HyeClub Forum > Armenian Discussions > Armenian Politics > Can We Sue Turkey
08-17-2008, 04:04 AM
I heard Armenia can sue turkey for the genocide, if so why dont we?
We have enough evidence and if we win we could get a lot of money and land
08-18-2008, 12:49 PM
Don't hold your breath. Even if we could start a suit against Turkey, which court would it be conducted in? For the sake of argument lets say its in a neutral court like The Hague (which probably won't happen, but lets just say). We have had all the evidence for decades now, and even if the court rules in our favor, does the international community have the leverage and motivation to compel Turkey to "give" us money and land? Probably not. The U.S. invasion of Iraq is a clear example that the international community is in no position to tell the U.S. or any of its allies what they must or must not do.
Armenians shouldn't get complacent with this legal mumbo-jumbo, or rely on the international community to save our country. The only way we will ever restore our land from Turkey is if the geopolitical situation favors an attack on them and if Armenians carry out the actual "dirty work" in a military conflict. Anyone who tells you otherwise is either lying or is very naive.
Its important to stress that "legality" depends on who holds power. . .
08-18-2008, 04:44 PM
a neutral court like The Hague
:laugh::laugh: a good one! :laugh::laugh:
08-18-2008, 06:03 PM
Neutral in theory, and for the sake of argument.
Its non-neutrality just further proves my point that the international community can't do sh*t against U.S. interests.
08-19-2008, 05:42 AM
I heard Armenia can sue turkey for the genocide, if so why dont we?
We have enough evidence and if we win we could get a lot of money and land
If Armenia could sue them dont you think they would do it a long time ago?
08-19-2008, 02:38 PM
First we want to see America legally accepting the Genocide, then things could happen for us. Turkey must remunerate for our losses, our buildings and our lands by giving us our thousands of years' lands back. That should be the price of the renumeration. We want our lands back. Including Naxichevan.
08-20-2008, 09:15 PM
the only way to get it back is for Armenians to mate like rabbits and over populate Armenia, and the surrounding areas, the world is never going to give and underpopulated country more land so their minuscule population can not live there.
08-20-2008, 09:35 PM
Armenians to mate like rabbits and over populate Armenia
Can gays do this?
08-20-2008, 11:22 PM
Can gays do this?
yes,especially easy for the lesbians, it's called artificial insemination, as for gay men they can pay women to have their kids or adopt a bunch of non Armenians kids and raising them armenian, thus increasing the numbers of armenians
08-20-2008, 11:26 PM
What an interesting topic!
I was born in 1989 and I can't be responsible for genocide and my family are also too.
and Turks have been living Anatolia for about 1000 years(very before 1776) and it is very hard to change.
08-21-2008, 01:46 AM
dont worry.
your a turk thats good enough
08-21-2008, 06:49 AM
Intelligent and well presented argument by xcelr8. Your wisdom knows no boundaries. In fact I'm not worthy to even gaze upon your words, so I better leave before I feel even more inferior.
08-21-2008, 06:40 PM
yes,especially easy for the lesbians, it's called artificial insemination, as for gay men they can pay women to have their kids or adopt a bunch of non Armenians kids and raising them armenian, thus increasing the numbers of armenians
What a beautiful society that would be, it’s like building the biblical tower of Babylon. No thank you! I don’t think we need such a nation; I am thinking to bring my kids there to raise them with Armenian and moral traditions not with Babylonian morals and traditions.
08-21-2008, 09:31 PM
What a beautiful society that would be, it’s like building the biblical tower of Babylon. No thank you! I don’t think we need such a nation; I am thinking to bring my kids there to raise them with Armenian and moral traditions not with Babylonian morals and traditions.
it wouldn't be like building babylon because 1 that story is a parable. 2 we wouldn't be sitting in one location, we'd spread out. 3 You could still raise the kids armenian. 4 take you kids for the summers then but don't deprive them by making them live there, if you gonna move away from the evil western babylonian traditions at least move to greece or something, somewhere not as poor, not in ongoing conflict, and also prettier, & pretty much same values as armenians
Crimson Glow
09-20-2008, 02:07 PM
What an interesting topic!
and Turks have been living Anatolia for about 1000 years(very before 1776) and it is very hard to change.
It can't be THAT hard. After all, the Turks somehow managed to find a way to get rid of all the Armenians that had been living there for over 3,000 years.
10-22-2008, 02:24 PM
The only way we will ever restore our land from Turkey is if the geopolitical situation favors an attack on them and if Armenians carry out the actual "dirty work" in a military conflict.
Dirty work? Would you guys really reciprocate? Would you really want to fall that low? If you did chose to do that, then it would throw out all of the grievances you've ever had. It would completely destroy any claims you have.
Would you people really be down to do that?
10-22-2008, 07:45 PM
Republic of turkey till now had more than two states in one land,one is official and the other ones was the unofficial underground versions. Recently T.Erdogans AKP political ruling party somehow awakened from the three presumably independent political occult acts gave the trigger action to start dismantling the mafia-military-intellectual made unofficial terror underground state "ERGENEKON"which has a lots to tell for the plots against armenians and kurds from the beginning of the century till now. To clean this garbage will cost a lot for AKP but I personally I want to congratulate Erdogans for courage and the stability .
10-22-2008, 08:16 PM
Dirty work? Would you guys really reciprocate? Would you really want to fall that low? If you did chose to do that, then it would throw out all of the grievances you've ever had. It would completely destroy any claims you have.
Would you people really be down to do that?
I didn't say anywhere that unarmed civilians should be wiped out. "Dirty work" implies fighting in a war. Its dirty no matter how you look at it.
If they had the evidence they would have opened a case a long time ago.
But they don't because they know all their 'evidence' will be excused from the court as having no substance. That is why the diaspora relies on political campaigns and some half-true scholarly work ... getting governments to acknowledge a genocide.
Turkey has been calling for such an action for a long time and Armenia always rejects the proposal.
I have many Armenians friends in Canada and we don't argue on this because we know there is more politics involved than real historic research.
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