MWC News, Canada, April 30 2008
La Trobe University, Bundoora, Melbourne is one of Australia’s top dozen universities with particular expertise in paramedical training and an excellent reputation for research and teaching in the humanities and biological sciences in particular. The main campus is set in beautiful bushland about 20 kilometers north of Melbourne at Bundoora. Bundoora means “the country kangaroos like” in the local Indigenous Australian Wurrundjeri language and indeed one can often see kangaroos grazing and hopping about in the outskirts of La Trobe University in the evening and early morning.
La Trobe University is named after a former Lieutenant-Governor of Victoria, Charles Joseph La Trobe (1801-1875), who administered the colony of Victoria from 1839-1854. However there are 2 sides to this man that reflect a continuing dichotomy of good and evil in Australia as a whole. Thus Charles La Trobe was a gentle, cultured man and a mountaineer, adventurer and writer. However he was a poor administrator and his rule over the British colony of Victoria was associated with 2 major failures: (1) the Eureka Stockade rebellion of gold miners that was brutally put down by British soldiers and (2) the expansion of the Aboriginal Genocide with ethnic cleansing of Indigenous (Aboriginal) people involving the notorious Native Police set up under La Trobe. This paradoxical good/evil duality is perhaps behind the statue of Charles La Trobe at La Trobe University that is exhibited standing on its head!
The beautiful La Trobe Bundoora landscape with its wonderful gum trees (Eucalyptus species), birds and kangaroos is the inspiration for my huge (1.3 metres x 2.9 metres) “Bundoora Eucalyptus” painting which also illustrates the dark/light, good/evil dichotomy of Charles La Trobe and of Australia as a whole. On the one hand Australia is a prosperous, educated, democratic society that was one of the first countries to have women’s suffrage, trade unions, and compulsory State-provided education. On the other hand, Australia has a shocking secret history of involvement in appalling genocides that continues to this day. Thus in 2008 Australia is involved in Palestinian Genocide, Iraqi Genocide, Afghan Genocide, Biofuel Genocide and Climate Genocide.
Before going further it must be clearly stated that the term “Genocide” used here is “Genocide” as precisely defined by Article 2 of the UN Genocide Convention:
“In the present Convention, genocide means any of the following acts committed with intent to destroy, in whole or in part, a national, ethnic, racial or religious group, as such: a) Killing members of the group; b) Causing serious bodily or mental harm to members of the group; c) Deliberately inflicting on the group conditions of life calculated to bring about its physical destruction in whole or in part; d) Imposing measures intended to prevent births within the group; e) Forcibly transferring children of the group to another group.”
Further, in assessing deaths from particular policies of invasion, occupation and dispossession one notes that deaths can be violent (from bombs and bullets) or non-violent (from deprivation and deprivation-exacerbated disease). Both kinds of avoidable death (death that should not have happened) are included within the term “excess death” used below (see “Body Count. Global avoidable mortality since 1950” (G.M. Polya, Melbourne, 2007: http://mwcnews.net/Gideon-Polya/ ).
The following catalogue of Australian involvement in Genocide as defined by the UN Genocide Convention – and notably in British- and American-imposed genocides - is given below in roughly chronological order from 1788 (the year of European Invasion and First Settlement) to 2008. A key reference is my book “Body Count. Global avoidable mortality since 1950”; other relevant books are Chalk, F. and Jonassohn, K. (1990), The History and Sociology of Genocide. Analyses and Case Studies (Yale University Press, New Haven & London); Tatz, C. (2003), With Intent to Destroy. Reflecting on Genocide (Verso, London); and Blum, W. (2006), Rogue State, A guide to the world’s only superpower (Zed Books, London).
1. 18th-19th century Aboriginal Genocide (the Indigenous Aboriginal population dropped from about 1 million to 0.1 million in the first century after invasion in 1788).
2. Tasmanian Aboriginal Genocide (the “full-blood” Indigenous population dropped from 6,000 to zero in 1803-1776; however there are several thousand “mixed race” decendants of Tasmanian and Mainland Aborigines still living in Tasmania today).
3. British Indian Genocide (post-invasion excess deaths 0.6 billion, 1757-1837; 0.5 billion, 1837-1901 under Queen Victoria; 0.4 BILLION, 1901-1947: see MWC News).
4. European Chinese Genocide (10-100 million deaths in the European imperialism-driven Tai Ping rebellion period; Australia was involved in suppressing the Boxer rebellion).
5. Maori Genocide (Maori population dropped from 0.1-0.2 million in 1800 to 42,000 in 1893; Australia was involved in the 19th century Maori wars).
6. African Genocide (scores of million perished over 5 centuries of European slavery and colonialism; Australians participated in the Sudan War, 1881-1898).
7. Pacific Genocide (there was a catastrophic population decline due to introduced disease and slavery; thus 40,000 Fijians died from measles out of a population of 150,000 in 1876; “blackbirding” slavery was conducted by Australians in the late 19th century).
8. Boer (Afrikaaner) Genocide (1899-1902; 28,000 Afrikaaner women and children died in British concentration camps; Australians participated in the Boer War as immortalized in the movie “Breaker Morant”).
9. Armenian Genocide (1.5 million killed; the Australian invasion of Gallipoli as part of an Anglo-French force in 1915 helped to precipitate this atrocity; indeed April 24 is Armenian Genocide Day and April 25 is the day of the Australia invasion in 1915 and also a sacred war dead remembrance day for Australians and New Zealanders – it is called Anzac Day after the Australian and New Zealand Army Corps (ANZAC) which stormed ashore on that first Anzac Day at Gallipoli in 1915).
10. Bengali Genocide (6-7 million perished in the “forgotten” man-made Bengal Famine atrocity in Bengal and adjoining provinces in British India, 1943-1945; Australians were there and indeed the Governor of Bengal in 1944 was an Australian, R.G. Casey).
11. British post-1950 Third World Genocide (1950-2005 excess deaths in countries subject to British occupation as a major occupier in the post-war era totalled 727 million; Australia has the same Head of State as the UK and continues to be a loyal military ally of the UK in Occupied Iraq and Occupied Afghanistan).
12. US post-1950 Third World Genocide (1950-2005 excess deaths in countries subject to US occupation as a major occupier in the post-war era totalled 82 million; Australia participated in all post-1950 US Asian Wars in Korea, Indo-China, Iraq and Afghanistan with Indigenous Asian excess deaths now totalling 25 million).
