Nothing Ventured, Nothing Gained, Ara Toranian, 7 October 2009, Armenews
Votch. No. From Paris to Los Angeles, President Serge Sarkisian will be impacted at all stages of his tour of explanation on the diasporic Armenian-Turkish protocols on the same wall of hostility in the diaspora, under the same banner, the same slogan. If the goal of Dashnak party, the main organizer of this opposition was to demonstrate the stigma caused by these documents, it is reached. In fact, it's camp denied that the applause, the clear winner. This shows that the ARF remains the only Armenian organization to still have a strike force to advocate internationally. The other point of view has also been relayed, but much less noisily, by AGBU and a number of intellectuals and personalities (Charles Aznavour, Alain Terzian in France). As for the silent majority, we will not know what she thinks. Not having structures that would allow him to speak. It is not necessary to be a genius to assume that given the choice offered to him in its content and in form, it would respond in turn rather "no" if she had the means to do so. , How could it indeed be otherwise on such a sensitive issue with a statement of authorities also disastrous. And this, not counting the poor image and above all confidence plaguing the Armenian government since coming to power.

It is also possible that a part of this opposition to the protocols is motivated by ulterior thought politicians who have nothing to do with the merits of the question and that among the "no" to certain protocols do aimed at weakening Serge Sarkisian, to settle political scores with him. But regardless of this, it is obvious that this "football diplomacy", goes straight into the national consciousness deeply rooted in anti-Turkish Armenian population. A sense resentment, which takes its source in the genocide and is stirred for 90 years by nationalist arrogance, denial and armenophobic practiced by Ankara. To overcome such an ideology, very natural if this is necessarily very productive, he should have a strong popular legitimacy and to prove that the proposed solutions are practical interests of the Armenian side.
But in this case, Serge Sargsyan meets neither of these two conditions. It does not have the capital of sympathy that he would revolutionize the fundamental post-genocide Armenian identity. And it does not in the trash spectacular results, if not the opening of a border, whose opportunity is also debate in his own camp. In addition, he serves on the subject in great secrecy, failing to communicate its intentions during the campaign and the process surrounding an opaque curtain.
It was not until September 1 that are published results of his diplomacy, which it announced that it will be signed October 10. Faced with a fait accompli, without being able to reflect or support the process, the Armenians have really no choice but to respond with distrust?
In this case the Armenian government is reaping what it sowed, and pay the price of a manifest unpopularity, its educational deficit, which is great for casual. Pourtant, si le président de la République ne saurait être épargné par la critique, ce n’est pas forcément sur l’aspect diplomatique de son mandat qu’il a le plus démérité. While it seems natural to address him on how he was elected on the events that followed the elections and all the failures of democratic Armenia, as this text, which all crystallize today discontent, is paradoxically the most daring of its governance. It is certainly not a panacea. Far from it. This is only a compromise document that serves as a starting point to a roadmap. But contrary to what we read here and there, this agreement is not nearly as negative as the needs of mobilization and propaganda to authorize said. It enables the contrary, the two key issues of Karabakh and the genocide of progress. Regarding the first point, the text clearly separates the issue of the Turkish Karabakh (not shown) and pushes it into a corner in the Baku-Ankara axis. Indeed, in the text, the opening of the border is not conditional on settlement of the Karabakh conflict, although the Turkish political authorities claim the opposite in their statements for internal use. Therefore, two things: either the border will open as planned in the two months following the signing of the protocols and this action may create dissension with Baku while it spell the end of the blockade on the 'Armenia. Let the Turkish perjury, which will place in a weak position internationally and will spent the whole process.
Regarding the second point, much maligned, on the historical part, the text does not mention any time the establishment of a commission of historians. This is an "intergovernmental commission for historical dimension with the aim of restoring mutual confidence between the two nations with an independent scientific review of historical data and records to identify current problems and make recommendations. It is therefore no question of a commission of historians that would give the task of deciding on the genocidal events of 1915, which would undermine an impermissibly all research in this direction. Why then objected on, evoking "the scientific examination of historical data? Why talk about "Archives"? Just because we can not address this issue at a State level, without some data. For example, on what basis to assess the spoliation of the Armenians, the appropriation of their property except through the archives? Furthermore, how this proposal is different from that of Kocharian, who in a letter to Erdogan April 26, 2005, stated that Armenia had "agreed to create an intergovernmental commission, to address all issues on Relations between the state, including the history issue? A proposal that had shocked people at the time.
