: When the Russian armies were withdrawing the Armenian units attempted ”mass violence”.
“At the present time, the Armenian units, which are deployed against the Turkish troops, and who are incompetent even against the Kurdish gangs and who definitely cannot resist to the Turkish troops, do not fulfill the orders: These units are deteriorating swiftly. Not punishing the mass violence directed against the disarmed Turkish nation including women and children is affecting this situation very much (…) If the army units and the Armenian nation, which is about 12.000, have to move backward, they would go violent because of hunger and in this situation, it is hard to predict what would the inhabitants of the region would experience then.”
The following telegram dated 22 January 1918, which is in the Russian archives, of Vehbi Pasha, the commander of the Caucasian Front of the Turkish Armies to General Prjevalski, the commander-in-chief of the Russian Caucasian Armies proves the violence caused by the withdrawal of the Russian armies.
“I present my deepest thanks for your definite orders for taking harsh and concrete precautions to prevent inappropriate actions against the Muslim subjects of the Ottoman Empire realized by the Armenian cruelty in the provinces, where the Russian armies invaded. (...) Especially, the Armenian cruelty, which has started following the Russian army corps left Erzincan, has passed beyond attacking the houses and murdering inhabitants in the dark corners, and spread to the villages and reached the point of open attacks against the villages, raping women, massacring men and burning down the villages. Meanwhile, the village of Zekkih, which is eighteen kilometers away from Erzincan in the Southeastern direction, has experienced an unlucky incident on 12 January 1334. a week ago the Muslim village of Koska, which is situated three kilometers away from Ardas?, was exposed to an attack of an Armenian gang, and when the village was burned down, a tragedy of the human being dominated the village.”
The full Turkish text of these documents, which is situated in my book entitled “The Armenian Issue from the Russian Archives in 100 Documents” reveal clearly that this mutual massacre, not genocide, was incited by the Tashnaks, which were guided by imperialist states. Even the documents of the hostile forces against Turkey can agree on this fact.
Source: Mehmet Perinçek-Cumhuriyet Daily-26.04.2007
Source: GenocideReality.com
The Tsarist archives are full of documents, which prove the first main point; and this is natural. The Tsarist officials had written many reports for inciting the uprisings and arming Turkish Armenians; they had corresponded and held negotiations among themselves and with Tashnaks. Nevertheless, the striking point in the Tsarist archives is that it displays thousands of documents that prove the second main point. In other words; the Tsarist Russia, which was the enemy of Turkey during the World War I, had registered the massacres committed for separating the Ottomans by the Armenians prior and after the relocation. In fact, that is also understandable. According to these documents, the Armenian voluntary unions had put the Turkish and Kurdish inhabitants of the villages to the sword. And they had even killed the prisoners of war. The massacres and looting realized by Tashnaks had even terrorized the Russian commanders who had used them against the Ottomans.
Various reports, reveal that Muslim women, children and elderly were massacred by the Armenian gangs, were personally written by the Tsarist officials, and hundreds of instructions were given to the Armenian voluntary units to prevent these incidents. Numerous Armenian officers and soldiers were even judged in the military courts, which were formed and sentenced the related ones to penalties. The massacres directed at the civilian population were also reflected in the documents of Tashnak authorities.
A lawsuit, which is dealt by the military court which was dependent on the headquarters of the Tsarist Caucasian Armies, illustrates the dimensions of the cruelty that was realised. The sentence over the lawsuit, which eight Armenian officers and soldiers, who are depended on third and fourth Armenian voluntary units, were judged, was horrifying:
“Meeting on the 10 September 1916, the Army Corps Court of Azerbaijan-Van Unit has judged the accused Arutunyan, eight persons in total, including Hay (also Ayk ) Ohanyan and the others, who are the volunteers of the third and fourth Armenian voluntary units and found guilty of raping Kurdish women and girls, torturing and killing intentionally 26 women and children, and sentenced them to be executed and taking all the privileges they posses.”
