2324) New Dimensions at the Armenian Question
The so-called Armenian question is gaining new dimensions with the new attempts of provocations. The “case” which is based on genocide claim and directed by the fanatic Armenians is supported by some countries. The death of Armenian citizens, who were determined to collaborate with the enemy, during their relocation, at the World War I, are characterized as genocide and the figures are . . exaggerated
These political intended claims, which result from prejudiced approaches and misleading, are used continuously as a propaganda and psychological effecting material. The owners of imperialist mentality, who incite Armenians for the sake of their interests, are in an effort to revive and escalate the case. However, their unchanging intention, is Turkey.
They issued statements in opposition, erected hatred monuments, adapted parliamentary resolutions, made international accusations and even adapted resolutions, which restricted freedom of thought. Following the assassination of Hrant Dink developments, which left Turkey to a more single-handed position, took place. The Diaspora organizations on the world, primarily The Armenian National Committee (ANCA) and the Armenian Revolutionary Federation, intensified their activities. The attempts for passing genocide claim from the USA Congress, are strengthening.
Following ADL, the Jewish organization, which is known to be against the Armenian genocide bill, acknowledged “genocide” 12 Jewish organization stated that they will be supporting the Armenian bill that will be presented to the Congress. The studies, which suggest that the denial of genocide would be regarded as crime in all EU countries, have started. These efforts, which are led by France, were escalated by Nicolas Sarkozy, during the presidential elections. Sarkozy, who won the elections, repeated once again that he is against Turkey’s EU membership due to the “genocide”.
These developments have also negative effect on the relations between Turkey and Armenia. Turkey is one of the leading countries that recognized Armenia’s independence declaration. Although there had been some attempts among the two neighboring countries for establishing dialog, contact and co-operation, the pressure of the ones, who sided reviving the Armenian question, surpassed and acknowledging “genocide” was presented as a pre-condition. And, our offer for mutual history commission was rejected.
Overcoming the aforementioned question of imperialism, which exploits Armenian fanatics, is only possible with discussing freely and reaching the actual information on the issue. The issue should be taken up with its ethnical, religious, cultural and political dimensions and should be evaluated within its historical depth. The facts have come into day light with the efforts of our related intellectuals. One should definitely know that the Armenian activities during the World War I, are the continuation of the bloody Armenian incidents that have been realized for almost 40 years to strike the Ottoman from inside, are based on a plan and carried out in a coordination at the front, at the back front, within the country, at the front of the enemy army and at the back regions.
Using Armenians with imperialist intentions, had started with the Turkish-Russian War, which was called as “’93 War”. The attack, which came from three different sides at the East in 24 April 1877, was absolutely an Armenian movement for the command rank. Loris Melikov, the commander of the Caucasus Armies and Central Left Wing, Lazarov, the commander of the left wing which headed Ardahan-Oltu, Tergusakov, the commander of the Left Wing, which headed towards Beyazid-Eles,kirt and S,elkovnikov, his Commander in Chief were all Armenian origin commanders. Many generals, like Lazarov, who had broke the resistance in Kars with very harsh actions, Avinov, who forced Erzurum-Uzunahmet, and Melikov, who undertook many significant missions, hundreds of officers from each ranks, hundreds of officers and thousands of soldiers were ruining and destroying and committing massacres with the dream of founding Armenia (!) that was promised to them.
Following the Berlin Agreement was signed at the end of the war; the Armenian issue gained a political dimension and became an issue of exploitation by the other countries. These countries had supported 35 Armenian uprisings, which break out in Anatolia starting from 1890 with the incitement of the Armenian committees and churches, which were founded during this period. Our interventions to the incidents were presented as “Armenian massacre”. It is also known that while the afore-mentioned forces directed the Balkan forces towards us in order to expel the Ottoman from Europe, they also helped some Armenian gangs to infiltrate to Rumeli in order to hit our army at the back.
The World War I, which was an extremely difficult period for us, started before managing to overcome the effects of the Balkan Disaster. The ones, who shared the assets of the Ottoman with covert agreements, were pressing with all their strength to hit the last stroke. England, which wished to dominate the “Indian Road” was bombing Suveys and Akabe and sending troops to Basra, while inciting the Arabs on the other hand. While it was opening the Iraq front against them, bloody battles were starting at the Palestine front.
France, which longed to possess Cilicia and Syria, was inciting and arming Armenian in Maras,. We were resisting to the allied forces at Çanakkale. We were fighting against poverty and cold at the Caucasus front besides the Russian forces. Also the Armenian movements, which were planned earlier, had started. The Armenian uprising, which erupted at the “Zeytun” region just before the war, spread out until Kayseri. The Armenian origin soldiers in Maras, also joined the rebels with their arms. Kayseri-Sivas highway, which connected to the third army transport corps formations from Anatolia, which was the supply, support and back region of all the fronts and Maras,-I.skenderun directions, were under threat.