13. Australian Colonial Genocide (1950-2005 excess deaths in countries subject to Australian occupation as a major occupier in the post-war era, namely Papua New Guinea and the Solomon Islands totalled 2.1 million).
14. 20th century Aboriginal Genocide (total excess deaths clearly of the order of 1million; 0.1 million Stolen Generations Aboriginal children forcibly removed from their Mothers in the 19th and 20th centuries; excess deaths in the 11 years of the Bush-ite Coalition Government totalled 90,000 for 1996-2007).
The following Australian genocide involvements in this catalogue of horrors areongoing.
15. Palestinian Genocide (post-1967 excess deaths 0.3 million, post-1967 under-5 infant deaths 0.2 million and 7 million refugees; with bi-partisan agreement Australia provides diplomatic, financial and haven support for Israeli state terrorism – even when directed against tens of thousands of Australian citizens as in Lebanon in mid-2006 - and up to life imprisonment for anyone giving support to the Hamas Party that overwhelmingly won the 2006 Occupied Palestinian elections).
16. Iraqi Genocide (4 million excess deaths 1990-2008; 2 million post-invasion excess deaths, 0.6 million post-invasion under-5 infant deaths and 4.5 million refugees; Australia militarily involved since 1990 ).
17. Afghan Genocide (3-7 million post-invasion excess deaths, 2.3 million post-invasion under-5 infant and 4 million refugees; Australia involved militarily since 2001).
18. Ongoing Aboriginal Genocide (9,000 excess deaths annually; 90,000 excess deaths in the last 11 years of Bush-ite Coalition rule; see MWC News).
19. Biofuel Genocide (16 million die avoidably each year but this is increasingly biofuel-impacted as the legislatively-mandated US, UK and EU biofuel perversion forces up global food prices; Australia is a major sugar cane grower and sugar exporter with 60% of sugar going to bioethanol production worldwide; Australia has biofuel-promoting legislation and is a major canola grower, this being a major source for biodiesel; see MWC News).
20. Climate Genocide (16 million die avoidably each year already from deprivation and deprivation-exacerbated disease; Professor James Lovelock FRS says that over 6 million will perish this century die to unaddressed climate change; on a per capita basis Australia is among the very worst greenhouse gas (GHG) polluters – in terms of 2004 figures for “fossil fuel-derived annual per capita CO2 pollution” Australia is about 40 times worse than India and 160 times worse than Bangladesh if you include Australia’s world number 1 coal exports; see MWC News).
Yet politically correct racist Australia steadfastly “looks the other way” and its past and present involvements in the above atrocities are overwhelmingly not reported by racist, lying, holocaust-ignoring Mainstream media NOR taught in Australia’s schools and universities. PC racist White Australia just cannot see the “Elephant in the room” – its continuing involvement in over 2 centuries of horrendous genocide.
Australians are trapped in an Orwellian dream - Australia will only stop doing it when it is informed that it is doing it. Please inform everyone you can.
Dr Gideon Polya, MWC News Chief political editor, published some 130 works in a 4 decade scientific career, most recently a huge pharmacological reference text "Biochemical Targets of Plant Bioactive Compounds" (CRC Press/Taylor & Francis, New York & London, 2003), and is currently writing a book on global mortality ---
Other articles by this author
Australian Aboriginal Genocide
On Wednesday 13 February 2008 the newly elected Labor Prime Minister of Australia, Kevin Rudd, made a historic speech to the Australian Federal Parliament and publicly said “Sorry” for the Stolen Generations, the 19th -20th century policy of forcible removal of as many as 0.1 million Australian Aboriginal children from their mothers and an evil, racist part of the overall Aboriginal Genocide that commenced in 1788 and is still continuing in 2008.
PM Rudd’s speech was outstanding and the historic Apology was important in its healing implications for the victims and Indigenous Australians in general. It moved us (we heard it mostly standing in our living room) and evidently moved millions of fellow Australians – and I dare say most Australians. It represents an historic turn-around, a new start, a new page, a new chapter in Australia’s history.
However the harsh reality is that on 13 February 2008 0.5 million Indigenous Australians were still mostly living in Third World conditions and the Aboriginal Genocide (9,000 Aboriginal excess deaths annually, 90,000 Aboriginal excess deaths in the 11 years of the previous Bush-ite Coalition Government) is continuing. Indeed it took an ultra-conservative commentator to point out that the term “genocide” was not even used by PM Rudd or the Leader of the Opposition in their “Sorry” speeches.
Further, just a few hours after the "Sorry" vote in the Australian Parliament, the Australian Greens Leader Bob Brown moved to amend the historic "Sorry Motion" by adding a commitment to offer "just compensation to all those who suffered loss"- but this was voted out by all the non-Green Australian Senators in a 65 to 4 vote (see: HERE). It took 220 YEARS for the White Australians to finally say "Sorry" - not for the Aboriginal Genocide which they don't Acknowledge or don't talk about but for the "collateral" White abuse of Aboriginal Children. However it only took them several hours to show the world that they didn't actually mean it.
Now it may seem churlish to carp about these deficiencies after such a joyous and important event in Australia’s history – perhaps one of the most important events in Australian history. However the horrendous, continuing realities of the mostly Third World existence of Indigenous Australians demand urgent social responses in addition to words.
Such practical responses to an acutely serious, deadly situation must properly derive from scientific Rational Risk Management that successively involves (a) getting accurate data, the facts, (b) scientific analysis (involving the critical testing of potentially falsifiable hypotheses) and (c) systemic change to minimize human risk. Unfortunately, as outlined below, this protocol was ignored on Apology Day by (a) politicians and media ignoring realities, (b) anti-scientific spin and (c) no requisite, immediate systemic change to stop the current 9,000 annual avoidable Indigenous Australian deaths).
It is useful to see how other societies have dealt with the aftermath of Genocide. Thus in 1945 the Germans adopted a post-Holocaust protocol that can be summarized by the acronym C4A (CAAAA), this involving Cessation of the killing, Acknowledgment of the crimes, Apology, Amends (reparations, compensation) and Assertion “never again” (or more properly, “never again to anyone”).
How has Australia – represented by the Labor PM Rudd and the National-Liberal Party Coalition Leader of the Opposition Dr Brendan Nelson responded now at this historic moment, after 220 years of remorseless, ongoing Aboriginal Genocide in terms of (A) Rational Risk Management and (B) post-Holocaust C4A (CAAAA)?