Moreover, the lootings of the Armenian units against the Muslims are fixed by the reports of the Courts.
The Tashnak documents are also full with the massacre stories of the Tashnaks, who were under the command of the Tsarist Russia and the west imperialism. In the instruction numbered 34, dated 22 June 1915 which was send by Nikolayev, the commander of the Van unit of the Russian armies to Aram, who was the governor of the city following the invasion of Van, it was ordered not to attack the Kurdish inhabitants in the region and not to loot the villages of these inhabitants. Aram, in the protest respond to the instruction, indicated that the orders would not be followed and the guilty ones would be punished heavily for constituting a warning for the Muslims living in the regions, which have not yet been invaded.
The telegraph of Prjevalski, the Commander-in-chief of the Caucasian front of the Russian Armies, to the military governor of Tbilisi, was indicating the preparation of the Armenian immigrants, who came from Russia, for massacring Turks, soon, and demanded to take every precaution for forbidding such actions. Moreover, the facts that the mass relocation of the Armenian immigrant families, most of whom Russian subjects, to the Pasin Plain by coming from the back of the front, and these families had invaded the Turkish families’ houses, together with the residences, which were allocated to military units, was reflected in the Tsarist reports.
There were many complaints regarding the Armenian voluntary units. Lootings, robberies, murders and mass massacres continued without a break. General Nikolayev, even reports that the Armenian volunteers, who try to ran away after looting, opened fire to the Russian military units, which desired to prevent them. Orders are also given for not giving permission to leave to the Armenian volunteers, without a written paper with the signature of their chief as well as confiscating the arms of the Armenians, who do not posses an Identification Card and detaining them until their identities are verified.
The following telegram of the commander of the Russian Caucasian Armies Odis,elidze is significant, as he witnessed these incidents as the commander of an army, which battles against the Ottoman State: When the Russian armies were withdrawing the Armenian units attempted ”mass violence”.
“At the present time, the Armenian units, which are deployed against the Turkish troops, and who are incompetent even against the Kurdish gangs and who definitely cannot resist to the Turkish troops, do not fulfill the orders: These units are deteriorating swiftly. Not punishing the mass violence directed against the disarmed Turkish nation including women and children is affecting this situation very much (…) If the army units and the Armenian nation, which is about 12.000, have to move backward, they would go violent because of hunger and in this situation, it is hard to predict what would the inhabitants of the region would experience then.”
The following telegram dated 22 January 1918, which is in the Russian archives, of Vehbi Pasha, the commander of the Caucasian Front of the Turkish Armies to General Prjevalski, the commander-in-chief of the Russian Caucasian Armies proves the violence caused by the withdrawal of the Russian armies.
“I present my deepest thanks for your definite orders for taking harsh and concrete precautions to prevent inappropriate actions against the Muslim subjects of the Ottoman Empire realized by the Armenian cruelty in the provinces, where the Russian armies invaded. (...) Especially, the Armenian cruelty, which has started following the Russian army corps left Erzincan, has passed beyond attacking the houses and murdering inhabitants in the dark corners, and spread to the villages and reached the point of open attacks against the villages, raping women, massacring men and burning down the villages. Meanwhile, the village of Zekkih, which is eighteen kilometers away from Erzincan in the Southeastern direction, has experienced an unlucky incident on 12 January 1334. a week ago the Muslim village of Koska, which is situated three kilometers away from Ardas?, was exposed to an attack of an Armenian gang, and when the village was burned down, a tragedy of the human being dominated the village.”
The full Turkish text of these documents, which is situated in my book entitled “The Armenian Issue from the Russian Archives in 100 Documents” reveal clearly that this mutual massacre, not genocide, was incited by the Tashnaks, which were guided by imperialist states. Even the documents of the hostile forces against Turkey can agree on this fact.
Source: Mehmet Perinçek-Cumhuriyet Daily-26.04.2007
Source: GenocideReality.com
Labels: Mehmet PERINCEK
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