Now, Should You, yes, YOU do something about it, or just watch it!
Please find the Spanish » English auto translation of the petition against Ataturk below.(Warning: It may have some errors due to machine translation)
Then followed by the sample letter & the necessary email addresses.
Alerts-Action: NO TO "ATATURK" as prominent personalities in Larousse Encyclopedia
Act now! Larousse attention: ATATURK IS A genocidal
Join this action of rejection and repudiation by e-mail addressed to Larousse Publishing (Bs offices. Ace. And Paris) to cease to spread a distorted version of history, maintaining a position denial of Armenian Genocide. . .
In January of 2008, in the Collection of fascicles "They History" Larousse / Diario La Nacion where he delivered reports on summary prominent personalities who have been influential in the history of mankind, have been included Mustafa Kemal " Ataturk. "
In the same vein, in the last year the Commonwealth Armenia in Buenos Aires was shocked to find in books of English language education, where content is highlighted the performance of this evil character, placing it at the height of personalities in history as Mother Teresa of Calcutta and Nelson Mandela.
He started a campaign on April 24 this year with the publication in the Journal-Page 12 of a request signed by institutions of the community armenia of Argentina, Uruguay and Brazil on the subject.
Days later, dated May 16, Diario La Nacion published a letter sent by readers of the Armenian National Council questioning the merits special recognition to Mustafa Kemal in the aforementioned issue, who founded a modern state over falsehood, the crime of genocide and territorial encroachment.
We ask that you take a few seconds to participate in this action campaign of IAN and the Armenian National Council of South America to the Larousse Editorial correct this serious mistake.
Just click on the Continue button at the bottom of the page and complete your data. We will send an e-mail with your mailing address as the sender (as if you send your own mail server), and your data will appear by signing the text of the letter appearing on the next page. Recalls recommend this campaign to all your contacts!
+ Armenian National Council of South America. Armenia 1366 C1414DKD Buenos Aires - Argentina Tel Republic. (54 11) 47757494 E. Mail: consejonacionalarmenio@diarioarmenia.org.ar
Thanks to the massive participation of people, the previous campaigns of protest IAN have had resounding success, to see the results of previous campaigns click. It is worthwhile to participate and to recommend to friends.!
Communicate your opinion on issues Larousse (France), Publisher Aique (Filial Argentina) route:
Express have felt aggrieved by the publication of the collection of booklets "They History" by Larousse and delivered by the daily La Nacion has been weighted where Mustafa Kemal "Ataturk" as a prominent person in the history of mankind in 976 pages at 979.
That is to say that it has been recognized thus presumed to whom extraordinary merits in a planned massacred thousands of Armenians and Greeks and enslaved more than 100,000 children and young orphan of the Armenian Genocide in Turkish harems.
The gravity of such reports is that reaches the reader a completely erroneous vision of the evil character and affects the credibility of the medium which promotes.
We ask you to withdraw this character of the publication.
Sample Letter
Simply copy the sample letter below please, write your own name below and email it to:
1) livres-larousse@larousse.fr (Editions Larousse)
2) editorial@aique.com.ar (Editorial Aique )
3) Argentinian Larousse Office : http://www.larousse.com.ar/contacto.php
Dear Sir / Madam,
It has come under my attention that certain Armenian organizations have set up a campaign against your encyclopedia because, in it, you are (planning to be) quite positive about Turkey's first President Mustafa Kemal Atatürk. They have gone online, sending e-mails to every Armenian in the Diaspora they know, arguing that they should try to stop you, because Atatürk is responsible for the events of 1915.
I feel forced to react to their campaign, because I believe that what they are doing amounts to a hate campaign. Those who know history, and especially the history of Turkey and the Middle East / Ottoman Empire, know that Atatürk was not a political leader back in 1915. He was not a leader of the Young Turks. He was a military leader, who did not fight against Armenians but against the Great Powers who tried to divide the Ottoman Empire between themselves. Additionally, many historians argue that what did happen in 1915, did not constitute genocide. To label him a 'genocider doer,' then, would be dishonest on two different levels.
