2333) Nothing New at the Tashnak Front
Knowing the past, sheds light on the future. Let’s have a look at 90 years ago, to the period when the regime in Russia had changed, when Turkish Republic was founded for comprehending what Tashnaks are doing at the current day and what they are planning to . . do at the future.
Pirumyan expresses the reason why Armenians, who had secret aspirations, had not attended the alliance, which was attempted to be formed at the Caucasus by the Western powers at the period, as following:
Uniting these powers at the Caucasus that are opponent to Soviet upon the suggestion of the British political police, who had become hard-boiled at the Soviet opponent struggle, merely with the purpose of having direct struggle with the Soviets, was considered as the foremost part of this structuring… .
Southern Caucasus tendency demands Tashnaks to give up the secret thoughts of the Armenian bourgeoisie or at least make serious concessions on this issue. Coming together with a trustworthy alliance with the rivals by protecting the fundamental aspirations of the Armenian bourgeoisie, was at least impossible during the political circumstances of the time.
That’s why, the attendance of the Tashnak Party to “Caucasus Confederation” and “Promete” officially, despite the efforts of the party leaders at this direction, did not come true.
What was left for the Tashnaks to do, was to seek for another kind of “attendance” at the contra-revolution front; a kind of attendance that would obtain them a position at the interference ranks and at the same time that would not force them to hand over all the position of the Armenian bourgeoisie, and not force them to hand their secret aspirations on classes both at the Caucasus and at Asia…
We know that their “secret aspirations on classes” is their land demands from their neighbors. Their demands comprise lands in Turkey, from Sinop to Syria, and the lands of Georgia until Tbilisi. This should not be considered as a historical nostalgia, the invasion at the Azerbaijani lands, is the evidence, which illustrates that the goals and the plans of Tashnaks will never change.
A new appropriate role should be found for the Tashnak administration, which did not accept to establish good relations with its neighbors. Pirumyan added the following:
So, a new kind of participation was found or at least was pretended to be found for the leaders of the Tashnak administration. However, this could not be realized without the support of the people at the colonies of the British government, which was the former guard of the Party.
The interference, which was directed by the Tashnaks was and will be called as “The Committee for Rescuing the Pure Races”. Its official goals are independence of Kurds, struggling with Turkey, which is officially and physically re-structured, allocating the petroleum in Mosul to England until the eternity, reaching Baku and eventually colonizing the near East. This enterprise, which resembles to “The Committee for Rescuing the Caucasus” nourished the same goal despite their different starting points.
As known, the British colony policy has targeted to use the Kurdish salvation movements in the guidance of its interests for a long time.
According to the thoughts of the British boss; the “pure ones”-Tashnaks, should help the Kurds at this interference with their experiences on “revolution” and help Turks with their experiences on contra-struggling, and on the issue of Iran, it should constitute a public opinion based on the “Armenian origin Iranians” with the intention of directing Iran towards Turkey opponent ranks.
The question was not about how much Tashnaks were capable of implementing the responsibilities that were given to them; that will be evaluated in the future. However, the efforts of the foreign media while defending “the independence of the pure nations” was rather attention provoking.
Do the Tashnaks know that the Kurdish movement, with its current form, is the well-known imperialist combination, which exploits the national salvation aspirations of Kurdish masses? Of course, they do…
Then, the Tashnaks know very well who they will be serving. They know that they are preparing to destroy Kurds, as the imperialist had once done to the Armenians, and they are undertaking the first role at this activity.
The servants of the Tashnaks are making such an effort at their “new functions”. It is difficult to think that Tashnaks will succeed in attracting the Kurds and Iran to the orbit of the British power, but, it is evident that the “Panari propaganda left the remainders of Armenian nation in Turkey and Armenian population in Iran against the danger.
Tashnaks must have known about this fact, even at their silliest state.
Nevertheless the logic of the incidents is as following: If you have been sold once, you have to serve your master with loyalty.
Pirumyan stated the following at those days about the land demands of Tashnaks, which they have been still imagining with persistence:
Truly, can there be a funnier attempt than founding an Armenian state at the lands from Black sea to the Mediterranean, from the Karabakh Mountains to the Arabian deserts, if there is not a single Armenian citizen among the couple of millions of Turkish and the other non-Armenian populace, living on these enormous soils? Let’s leave founding a state aside; this is told by people, who are not able to establish a community life that can be bearable at a small area with a population of almost one million of Armenians. And by the way, people have to create jobs for themselves!
There is nothing new at the Tashnak front…
It’s always the same aggressiveness, disagreement, intrigue and betrayal…No doubt that when the circumstances change they will turn away from their current masters and find new masters. And they will continue to watch for an opportunity to pillage the geography, which they do not deserve.
