1902 — Armenian philologist H. Acaryan published a book called "The Effects of Turkish Language on Armenian Language and the Turkish words in Armenian“
1904 — Second Sasson Revolt
1905 (July) — Assassination attempt against Sultan Abdulhamid II in Yildiz Mosque.
Armenian newspaper "Jamanak“ began to be published.
1908 — Second National Council opened and some of the Armenian Committee Members were elected deputies.
1909 (April 14) — Armenian revolt in Adana.
(April 15) — Second Van revolt
1915 (April 24) — Armenian Committees working against the Ottoman Government were closed. The 235 members of those committees were arrested.
(May 3) — Armenian massacres in Van.
(May 27) — The Law of Relocation was passed.
(Feb. 1) — Armenian secret society member Arshak committed
massacres in Bayburt.
1918 (April 25) — Armenian militants killed 750 Muslims in Subatan Village of Kars
1919 (November 20) — Boghos Nubar Pasha and Sherif Pasha signed Armenian-Kurd independence document.
1920 (January 12) — An Armenian unit tortured Muslims in the
Arapdar Village of Antep City.
(December 2) — Treaty of Gumru/Alexandropol was signed.
1921 (March 15) — An Armenian terrorist assassinated Talat Pasha in Berlin.
(March 16) — The Moscow Treaty was signed.
(March 18) — Misak Toriakyan killed the Minister of Internal
Affairs of Azerbaijan, Cevanshir Han, in Istanbul.
(October 13) — Kars Agreement was signed.
(December 6) — Armenians killed Sait Halim Pasha in Rome.
1922 (July 22) — Cemal Pasha was killed by Armenians in Tbilisi.
1923 — Armenian Munib Boya entered the Turkish National Assembly as a deputy.
(June 24) — The Lausanne Treaty was signed.
1934 — Franz Werfel published his novel "Forty Days in Musa Dagh“ in the USA.
1935 (December 15) — in Pangalti church an Armenian group burned Werfel’s novel �Forty Days in Musa Mountain“ declaring that book "utterly maliciously false statements about the Turkish Nation.“
1943 — Armenian Berc Türker Keresteci entered the Turkish National Assembly as a Deputy from Afyonkarahisar.
1957 — Migirdich Shellefyan was elected as a deputy from Istanbul in the 27 October Elections.
1964 — The Cypriot Minister of Foreign Affairs, Kypriano applied "the Armenian issue“ to the UN Security Council.
1965 (April 24) — Armenians had organized a demonstration against Turkey in San . Paulo, Brazil.
1969 (April 24) — Armenians made a demonstration in front of the Turkish Embassy in London.
1973 (January 27) — Armenian terrorist, Migirdic Yanikyan killed Mehmet Baydar, Turkish Consul General for Los Angeles, and his assistant Bahadir Demir.
(January 20) — ASALA was founded.
1975 (October 22) — The Turkish Ambassador in Vienna, Danis Tunaligil was killed by Armenian terrorists.
(October 24) — The Turkish Ambassador in Paris, Ismail Erez and police officer Talip Yener were killed by Armenian terrorists.
(February 16) — The First Secretary of Turkish Embassy in Beirut, Oktay Cerit was killed by the Armenian terrorists.
1976 (May 28) — The Turkish diplomatic bureau in Zurich was bombed. An Armenian called Noubar Soufoyan was arrested and condemned to 15 years in prison.
(May 29) — Istanbul's Yesilkoy Airport and Sirkeci Station were
bombed. Four people died and 31 people were injured. The attacks were undertaken by the "Extreme Armenian Movement Groups.“
(June 9) — The Turkish Ambassador to the Vatican, Taha Carim, was killed by Armenians.
1977 — The Turkish Embassy in Brussels was bombed. The attack was undertaken by the "Armenian New Resistance Organization.“
1978 (June 2) — in Madrid, the Turkish Ambassador Zeki Kunaralp’s wife Necia Kunaralp and the ex Ambassador Besir Balcioglu were killed by Armenians.
(July 8) — In Paris, the Turkish Diplomatic Bureau and the Tourism Bureau were bombed. The attacks were undertaken by the "Armenian Genocide Justice Committee.“
(August 6) — The Turkish General Consulate in Geneva was bombed by the "Armenian Resistance Organization.“
(December 17) — The Geneva Bureau of Turkish Airlines was bombed by ASALA
(April 15) — The Greek government approved the erection of "The Monument of Armenian Revenge" in Nea Simirna Square in Athens.
1979 (August 22) — Assistant Consul Niyazi Adali in Geneva was assassinated by ASALA, in an attack where three other people were killed.
(August 27) — The Turkish Airlines Bureau in Frankfurt was bombed by ASALA.
(October 4) — The Turkish Airlines Bureau in Copenhagen was bombed by ASALA.
(December 22) — The Tourism Conselor of Paris Embassy Yilmaz Copan was killed by Armenians.
1980 (January 10) — The Turkish Airlines Bureau in Tehran was bombed by ASALA.
(February 6) — Ambassador Dogan Turkmen was injured in an armed attack in Bern.
(March 10) — Armenian terrorists bombed the Turkish Airlines
Bureau in Rome. Two Italians died; 14 Italians were injured.
(April 8) — During a meeting in Sayda, ASALA declared the
Kurds as their blood brothers by recognizing resemblances between the two communities.
(April 17) — The Turkish Ambassador in the Vatican, Vecdi Turel, was attacked by thermenians, and his bodyguard, Tahsin Guvenc, was injured.
