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Operation Nemesis Terrorism Armenian Revolutionary Committees |
Nowadays, the radical Armenian nationalists view and depict the terrorist organizations such as Nemesis, JCAG, and ASALA and as their heroes and the champions of the Armenian people and their cause. It is worthwhile to remember that these terrorists, as well as their Dashnak and Hunchak predecessors in the Ottoman Empire killed countless Armenians.
The Hunchaks and the Dashnaks, the self-proclaimed heroes of the Armenian people, have a long history of exploiting the Armenian population morally and materially in addition to targeting and killing countless Armenians who did not adopt their line. In the following sections, this article will first discuss the murder of rich Armenians as well as the ecclesial leaders of the Armenian community in the Ottoman Empire and elsewhere. It will then discuss the targeting of the ordinary people and peasants who fell victim to the cruelty of the Armenian revolutionary committees. Finally, the third section of the discussion will be devoted to those members of the Armenian committees who had the courage to express concern and dissent as to the policies of the committees or who preferred to depart from these committees and were therefore targeted by their own organizations. . . . .
The terrorist
activities of the Armenian revolutionaries began in the years following
the Berlin Treaty of 1878. In 1880s, an armed band of 400 was founded
and members of the band were given military training under the
leadership of Dr. Pakrat Navarsatian who arrived in Eastern Anatolia
from the Caucasus. In addition, “stocks of weapons and ammunitions were
built up” and as a result guerrilla activities and local disturbances
started to appear in Eastern Anatolia where “a number of pro-Ottoman
Armenians were assassinated.”[1]
After the foundation of the two
leading Armenian committees (those of the Hunchaks in 1887 and the
Dashnaks in 1890), these terrorist activities began to intensify and
cause more harm to the peaceful Armenians who became their targets. They
frequently targeted such Armenians on three main grounds: they were
loyal to the Ottoman Empire and their Turkish neighbors, they refused to
endorse and join the committees’ activities, and they refused to make
monetary contributions to these committees. Refusal by an Armenian to
obey the committees on these lines meant that the Armenian in question
could be assassinated by these committees.
Sir Arthur Nicholson,
the Secretary of the British Embassy in Istanbul, was told by the
American missionaries in May 1893 that these Armenian committees “did
not flinch from assassination when instructed, and that they were
commencing to exercise a terrorism over their more peaceably disposed
compatriots.”[2] Likewise, Cyrus Hamlin, the founder of the Robert
College, noted that these committee members “are cunning, unprincipled,
and cruel. They terrorize their own people by demanding contributions of
money under threats of assassination—a threat which has often been put
in execution.” [3]
For these acts of terror, the committees
usually chose very young, naive, uneducated Armenians with humble
backgrounds. They were indoctrinated to hate and murder Armenians who
did not share their goals and ideals. The victims included all classes
of people from simple peasants to the elite members of the Armenian
community as well as its ecclesial leaders. As noted before, the causes
were loyalty to the Ottoman Government and refusal to act in line with
the committee’s desires and rejection of financial contribution to the
committees’ causes.
The well-to-do and elite members of the
Armenian community in the Ottoman Empire and Russia and elsewhere were
easy victims for the committees. Often, they owed their success, wealth,
and status to the political stability and the good relations they
enjoyed with the Ottoman Government and its members. Therefore, they
were reluctant to take part in actions or offers which might jeopardize
these good relations and the stable environment in which they lived. The
same was true of the Armenians who worked for the Ottoman Government as
public servants. Each and every one of these were branded by the
Armenian committees as traitors to “the national cause” and were
targeted. In his seminal work, historian Esat Uras briefly mentions some
of these:
“Hatchik, a lawyer, was murdered by a fifteen-year-old
Armenian boy by the name of Armenak. Dadjad Vartabet, a preacher in the
Gedik Pasha church, was torn to pieces. Mampre Vartabet, who had been
chosen member of the clerical assembly, was wounded in an assassination
attempt. The Patriarch Ashikian … was wounded in an assassination
attempt carried out in the church of the Patriarchate on 25 March 1894
by Agop of Diyarbakir, a young Armenian who had been chosen by lot by
the committee. On 10 May 1894, an attempt was made by two militants
under the orders of the Hunchak committee on the life of Simon Maksut,
believed to be a friend of the Patriarch, in front of Havyar Han in
Galata… Der Sukias, a priest in the Kumkapi cathedral was murdered on
similar grounds. Other victims included Migirditch Tutundjief, the
police officer Markar, Hadji Dikran, the candle-maker Omnik, the wealthy
citizen Karagozian and Undjuian Apik.”[4]
The assassination
campaigns against Armenians was not limited to the Ottoman Empire but
was extended beyond its borders, even to those rich Armenians living in
Europe and Russia. Sempat Kaprielian, an Armenian author, thus described
the terroristic activities of the Dashnaks in the following terms:
wealthy Armenian living in Europe gave the following extremely cutting
reply to some revolutionary Armenians who asked him for money: 'I have
no desire to see my money make me the executioner of my own country!'
