2571) What Have You Done For The Truth Today?
I've published a post in June about asking your participation against the "Ataturk Is A Killer Campaign from Argentina" and I am just wondering now if anyone ever bothered with it, or just assumed that few will do, and you couldn't care less about it & didn't want to inconvenience yourself by getting out of your comfort zone.
Armenian Communities from Argentina, Uruguay and Brazil are in full force massive participation and they were asking their contacts to do the same, yesterday too.
I wonder what will happen, if your ignorance is bliss! .
"Ataturk Is A Killer" Campaign Against Larousse from Argentine
Alert-Action: Say NO to "Ataturk" As Distinguished Personality In Larousse Fascicule Collection, Aug 23, 2008,
Take action by e-mailing Larousse Editions (Bs. As. and Paris offices) to stop the circulation of a distorted version of history, holding a denial position of the Armenian Genocide.
On January 2008 on the fascicule collection "They made History" by Larousse Editions and La Nación newspaper, a summary about distinguished personalities who have been influential to Humanity's History are delivered. There, Mustafa Kemal "Ataturk" has been included.
In this same sense, last year the Armenian Community of Buenos Aires was shocked to find in school books of English, contents which highlight the performance of this dreadful character setting him at the same level that Mother Teresa of Calcutta and Nelson Mandela.
On April 24th 2008 a campaign was started with the publication in Página 12 newspaper of a petition signed by institutions of the Armenian Community from Argentina, Uruguay and Brazil, about this issue.
Days later, dated May 16th, La Nación published a reader's letter sent by the Armenian National Council of South America questioning the extraordinary merits granted to Mustafa Kemal in the mentioned fascicules, who funded a Modern State based on lies, genocide crimes and misappropriated territories. You are asked to spend a couple of minutes to participate of this campaign by IAN and the Armenian National Council of South America to make Larousse Editions correct this serious mistake.
Remember to recommend this campaign to your contacts !!!
Note: Thanks to the massive participation of people, the previous campaigns of protest IAN have had resounding success. It is worthwhile to participate and to recommend to friends !
Take action by e-mailing Larousse Editions (Bs. As. and Paris offices) to stop the circulation of a distorted version of history, holding a denial position of the Armenian Genocide.
On January 2008 on the fascicule collection “They made History” by Larousse Editions and La Nación newspaper, a summary about distinguished personalities who have been influential to Humanity’s History are delivered. There, Mustafa Kemal “Ataturk” has been included.
In this same sense, last year the Armenian Community of Buenos Aires was shocked to find in school books of English, contents which highlight the performance of this dreadful character setting him at the same level that Mother Teresa of Calcutta and Nelson Mandela.
On April 24th 2008 a campaign was started with the publication in Página 12 newspaper of a petition signed by institutions of the Armenian Community from Argentina, Uruguay and Brazil, about this issue.
Days later, dated May 16th, La Nación published a reader’s letter sent by the Armenian National Council of South America questioning the extraordinary merits granted to Mustafa Kemal in the mentioned fascicules, who funded a Modern State based on lies, genocide crimes and misappropriated territories.
We ask you to spend a couple of minutes to participate of this campaign by IAN and the Armenian National Council of South America to make Larousse Editions correct this serious mistake.
Just press the CONTINAR button at the page’s bottom and fill in your personal details. An e-mail will be sent with your e-mail address as sender (as if you have sent it from your own server) and your personal details will appear as signature of the text that appears further down. Remember to recommend this campaign to your contacts !!!
+ Armenian National Council of South America. Armenia 1366 C1414DKD Buenos Aires - Argentina Tel Republic. (54 11) 47757494 E. Mail: consejonacionalarmenio@diarioarmenia.org.ar
Translation courtesy of Meliné Keledjian (Argentina)
(english) Alert-Action: Say NO to “Ataturk” as distinguish personality in Larousse fascicule collection
Acción vía E-MAIL
asunto / subject (ingresá el título de tu mensaje):
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(el siguiente texto será incluido en tu mensaje)
I express feeling insulted by your publication of the fascicule collection "“They made History” made by Larousse and delivered by La Nación newspaper where Mustafa Kemal "Ataturk" was highlighted as distinguished personality in Humanity’s on pages 967 to 969.
With this, supposed merits have been recognized in him, a person that planned the massacre of thousands of Armenians and Greeks, and enslaved more than 100.000 children and young Armenian orphan women from the genocide in Turkish harems.
The seriousness of this kind of reports, is that a totally wrong view of this dreadful character is given to the reader and affects the credibility of the media that promotes it.