While attacks against official buildings, barracks, recruiting offices and villages intensified, assaults had also been organized against domestic forces in Kayseri. A bloody uprising, which was being planned to erupt in Sivas, was prevented at last second. Many weapons, bullets and bombs were seized during searches that were conducted. Uprisings started at the leadership of the Armenian gangs in Van, Bitlis and Mus, when the Russian forces passed the borders. The force, which was consisted of 4 Armenian reprisal battalions that was consisted of 20, 000 soldiers and which were at the left point of the 4th Caucasus Army Corps that was advancing at the direction of Malazgirt-Mus, with the intention of threatening the right wing of our 3rd army, turned towards to Beyazid-Van direction for to be able to join the rebels.
While these forces, which were consisted of volunteers, educated in Caucasus and advanced by shedding blood and destroying in the control of the wild gang leaders, approached Van, the uprisings spread out to Gevas, and Çatak regions. The mobile gendarmerie forces in Van and two battalions consisted of volunteers, suffered great casualties. Also, armed Armenian movements had started to activate at the back region of the 3rd army. Bridges were destroyed, telegraph lines were destroyed and attacks were conducted against supply points, military institutions and even against the ill persons and convoys consisted of wounded people.
There had also been some activities of the gangs at the road which connected the 3rd army region to Trabzon harbor. The flours, which were stored for army, were attempted to be poisoned in Bayburt, which was a significant army transport corps center. On the other hand, espionage activities were conducted. Particularly the activities of the Armenian spies were influential at the Sarikamis, defeat. All the betrayals indicated at the reports of the commanderships of the fronts, had negatively effected out operations.
The releasing process of our soldiers, who were prisoners of war, most of whom injured, were conducted by Armenian guards. During the Siberia journey, which occurred in closed railway cars that lasted for weeks, many of our citizens died and their bodies could not be taken for days.
The related field manuals of the armed forces held each military unit responsible of deactivating the hostile movements directed from the sides and at the back. Similar threats within the country were eliminated right away by the commanderships. Despite all these, no heavy precautions were taken. Nevertheless, Patriarchate and Armenian Committees were warned. But the incidents gradually increased. This time, the main offices and branches of the committees were closed down on 24 April 1915. But the incidents gradually increased. It was decided with a law, which had three articles and was adopted on 25 May 1915 that the ones who were found guilty would be relocated temporarily to the regions that are away from the war. The afore-mentioned relocation was introduced as genocide and 24 April is regarded as a “day for pain” for the Armenians.
During the relocation, some of the people died because of the environment ental circumstances, illnesses and the movements of gangs. But there had never been genocide. The ones, who are responsible of these bloody incidents, in which both the Armenians and the Turks suffered, are the ones, who have imperialist mentality and the fanatics, who exploited them. The history reveals that the 24 April, which can really be regarded “as a day for pain” in the history of Armenia, is the 24 April, when 1877 war began.
Source: Retired Colonel Nazim Budak-Birlik Magazine-September-October 2007
These political intended claims, which result from prejudiced approaches and misleading, are used continuously as a propaganda and psychological effecting material. The owners of imperialist mentality, who incite Armenians for the sake of their interests, are in an effort to revive and escalate the case. However, their unchanging intention, is Turkey.
They issued statements in opposition, erected hatred monuments, adapted parliamentary resolutions, made international accusations and even adapted resolutions, which restricted freedom of thought. Following the assassination of Hrant Dink developments, which left Turkey to a more single-handed position, took place. The Diaspora organizations on the world, primarily The Armenian National Committee (ANCA) and the Armenian Revolutionary Federation, intensified their activities. The attempts for passing genocide claim from the USA Congress, are strengthening.
Following ADL, the Jewish organization, which is known to be against the Armenian genocide bill, acknowledged “genocide” 12 Jewish organization stated that they will be supporting the Armenian bill that will be presented to the Congress. The studies, which suggest that the denial of genocide would be regarded as crime in all EU countries, have started. These efforts, which are led by France, were escalated by Nicolas Sarkozy, during the presidential elections. Sarkozy, who won the elections, repeated once again that he is against Turkey’s EU membership due to the “genocide”.
These developments have also negative effect on the relations between Turkey and Armenia. Turkey is one of the leading countries that recognized Armenia’s independence declaration. Although there had been some attempts among the two neighboring countries for establishing dialog, contact and co-operation, the pressure of the ones, who sided reviving the Armenian question, surpassed and acknowledging “genocide” was presented as a pre-condition. And, our offer for mutual history commission was rejected.
Overcoming the aforementioned question of imperialism, which exploits Armenian fanatics, is only possible with discussing freely and reaching the actual information on the issue. The issue should be taken up with its ethnical, religious, cultural and political dimensions and should be evaluated within its historical depth. The facts have come into day light with the efforts of our related intellectuals. One should definitely know that the Armenian activities during the World War I, are the continuation of the bloody Armenian incidents that have been realized for almost 40 years to strike the Ottoman from inside, are based on a plan and carried out in a coordination at the front, at the back front, within the country, at the front of the enemy army and at the back regions.