Djamharian, a wealthy Armenian killed by the Dashnaktsutiun terrorists
in Moscow was no doubt of the same opinion. Djamharian met the expenses
of an Armenian orphanage from his own pocket, and he probably had no
wish to see an increase in the number of orphans. Balyozian was murdered
in Izmir for the same reason. And we have an even more recent example
in Bahalian, a Russian Armenian who refused to give the money demanded
in threatening notes sent by the revolutionary committee and was
strangled in the street in the city of Novorosiisk on 10 November. A
long history could be written full of such crimes and atrocities carried
out in the name of the Dashnaktsutiun.”[5]
Similar to the
Ottoman Empire, in Russia and Europe, the Armenian committees targeted
wealthy Armenians as well as those who did not approve of their goals
and methods also in the US. The wealthy merchant Tavsanciyan, engaged
in carpet trade, was repeatedly threatened that he would be killed
unless he paid 10,000 dollars to the committees and when he refused to
contribute the required sum, and he was shot dead in New York by Bedros
Hamparsumyan from Harput. Gulbenkian brothers, asked to contribute
25,000 dollars, were lucky to escape assassination since some of the
assassins and their organizers were arrested by the New York police
because of Tavsanciyan’s murder. Later, the Philadelphia police also
arrested Azmanaz Kazazian and Garabad Narinian for terrorizing and
extorting wealthy Armenians for more than 15 years. Under interrogation,
Kazazian admitted to the police that he had ambushed and killed 10
Turks as well as an Armenian woman in Marseille, France. Oddly enough,
the assassinations and money extortions in New York and Philadelphia
were directed and organized by the Armenian priest Martougesian.[6]
Karagözyan, a wealthy Armenian merchant in New York, was also similarly
targeted. But rather than waiting for his death, Karagözyan complained
to the police and because of Karagözyan’s complaint an Armenian assassin
was arrested and jailed. As punishment for his going to the police, the
Hunchak committee sent agents to Karagözyan’s shop in New York and set
it on fire where Karagözyan was burned to death in a most horrible
manner. [7]
Der Kasbar Vartanian, an Armenian priest in New York
who did not approve of the violence and extremism of the committees and
counseled moderation and peace to his people, was similarly targeted.
Two Armenians from Harput invited priest Vartanian to their homes, where
they proceeded to strangle him to death.[8]
Thus, while Armenian
priests such as Der Kasbar Vartanian counseled moderation and peace and
condemned the violence, still many other priests joined the violence of
the committees, sometimes directing them and sometimes justifying them.
As noted above, in the US the Armenian priest Martougesian organized
and directed the extortion of money from and assassinations of the
wealthy Armenians. Others like Bishop Mushegh, “a fanatical terrorist in
the guise of a priest and one of the organizers of the Adana incident
of 1909,” not only condoned extortion of money and use of assassinations
but also shamelessly (for a religious functionary) tried to justify
these acts while branding the rich Armenians as traitors:
and traitors deserve the bullets fired at them by the revolutionaries,
but committee members should think very carefully as to who must accept
the responsibility for the bullet fired at a wealthy Armenian who
refuses to pay… Hoping to prevent the destruction of all their hopes,
[the revolutionaries] knock at the door of a wealthy Armenian, as one
would knock at a brother's door, and find themselves turned away with
insults and contempt. Tell me, I beg you, are the murderous feelings,
the fratricidal feelings, aroused in the soul of the militant, the
Armenian revolutionary, who has drunk to the dregs the cup of suffering
and despair, to be blamed on the indifference shown by the wealthy
Armenian or on the passion felt by the revolutionary? Do not look for
thought or reflection in such a situation. There is only one feeling,
one passion. and it is this: The wealthy Armenian is an enemy to the
Armenian cause. The heart of the Armenian revolutionary is dominated by
this thought and this feeling alone. What do you expect from such an
abnormal emotion? Is the responsibility for this evil thought to be
sought in the alienation of the wealthy or in the heart of the
Bishop Musheg was not alone in such deeds and
thoughts. There were many who shared his line of thinking among his
contemporaries. Like Martougesian and Musheg, in the Caucasus Bishop
Mesrop Ter Movsesian and Archimandrite S. Koriun were involved in
extortion of money from Armenians and the assassination of the police
and the gendarmerie and the ordinary Armenians who did not obey the
instructions of the Dashnaks. Contrary to what one would expect,
religious functionaries did not always have calming and peaceful affect
on the Armenian population. On contrary, some members of the clergy
appear to have actively taken part in extortions and assassinations of
both Armenians and non-Armenians.