But the fundamental interest of this dialogue in the form of chess lies in the fact that the litigation history, the genocide issue, could just break the impasse in which relegates Turkey and they find their rightful place: at the center of the Armenian-Turkish issue. It is indeed positive, the point of view of the Armenian cause as the treatment of this conflict does not say the name is considered "a means of restoring confidence between the two States". Serge Sarkisian has shown convincing in asserting its meeting in Paris with the "representatives of the Diaspora" it was natural that Armenia, as an independent state, takes its responsibilities in this regard and confronts Turkey on this issue. The case is certainly not without risk. Of course the deniers will attempt to exploit this committee to stop, on behalf of the ongoing dialogue, the process of international recognition of genocide. But it is not already somewhat slow? However, the existence of these negotiations undoubtedly open the floodgates of discussion in Turkey and contribute to the necessary appropriation of history by the Turkish society. And most importantly, give meaning to the struggles and mobilizations to come in the world for international recognition of the genocide by providing a political framework of reference, a horizon and an outlet. This policy, according to Serge Sargsyan, would not surrender. It would open instead a new space, a new front. Core. Essential. In which the Diaspora and Armenia should proceed hand in hand. Eighty-five years after the fact, would it not time to confront Turkey and finally to change the Armenian question? Would it not time that Yerevan plays its role in this new challenge? Would it be better to stay on the chilly old and comfortable patterns that impinge person and ensure their supporters popularity warranty? A certificate of patriotism cheap?
The size of the heads of states is measured by their ability to predict and to decide, even face the difficulties and unpopularity. Thus we write the history. For now, it is without us. While the landlocked Armenia stifled, completely folded in on itself, Azerbaijan sits with its oil on a goldmine and Turkey becomes an economic monster, a must for international relations. And nobody has the means to enforce any rights whatsoever, otherwise than by negotiation and political struggle, which go together. This dialog contains the seeds of opportunity to confront, to scrap, but also to make things happen, to open hearts and minds, stimulate new process which will be born may be solutions. The alternative is to ignore one another and continue to battle at a distance in an unequal struggle for influence by proxy nations. But until when? And to achieve purpose whatsoever, except at one point sitting at the negotiating table?
The ideal would certainly oblige Turkey to accept the prior recognition of the genocide before any discussion. Good idea indeed ... But being in a negative posture against an initiative unanimously hailed internationally enough there to achieve this goal? Will we there to win points in public opinion, which is supposed to be our field of choice, our trump card?
The process involved, as fragile as it is, opens a new logic or realism prevail and the meaning of the result, not good feelings and declarations of intent. It is not without risk. But inaction itself is not risky? The time has surely come, as in the great moments of Armenian history, to seize the opportunity and roll up his sleeves? It proposed what came Serge Sarkisian during his tour in the Diaspora. And it is not necessary to meet this challenge, to approve the remainder of his policy. Similarly we will not ask the FRA to shoulder the sins of the era Kocharian and Sarkisian governance until April, because it has participated continuously for eleven years the governments of one and the other ...
Serge Sarkissian introduced the initiative as a matter of national interest. One area where the president, whatever criticisms we can make it otherwise has no lesson to receive. He was present at the time of independence of Armenia, he was defense minister during the armed conflict in Karabakh and does nothing in him a willingness to surrender to Turkey.
To each, therefore, to take its responsibilities to a deadline that was denounced by some as a kind of capitulation, which is defended by others as the logical continuation of the struggle for truth and justice. Knowing that whatever happens, he'll have at one time or another that Armenia sits at the table of negotiations with Turkey if it wants to achieve the realization of its historical rights ....
Ara Toranian
Armenian Diaspora Or Cuckolds Of Armenia By Denis Donikian, 5 October 2009

The Armenian diaspora wakes. The Armenian diaspora wakes. The imminent signing between the Armenian and Turkish States MoUs on open borders they could freeze as intangible seems to have stung, touched in his pride, reached the depths of his struggle . The imminent signing between the Armenian and Turkish States MoUs on open borders they could freeze as intangible seems to have stung, touched in his pride, reached the depths of his struggle. She saw that belong to one nation now finds itself as a forgotten part of history and its destiny. She saw that belong to one nation now finds itself as a forgotten part of history and its destiny. And now she touches the depths of his schizophrenia. And now she touches the depths of his schizophrenia.