We request this character is taken out of the publication.
Thank you very much.
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Armenian Communities from Argentina, Uruguay and Brazil are in full force massive participation and they were asking their contacts to do the same, yesterday too.
I wonder what will happen, if your ignorance is bliss! .
"Ataturk Is A Killer" Campaign Against Larousse from Argentine
Alert-Action: Say NO to "Ataturk" As Distinguished Personality In Larousse Fascicule Collection, Aug 23, 2008,
Take action by e-mailing Larousse Editions (Bs. As. and Paris offices) to stop the circulation of a distorted version of history, holding a denial position of the Armenian Genocide.
On January 2008 on the fascicule collection "They made History" by Larousse Editions and La Nación newspaper, a summary about distinguished personalities who have been influential to Humanity's History are delivered. There, Mustafa Kemal "Ataturk" has been included.
In this same sense, last year the Armenian Community of Buenos Aires was shocked to find in school books of English, contents which highlight the performance of this dreadful character setting him at the same level that Mother Teresa of Calcutta and Nelson Mandela.
On April 24th 2008 a campaign was started with the publication in Página 12 newspaper of a petition signed by institutions of the Armenian Community from Argentina, Uruguay and Brazil, about this issue.
Days later, dated May 16th, La Nación published a reader's letter sent by the Armenian National Council of South America questioning the extraordinary merits granted to Mustafa Kemal in the mentioned fascicules, who funded a Modern State based on lies, genocide crimes and misappropriated territories. You are asked to spend a couple of minutes to participate of this campaign by IAN and the Armenian National Council of South America to make Larousse Editions correct this serious mistake.
Remember to recommend this campaign to your contacts !!!
Note: Thanks to the massive participation of people, the previous campaigns of protest IAN have had resounding success. It is worthwhile to participate and to recommend to friends !
Take action by e-mailing Larousse Editions (Bs. As. and Paris offices) to stop the circulation of a distorted version of history, holding a denial position of the Armenian Genocide.
On January 2008 on the fascicule collection “They made History” by Larousse Editions and La Nación newspaper, a summary about distinguished personalities who have been influential to Humanity’s History are delivered. There, Mustafa Kemal “Ataturk” has been included.
In this same sense, last year the Armenian Community of Buenos Aires was shocked to find in school books of English, contents which highlight the performance of this dreadful character setting him at the same level that Mother Teresa of Calcutta and Nelson Mandela.
On April 24th 2008 a campaign was started with the publication in Página 12 newspaper of a petition signed by institutions of the Armenian Community from Argentina, Uruguay and Brazil, about this issue.
Days later, dated May 16th, La Nación published a reader’s letter sent by the Armenian National Council of South America questioning the extraordinary merits granted to Mustafa Kemal in the mentioned fascicules, who funded a Modern State based on lies, genocide crimes and misappropriated territories.
We ask you to spend a couple of minutes to participate of this campaign by IAN and the Armenian National Council of South America to make Larousse Editions correct this serious mistake.
Just press the CONTINAR button at the page’s bottom and fill in your personal details. An e-mail will be sent with your e-mail address as sender (as if you have sent it from your own server) and your personal details will appear as signature of the text that appears further down. Remember to recommend this campaign to your contacts !!!
+ Armenian National Council of South America. Armenia 1366 C1414DKD Buenos Aires - Argentina Tel Republic. (54 11) 47757494 E. Mail: consejonacionalarmenio@diarioarmenia.org.ar
Translation courtesy of Meliné Keledjian (Argentina)
(english) Alert-Action: Say NO to “Ataturk” as distinguish personality in Larousse fascicule collection
Acción vía E-MAIL
asunto / subject (ingresá el título de tu mensaje):
Ver Listado de Participantes a la Fecha
(el siguiente texto será incluido en tu mensaje)
I express feeling insulted by your publication of the fascicule collection "“They made History” made by Larousse and delivered by La Nación newspaper where Mustafa Kemal "Ataturk" was highlighted as distinguished personality in Humanity’s on pages 967 to 969.
With this, supposed merits have been recognized in him, a person that planned the massacre of thousands of Armenians and Greeks, and enslaved more than 100.000 children and young Armenian orphan women from the genocide in Turkish harems.
The seriousness of this kind of reports, is that a totally wrong view of this dreadful character is given to the reader and affects the credibility of the media that promotes it.
We request this character is taken out of the publication.
Thank you very much.
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(no obligatorio)
Acepto publicar mi nombre en el listado participantes en IAN
I accept to publish my name in IAN Participan List
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