Mahmut Ozan on Greek Human Rights, and Other Matters
Mahmut Esat Ozan
January 26, 1995
Mr. Apostolos Kaklamanis
President of Parliament
Governmental Offices, Athens
I read with great dismay a report emanating from Athens News Agency (ANA), which had implications that you, as the President of the Greek Parliament, had allegedly made against Turkey on the subject of "Democracy and Human Rights" in that country.
The News Agency had this to say:
Athens, 20/01/95 - The Parliament President Apostolos Kaklamanis said yesterday that the recently published photographs of Turkish soldiers holding the decapitated heads of Kurdish guerrillas "show in the clearest possible way that the road to democratization and the improvements of the human rights
in that country, Turkey, is still a long one."
In statements to the German-based DEM news agency, Mr. Kaklamanis added in a most sarcastic tone the following:
"With amazement and abhorrence, the international public opinion once again witnesses the 'humanitarian performance' and 'deeds of valor' of Turkey which hopes to become a member of the European Union, and which contradicts all concepts of protection of human rights and respect for international law."
"The continuous reports of torture, the curtailing of the operation and freedom of the press, the executions without trial, the torching and forced evacuation of villages, the threats against foreign news media and even Euro deputies, and the recent prohibition imposed on the former deputy Leyla Zana, preventing her from accepting the Sakharov prize, cause painful associations
and raise questions as to that country's true intentions with respect to democratization."
Kieyos Kaklamanis, after verifying the veracity of the above-mentioned news items and the statements attributed to you, and consequently being satisfied that those were your own words, I must now tell you that now I believe that the statements made by German scholar and historian Dr. Hans Falmerayer, were one hundred percent correct.
Dr. Falmerayer, who is also an anthropologist, claims in his well-known treatise that "today's Greeks do not have any continuity with their namesakes, the Greeks of antiquity." His claims are very meaningful, because in Turkish schools we were taught to believe that in ancient Greece there existed civilization, which is a concept directly related to 'civility.' However, your highly uncivilized comportment and your outrageous prevarications and out and out lies illustrate for all to see that even though the inhabitants of Greece of antiquity understood the true meaning of the word 'democracy', you, Mr. Kaklamanis, do not seem to comprehend that precept at all. Reading your statements, I found well enough proof that those lofty ideals of justice, compassion, honesty and love of freedom, etc., ever-present in the celebrated literary works of Homer, Socrates, or Aristotle, were sadly absent in your delivery.
I am a journalist, and have been so perhaps more years than you have been living on this earth. As a layman, with no official governmental title linking me to any administration, I may exercise my first amendment rights and privileges and may criticize a person or persons, or subjects of an infinite variety, obviously, within the boundaries of a civilized, journalistic code of ethics. But, you, Sir, you are supposed to be the second highest representative of the Greek Government.
You are the President of the Greek Parliament. You are selected among a group of presumably honorable dignitaries. Your words and actions reflect directly upon your whole nation of Greeks. More than anyone else, you shouldbe aware of the fact that in the case of all civilized countries, there is a universally-adhered-to protocol, beyond which no self-respecting diplomat or politician dares to trespass. But, you went beyond that prescribed line of
honor and decency, and made statements espousing the official diplomatic views of the Greek Government. Furthermore, you carelessly read them to the international press, and talked about them as if they were the gospel truth. You were doing this, knowing well that they were slanderous statements made
just to hurt the Turks. You also did not refrain from showing the ugly photos and text, which were totally repudiated in the European press, and even in the Greek newspapers the next day. Some papers said they were proven to be falsified copies and doctored-up materials. However, you, without batting an eye, with premeditation, tried to convince your German interviewers that you were telling the truth. The Turco-phobic refrains in your language were well camouflaged, as to leave the impression on the listeners that they were as honest as the Solomonic parables from the Old and the New testaments of the holy books.
The Turkish people whose character you were besmirching were not only your next-door neighbors, but also those who have been your partners in the North Atlantic Treaty Organization during the last 44 years.Greece's moral and financial support of the PKK, as a terrorist organization, outlawed by most European countries and the United States of America, is simply untenable and
unacceptable under any norm of international diplomatic behavior. This policy of your government is still being carried out, while the ruthless guerrillas of the aforementioned organization, the PKK, are murdering daily scores of innocent men, women, and children, even as we speak.
Knowing all this and more, I now have to ask myself, as to what kind of inner drive of hate for the Turkish people your nation and its government must have accumulated in their hearts to trample over concepts of truth, tolerance, and compassion. Do not these exalted verities, truth, tolerance, and compassion constitute the preamble to the idea of 'democracy' which you Greeks flaunt
with conceited pride in all international circles, and gloat about the fact that you are the 'originators' of them?
How can you, on the one hand, reconcile the statement you have made about the 'lack of human rights' in Turkey, and on the other hand continue to stifle the total cultural and religious freedoms of close to a million ethnic Turks living in Western Thrace?