In fact, differences between the Armenian Diaspora and the Government of Armenia are much greater if one lives on the border problem symbolically, while the other feels deep in his very survival. In fact, differences between the Armenian Diaspora and the Government of Armenia are much greater if one lives on the border problem symbolically, while the other feels deep in his very survival. One can hold forth as much as time allows him the time, the other did not have time. One can hold forth as much as time Allows him the time, the other did not have time. The main concern of Armenia is to find solutions to provide up to a breathing people geographically exposed to asphyxia. The main concern of Armenia is to find solutions to provide up to a breathing people geographically exposed to asphyxia. Knowing that the four windows that history has granted him, the Azerbaijani window is closed for long and that the Iranian and Georgian windows can be closed overnight, the first not only because of the instability in Iran now nuclearized but also the suspicion that he devote the West and some countries in the Middle East, the second because of its liability to the sword of Damocles Russian. Knowing that the furnace windows that history has granted him, the Azerbaijani window is closed for long and that the Iranian and Georgian windows can be closed overnight, the first not only Because of the instability in Iran now nuclearized purpose also the suspicion that he devote the West and some countries in the Middle East, the second Because of its liability to the Sword of Damocles Russian. President Sarkissian would he wrong to seek by all means a great opening to the west? President Sarkissian would he wrong to seek by all means a great opening to the West?
But whenever the interlocutor Turkish sign something, anything is rightly suspicious. But whenever the interlocutor Turkish sign something, anything is Rightly suspicious. The Armenians know from experience that the Turkish state plays on all fronts and by all records in order to achieve its purposes. The Armenians know from experience that the Turkish state plays on all fronts and by all records in order to Achieve its purposes. Diaspora saw the concern in his flesh. Diaspora saw the concern in his flesh. However, the Armenians of Armenia are not far behind. However, the Armenians of Armenia are not far behind. They also knew how much concealment can reach the Turkish diplomatic cynicism. They also knew how much concealment can reach the Turkish diplomatic cynicism. Just see how Erdogan "ride" and some other Americans, Armenians and Azeris same, blowing hot and cold, true and false, for the sole purpose of confusing their spirit and advance its own pieces. Just see how Erdogan "ride" and some other Americans, Armenians and Azeris same, blowing hot and cold, true and false, for the sole purpose of confusing their spirit and advance its own pieces. It confirmed yesterday that Father Charmattant (1844-1921) by writing: "... The Turk, in fact, never yield to the force. It confirmed yesterday that Father Charmattant (1844-1921) by writing: "... The Turk, in fact, never yield to the force. On the diplomatic front, he fears no one and it has the highest degree the art of stonewalling, delaying formulas and is the master in the art of dissembling, in discussions, and no one knows better sterilize negotiations and win the time he needs to postpone a solution to defeat the combinations that interfere . 'On the diplomatic front, he fears no one and it has the highest degree the art of stonewalling, delaying and formulas is the master in the art of dissembling, in discussions, and no one knows better sterilize negotiations and gain the time needed to postpone a solution to defeat the combinations Which interfere. "
One can "knock" Serge Sargsyan according to his own fantasies, but I fear it would be inappropriate to give equal political naïve as do the petitioners and protesters of all kinds. One can "knock" Serge Sargsyan according to his own fantasies, but I fear it would be inappropriate to give equal political naive as do the Petitioners and protesters of all kinds. In support of this thesis, we should remember that Sarkisian has fought at a high level for the defense of Artsakh, as to be decorated by its enemy today, Levon Ter Petrossian. In support of this thesis, we should remember that Sarkisian has fought at a high level for the defense of Artsakh, have to be decorated by its enemy today, Levon Ter Petrossian. Moreover, I doubt that any protest of the diaspora who is frightened at the idea of some kind of predatory Genocide and Karabakh has more than he realized that there is nothing to sell these lands there. Moreover, I doubt that any protest of the diaspora who is frightened at the idea of some kind of predatory Genocide and Karabakh has more than he realized that there is nothing to sell these lands there. Finally, to continue this record, it should be recognized that the Turks before them a partner who can skillfully playing with international rules. Finally, to continue this record, it should be recognized that the Turks before them a partner who can skillfully playing with international rules. Here is a man who shamelessly had "seen" president for several months before the elections and who has become, even to pay the price, ie disregarding any transparency. Here is a man who Shamelessly had "seen" president for several months before the elections and who has become, even to pay the price, ie disregarding any transparency. A man who practices democracy with lies, cheap shots and punch. A man who practices democracy with lies, cheap shots and punch. And that leaves unabated opposition drool over him in public. And that leaves unabated opposition drool over him in public. This man is definitely a drive, a rogue, a warrior, a Machiavelli, but they do not tell me it is a soft or naive. This man was certainly a hard, a rogue, a warrior, a Machiavelli, but they do not tell me it is a soft or naive.