A. Rational Risk Management
a. Data, the facts.
Neither PM Rudd (Lab) nor Dr Nelson (Lib) even mentioned the Aboriginal Genocide or the even the word “Genocide” in their speeches – an extraordinary omission in the face of the horrendous reality. Instead they concentrated on their versions of the Stolen Generations atrocity and otherwise studiously ignored Aboriginal History. Indigenous Australians have evolved rich, highly-varied cultures over Australia over 60,000 years. In 1788 Australia was invaded by the British and the Indigenous population dropped from about 1 million to 0.1 million over the next century through disempowerment, dispossession, deprivation, disease and massacre (the last massacres occurring in the 1920s). However in the 20th century, the Aboriginal Genocide largely continued due to egregious deprivation, “captive” labor (paid in flour, tea and sugar) and a racist policy of forced removal of children from their mothers (the so-called Stolen Generations). This shocking, large-scale, genocidal practice was only terminated in the 1970s. However the Aboriginal genocide continues (9,000 Indigenous Australians die avoidably each year out of an Aboriginal population of about 0.5 million).
b. Science and “genocide classification”
In ignoring the Aboriginal Genocide PM Rudd and Opposition Leader Dr Nelson have violated the fundamental scientific principle that you can’t selectively rub out the data. Indeed that is what happens with anti-science spin – this involving the selective use of asserted facts to support a partisan position. Further, Science is often about “classification” and it is useful to consider the legal UN Genocide Convention-based definition of Genocide as murder committed with “intent to destroy in whole or in part” with “intent” typically evidenced by sustained, remorseless, death-dealing Policy. This leads inexorably to classify what happened - and continues to happen - to Indigenous Australians as an Aboriginal Genocide (for expert scholarly opinions see: “Australia: Defining and Interpreting Genocide”, Chapter 4 in Tatz, C. (2003), ”With Intent to Destroy”, Verso, London; Chalk, F. & Jonassohn, K. (1990), “The History and Sociology of Genocide. Analyses and Case Studies” (Yale University Press, New Haven); Polya, G.M. (1998) “Jane Austen and the Black Hole of British History. Colonial rapacity, holocaust denial and the crisis in biological sustainability”, G.M. Polya, Melbourne, 2007: http://janeaustenand.blogspot.com/ ; Polya, G.M. (2007) “Body Count. Global avoidable mortality since 1950”, G.M. Polya, Melbourne, 2007: http://mwcnews.net/Gideon-Polya ). To reinforce this point it is useful here to quote from the definition of Genocide as set out in Article 2 of the UN Genocide Convention.
“Article II. In the present Convention, genocide means any of the following acts committed with intent to destroy, in whole or in part, a national, ethnic, racial or religious group, as such: a) Killing members of the group; b) Causing serious bodily or mental harm to members of the group; c) Deliberately inflicting on the group conditions of life calculated to bring about its physical destruction in whole or in part; d) Imposing measures intended to prevent births within the group; e) Forcibly transferring children of the group to another group.” c. Systemic change
Rational Risk Management ultimately involves sensible systemic change to minimize risk (rather than reportage-hampering, counterproductive “blame and shame”). PM Rudd “blamed” those responsible for forcibly removing children from their mothers whereas Opposition Leader Dr Nelson profoundly offended many by seeking to “excuse” complicit individuals and generations (to the extent that huge crowds in Melbourne, Sydney and Canberra turned their backs to the public TV screens in protest when he was talking).
PM Rudd at least indicated steps towards better housing, health and education – but what was lacking was a sense of urgency (e.g. he had 5-year or 10-year goals and would close the 17-year life expectancy gap between non-Indigenous and Indigenous Australians in “a generation”). Compare this response with the reality of 25 Indigenous Australians dying avoidably each day (because of Third World living conditions and because Indigenous health is under-funded by 50%) with the Australian Government responses to solo yachtsmen in trouble. Thus in 1997 it cost Australia A$6 million to rescue lone, round-the–world, UK yachtsman Tony Bullimore from his upturned yacht in the Southern Ocean and similar amounts to rescue other solo yacht-persons who have deliberately and knowingly put themselves at enormous risk in Australian waters (e.g. Isabelle Autissier and Thierry du Bois, similarly rescued in dangerous operations involving the Royal Australian Air Force and the Australian Navy at million-dollar costs; see: HERE ) . Yet there is NO such urgency in dealing with the ongoing passive Aboriginal Genocide that surely kills 9,000 Indigenous Australians each year - 25 every day - in one of the richest but most racist countries on earth.
For numerous suggestions that I have put to PM Rudd for his very timely, proposed “Australia 2020 Summit” for new ideas, and specifically for those to address the Aboriginal Genocide see item #7 “Options for the future of indigenous Australia” in “Australia 2020 Summit ideas.
We can now turn to C4A (CAAAA) and see how Australia compares with the post-1945, post-Holocaust Germans in their response to Genocide.
B. Post-holocaust
a. Cessation. The Aboriginal Genocide is continuing. There are 9,000 avoidable Indigenous deaths annually (25 daily); 90,000 avoidable Indigenous deaths occurred in the 11 years of the Coalition Government; Indigenous infant mortality is over 4 times greater than that for White Australia (as noted by PM Rudd in his speech) ; one of Australia’s top academic and clinical diabetologists (from Monash University, Melbourne) has recently predicted disappearance of Indigenous Australians this century in the absence of requisite urgent action (about 20% of Indigenous Australians have diabetes, mostly type 2 diabetes); the “annual death rate” is 2.2% for Indigenous Australians, 2.4% for Northern Territory Indigenous Australians and 2.5% for Australian sheep; life expectancy is about 17 years less for Aboriginals than for non-Indigenous Australian (also noted in PM Rudd’s speech); and there are horrendous health problems (see MWC News: http://mwcnews.net/content/view/15140/42/ and the National Indigenous Times, ”The Awful Truth”, Issue 131, June 14, 2007).
b. Acknowledgment. As described above, the term ”Aboriginal Genocide” was studiously avoided by PM Rudd and Dr Nelson (as pointed out by a right-wing commentator) and indeed is avoided in Australian public life. The speeches of both politicians avoided the circumstances of the Aboriginal Genocide except for the Stolen Generations component.