More importantly though, whether one believes that what happened was genocide or not, has nothing to do with Mustafa Kemal Atatürk. After the first World War, Atatürk even promised to protect the Armenians, despite the ongoing fighting for decades. As Stanford Shaw explained in 'The Armenian Legion and the Destruction of Cilicia,' Atatürk was serious about this; he did indeed protect them once he was in power.
Atatürk became Turkey's President in 1923. That was 8 years after the events of 1915. He is considered, by many, to be one of the greatest leaders in history. Below I will give you some quotes of important people who praised Atatürk for all that he did.
This man believed in "peace at home, peace in the world." He believed in nations and peoples living side by side, regardless of race or religion. That was what his revolution was all about. He has been praised by great leaders and journalists everywhere for his progressive reforms in Turkey; women gained equal rights, Islamist rules were abandoned, religious in the public sphere was replaced with rationalism / secularism, old beliefs and habits with enlightenment thinking... This man transformed a country so radically, and so positively, that it's difficult if not impossible to think of any other 20th century leader who earns the respect and appreciation Atatürk earns.
The Armenians, then, who try to attack you because you praise him / basically give the facts about his political and military achievements, are not acting rationally, nor honestly. They are blinded by their hatred for Turkey.
In the past they have falsified photos of Atatürk (one with so-called dead Armenian people laying at his feet; while in fact it were his dogs, and they had put the dead bodies in there artificially), now they still continue to smear this man's great name. I ask you not to let them get away with this.
Be honest and truthful to history. And to mankind. Include Atatürk, and give him the respect he deserves. He modernized a country, he brought a people into the 20th century. He transformed an Islamic state, into a modern and secular... peaceful and tolerant one.
Here are the quotes:
Encyclopedia Britt.: http://www.britannica.com/EBchecked/topic/40411/Kemal-Ataturk
"He modernized the country's legal and educational systems and encouraged the adoption of a European way of life, with Turkish written in the Latin alphabet and with citizens adopting European-style names."
Middle East Expert Daniel Pipes: http://www.danielpipes.org/article/837
"Mustafa Kemal Atatürk (1881-1938), one of the great political figures of the twentieth century..."
Historian Andrew Mango in his book "Atatürk" the biography:
Atatürk was a competent commander, a shrewd politician, a statesman of supreme realism. But above all he was a man of the Enlightenment. And the Enlightenment was not made by saints." "Atatürk was often described as a dictator - a description he hated above all others. It was, in fact, inappropriate, for he behaved not like a modern dictator, but like a latter-day king, who had delegated government to his chief minister, and then sought to amuse himself as best he could." Atatürk emerges from this biography as resolute yet contradictory. He forwarded women's rights but in his private life "could not accept women as equals." He was a devoted rationalist but invented "fantastic historical and linguistic theories."...
"Atatürk's message is that East and West can meet on the ground of universal secular values and mutual respect, that nationalism is compatible with peace, that human reason is the only true guide in life. It is an optimistic message and its validity will always be in doubt. But it is an ideal that commands respect."
US President John F. Kennedy (Washington D.C., November 10, 1963 on the 25th Commemoration of Ataturk's death):
"The name of Atatürk reminds mankind of the historical accomplishments of one of the greatest men of this century: His leadership gave inspiration to the Turkish nation, farsightedness in the understanding of the modern world, and courage and power as a military leader. It is without a doubt that another example can not be shown indicating greater successes than the birth of the Turkish Republic, and ever since then Atatürk's and Turkey's broad and deep reforms undertaken, as well as the confidence of a nation in itself."
General Douglas MACARTHUR, Commander-in-Chief of the Far East Forces, U.S.A.:
"He was a soldier-statesman, one of the greatest leaders of our era. He ensured that Turkey got its rightful place among the most advanced nations of the world. He has given to Turks the sense of self-confidence and endurance to the Turks, that forms the foundation stone of a nation's greatness. I take great pride in being one of Atatürk's loyal friends."
US President Franklin D. Roosevelt (1928)
"During a conversation with the Foreign Affairs Minister of the Soviet Union, Litvinov, I asked him who was, according to him, the most valuable and remarkable statesman of Europe. He replied that, the most valuable and interesting leader in the world was the President of the Turkish Republic, Mustafa Kemal Ataturk."