There seems to be a dichotomy forming in the Balkans today. The Muslims of ex-Yugoslavia have been showing their gratitude for the Turkish support given to them throughout their deadly struggle with your allies, the Serbs, by the way of using the international Media. In addition to the Bosnian Muslims,
the Hungarian Christians also find positive enough feelings in them for the Turks, to collect funds, and to erect a statue of Suleyman the Magnificent, in a prominent public square of Budapest, thus commemorating the former Turkish ruler. In the meantime, what are the Greeks doing? Well, in stark contrast, the encourage, methodically, common thugs to desecrate Muslim mosques, and continue to violate the basic human rights and
religious freedoms of the Turkish minority there. What follows is one such graphic example of recorded history:
On February 12, 1995, fanatic Greek goons assaulted a group of worshippers, praying at a mosque in the Hurriyet province of Xhanti. The hurling of stones at the congregation and the threatening of worshippers with deafening chants of 'death to the Turks' followed these attacks. The smashing of the windows of the mosque and of the official vehicle of the clergyman Ferit
Darman, while he was leading the prayers inside at the time, was the drowning glory of these proud gangs of salaried riffraff, as some of the peace-lovingcitizens of modern Greece.
The sizable Turkish minority living in Western Thrace today are the direct descendants of the Turkish colonizers who once ruled that land and they are the direct descendants of the former rulers of the Balkans for over 400 years. You people may have coined the word 'democracy' at one time, but you are surely missing the boat on its applications.
Here are some examples:
During the recent brouhaha over the ownership of the small Rock of KARDAK only 3.6 miles off the Turkish coastline, your government, in which you are a member, is brewing trouble. The Turkish Prime Minister Tansu Ciller said that Greeks should leave the solution of the problem to international arbitration. Instead of being so intransigent, you should learn to live in peace with your neighbors. These neighbors, be they Albanians, Macedonians,
Bulgarians or Turks, have every right to be left alone, to live in harmony, without worrying about embargoes or militaristic braggadocios created to appease and divert the appetites of economically and politically dissatisfied internal masses.
The physical help, given by the Greek government to the bloody
Maxist-Leninist PKK and the unsolved murders of your Nov,17 terrorist gangsters, indicate one thing most assuredly, and that is this : Greece has no desire to abandon its lofty dreams of recapturing what you people still call Constantinople. There is a correlation between your foreign policy and your sinister actions. To you, Greeks, the butcher of close to 30 thousand innocent men, women, and children, Abdullah Ocalan whom you are aiding, remains as a symbol of attainment of your daydreams. Mr. Kaklamanis daydreams do not work it is the reality that counts.
You may have easily forgotten that in 1941, when the Second World War was raging, several hundreds of Turkish Merchant Marines lost their lives at sea trying to break the German and Italian naval blockades around your country. Their ships were sunk by U-boat torpedoes. The Turks you despise so much today were the kind of altruistic Turks who did not mind risking their lives to bring your starving population flour, sugar, canned meat products, and avariety of other rare staples and commodities to sustain the lives of their hungry neighbors.
Instead of fooling the world with fake pictures of decapitated 'Kurdish' heads, and even claiming that the Turkish soldiers were seen 'playing soccer' with them, is a shameful thing to do. Comparing your lies with the magnanimous acts of the Turkish people, performed at a time when food was very scarce and strictly rationed throughout their entire land this magnanimity of theirs alone shines as a glorious advantage for the Turks,
your long-time former masters, from whom you people have not learned much about the concept of civility, it seems.
Human Right Violations for Turkish-Greeks
Greece pursues, contrary to her international obligations and even her own constitution, discriminatory policies against the Turkish Minority, almost in all aspects of life. Members of the minority are not sure of their security, cannot perform their professions, cannot issue driving licences and cannot even obtain permits to repair their own houses. The cultural heritage passed on to them by their forefathers, are deliberately destroyed.
In the light of all the above, the existence of a Turkish Minority in Greece is denied. Indeed, speaking of a “Turkish� minority in Greece is a punishable crime under the law. Any written correspondence that refers to the “Turkish� identity of the minority is turned down. Neither the (Greek) Government nor the parliament accepts a petition made on behalf of the “Turkish� minority.
Greek courts have forbidden the use of the “Turkish Minority�. In one of the high court rulings passed in 1988, it was alleged that the term “Turkish� was attributable to the citizens in Turkey and that the use of the word by the Muslim Greeks jeopardised the public order. As a result of this decision, many Turkish associations were closed or remained closed.
As seen from the above provisions of the treaty, Greece is obliged, under the Lausanne Peace Treaty, to extend to the Turkish Minority in Western Thrace, the treatment and guarantees extended to the other citizens in Greece. The practice, however, is just the opposite. Except for the years 1930-50, the human rights in Western Thrace have been persistently and massively violated. Greek authorities have failed to comply with the Lausanne Treaty, as well other agreements to which Greece is a party. In addition, policy of the Greek authorities towards the Turkish minority is in contravention with the principles and values that constitute European Union, Helsinki Final Act, Paris Charter, OSCE documents and declarations and even the Constitution of Greece itself.
The above are excerpts from a June 1999 newsletter entitled GREECE BEGINS TO PLAY “VERY DANGEROUS� GAMES IN WESTERN THRACE
Holdwater: What! Yet another violation of the Lausanne Treaty? I'm still trying to figure out how they armed their little islands that were supposed to remain demilitarized.
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