c. Apology. After 220 years of Aboriginal Genocide the Apology has finally been given and, furthermore, given in a bi-partisan fashion. However the Apology was really only given in relation to the Stolen Generations atrocity and the Opposition Leader attempted to excuse many participants in that atrocity as “well meaning”. Further, both leaders ruled out any Compensation. Indeed just a few hours after the "Sorry" vote in the Australian Parliament, the Australian Greens Leader Bob Brown (a very decent, honest, anti-racism, pro-humanity, pro-Planet medical doctor) moved to amend the historic "Sorry Motion" by adding a commitment to offer, “just compensation to all those who suffered loss" - but this was, of course, LOST (65 to 4 votes in the Senate) when the neo-Bush-ite, Clintonesque Labor Government, the Bush-ite Opposition, the Australian Democrats and the assertedly "Christian values" Family First Party all voted aginst it . A hollow Apology indeed.
d. Amends. As made quite clear before, during and after the Apology by both leaders, there would be NO Amends (NO reparations, NO compensation) – although both the Western Australian and Tasmanian State Governments are offering compensation to victims of the Stolen Generations..
e. Assertion Never again to anyone. PM Rudd actually said “never, never gain” but this noble intention is immediately nullified by the continuing Aboriginal Genocide - 25 Indigenous Australians have died avoidably in the 24 hours after PM Rudd uttered those words. The Leader of the Opposition Dr Nelson made the extraordinary assertion (from memory) that there would be no repetition of SOME of the things that had happened.
Australian PM Kevin Rudd deserves profound congratulations for this historic and healing Apology to the Stolen Generations. But the job has just begun – the Aboriginal Genocide is continuing and must stop now.
It is up to decent folk around the World to (a) inform others (Silence kills and Silence is complicity; please send this article to everyone you can) and (b) to act by Sanctions and Boycotts to ensure that PC racist White Australia means what it says and stops the Aboriginal Genocide now. Please make sure that the World is watching.
Dr Gideon Polya, MWC News Chief political editor, published some 130 works in a 4 decade scientific career, most recently a huge pharmacological reference text "Biochemical Targets of Plant Bioactive Compounds" (CRC Press/Taylor & Francis, New York & London, 2003), and is currently writing a book on global mortality ---
Other articles by this author
Genocide denial in Australia
The neo-Bush-ite Australian PM Kevin Rudd when asked why he had not used the term "Aboriginal Genocide" in his historic "Sorry" speech said that it would not be "appropriate" or "helpful" (see: link.
Top Australian scholars Professor Peter Read (Sydney University), Professor Stuart Macintyre (Melbourne University) and Professor Robert Manne (La Trobe University) have recently trenchantly criticized right-wing claims denying that the Aboriginal Stolen Generations atrocity was an Aboriginal Genocide as stated in the 1997 "Bringing them Home" Report
Aboriginal 'Genocide' Claim Denied
Imre Salusinszky | February 09, 2008
BRINGING Them Home, the landmark report that found indigenous children were systematically taken from their parents to "breed out" Aboriginality, was built on the "misrepresentations and misinterpretations" of professional historians, according to Keith Windschuttle.
Keith Windschuttle says the Bringing Them Home report was based on the misrepresentations of historians. Picture: Alan Pryke
In a preliminary extract from his forthcoming book, published today in The Weekend Australian, Mr Windschuttle questions the existence of the Stolen Generations and claims the policies involved were largely benevolent and contained elements that should be revived today.
His arguments have already been dismissed by some leading academic historians as absurd and blinkered.
Mr Windschuttle accuses University of Sydney history professor Peter Read of forming the NSW version of the Stolen Generations and says his own research has uncovered only one NSW file, among 800 examined, in which Aboriginality is cited as the reason for removal.
The claim undermines one of Ronald Wilson's key findings in Bringing Them Home in 1997, which was the basis for claiming the forced removal of Aboriginal children constituted genocide.
Professor Read yesterday rejected Mr Windschuttle's interpretation of the files.
"There are remarks made about the Aboriginality of the children, the way in which they were living or the number of brothers and sisters they had, where it is perfectly clear the children are being targeted because they are Aboriginal," Professor Read said.
Mr Windschuttle concedes there were "obnoxious" attempts to "breed out" Aboriginality in Western Australia and the Northern Territory but says those policies concentrated on intermarriage, not removal, and were undercut by the ineptitude of the bureaucrats involved.
While he says his findings pull the rug out from under Kevin Rudd's planned apology, Mr Windschuttle insists the Prime Minister should accompany the symbolic gesture with $50 billion in compensation.
The conservative historian and incoming Quadrant editor, whose 2002 book The Fabrication of Aboriginal History questioned historians' claims of massacres of Aboriginal communities, estimates fewer than a third of the young Aborigines removed from their parents in NSW between 1915 and the late 1960s were aged under 12. Of these "almost all were welfare cases -- orphans, neglected children (some severely malnourished), and children who were abandoned, deserted and homeless".
In his new book, Mr Windschuttle says the vast majority of older Aboriginal minors were removed to be trained as apprentices, after which they returned to their families. "It is a policy that could well be revived today to rescue children from the sexual assault and substance abuse of the hellholes in the remote communities," he writes.
Mr Windschuttle said yesterday he anticipated a similarly strident reaction to The Fabrication of Australian History, Volume 2: The "Stolen Generations" as had greeted the earlier volume: "They will attempt to demonise me for my morals and they will make a lot of minor criticisms of my research and pretend that they are major."
Mr Windschuttle insisted he was not being mischievous by suggesting Mr Rudd's apology on Wednesday should be accompanied with $500,000 for every Aboriginal family in Australia.
"Any apology in the parliament that is not backed by compensation will be a PR gesture in the best tradition of spin-doctoring in politics," he said.
Melbourne University history professor Stuart Macintyre, who is teaching at Harvard, dismissed Mr Windschuttle's claims against Professor Read as "absurd".
"He was involved in research on and for families that had been separated by the NSW government, under legislation that was racially discriminatory in its ambit and purpose," Professor Macintyre said. "It is refreshing to hear that Windschuttle thinks an apology ... should be accompanied by compensation, but disingenuous of him to suggest that this would involve the payment of $50 billion."