In recalling the assassination
of important figures, one should certainly not forget Bedros
Kapamaciyan, the Armenian Mayor of Van, who was assassinated by the
Dashnaks in 1912. Kapamaciyan was respected and loved by both the
Muslims and the Armenians of Van and therefore he was elected twice as
the mayor of Van. Mayor Kapamaciyan took an impartial stance in the
local affairs of Van and kept himself away from the influence of the
Dashnaks. In late 1912, just as when the Dashnaks began to work for
provocation to draw European intervention, more than a few fires broke
out in Van, burning several Armenian buildings with the Dashnaks blaming
local Muslims and calling out for external intervention. Kapamaciyan
sent an investigation team. After the investigation, he wrote a lengthy
report refuting the Dashnak claims on the origins of the fire and
blaming the Dashnaks for fires and sowing discord between the Armenians
and the Muslims. As a result of his fair and impartial attitude and his
courage to disregard Dashnak threats, a Dashnak assassin killed the
mayor in December 1912.[10]
In addition to wealthy Armenians,
members of the higher celestial authorities, and the Armenians who
worked for government, the Armenian committees also exploited and
targeted the Armenian peasants. Not only did these committees make life
worse for the Armenian peasants, they also made financial profits by
imposing mandatory arms sales on the peasants. The British Consul at Van
noted that the Dashnaks deliberately kept the Armenian population in
alarm to push forward their goals and sell weapons to villagers: “They
buy rifles at say £10 and force the villagers to buy from them at £20.”
The Consul described “the Taschnakist trade of smuggling [arms] from
Russia and obliging the villagers to buy them” as “a lucrative
business.”[11] Commenting on the Dashnak tactics in this regard, the
Consul further added that:
“An [Dashnak] agent arrived in a
certain village and informed a villager that he must buy a Mauser
pistol. The villager replied that he had no money, whereupon the agent
retorted, ‘You must sell your oxen.’ The wretched villager then
proceeded to explain that the sowing season would soon arrive and asked
how a Mauser pistol would enable him to plough his fields. For reply the
agent proceeded to destroy the poor man’s oxen with his pistol and then
Foreign observers were not alone in making such
statements. Armenian authors made similar observations. These committees
were “forcing these wretched souls to sell their household goods, their
herds and their flocks in order to purchase these weapons.”[13]
villagers to buy weapons at lucratively higher prices to make financial
profits, killing the peasants’ livestock, or beating them when they
refused to oblige with their demands seems to have been a routine
business for the Armenian committees. As a result, many Armenians
complained about their baneful influence. In Bitlis, for example, the
Armenians had complained to the Russian Vice-Consul that “the Armenians
had received nothing but suffering and woe” from these committee
members. They extorted money from the Armenian population, routinely
resorting to violent beatings and threatening individuals with their
lives to obtain their money.[14] In addition, the Russian Vice-Consul in
Van described how the Dashnaks plundered the Armenian Church of
Akhtamar, taking possession of all the valuables found in the church as
well as establishing control over its considerable incomes. Similarly,
the British Consul in Van observed that:
“From what I have seen
in the parts of the country I have visited I have become more convinced
than ever of the baneful influence of the Taschnak Committee on the
welfare of the Armenians and generally of this part of Turkey. It is
impossible to overlook the fact in that in all places where there are no
Armenian political organisations or where such organisations are
imperfectly developed, the Armenians live in comparative harmony with
the Turks and Kurds.”[15]
Thus, the committees seem to have
abused the Armenian population in the service of their own selfish
goals. But complaining and standing against these committees was no easy
task, since the individuals who expressed dissent or dissatisfaction
were mercilessly killed even when they came from the ranks of these
committees. As Sempat Kaprielian noted:
“Anyone who protested
against such acts would be denounced by his own friends and sometimes
even sentenced to death. Such cruelty and ferocity became a
characteristic feature of the Armenian revolutionaries... One of the
