Center for Strategic Studies under the President of the Republic of Azerbaijan Abstract: The recognition of so-called Armenian “Genocide” as a political campaign of Armenian Diaspora have went to great lengths to try and convince the world that there is a possibility to recognize historical facts and legal notions through the political “legalization” if one shall try hard enough. Indeed some of the recognitions made by the state institutions of different countries around the world have raised a question of the legality and implications of such actions. This article will look at the issue from the perspective of the case Perincek vs Switzerland and argue that the Armenian “genocide” cannot be considered a historical fact but a political mythology through the analysis of international law.
Keywords: genocide, legality, recognition, law, crimes, ECHR, Armenia, Azerbaijan, Switzerland, Turkey . . .
Armenian -Genocide- Not A Historical Fact, Rather Political Myth by Dr. Farhad Mammadov
Source:Review of Armenian Studies, Issue 29: 2014
Compliments and thanks to the author, who relates "genocide" to "political myth" without pinpointing its goals.
From times that these massacres are claimed to have taken place (say 1915's to 1922's) one wonders why Armenian writers and speakers waited until 1960's (when all displaced persons in Europe were accepted into USA), starting a new page of international terror starting in early 1970's. Yes, why we do not read any such complaints in the publications of "Arthur Derounian" or Roy Johnson Carlton?
Those who strive to learn "the truth behind this myth interpreted as POLITICAL", may kindly refer to postings nos. 0015, 0072, 0131, 216, 224, 352, 460, 847, 1310, 1710, 2319 and 3330.
I would rather call the whole operation as a "egocentric and profiteering myth, successfully spread to the world, under tales of victimization" and covering more than 250 acts of terror involving murder of 42 Turkish diplomats, to exhibit the "righteous of revenging" for national solidarity and heroism, but hiding the main element MONEY.
Isn't the link self explanatory? Or do I have to go back to 1890s, 1915s, 1916 and many others?
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