La Trobe University historian Robert Manne, who edited a collection of essays condemning Mr Windschuttle's earlier book, said he was "very pleased that Windschuttle has finally conceded that the chief protectors in both the Northern Territory and Western Australia during the 1930s supported a policy of 'breeding out the colour' of the Aborigines. Unfortunately, he does not understand the connection between this policy and systematic female 'half-caste' child removal".
"The protectors believed the girls needed to be completely separated from the Aboriginal world to turn them into suitable wives for lower-class white males," Professor Manne said. "Windschuttle calls the policy 'obnoxious'. Why is he incapable of admitting that it was profoundly racist?"
Bush-ite Rudd Australia Denial
Australia has just witnessed an extraordinary Bush-ite propaganda event called the “Australia 2020 Summit”. The newly-elected, right-wing, Rudd Labor Government called this 2-day Summit for discussion of new ideas for the future of Australia. Unfortunately the Australia 2020 Summit was – as predicted by astute observers - manipulated as a vehicle for endorsement of Rudd Labor Government policy.
Citizens were asked for Submissions and over 3,000 people responded with over 8,000 submissions covering 10 Topic Areas (thus my 170 suggestions covering all 10 Topic Areas are given the ID 2015 in the Web-displayed submissions; the Initial Report of the Australia 2020 Summit can also be accessed via this link).
For the 2-day Summit the co-convenors were PM Rudd and the Vice Chancellor of the University of Melbourne, Professor Glyn Davis. Each of the 10 Topics Areas were co-chaired by a Government Minister and a Government-invited co-chair. Unfortunately while 5 of the co-chairs had PhDs only one of these was a scientist (a top medical scientist). One of the co-chairs was the CEO of the Rupert Murdoch News Limited media empire in Australia (that owns about 70% of city daily newspapers) and his boss-to-be Rupert’s son Lachlan was one of the 1,000 selected delegates –as if these guys didn’t have enough say already in the Australian Murdochracy.
Further, the composition of the 1,000 delegates (assertedly “Australia’s one thousand best and brightest”) was evidently biased as revealed by the fact that the delegates overwhelmingly supported Australia as a Republic by standing ovation - whereas a recent poll indicated 45% for, 36% against and 19% unsure (see a Republican report of this poll) .
At the end of the conference the 10 Groups delivered consensus suggestions out of the thousands of ideas submitted to the Summit. However the “process” was well controlled in this “stacked” conference as reflected in the outcome – 40 non-controversial suggestions, substantially of the “let’s set up a committee” kind and consonant with Rudd Labor policy. The Rudd Labor Government has said that it will “seriously” address the Summit suggestions – thus giving itself lots of time to do nothing about serious problems (notably the endemic Australia Child Abuse epidemic and the global warming Climate Emergency) and a licence to pick and choose from the Summit-endorsed pot-pourri of policies consonant with those of the Government.
One of Australia’s (necessarily conservative) top political commentators provided the following summary of what she called Ten of the Biggest Ideas arising from the Australia 2020 Summit (see “The Age”). I have analysed these briefly below with reference to what I submitted to the Summit in my Submission number 2015 (the references below are to Topic Number and Suggestion; thus my last suggestion out of 171 made was #19 in Topic 10 and is denoted 10.19 for easy reference).
1. “Introduction of an Australian republic with a two-stage, beginning with a plebiscite on the issue, followed by a referendum” – as indicated above this arose from an evidently “stacked” conference; this was my suggestion: “9.12. The idea of a Republic is supported by most Australians – however a Republic Declaration should not enable us to escape our continuing remorseless association with past and continuing British atrocities.”
2. “Creation of "community corps" to allow students to reduce their HECS [high university fees] through volunteer work” – my suggestion was that education should be free and thus my “1.6. Student HECS fees should be abolished – tertiary education should be free”.
3. “A national preventative health care agency funded by taxes on cigarettes, alcohol and junk food” – this was one of a number of excellent suggestions from the one Group headed by a top scientist; compare MY suggestion: “5.11. Major medical problems in Australia due to obesity, smoking and alcohol – need greater preventive campaigns and free behaviour change assistance for all people at risk”.
4. “Increasing the formal and legal recognition of Aborigines, with the possibility of a treaty” – this watered-down suggestion IGNORES the horrendous reality that the Labor Party supported the conservative Coalition Government last year in specifically depriving Northern territory Indigenous Australians (Aborigines) of the protection afforded by the 1975 Racial Discrimination Act (just imagine the international outcry if this sort of evil, racist specificity were applied to Jews or indeed to any vulnerable minority). This racist obscenity is still in place. I made 20 specific suggestions in the “Aboriginal” area based on non-racism and equal treatment e.g. my “7.1. Indigenous health funding should be urgently doubled as recommended 4 years ago by medical experts to meet peculiar needs and to stop the horrendous Aboriginal Genocide (9,000 excess deaths annually out of 0.5 million). 7.2. Apology to Indigenous Australians for the Stolen Generations is the first step – re the on-going Aboriginal Genocide there should be a comprehensive Cessation, Acknowledgment, Apology, Amends and Assertion of “Never Again”. 7.3. Urgent steps should be taken with intimate Indigenous consultation to stop the current irreversible Indigenous ethnocide. 7.4. Australia should sign the UN Declaration on Indigenous Rights . 7.5. Australia should urgently rescind the race-specific (i.e. racist) legislative suspension of the 1975 Racial Discrimination Act in relation to Northern Territory Indigenous Australians. 7.6. Overall taxpayer-funded Indigenous Australian employment should be the SAME as for White Australians . 7.7. All social services (health, education, emergency, welfare, security, legal etc) should be provided to Indigenous Australian communities at the same or indeed greater level as appropriate …”
5. “Contributing 1% of federal funding allocated to each government department to the arts” – this bit of glorious “bureaucracy gone mad” involves “funding by stealth”, hoping that people won’t notice what 1% of a total annual Federal Budget in 2007-2008 of about $230 billion actually represents (i.e. $2.3 billion, or about half of what we spend on all our public universities). This suggestion came from a Group headed by actress celebrity Cate Blanchett, Rudd’s chosen “Hollywood goddess” coup for the Conference. My suggestions were about using existing infrastructure and needs-based funding: “8. 6. Greater use of school and university infrastructure for community Arts activities and for displaying community Art. 8.10. There should be much greater financial support for critical, iconic cultural assets (museums, art galleries, orchestras, ballet, theatre, Indigenous culture). 8.11. Around the country there are thousands of dedicated artists whose work could - with some public imagination - enrich our public life pro bono publico.”