In this game with the Turkish state, he knows there are risks to take. In this game with the Turkish state, he knows there are risks to take. But he also knows that the greatest threat to Armenia, the diaspora is not able to measure is that of isolation. But he also knows that the greatest threat to Armenia, the diaspora is not able to measure is that of insulation. We have said, the countries around the Armenia are unstable. We have said, the countries around the Armenia are unstable. They are not immune to conflicts that could explode overnight, point to close at the slightest gust of hot. They are not immune to conflicts that could explode overnight, point to close at the Slightest gust of hot. If Serge Sargsyan did not try to push the door of Turkey, tomorrow, in case of problems in the north or south, they accuse him of having nothing planned. If Serge Sargsyan did not try to push the door of Turkey, tomorrow, in case of problems in the north or south, they accuse him of having nothing planned. Because as the saying goes, to govern is to foresee. Because as the saying goes, to govern is to foresee.
In this case, the diaspora has her say? In this case, the diaspora has her say? But even if it is how it manifests itself as a national consciousness. But even if it is how it manifests itself as a national consciousness.
For now, I'll stick to two of its main trends, as a mobilizing force, the other as the power of solidarity. For now, I'll stick to two of its main trends, as a Mobilizing Force, the other as the power of solidarity. The push for recognition of genocide is mostly assumed by the troops of a party traditionally active in the defense, albeit blind, national interests. The push for recognition of genocide is mostly assumed by the troops of a party Traditionally active in the defense, albeit blind, national interests. Those who wave the red flag today and cast suspicion on Serge Sarkisian, accusing him of selling off everything, even what he has defended with arms, are not close to a caricature, even play on fears, frustrations and reactivate the myths and utopias. Those who wave the red flag today and cast suspicion on Serge Sarkisian, accusing him of selling off everything, even what he has Defended with arms, are not close to a caricature, even play on fears, frustrations and reactivate the myths and utopias. In this account, the more moderate rubbing extremists becoming more extremists and fall into the naive bidding. In this account, the more moderate rubbing extremists becoming more extremists and fall into the naive bidding. They tell me that the matter is better to preach the worst to avoid any possible disappointment, although we hope they will never succeed. They tell me that the matter is better to preach the worst to avoid any possible disappointment, although we hope they will never succeed. But the diaspora is also a force for economic solidarity without which Armenia would be the lowest. But the diaspora is also a force for economic solidarity without Armenia Which would be the lowest. This diaspora is not only an effect of the genocide, but a political construction desired by the Armenian state since independence. This diaspora is not only an effect of the genocide, but a political construction desired by the Armenian state since independence. By forcing people to work abroad, the government relieves its own responsibility as he builds on this rich outer more or less supporting the cause of patriotism. By forcing people to work abroad, the government relieves its own responsibility as he builds on this rich outer more or less supporting the cause of patriotism. The funding that each brings to his exiled parents or children is a windfall which operates directly or indirectly the country. The funding that each brings to his exiled parents or children is a windfall Which operates directly or indirectly the country. As for the diaspora after the genocide, it also helps to bridge the gaps of the Armenian state, through its targeted subsidies (Phonetone, twinning of cities and others) or scattered through various associations. As for the diaspora after the genocide, it also helps to bridge the gaps of the Armenian state, through its targeted subsidies (Phonetone, twinning of cities and others) or scattered through various associations. Besides, these cousins from outside to help their families or those generous donors who profit from their trips to rescue strangers in the form of microcredit. Besides, these cousins from outside to help their families or generous donors Those who benefit from their trips to rescue strangers in the form of microcredit. We can not ignore all those in the diaspora who provide assistance to Armenia on purely cultural (courses, trainings, events or other). We can not ignore All Those in the diaspora who Provide assistance to Armenia on Purely cultural (race, trainings, events or other). Thus, I hesitate not to say as I've always done, that those members of the diaspora who feel responsibility towards Armenia may properly be regarded as economic or cultural citizens of the country. Thus, I hesitate not to say as I've always done, that Those members of the diaspora who feel responsibility towards Armenia may properly be Regarded as economic or cultural citizens of the country. Even if they do not have the full status of de facto citizen. Even if they do not have the full status of de facto citizen. It is true that this diaspora is not receiving in return the political consideration that its contribution to national life could make him hope. It is true that this diaspora is not receiving in return the political consideration that its contribution to national life could make him hope. Specifically speaking, today, in the case of protocols that touches the essence of his struggle against the Turkish state, the diaspora will have counted for nothing. Specifically speaking, today, in the case of protocols that touches the essence of his struggle against the Turkish state, the diaspora will have counted for nothing. And for good reason. And for good reason.
