Naira Gasparyan
Yerevan State University
E.T. Lawrence, or Lawrence of Arabia, found “a perfect solution” to the Armenian question: the perfect race of Armenians” need a perfect massacre”. In Lawrence’s interview given to Lincoln Steffens (1919), entitled Armenians Are Impossible his intent suddenly becomes explicit at the end of their talk: Armenians are the last word in human impossibility, hence, they should be killed off.
To show what makes Lawrence arrive at such an inhuman idea of annihilating a whole nation, we intend to present the discussion with the help of a certain methodology. Methods of linguo-cultural analysis and purposive sampling, techniques of comparison and contrast, interpretation and representation have been applied to the material of our choice.
Key words:
Armenians, Turks, linguo-cultural analysis, extralinguistic reality, Armenian question
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