6. “All new buildings to be carbon neutral” – this is a good idea but hardly comes to grips with the horrendous Climate emergency and sustainability Emergency facing Australia and the Planet. I offered many suggestions but the over-riding core suggestion was “10.19. urgent - a Global Declaration of a Climate State of Emergency to reduce atmospheric carbon dioxide (CO2) to a safe and sustainable level of 300-350 ppm.”
7. “Bringing regulations for transport and agriculture across states into line” – this was a very sensible suggestion from a Group headed by a top business man with a PhD in economics. However this also falls into the pro-US, pro-Federalism policies of the Bush-ite Rudd Labor Government. Thus diminishing States Rights would enable extension of racist removal of Aboriginal Human Rights to all states (and indeed this has been publicly canvassed). I made numerous suggestions in this area which were resolutely ignored e.g. “2.1. Climate emergency and peak oil means renewables, electric vehicles, hydrogen vehicles, expanded public rail transport, and cessation of fossil fuel burning and highway building. 2.2. Just as we now have legislated mandatory efficient energy usage (e.g. with long life energy-saving lights) so we need mandated efficient Energy Provision. 2.3. Building highways and fossil fuel power stations should stop – but sensible rail systems should expand in concert with intelligent re-design of our cities. 2.4. Urgent need for the expert estimation of the “true cost” of major economic components such as coal-fired power stations and cars. 2.5. There is an urgent need for the expert estimation of the “true value” of public assets. 2.6. Save wild nature - sustainable use of wild nature is economically compelling (Balmford et al). 2.7. Continued economic growth with negative CO2 emissions means sole renewable energy use, re-foresting and restoring carbon to the soil. 2.8. In relation to the “true cost” of coal-fired electricity all renewables (including the latest photovoltaic technologies) are cheaper – and accordingly there must be massive investment in renewable energy. 2.9. Atmospheric CO2 must be kept to below 450 ppm in order to save the 63,000 jobs and $7 billion pa from the Great Barrier Reef. 2.10. The urgent need for a Declaration of Climate Emergency, Declaration of a Climate State of Emergency would have a transformative role in relation to economic infrastructure. 2.11. Change to “needs” rather than “desires” in our economy . 2.12. Economic efficiency must be the goal rather than economic expansion per se. 2.13. Implementation of Concentrated Urban goals should mean a more concentrated and efficient economic infrastructure. 2.14. There will be hugely expensive re-positioning of economic infrastructure unless the World declares a state of climate emergency. 2.15. There will necessarily be major changes to our economic infrastructure when Australia declares a Climate State of Emergency. 2.16. Massive changes to water-related infrastructure are urgently needed.”
8. “Establishment of a new federation commission to review the roles and responsibilities of federal, state and local government” – this was another “set up a committee” suggestion but with an insidious agenda of supporting the pro-US and Federalism policies of the Bush-ite Rudd Government. As you can imagine my forthright suggestions for improvement in Australian public life were utterly IGNORED e.g. “9. 1. Australia’s involvement in the ongoing Aboriginal Genocide, Iraqi Genocide, Afghan Genocide and Climate Genocide - see "Body Count" (G.M. Polya, Melbourne, 2007) - is only possible because of Mainstream media, politician and academic LYING and decent taxpayers must demand punitive feedback from Government e.g. loss of radio licences, TV licences etc. 9.2. Outstanding Jewish American investor and philanthropist George Soros has called for the “de-Nazification” of Bush America and the same process should be urgently applied to genocide-complicit and genocide-denying Bush-ite and neo-Bush-ite White Australia. 9.3. Australia urgently needs a Web-based Newspaper equivalent of the ABC that would involve expert academic, industrial and scientist correspondents and with public participation as citizen journalists and for open public commentary. 9.4. The Academies (such as the Academy of Science and the Academy of Humanities) should involve themselves actively in public policy through Reports by expert sub-committees. 9.5. As happened in post-Apartheid South Africa, Australia needs a Truth Commission to enable exposure and reconciliation with the guilty who would have immunity from prosecution and indeed would only be punished if they refused to cooperate and tell the truth. 9.6. As recommended by Nobel Laureate Harold Pinter there should be war crimes trials for Australian and other US Alliance politicians and officials involved in the Iraqi Genocide (1.5-2 million post-invasion excess deaths) and the Afghan Genocide (3-6 million post-invasion excess deaths).”
9. “A comprehensive reinvigoration of Asian language literacy and a recruitment drive of foreign language teachers” - this was a good idea but ignors the huge existing potential of multi-lingual people in Australia. Thus perhaps about 3 million non-Indigenous Australians or about 15% of the population speak a language other than English at home. I offered suggestions for efficiently accrediting language competencies (anathema to the Prosperous Anglo-Celtic men or Pacmen who run White Australia): “1. 1. High quality, maximum access, minimum cost, de-regulated Accredited Remote Learning (ARL) (involving detailed electronic provision of lecture notes, syllabus, teaching materials etc) can deliver teaching and learning off campus equivalent to that being delivered on-campus. 1.7 A minimal Accredited Remote Learning (ARL) scenario would be simple Federal or State Government fiat ordering their academics to formally examine students on courses provided free from 63-Nobel-Laureate US MIT. 1.11. Accredited Remote Learning (ARL), with parent, aide and other participation in equitable, high technology, de-regulated, intelligently-streamed, disabled- and disadvantaged–responsive, competency-assessing and accrediting secondary education.)”. I also raised the need to save Indigenous Australian languages: “7. 3. Urgent steps should be taken with intimate Indigenous consultation to stop the current irreversible Indigenous ethnocide.”
