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65 page report by Brigadier General Leonid Bolhovitinov was discovered documenting atrocities committed by Armenian militias against unarmed civilian Ottoman Muslims in eastern Anatolia during WWI.
Bolhovitinov's report explains how the British fomented ultra-nationalist fervor among Ottoman Armenians, who had before then lived peacefully with their Ottoman neighbors, to induce them to violence and revolt against the Ottoman regime.
However, the hatred the British instilled in the ultra-nationalist segment of Ottoman Armenians was so potent that the Entente Powers no longer could control the Armenian guerilla bands they had armed and incited to violence.
"We should not believe in the death tolls that the Armenians give. The number of missing people has been exaggerated in the memos distributed by the [Armenian agitator's] Dashnak party and there is no doubt that they are politically- motivated. Those Armenian gangs, who triggered the slaughters, are the ones who should be blamed for those missing,"
WWI hostilities involving the Ottoman Empire ended with the Armistice of Mudros, signed Oct. 30, 1918. The Armistice guaranteed Ottomans all lands possessed when the Armistice was signed. The Armistice also required the Ottoman military and citizens to disarm immediately. As the Ottomans disarmed, in breach of the Armistice, British military forces pushed north and conquered Mosul and Kirkuk, land the Ottomans possessed when the Armistice was signed. Why? Oil.
British forces also occupied Istanbul, the Ottoman capitol. Italian forces landed in the southwest and moved north. To ensure the Italians didn't take too much, Greece invaded Turkey with Britain's support, landing in Izmir on May 15, 1919 and began moving east. Meanwhile, France and the "French" Armenian Legion invaded southeast Anatolia to "liberate" it from its majority Ottoman Muslim citizens, committing massacres along the way.
The Entente Powers planned to divide Ottoman lands among themselves and push the millions of indigenous Muslim Ottoman citizens into a small piece of land in the middle of Anatolia. The Picot-Sykes agreement evidences that the Entente Powers planned as early as 1916 to occupy and divide Anatolia among themselves.
Nationalist forces were formed under former Ottoman military leaders, like Ataturk, Ismet Inonu and Kazim Karabekir, as a reaction and to counter the invading foreign armies.
Anatolia was invaded and occupied AFTER WWI with the intent to partition it as the spoils of war among the Entente Powers, Greece and Armenians. This is a very important piece of history in relation to Armenian genocide claims because the effort to arm Armenians and use them to obtain control over southeastern Anatolia and topple the Ottoman regime started long before WWI, was funded and supported by England, France, Russia and the U.S.
The Armenians lost that war. Now, they call it genocide in an effort to obtain through political pressure and "moral" oppobrium lands they could not obtain by force and in which they were never the majority.
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