Charles de GAULLE, President of France:
"Because of the 25th year of Atatürk's death, I want to express the feelings of loyal friendship felt for the Turkish nation by the French nation. Today, Turkish history even more than ever is inseparable from Western and European history. Atatürk's efforts in this direction were not left without results. The friendship between our countries that has surpassed hundreds of years, has formed the foundation for this development."
Maurice Baumant (Professor):
"While the Old Ottoman Empire disappears like an illusion, the foundation of the national Turkish State is the most impressive success of this era. Mustafa Kemal has exposed a monumental piece of work. Atatürk's brilliant success has been an example for all the colonies."
Le Jour-Echo de Paris:
"One of the world's modern, greatest figures."
Claude Farrere:
"In the great man standing in front of me... there could be no doubt in his words."
President of France Albert LEBRUN:
"The work that Ataturk has achieved, with intelligent and peaceful methods, will leave traces in the history of mankind."
Gerrad Tongas (Writer):
"This could be presented to mankind as an example of untested philosophy. Atatürk has done in ten years, the work that could take centuries."
French Prime Minister BRIAND (1921):
"After the signing of the Ankara Treaty with the new Turkish State, French Prime Minister stated to the Assembly, "he has betrayed us, he has come to terms with wild brigands, with Mustafa Kemal followers: The ones that you named wild brigands the hero Mustafa Kemal and all his soldiers, had they been here, we would have erected their statues one by one. I'm proud to have signed such an heroic treaty."
L'IIIustration Newspaper, France:
"History has seen many great people. It has seen Alexander the Great's, Napoleon's, Washington's. However, in the twentieth century the record for greatness was broken by Atatürk, this Turkish son of a Turk."
Winston Churchill, Prime Minister of the United Kingdom:
"Atatürk's death is not only a loss for the country, but for Europe is the greatest loss, he who saved Turkey in the war and who revived a new the Turkish nation after the war. The sincere tears shed after him by all classes of people is nothing other than an appropriate manifestation to this great hero and modern Turkey's Ata."
Vladimir llyich Lenin, Leader of the Russian Revolution (1921)
"Mustafa Kemal was not a socialist. But it can be perceived that he is a good organizer, with great understanding, progressive, with good thoughts and an intelligent leader. He is carrying out a war of independence against those plunderers. I am believing that he will break the pride of the imperialists and that he will beat the Sultan together with his friends."
Dwight D. Eisenhower, President of the United States of America:
"In connection with the permanent memorial facility for Kemal Atatürk, I take pride in presenting my congratulations to Turkey. Your great country that is advancing on the course that he demonstrated has obtained very significant successes. This ceremony that is being held to commemorate the memory of Atatürk, the architect of progress and Turkish unity, is a very appropriate respect to a person who became a source of inspiration to free peoples throughout the world."
Hayato Ikeda, Prime Minister of Japan
"We feel a great admiration for Atatürk in his efforts towards ensuring the modernization of Turkish society by separating religion and politics from each other and by carrying out the Turkish Language Reforms."
Joseph Luns, Minister of Foreign Affairs, the Netherlands:
"In our times, it is Atatürk who brought Turkey to its current status as a modern republic with his farsighted and courageous political, social and economic reforms. At the same time, it was also he that prepared the foundation of the modern economy that will ensure today Turkey's attaining the strength to be able to enter the European Economic Community."
Ernest Hemingway, American Journalist and Novelist:
"The West and the East came face to face at the second class coastal town of Mudanya on a crooked road covered with dust on the hot Marmara coast. Despite the English flag ship "Iron-Duke's" ash-colored deathly turrets that transported the Allied generals for negotiations with Ismet Pasha, the Westerners had come here to beg for peace, not to ask for peace or to dictate the conditions... These negotiations demonstrate the end of Europe's dominance over Asia, because as everyone knows, Mustafa Kemal got rid of all the Greeks."
Daily Telegraph Newspaper, England:
"In no other country have women advanced this rapidly. It is truly an unique event in history for a nation to change to this degree."
Kindest regards,