Using Armenians with imperialist intentions, had started with the Turkish-Russian War, which was called as “’93 War”. The attack, which came from three different sides at the East in 24 April 1877, was absolutely an Armenian movement for the command rank. Loris Melikov, the commander of the Caucasus Armies and Central Left Wing, Lazarov, the commander of the left wing which headed Ardahan-Oltu, Tergusakov, the commander of the Left Wing, which headed towards Beyazid-Eles,kirt and S,elkovnikov, his Commander in Chief were all Armenian origin commanders. Many generals, like Lazarov, who had broke the resistance in Kars with very harsh actions, Avinov, who forced Erzurum-Uzunahmet, and Melikov, who undertook many significant missions, hundreds of officers from each ranks, hundreds of officers and thousands of soldiers were ruining and destroying and committing massacres with the dream of founding Armenia (!) that was promised to them.
Following the Berlin Agreement was signed at the end of the war; the Armenian issue gained a political dimension and became an issue of exploitation by the other countries. These countries had supported 35 Armenian uprisings, which break out in Anatolia starting from 1890 with the incitement of the Armenian committees and churches, which were founded during this period. Our interventions to the incidents were presented as “Armenian massacre”. It is also known that while the afore-mentioned forces directed the Balkan forces towards us in order to expel the Ottoman from Europe, they also helped some Armenian gangs to infiltrate to Rumeli in order to hit our army at the back.
The World War I, which was an extremely difficult period for us, started before managing to overcome the effects of the Balkan Disaster. The ones, who shared the assets of the Ottoman with covert agreements, were pressing with all their strength to hit the last stroke. England, which wished to dominate the “Indian Road” was bombing Suveys and Akabe and sending troops to Basra, while inciting the Arabs on the other hand. While it was opening the Iraq front against them, bloody battles were starting at the Palestine front.
France, which longed to possess Cilicia and Syria, was inciting and arming Armenian in Maras,. We were resisting to the allied forces at Çanakkale. We were fighting against poverty and cold at the Caucasus front besides the Russian forces. Also the Armenian movements, which were planned earlier, had started. The Armenian uprising, which erupted at the “Zeytun” region just before the war, spread out until Kayseri. The Armenian origin soldiers in Maras, also joined the rebels with their arms. Kayseri-Sivas highway, which connected to the third army transport corps formations from Anatolia, which was the supply, support and back region of all the fronts and Maras,-I.skenderun directions, were under threat.
While attacks against official buildings, barracks, recruiting offices and villages intensified, assaults had also been organized against domestic forces in Kayseri. A bloody uprising, which was being planned to erupt in Sivas, was prevented at last second. Many weapons, bullets and bombs were seized during searches that were conducted. Uprisings started at the leadership of the Armenian gangs in Van, Bitlis and Mus, when the Russian forces passed the borders. The force, which was consisted of 4 Armenian reprisal battalions that was consisted of 20, 000 soldiers and which were at the left point of the 4th Caucasus Army Corps that was advancing at the direction of Malazgirt-Mus, with the intention of threatening the right wing of our 3rd army, turned towards to Beyazid-Van direction for to be able to join the rebels.
While these forces, which were consisted of volunteers, educated in Caucasus and advanced by shedding blood and destroying in the control of the wild gang leaders, approached Van, the uprisings spread out to Gevas, and Çatak regions. The mobile gendarmerie forces in Van and two battalions consisted of volunteers, suffered great casualties. Also, armed Armenian movements had started to activate at the back region of the 3rd army. Bridges were destroyed, telegraph lines were destroyed and attacks were conducted against supply points, military institutions and even against the ill persons and convoys consisted of wounded people.
There had also been some activities of the gangs at the road which connected the 3rd army region to Trabzon harbor. The flours, which were stored for army, were attempted to be poisoned in Bayburt, which was a significant army transport corps center. On the other hand, espionage activities were conducted. Particularly the activities of the Armenian spies were influential at the Sarikamis, defeat. All the betrayals indicated at the reports of the commanderships of the fronts, had negatively effected out operations.
The releasing process of our soldiers, who were prisoners of war, most of whom injured, were conducted by Armenian guards. During the Siberia journey, which occurred in closed railway cars that lasted for weeks, many of our citizens died and their bodies could not be taken for days.
The related field manuals of the armed forces held each military unit responsible of deactivating the hostile movements directed from the sides and at the back. Similar threats within the country were eliminated right away by the commanderships. Despite all these, no heavy precautions were taken. Nevertheless, Patriarchate and Armenian Committees were warned. But the incidents gradually increased. This time, the main offices and branches of the committees were closed down on 24 April 1915. But the incidents gradually increased. It was decided with a law, which had three articles and was adopted on 25 May 1915 that the ones who were found guilty would be relocated temporarily to the regions that are away from the war. The afore-mentioned relocation was introduced as genocide and 24 April is regarded as a “day for pain” for the Armenians.
During the relocation, some of the people died because of the environment ental circumstances, illnesses and the movements of gangs. But there had never been genocide. The ones, who are responsible of these bloody incidents, in which both the Armenians and the Turks suffered, are the ones, who have imperialist mentality and the fanatics, who exploited them. The history reveals that the 24 April, which can really be regarded “as a day for pain” in the history of Armenia, is the 24 April, when 1877 war began.
Source: Retired Colonel Nazim Budak-Birlik Magazine-September-October 2007