<...> Can not be the slightest doubt the political nature of the Tiflis assassination. It stands in connection with an irresistible contemporary Armenian movement. Restore the old Armenian kingdom - this was a confused idea, which overtake . . the head and the heart of the Armenian politicians. Rise in Turkish Armenia, accompanied by riot and bloodshed, sent precisely to the political objective, and therefore met with a warm public sympathy in London, raduyuschemsya anything that might serve as a Russian threat to peace and a hindrance to development in Russia.
Future glorious Armenia should not be limited to the Turkish land, but must cover themselves and the Russian land, where now live and is dominated by Armenians. All assets and income of the Armenian Church are designed to promote the idea to restore the old Armenian Kingdom and to prepare for revolutionary action. This provoked by the Russian state statute on the subordination of all church property management and routine of Russian state power. Daring resistance and solemn curse of the law met in Armenians: he did not hide and do not hide their anger. The attempt on the life of Prince Golitsyn has bad breath the same Armenian impotent rage.
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