Today, the diaspora has just received a cold shower. Today, the diaspora has just received a cold shower. Is that since independence, the power it has shown solidarity seems to have expressed to bleed. Is that since independence, the power it has shown solidarity seems to have expressed to bleed. Requiring no return policy, financial contributors in the diaspora have become cuckolds of Armenia. Requiring no return policy, financial contributors in the Diaspora have become Cuckolds of Armenia. Not only their aid are partially or totally diverted (like the relief efforts during the earthquake), but they seem to unilateral (allowing the oligarchs and politicians business continued to prosper and to build without shamelessly lavish residences). Not only their aid are partially or totally diverted (like the relief efforts during the earthquake), but they seem to unilateral (Allowing the business oligarchs and politicians continued to prosper and to build without Shamelessly lavish residences). Since independence, despite the efforts of the diaspora, concentrated course on Karabakh, the Armenian campaign languishing in poverty dirt. Since independence, Despite the efforts of the diaspora, concentrated course on Karabakh, the Armenian campaign languishing in poverty dirt. It is clear that the diaspora who have no voice in the internal politics of the country failed to monetize its assistance in forcing the Armenian state to develop a real social policy. It is clear that the diaspora who have no voice in the internal politics of the country failed to monetize its assistance in forcing the Armenian state to Develop a real social policy. This shows how much contempt that policy is dedicated to the Armenian diaspora is deeply humiliating in light of the financial interest it represents. This shows how much contempt that policy is dedicated to the Armenian Diaspora is deeply humiliating in light of the financial interest it represents. The creation of a Ministry of Diaspora has no other purpose than to channel external resources to the country (see the various proposals for sponsorship campaigns by wealthy Armenian or aid to individuals as microcredit). The creation of a Ministry of Diaspora has no other purpose than to channel external resources to the country (see the various proposals for sponsorship campaigns by wealthy Armenian or aid to individuals as microcredit).
It is therefore not surprising that today the Diaspora feel cheated. Therefore it is not surprising that today the Diaspora feel cheated. Indeed, for Armenia, it never counted for much. Indeed, for Armenia, it never counted for much. (L '* * aghperoutyoun is an illusion: between brother and brother Armenia Diaspora relations are those of a thief and naive). (L '* * aghperoutyoun is an illusion: between brother and brother Armenia Diaspora relations are those of a thief and naive). Today, she pays for having too complacently the sensitivities of the Armenian state. Today, she pays for having too complacently the sensitivities of the Armenian state. When Serge Sarkisian was installed to lead the country in fraudulent conditions as we know, when he threw opponents in jail, he continued to detain persons in the diaspora who fought in Karabakh, it denies them even the Armenian citizenship, representatives of the diaspora and its members were not as angry and threatening as they are today where we seem to reach their genocide. When Serge Sarkisian was installed to lead the country in fraudulent conditions as we know, when he threw opponents in jail, he continued to detain persons in the diaspora who fought in Karabakh, it denies them even the Armenian citizenship, representatives of the diaspora and its members were not as angry and threatening as they are today where we seem to reach their genocide. As if the dead were in their eyes more alive than the living themselves. As if the dead were in their eyes more alive than the living themselves. In not accompanying the democratic opposition who bawls year round cons deafness and absurdities of the system Sarkissian, leaving their fate campaigns voluntarily abandoned in denouncing not only a way closes the genocide of white economic migration, the diaspora should expect a fair day in his own coin. In not accompanying the democratic opposition who Bawls year round rec deafness and absurdities of the system Sarkissian, leaving their fate campaigns voluntarily abandoned in denouncing not only a way closes the genocide of white economic migration, the diaspora should expect a fair day in his own corner . What opponent of Armenia, accustomed protest meetings, do not smile bitterly for having read or heard in the media reporting the incidents to the arrival of the President in Paris, he continues to cry for months: " Sarkissian resign! "What opponent of Armenia, Accustomed protest rallies, do not smile bitterly for having read or heard in the media reporting the incident to the arrival of the President in Paris, he continues to cry for months:" Sarkisian resign! "