10. “A charter of rights and a national action plan” – is a good idea but in the context of thre Australia 2020 Summit gross hypocrisy in view of the comprehensive failure of Australia to meet its International Human Rights Obligations. I too suggested a Bill of Rights and other measures to deal with the gross Human Rights violations by politically correct racist (PC racist) White Australia e.g. “7. 1. Indigenous health funding should be urgently doubled as recommended 4 years ago by medical experts to meet peculiar needs and to stop the horrendous Aboriginal Genocide (9,000 excess deaths annually out of 0.5 million). 7.2. Apology to Indigenous Australians for the Stolen Generations is the first step – re the on-going Aboriginal Genocide there should be a comprehensive Cessation, Acknowledgment, Apology, Amends and Assertion of “Never Again”. 7.3. Urgent steps should be taken with intimate Indigenous consultation to stop the current irreversible Indigenous ethnocide. 7.4. Australia should sign the UN Declaration on Indigenous Rights . 7.5. Australia should urgently rescind the race-specific (i.e. racist) legislative suspension of the 1975 Racial Discrimination Act in relation to Northern Territory Indigenous Australians” AND “9. 2. Outstanding Jewish American investor and philanthropist George Soros has called for the “de-Nazification” of Bush America and the same process should be urgently applied to genocide-complicit and genocide-denying Bush-ite and neo-cons white Australia. 9.3. Australia urgently needs a Web-based Newspaper equivalent of the ABC that would involve expert academic, industrial and scientist correspondents and with public participation as citizen journalists and for open public commentary. 9.5. As happened in post-Apartheid South Africa, Australia needs a Truth Commission to enable exposure and reconciliation with the guilty who would have immunity from prosecution and indeed would only be punished if they refused to cooperate and tell the truth. 9.6. As recommended by Nobel Laureate Harold Pinter there should be war crimes trials for Australian and other US Alliance politicians and officials involved in the Iraqi Genocide (1.5-2 million post-invasion excess deaths) and the Afghan Genocide (3-6 million post-invasion excess deaths). 9.9. A Bill of Rights is urgently needed in this country especially re basic liberties, racism, free speech”.
The above analysis of Ten of the Biggest Ideas from the Australia 2020 Summit underscores its politcization, dishonesty, incompetence and moral failure. This moral failure is best illustrated in relation to the ignoring of the Climate emergency that threatens Australia and the World and the ignoring of horrendous Child Abuse in Australia (one third of all Australian women suffer childhood sexual abuse). These concerns are set out in the following letter I have sent to Australia media and politicians. The Silence has been Deafening.
Dear Sir, Madam, Mr, Mrs, Dr, Senator etc,
Australia 2020 Summit betrayed Australian children
The Australia 2020 Summit Initial Report IGNORES the Climate Emergency and Sustainability Emergency facing the World with Australia being the world's top Developed nation “annual per capita CO2 polluter” (and it also IGNORES horrendous Australian child abuse – one third of all Australian women are sexually abused as children).
According to top US climate scientist Dr James Hansen the world has passed a tipping point at which all Arctic summer sea ice may be totally gone by about 2015. He says that the world must REDUCE atmospheric CO2 to a safe and sustainable 300-350 parts per million (ppm).
Coincidentally 2015 is the ID for the over 170 submissions that I sent to the Australia 2020 Summit over the 10 Topics – my final suggestion was “10.19. urgent - a Global Declaration of a Climate State of Emergency to reduce atmospheric carbon dioxide (CO2) to a safe and sustainable level of 300-350 ppm.” (also see my Submission 5.13: “… childhood sexual abuse – this and related abuses should be urgently addressed Nation-wide”).
According to top UK climate scientist Professor James Lovelock FRS over 6 billion will perish this century due to unaddressed climate change. UK Chief Scientific Adviser Professor John Beddington CMG FRS says that "billions" are threatened by the US, UK and EU biofuel perversion that is grossly CO2 polluting and already contributing to huge global food price rises and threatening biofuel famine, biofuel genocide and climate genocide.
One of the Initial Report’s 10 Biggest Ideas was carbon neutral new housing by 2020. If PM Howard was Bush’s Man of Steel, then PM Rudd is the Man of Irony.
The Australia 2020 Summit has comprehensively betrayed Australian children (for citizen Submissions).
Yours sincerely,
Dr Gideon Polya
Melbourne, Victoria, Australia
The “stacked’, perverted, Australia 2020 Summit has revealed the moral incompetence of PC racist Bush-ite White Australia which ignores horrendous endemic child abuse and Genocide of Indigenous Aborigines, Occupied Iraqis, and Occupied Afghans – crimes that are dwarfed by Australia’s world-leading climate criminal involvement in Climate Genocide.
This Australian denial is a national equivalent of Sigmund Freud’s horrendous fraud in which he deliberately and knowingly dismissed the horrendous reality of child sexual abuse as fantasy in order to further his career (see: J.M. Masson, The Assault on Truth: Freud's Suppression of the Seduction Theory. Farrar Straus & Giroux,1984).
PC Racist Australia is indeed the Land of Flies, Lies and Slies (spin-based untruths).
I have done my duty by making a formal complaint (2008) to the International Criminal Court (ICC) over Australian involvement in ongoing Aboriginal Genocide, Iraqi Genocide, Afghan Genocide and Climate Genocide.
Please do your duty as a citizen of the world by informing everyone you can and acting ethically in all your avoidable dealings with those actively or passively complicit in genocidal Australian human rights abuses. Would you buy soap made in Auschwitz?
Comments (5)
1. 23-04-2008
"As you can imagine my forthright suggestions for improvement in Australian public life were utterly IGNORED"
Yep, that's pretty much what I would imagine.
Mate, do you need to be so self-righteous and rabid? Wouldn't you acomplish more if you attempted to participate in the discussion? Your suggestions don't read like ideas they read like unending complaints and uncompromisable demands. You achieve nothing with such hyperbole.
Good luck with it all, Ben.
Ben Gleeson
2. 23-04-2008
Thou shalt not kill kids
Ben, there is nothing "self righteous" or "rabid" about clearly stating that decent humanity must ESCHEW courses of action that result in avoidable death. PERIOD. No compromise, mate.
Unfortunately in PC racist Australia , the Land of Flies, Lies and Slies (spin-based untruths) people mostly "look the other way".
However silence kills and silence is complicity.
Thus Australia will observe Anzac Day on April 25 to remember out dead soldiers.
Yet racist, lying, holocaust-ignoring Australian Mainstream media IGNORE the horrendous reality that "the "annual under-five-year-old infant death rate" is about the same (about 0.6 percent) in Tibet and China as a whole as compared to 6.2 percent for US- and Australia-occupied Afghanistan, 0.12 percent for occupier Australia and 0.16 percent for occupier United States.
The annual infant death rate in occupied Afghanistan (6.2 percent) is 51 times that in occupier Australia, 38 times that in occupier US and similar to the ''annual death rate" of 10.2 percent for Australian prisoners of war of the Japanese in World War II - a war crime for which key Japanese leaders were tried and hanged " - reported in the China Shanghai Daily last week but deliberately NOT reported by racist, lying, holocaust-ignoring Australian Mainstream media : Horrendous Australian war crimes in Afghanistan .