revolutionaries, who had set out to Tiflis to report on their
disgraceful behavior, was joined by two of his companions who, after
nightfall, suddenly attacked and killed him. Tohmalaian Vartabet, a man
with the courage of his convictions and who had the heroism of spirit to
protest against such atrocities, met with a similar fate. He was
enticed out into the outskirts of a small Armenian country town and
there cut to pieces. Gergesian, a member of Dashnaktsutiun and the first
to bathe the Armenian revolutionary flag in his sacred blood, was
murdered in Erzurum.”[16]
In not so different circumstances, the
Dashnaks murdered their other own members as well. In the Caucasus, a
Dashnak by the name of Mikhran as well his companions were murdered in
cold blood by the Dashnaks following a disagreement as to the
orientation of the Dashnak committee. Similarly, in Van, a Dashnak by
the name of Davit became disillusioned with the committee’s as well as
its leaders’ conduct and decided to quit the party in 1907. Like other
victims before him, he was later pursued and assassinated by the
The Hunchaks attitude and policy was not so
different from that of the Dashnaks over such issues. In 1897, the
Hunchaks split into two factions; “the extreme Hunchaks, the followers
of Nazarbeg,” and “the moderate Hunchaks, or those belonging to the
Arpiar Arpiarian group.” The rivalry between the two factions finally
led to open attempts at assassination and the conflict “reached a peak
of violence in 1902, when several members of the old committee were
killed in the streets of London, Egypt, Bulgaria, the Caucasus and Iran
by men who had once been their colleagues.”[18] So intense was the
murder of Armenians by these committees that between 1902 and 1905, for
instance, “there were two Armenian victims assassinated for every one
An Armenian critique of these committees,
Sempat Kaprielian, concluded that the measures adopted by the Armenian
revolutionaries towards the people “have reduced the [Armenian] nation
to a state of moral and material ruin and despair” and that “the
clandestine killing of rivals … pursued by the Armenian revolutionaries
has branded all Armenians as murderers and brought dishonor on the
Armenian name.”[20]
Similarly, Armenian author K.S. Papazian
concluded that the Dashnaks “as an organization has degenerated so far,
that it can be compared with the Italian Mafia, and the gangsters of
this country [the US] ... Its hands are raised against everybody, its
plottings and crimes have rocked the conscience of all decent Armenians,
and have disgraced our people before the civilized world.”[21]
the recent erection of a monument to glorify the terrorist Nemesis
organization in Yerevan, the capital of Armenia, once again shows that
the Armenian state seems to have not learned the lessons of the history.
*Photograph: the recently unveiled Nemesis terrorist monument in Yerevan - Source: the Armenian Weekly
[1] Esat Uras, The Armenians in History and the Armenian Question (Ankara: Documentary Publications, 1988), 682.
[2] Ibid, 723.
[3] “Letter from Mr. Cyrus Hamlin in regard to Armenian revolutionary organization,” 23 December 1893.
[4] Uras, Armenians in History, 724-725.
[5] Ibid, 705.
Recep Karacakaya, “Diasporada Ermenilerin Ermenilere Suikastlari,” Türk
Yurdu, (Nisan 2015), https://www.turkyurdu.com.tr/yazar-yazi.php?id=237
[7] Ibid.
[8] Ibid.
[9] Uras, Armenians in History, 707-708.
[10] Justin McCarthy et al., The Armenian Rebellion at Van (Salt Lake City: University of Utah Press, 2006), p. 165.
[11] FO 195/2375, Molyneux-Seel to Lowther, Van, October 9, 1911.
[12] FO 195/2949, Molyneux-Seel to Lowther, Van, February 17, 1913
[13] Uras, Armenians in History, 705-707.
Michael A. Reynolds, “Ottoman-Russian Struggle for Eastern Anatolia and
the Caucasus, 1909-1918,” Princeton University, 2003, unpublished PhD
Dissertation, p. 206, fn.30.
[15] FO 195/2375, Molyneux-Seel to Lowther, Van, October 9, 1911.
[16] Uras, Armenians in History, 705-707.
[17] McCarthy, Armenian Rebellion at Van.
[18] Uras, Armenians in History, 755.
Heath W. Lowry, ““Nineteenth and Twentieth Century Armenian Terrorism:
Threads of Continuity,” in International Terrorism and the Drug
Connection (Ankara: Ankara University Press, 1984), pp 71-83.
[20] Uras, Armenians in History, 707.
K. S. Papazian, Patriotism Perverted: A discussion of the deeds and the
misdeeds of the Armenian Revolutionary Federation, the so-called
Dashnagtzoutune (Boston: Baikar Press, 1934), p. 67.
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