(April 19) — ASALA attacked the Turkish Consulate in Marseille.
(June 31) — The Turkish Administrative Attache Galip Ozmen and his daughter Neslihan Ozmen were killed by Armenian terrorists.
(August 5) — The Turkish Consulate in Lyon was stormed by the Armenian terrorists and Kadir Atilgan, Ramazan Sefer, Kavas Bozdag and Huseyin Toprak were killed.
(September 26) — The Turkish Press Attache in Paris Selcuk Bakkalbasi was attacked by Armenians and he was badly injured.
(November 10) — ASALA attacked the Turkish Consulate in Strasbourg.
(December 17) — The Turkish Ambassador in Sydney, Sarik Arkyan, and his bodyguard, Engin Saver, were killed.
1981 (January 13) — Armenian terrorists had put a bomb into the car of Ahmet Erbeyli, Counselor of Finance, Paris Embassy. He survived.
(March 4) — The Administrative counselor of the Turkish Embassy in Paris, Resat Morali, and Imam Tecelli Ari were killed by the Armenians.
(April 3) — The Armenians shot Cavit Demir, the administrative counselor of the Turkish Embassy in Copenhagen; he survived with injuries.
(June 9) — The Secretary of the Turkish Embassy in Geneva, Mehmet S. Yerguz, was killed by ASALA.
(September 24) — The Armenian terrorists stormed the General Consulate in Geneva; and killed police officer Cemal Ozen.
(October3) — The Second Secretary of Turkish Embassy in Rome was attacked by Armenian terrorists; he was badly injured.
(November 23) — The "Armenian Students Union in Europe“ and "Kurdish Students Association in Europe“ made a joint declaration in London.
1982 (January 28) — The Turkish General Consulate in Los Angeles, Kemal Arikan was killed by two Armenians: Harry Sasunyan and Kirkor Saliba.
(April 8) — Commerce Counselor in Ottawa Embassy Kemalttin Kani Gungor was injured by an armed attack.
(May 5) — The Turkish honorary Consul for the USA's Boston Region, Okan Gunduz, was killed by Armenians.
(June 7) — Erkut Akbay, the administrative attache in the Lisbon Embassy was killed. On the same day, Atilla Altikat, the military attache in Ottawa, along with Bora Süelkan, the administrative attache to Bulgaria, and the charge d’affaires of the Lisbon Embassy, Yurtsev Mihcioglu (and his wife, Cahide Mihcioglu) were attacked. The Turkish Ambassador in Canada, Coskun kirca was attacked as well.
(August 7) — Three Armenian terrorists bombed the Ankara Esenboga Airport. Three police officers and nine civilians died. Seventy-eight people were injured. A terrorist called Levon Ekmekciyan was arrested.
(August 10) — An Armenian named Artin Penik fatally set himself on fire, to protest the Esenboga Airport incident.
1983 (January 29) — Levon Ekmekciyan was found guilty of the 1982 Esenboga Airport incident and was executed in Ankara.
Harut Levonyan and Rafi Elbekyan attacked theTurkish Ambassador in Yugoslavia and a passerby from Belgrade was killed.
(June 15) — ASALA terrorists attacked the Turkish Airlines
office in Paris Orly Airport. The attack resulted in the death of four
Frenchmen, two Turks, an American and a Swedish person. In the incident sixty people were injured.
(June 27) — Five Armenian terrorists who raided the Turkish Embassy in Lisbon were killed.
1985 (January 21) — Armenians attacked Hacilar City. Three Soviet soldiers and two Azeris were killed. The terrorists killed an Azeri journalist, Svatin Askerova
(March 12) — The Turkish Embassy in Ottawa was raided by three Armenian terrorists. One of the Canadian civil guards was shot dead. Ambassador Coskun Kirca survived with injuries.
1991 (April 13) — in Karabagh, Armenians and Azeris fought. The Armenians bombarded Azeri villages.
(April 23) — The Armenians bombarded Azeri villages in the Susa
region. Three Azeris were killed, three houses were destroyed, and three houses were Demolished.
(April 26) — Four Azeri civil guards were killed. The attack was undertaken by "Karabakh Warriors.“
(September 23) — Armenia declared its independence.
(December 26) — The Soviet Union was dissolved. Armenia gained its legal independence.
1996 — Levon Petrosyan was elected as the President of Armenia for the second time.
(March 20) — One of the leaders of the Dashnaks, Robert Kocaryan, became the prime minister of Armenia.
1997 (December 20) — The Armenians celebrated the 160th year of Surp Agapyan Hospital together with New Year’s fest.
The President of Turkey, Suleyman Demirel, received Ara Kocunyan, the editor of "Jamanak" newspaper on the 90th anniversary of the newspaper, in his residence.
(February) — The President of Armenia, Levon Ter-Petrosyon resigned, allowing a clear path for Robert Kocaryan to assume the presidency. The extreme nationalists protested against Petrosyan’s peaceful approaches in Karabagh.
(February) — Elcibey, the leader of Azerbeyjan's People’s Front, evaluated the resignation of Petrosyan, and said Kocaryan revolted against Azerbeijan with Russian assistance in Karabagh.
1998 (March 30) Kocaryan was elected the President of Armenia.
(July) — Abdullah Ocalan, the leader of the PKK terrorist orgnization, demanded a special village from Armenia for the use of his organization.
(October 14) — Mesrob Mutafyan became the 84th Patriarch of the Turkish Armenians.
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