The Tashnaks at Diaspora, S.G.Pirumyan, Source Publications, May 2007
Pirumyan expresses the reason why Armenians, who had secret aspirations, had not attended the alliance, which was attempted to be formed at the Caucasus by the Western powers at the period, as following:
Uniting these powers at the Caucasus that are opponent to Soviet upon the suggestion of the British political police, who had become hard-boiled at the Soviet opponent struggle, merely with the purpose of having direct struggle with the Soviets, was considered as the foremost part of this structuring… .
Southern Caucasus tendency demands Tashnaks to give up the secret thoughts of the Armenian bourgeoisie or at least make serious concessions on this issue. Coming together with a trustworthy alliance with the rivals by protecting the fundamental aspirations of the Armenian bourgeoisie, was at least impossible during the political circumstances of the time.
That’s why, the attendance of the Tashnak Party to “Caucasus Confederation” and “Promete” officially, despite the efforts of the party leaders at this direction, did not come true.
What was left for the Tashnaks to do, was to seek for another kind of “attendance” at the contra-revolution front; a kind of attendance that would obtain them a position at the interference ranks and at the same time that would not force them to hand over all the position of the Armenian bourgeoisie, and not force them to hand their secret aspirations on classes both at the Caucasus and at Asia…
We know that their “secret aspirations on classes” is their land demands from their neighbors. Their demands comprise lands in Turkey, from Sinop to Syria, and the lands of Georgia until Tbilisi. This should not be considered as a historical nostalgia, the invasion at the Azerbaijani lands, is the evidence, which illustrates that the goals and the plans of Tashnaks will never change.
A new appropriate role should be found for the Tashnak administration, which did not accept to establish good relations with its neighbors. Pirumyan added the following:
So, a new kind of participation was found or at least was pretended to be found for the leaders of the Tashnak administration. However, this could not be realized without the support of the people at the colonies of the British government, which was the former guard of the Party.
The interference, which was directed by the Tashnaks was and will be called as “The Committee for Rescuing the Pure Races”. Its official goals are independence of Kurds, struggling with Turkey, which is officially and physically re-structured, allocating the petroleum in Mosul to England until the eternity, reaching Baku and eventually colonizing the near East. This enterprise, which resembles to “The Committee for Rescuing the Caucasus” nourished the same goal despite their different starting points.
As known, the British colony policy has targeted to use the Kurdish salvation movements in the guidance of its interests for a long time.
According to the thoughts of the British boss; the “pure ones”-Tashnaks, should help the Kurds at this interference with their experiences on “revolution” and help Turks with their experiences on contra-struggling, and on the issue of Iran, it should constitute a public opinion based on the “Armenian origin Iranians” with the intention of directing Iran towards Turkey opponent ranks.
The question was not about how much Tashnaks were capable of implementing the responsibilities that were given to them; that will be evaluated in the future. However, the efforts of the foreign media while defending “the independence of the pure nations” was rather attention provoking.
Do the Tashnaks know that the Kurdish movement, with its current form, is the well-known imperialist combination, which exploits the national salvation aspirations of Kurdish masses? Of course, they do…
Then, the Tashnaks know very well who they will be serving. They know that they are preparing to destroy Kurds, as the imperialist had once done to the Armenians, and they are undertaking the first role at this activity.
The servants of the Tashnaks are making such an effort at their “new functions”. It is difficult to think that Tashnaks will succeed in attracting the Kurds and Iran to the orbit of the British power, but, it is evident that the “Panari propaganda left the remainders of Armenian nation in Turkey and Armenian population in Iran against the danger.
Tashnaks must have known about this fact, even at their silliest state.
Nevertheless the logic of the incidents is as following: If you have been sold once, you have to serve your master with loyalty.
Pirumyan stated the following at those days about the land demands of Tashnaks, which they have been still imagining with persistence:
Truly, can there be a funnier attempt than founding an Armenian state at the lands from Black sea to the Mediterranean, from the Karabakh Mountains to the Arabian deserts, if there is not a single Armenian citizen among the couple of millions of Turkish and the other non-Armenian populace, living on these enormous soils? Let’s leave founding a state aside; this is told by people, who are not able to establish a community life that can be bearable at a small area with a population of almost one million of Armenians. And by the way, people have to create jobs for themselves!
There is nothing new at the Tashnak front…
It’s always the same aggressiveness, disagreement, intrigue and betrayal…No doubt that when the circumstances change they will turn away from their current masters and find new masters. And they will continue to watch for an opportunity to pillage the geography, which they do not deserve.
The Tashnaks at Diaspora, S.G.Pirumyan, Source Publications, May 2007