In fact, unacceptable and dangerous in the history of protocols is that when Sarkisian appears before the Turks, his regime has not resulted internal accounts and obscure country. In fact, unacceptable and dangerous in the history of protocols is that when Sarkisian appears before the Turks, his regime has not internal search resulted accounts and obscure country. Democracy is not appeased, the murders of March 1 are not solved, justice is the government's thumb, the economy is totally unbalanced to the detriment of campaigns, the mafia oligarchs in bloom and everything is still Karabakh unresolved. Democracy is not appeased, the murders of March 1 are not solved, justice is the government's thumb, the economy is totally unbalanced to the detriment of campaigns, the mafia oligarchs in bloom and everything is still unresolved Karabakh. For a country so young, so fragile and so small that Armenia, these components are negative and uncertain but a weak fault in terms of national destiny. For a country so young, so fragile and so small that Armenia, these components are negative and uncertain but a weak fault in terms of national destiny. No doubt these problems are not solved as many bombs. No doubt these problems are not solved as many bombs. If the diaspora had been a real political force, it would not have missed at least warn a government that plays with the truth and who governs with cynicism. Still have it taken this diaspora that was sensitive to warning signs given here and there, giving voice to those who have never afraid to rip the flags beneath which lurks a culture of self-hatred. If the diaspora Had been a real political force, it would not have missed at least warn a government that plays with the truth and who governs with cynicism. Still have it taken this diaspora that was sensitive to signals of warning given here and there, giving voice to Those Who Have Never afraid to rip the flags Which lurks beneath a culture of self-hatred. Where we see now that everything is connected. Where we see now that everything is connected. Complicit silence and sacred blind nation produced in diaspora censures those who tended to encourage abuse rotting so endemic the socio-politics. Complicit silence and sacred blind nation produced in diaspora censures Those who tended to encourage abuse rotting so endemic the socio-politics. By diverting attention to the intense struggle against revisionism, fueled the diaspora to the regime of the favors that Sarkisian will return today against what it holds most dear. By diverting attention to the intense struggle against revisionism, fueled the diaspora to the regime of the favors that Sarkisian will return today against what it holds most dear. Not only do they undermine the goal of the recognition and repair by the Turkish state, but they threaten a country that is probably not able to face the opening of borders with confidence. Not only do they Undermine the goal of the recognition and repair by the Turkish state, but they THREATEN a country that is probably not able to face the opening of borders with confidence.
But it would be wrong to criticize the Diaspora to be a force in the grip of madness. But it would be wrong to criticize the Diaspora to be a force in the grip of madness. But what force relating to the Armenian State? But what force Relating to the Armenian State? Its representatives have no legitimacy and the very least, whoever they are, they did not ask permission to speak on my behalf. Its representatives have no Legitimacy and the very least, whoever they are, they did not ask permission to speak on my behalf. In this case, the Armenian state, which would overwhelm law for many reasons, has before him a nebula led by militant forces who monopolize the word diaspora as an ideology that they want to believe as expressing the ideals of all. In this case, the Armenian state, Which would overwhelm law for many reasons, has before him a nebula led by militant forces who Monopolization the word diaspora as an ideology that they want to believe as expressing the ideals of all. We also can not blame the diaspora have been slow to establish itself as external political force capable of influencing the destiny of the country and lead a fight with his unit on genocide recognition. We also can not blame the Diaspora have been slow to Establish itself as external political force capable of influencing the destiny of the country and lead a fight with his unit on genocide recognition. The vagaries of contemporary history will not have helped. The vagaries of contemporary history will not have helped. But it seems today, the serious crisis point between Armenia and World Armenian Diaspora on the occasion of the signing of the protocols, should accelerate the process of a structure capable of playing on policy decisions country. But it seems today, the serious crisis point between Armenia and World Armenian Diaspora on the occasion of the signing of the protocols, should accelerate the process of a structure capable of playing country on policy decisions. Moreover, the recent closure of the daily Haratch * * violently shaken the spirits to the point that many now see with clarity the dangers that threaten the very existence of the Diaspora. Moreover, the recent closure of the daily Haratch * * violently shaken the spirits to the point that many now see with clarity the dangers that threaten the very existence of the Diaspora. They are hurrying to establish an inventory of our destiny, in the hope that they will be persuasive enough to reorient in a more pragmatic elements of our survival. They are Hurrying to Establish an inventory of our destiny, in the hope that they will be persuasive enough to reorientation in a more pragmatic elements of our survival. The question is whether the key men who unwittingly contribute to fossilize our culture will follow these "alls." The question is whether the key men who unwittingly contribute to fossilization our culture will follow these "alls."