"Dr Gideon Polya
3. 24-04-2008
First I would like to comment on Rudd.
I have an uncomfortable feeling about this man, I sense the zealot in him.
He was I believe, exposed just recently, when questioned about an Australian Republic, he was cajoled by the interviewer about the fact that the delegates were stacked in favor of a republic , (I think you exposed that with numbers), but then when pressed, he mumbled about this being a democracy, the will of the people etc. He then said we are going to be republic, implying a foregone conclusion.
Free tertiary education should be re instated, it is the Nation investing in the future, it ensures the best, not the most wealthy that can benefit from tertiary education, but that is your world, you would, have a greater insight of these matters than I.
Hooray! You brought up a sensible rail system. I remember having a discussion at work, many moons ago with my immediate superior, he pointed out that the true cost of road transport was much higher than normal figures quoted, and that rail was a better option. People overlook the cost of accidents, the damage to the highways inflicted by the modern trucks, the snaring of the cities by big transporters chocking up the bottle necks, this has a cost for sure, the air pollution caused by many trucks, against fewer locomotives. Back to you again.
I can understand why the indigenous people of Australia should be helped to hold onto and regain their ancient tongues, ( I myself studied for several years a 'Keltek' tongue just to get a feel of my roots, it brought many things alive that was lost to me), and of course recapturing their tongues would do great things for the Aboriginals. I think what I am saying here is there is not just an academic/commercial reason for the study of language, but also cultural. In passing I love to read items in the old ' Doric Scots' dialect, from my formative years, there is a humor in that dialect that can't be translated into straight English. (Such is language).
If the climate tipping point goes into a full avalanche affect as implied by Dr. Hansen ,(and many others), then all of the grand ideas of 2020 would would be replaced by a screaming need for survival.
mike keenor
4. 24-04-2008 20:16
Humanity, science VS Bush-ite spin
Mike, I endorse your comments about Rudd: \"First I would like to comment on Rudd. I have an uncomfortable feeling about this man, I sense the zealot in him.\"
Whereas his horrible predecessor\'s warmongering and Bush-ite dogma were disgustingly plain to see, Rudd\'s identical views are sugar-coated with an evangelical earnestness and ostensible reasonableness - the evidently MALIGN versus the ostensibly BENIGN.
I made 171 sensible, thoughtful, specific suggestions to the Australia 2020 Summit in 10 Topic Areas - plus a well-documented list of 255 suggestions sent separately to the co-convenors - (see: Gideon Polya\'s 171 Australia 2020 Summit Ideas; see also Gideon Polya\'s suggestions - ID 2015 - on official Australia 2020 Summit list of Submissions ID 2015 . In relation to the matters you raised, Mike, I offered the following suggestions (topic.suggestion numbering):
12. The idea of a Republic is supported by most Australians – however a Republic Declaration should not enable us to escape our continuing remorseless association with past and continuing British atrocities.
1.1. High quality, maximum access, minimum cost, de-regulated Accredited Remote Learning (ARL) (involving detailed electronic provision of lecture notes, syllabus, teaching materials etc) can deliver teaching and learning off campus equivalent to that being delivered on-campus.
1.6. Student HECS fees should be abolished – tertiary education should be FREE.
3.17. Fully renewable energy, comprehensive public transport, demise of the private car, and cessation of urban sprawl and highway building.
3.18. Use annual $10 billion pa fossil fuel subsidies to build wind farms at $2 per watt for 50 Gigawatt 100% renewable wind energy in 10 years.
3.19. Stop deforestation both at home (Tasmania, pulp) and abroad.
3.20. Further extinctions and ecocides are INTOLERABLE and what is left of wild nature must be used sustainably.
3.21. Australia and the World need an immediate Declaration of a Climate State of Emergency, a State of Emergency to stop run-away climate change.
I had numerous suggestions re Indigenous Australians notably:
7.1. Indigenous health funding should be urgently doubled as recommended 4 years ago by medical experts to meet peculiar needs and to stop the horrendous Aboriginal Genocide (9,000 excess deaths annually out of 0.5 million).
7.3. Urgent steps should be taken with intimate Indigenous consultation to stop the current irreversible Indigenous ethnocide.
I had numerous suggestions re Climate Change under topic #3 - WHEREAS the Bush-ite Australia 2020 Summit would NOT use the world \"reneables !!!! - including, most importantly:
3.4. Enough is enough – there should be COMPLETE CESSATION of flora and fauna extinction in Australia and that means national and global action to keep atmospheric carbon dioxide (CO2) to about 350 ppm (10% BELOW the current atmospheric CO2 concentration of 385 ppm).
3.5. Urgent action on CO2 pollution is needed NOW in the light of our arrival already at key “tipping points” for mass extinctions and massive ecosystem destruction (see top US scientist Dr James Hansen)..
and my FINAL #171 suggestion:
10.19. URGENT - a Global Declaration of a Climate State of Emergency to reduce atmospheric carbon dioxide (CO2) to a safe and sustainable level of 300-350 ppm.
Whereas the climate criminal pro-Zionist, Bush-ite Rudd Government agenda is evidently informed by the SPIN from the vested interests of the Coal Industry and the racist, pro-Zionist, warmongering Bush Administration, MY suggestions were informed by humanity and a SCIENTIFIC methodology, thus:
10.1. Security comes from being NICE to people and doing business with them – Australia should cease diplomatic, legislative and military support for UK, US and Israeli state terrorism (Indigenous excess deaths in post-1950 US Asian wars now total 24 million).
10.2. The racism, xenophobia, anti-Arab anti-Semitism and Islamophobia in Australia should be reversed by public policy and education.
10.3. As with post-1945 Germany, Australia should adopt a CAAAA (C4A) protocol in relation to its nearly 60 years in post-1950 US Asian wars – Cessation of the killing, Acknowledgment of the crimes, Apology, Amends and Assertion “never again to anyone”.
10.4. Mandatory societal Rational Risk Management requiring (a) unfettered information , (b) science and (c) rational systemic change to minimize risk.
"Dr Gideon Polya
5. 25-04-2008 02:52
By the way.
By the way, I meant to comment on a web based newspaper. Great idea.