It remains that Turkey has managed to neutralize the Diaspora by establishing, as it must in such cases, relations between States with Armenia. It remains that Turkey has managed to neutralize the Diaspora by establishing, as it must in such cases, relations between States with Armenia. However, in this context, the Diaspora is not a state, not even a state in exile. However, in this context, the Diaspora is not a state, not even a state in exile.
Some believe that genocide recognition is primarily a moral matter. Some believe that genocide recognition is primarily a moral matter. We may assume that morality is increasingly present in the consciousness of the moment, even if only under the one hand, European principles acting in the direction of pacification of peoples, and d Secondly the new American scene. But if a criminal does not recognize the crime under duress, there is no reason to believe that the Turkish state can sell anything under the pressure of morality at the expense of its own interests. We may assume that morality is Increasingly present in the consciousness of the moment, even if only under the one hand, European principles acting in the direction of pacification of peoples, and d Secondly the new American scene. But if a criminal does not recognize the crime under duress, there is no reason to believe that the Turkish state can sell anything under the pressure of morality at the expense of its own interests. Indeed, it is difficult to give a country an ounce of his soul if he has nothing to gain. Indeed, it is difficult to give a country an ounce of his soul if he has nothing to gain. However, it is within the Turkish civil society that this consciousness of evil can be active and push forward the change of mentality. However, it is within the Turkish civil society that this consciousness of evil can be active and push forward the change of mentality. It is also true that the advocates of confrontation with the Turkish state have neither the time nor the means to wait. It is also true that the advocates of confrontation with the Turkish state have neither the time nor the means to wait. This faith will bear fruit only if it was supported by structuring the diaspora worldwide in order to effectively denounce, denounce relentlessly, a denial that has lasted too long and that the ignorant are easily accomplices. This faith will bear fruit only if it was supported by structuring the diaspora worldwide in order to Denounce Effectively, Denounce relentlessly, a denial that has lasted too long and that the ignorant are easily accomplices.
Ultimately, it seems that the identity crisis that is going through our diaspora, made immediately felt at the loss of the log * * Haratch and business protocols, have no other cause that hypertrophy of the genocidal thinking in a persistent denial that has reduced to nothing the only thing that could give breathing in mind, namely culture. Ultimately, it seems that the identity crisis that is going through our diaspora, made immediately felt at the loss of the log * * Haratch and business protocols, have no other cause that hypertrophy of the genocidal thinking in a persistent denial that has reduced to nothing The only thing that could give breathing in mind, namely culture. Not a fossilized culture, condemned the worship of the language, the church or I do not know what myth, but a living culture, loving and humorous. Not a Fossilized culture, condemned the worship of the language, the church or I do not know what myth, but a living culture, loving and humorous. Rather what we have managed to escape our artists, to clench our thinking, to practice censorship and ostracism, to turn the genocide ideology castrating. Rather what we have managed to escape our artists, to clench our thinking, to practice censorship and Ostracism, to turn the genocide ideology Castrating.
Der Voghormia! Der Voghormia! Der Voghormia! Der Voghormia!
Denis Donikian
DD DD Blog Blog
Debate On The Armenian-Turkish Dialogue In Marseille, 19 September 2009 By Krikor Amirzayan / Armenews

Wednesday, September 16, a dense crowd filled the hall of the Alcazar in Marseille for the intellectual debate between Turks and Armenians. An event described as "historic" by the newspaper La Provence.
Jean-Claude Gaudin, Mayor of Marseille and president of the association "Marseilles-Armenia" and Didier Parakian Deputy Mayor and Chief delegate "Marseilles-Armenia" had invited the public to a panel discussion on the theme "News of 'dialogue upset. The evening was hosted by Norbert Nourian, Director of Studies of the Institute d'Etudes Politiques of Aix-en-Provence. Guests at the debate were Cengiz Aktar (Galatasaray University, Istanbul), Ahmet Insel (Galatasaray University, Istanbul), Raymond Kevorkian (Historian), Michael Marian (Top-official), Yves Ternon (Historian).

In his opening speech Didier Parakian greeted the public came in large numbers and took note of developments in the dialogue between Armenia and Turkey and welcomed some progress in discussions member of civil society in Turkey and Armenia. "Admitting that Turkish society is changing in our favor is a sudden shift in our system pensées.Là where distrust was the norm, trust becomes règle.La where the stiffness was queen, the dialogue becomes king. After a century of suspicions, moving from a world of confrontation with a world of dialogue is not an easy exercise to do. " said Didier Parakian also asking the "serenity in this discussion" before giving the floor to speakers.

Norbert Nourian then invite guests to speak on the Armenian-Turkish dialogue. Ahmet Insel, one of the four Turkish intellectuals initiators of the petition "asking for forgiveness" on the Internet last December said the conditions that drove these "personalities and ordinary citizens of Turkish civil society" to register their names. "We had to make this request for forgiveness for years," said Ahmet Insel very close "friend" Hrant Dink. He explained the difficulty of preparing the Turkish civil society in this new vision and above all to commit publicly behind a petition. He added that the term "Medzi Yeghern (Great disaster in Armenian) faithfully reproduced the uniqueness of the Armenian genocide. Furthermore the term "genocide" would cause a "closure" of much of Turkish civil society part of which still finds a timid question.

Raymond Kevorkian, while acknowledging that "Armenians are reluctant to dialogue" has compiled an injustice that affects minorities in Turkey. "When not Turkic and Sunni, it is the bench of the company," said Raymond Kevorkian and adding "however, do not be afraid of dialogue and we should not believe that Armenia will sell off (...) the genocide of Armenia, which remained firm and did not derogate from the problem of Nagorno Karabakh in the negotiations. "

The historian Yves Ternon with an accuracy of genocide specialist said his side "is a genocide planned and executed and that is the responsibility of the Turkish state." For Yves Ternon the question on the nature of events was already rejected as "the Armenian genocide is recognized as the legal sense." A statement which did not cause a reaction among Turkish intellectuals.

Michel Marian made a very interesting analysis of Turkish-Armenian dialogue and perceptions of the debate by stakeholders.
Cengiz Aktar said "since 1983 and the arrival of civilians in Turkey Turgut Ozal, the Turkish-Armenian dialogue began. This process is no return, it goes in one direction. Like Ahmet Insel, Cengiz Aktar itihatistes accuses the Turkish crimes in 1915. "After the departure of the Armenians, the economies of entire regions of Anatolia suffered" state and they see its consequences in the economic collapse causing social uprisings thirties to fifty of the population of Eastern Anatolia. "In these regions, Armenians produced wealth," said C. Aktar. For Cengiz Aktar "evolution through dialogue is essential" that stresses "in the dialogue there are the civil societies of Turkey and Armenia, but it lacks an important element: the Armenian diaspora.

According to C. Aktar "Civic Diplomacy should be the vanguard of official diplomacy." He said however he should "pay attention to maximalist attitudes and especially not to the precondition of official recognition of the genocide by Turkey to initiate dialogue. C. Aktar said "we must not stop there, he must advance (...) after the independence of the Soviet bloc states have discovered the Turks Armenia, there is now an unimaginable number of encounters between citizens Turkey and Armenia. And Cengiz Aktar questioning "Is that the Diaspora is ready to take the step and stop taking partner for the Turkish state? .

After interventions Norbert Nourian made a very accurate summary of the debate. Didier Parakian invited the public to ask questions which were very numerous. Unfortunately, the heated and passionate and a very good level having occupied a large part of the meeting, the guests answered two or three questions. One of these issues, very moving came from the Dean of the Armenians of Marseille, a lady of 101 years of Turkish intellectuals asked if he was alive she could hope to see Turkey recognize the Armenian genocide. Response Cengiz Aktar "the ongoing process in Turkey is long. It will take many years. Probably for decades. But things could move even faster than we think. "

Text and photo-reportage Krikor Amirzayan in Marseille
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