Of all the articles presented in this section by this writer, none has taken the time and the arduous effort as has this offering. It is not for the lack of factual information; on the contrary, it is because there is so much to present that space prevents me from presenting the totality of the evidence which only this writer can submit to the readers of The Turkish Times. Am I being presumptuous or egotistical? Not at all! In the preparation of this article, I have had to utilize my ability to speak Turkish, Armenian, and of course, English. In addition, most of the information presented below is incontrovertibly confirmed by my collection of Turkish music records with its thousands of recordings. (Some are dated to the 1921 period!) When preparing my article on Turkish music, printed here on December 15. 1997, I had no idea that one month later, on January 15, 1998, I would come into possession of a lengthy article printed in the Armenian Mirror Spectator, dated November 29, 1997. Its title, “Armenians on 8th Avenue,� quotes the statements of Mr. Harold G. Hagopian, who has produced compact disc and cassette recordings taken from old “78� and�LP� records; for sale, of course.
I have chosen only eight examples from the article which will display how the Armenians in this country have found themselves inexorably immersed in the quicksand of hatred:
1. Referring to so-called nightclubs located on 8th Avenue in New York City, where during my youth, many Armenian and Greek musicians had performed during the late 1930s through the 1960s, the producer, Mr. Hagopian, says: “... these clubs were frequented increasingly by chic New Yorkers and celebrities...“ — WRONG! As I indicated in my article on Turkish music, during my youth because of my deep love for Turkish music, I had had the misfortune of performing at some of these clubs, which are accurately named in the Hagopian article. (The reader might remember I had revealed my playing the "darbuka,� a Turkish drum, with two American-born musical groups.) The area was far from being a pleasant and safe locale. Not as bad as today, but anyone entering those dirty establishments certainly were not “chic� nor a discriminating audience of Turkish music. In addition...
2. Describing the clientele, they would: “... marvel at the artistry of authentic belly dancers..." — WRONG! Though people of our background did yearn for the music and songs which were an integral part of their culture in Turkey, the overwhelming majority of individuals who had patronized those seedy places were Americans looking for scantily dressed women who were not Turkish, were not respected professionals, and had no conception of the art as it was intended to be performed.
3. The paper says: “...Hagopian understands that this music, sung by Armenians in the Turkish language, is a subject of much discussion and debate. In his essay, he (Hagopian) writes: ‘...How is it that an album featuring Armenian artists contains nothing but songs sung in Turkish... For Armenians...still preoccupied with sorting out their cultural identity since the Genocide of 1915...' � I have a question: Why don’ t the Armenians have a problem with Charles Aznavour, the world famous vocalist, singing his entire professional life in French??! Aznavour, quite naturally, sings to the music of his birth and country. No discussion or debate in France, evidently.
4. Hagopian writes: “,..music fans who gathered in these clubs wanted to put politics aside and enjoy the music they remembered...� — Absolutely CORRECT! (And you thought I could not agree on anything.) In the clubs or concert halls, it was the music, Turkish music, their music, songs, taksims, pesrevs, dancing; it was pure delight, which, of course, was also filled with sadness, because of the tragedies of war. But when the joy of “The Turkish Delight� came to an end, the hate monster would resurface and in their communities hatred for Turks continued to be the basis of their existence.
5. Hagopian writes: “...I don’t believe that Armenians who listen to this music are preserving Turkish culture. This belongs as much to the Armenians as to anyone else who played and sang it in Ottoman times...�. WRONG! and CORRECT! (See how fair l can be?) Of course the music belongs to the Armenians; it belongs to every segment of the country who contributed their talents to Turkish music. That includes, the Suryanis, (remember them?), the Greeks, the Jews, the Kurds, and yes, the Armenians as well, and let us not forget the Turks. The culture and traditions of all these groups remain inseparable!
6. Hagopian writes that Armenian “..artists composed or sang about Armenian circumstance...�. The paper quotes a selection on a CD "...where an Armenian woman sings in Turkish...�, and translates the lyrics into English: “...You are an orphan, who will wipe your tears? Sleep my baby angel...�. — MISLEADING! The “circumstances� unquestionably refers to the mythical “genocide; as the child has lost its parents. It took a long time, but in my record collection l FOUND the original “78� recording of this song! The paper “forgot� to give the title of the song, it is: “NINNI�!! The Turkish word for: LULLABY!! I listened to the recording repeatedly: The child is an orphan, the song is sung as a lullaby, speaks of love. longing, and “smile my sweet�. NO mention of conflict, NO mention of circumstances! How could I refute the implication of the article, if I did not have the actual recording??! (Yes, I'm shouting!)
7. Among numerous artists named in the article (some included in my article on Turkish Music), a vocalist is mentioned as, “Sugar Mary.� WRONG! I had known this vocalist for years. Mary Vartanian’s stage name, the name everyone called her, was “SEKER� (Turkish, for sugar) Mary!! Why was she not called “SHAKAR�(Armenian, for sugar)?? The Turkish form of the word evidently was not a cause for “discussion and debate�!
8. Reference is made in the article to another famous vocalist, she is named, Madin Araradian, her actual name is Madlen Araradian; yes, I had known her personally, also. This is the lady who sang the “Ninni� described above, which the paper did not mention. The paper also overlooked recordings which I did not know were in my possession. I found THREE “78� recordings by Madlen Araradian on her own label, SIX vocals all sung in Turkish!! On the recordings are the great kanun player, “rahmetli�, (Turkish word for respectful memory of a deceased person) Ahmet Yatman, and “kardesim� (my brother), Tarik Bulut!! (I hope our American readers are increasing their Turkish vocabulary).
At this point let us put aside the article about 8th Avenue, and review briefly two cassettes entitled, “Udi Hrant� which l had purchased months ago and are tapes filled with old "78� and “LP� recordings. With the tapes l had received a booklet written by Mr. Hagopian. He is very complimentary of Udi Hrant, an ethnic Armenian who was blind all his life, and describes his life and masterful accomplishments of the Turkish “ut.� He also acknowledges the high esteem in which he continues to be held in his homeland of Turkey. While describing the many recordings, Hagopian does not refer, however, to one selection which is called: “Egin Havasi� (could be misspelled), in which the Master Udi Hrant has sung this old Turkish song in Armenian, as he accompanies himself. The following is my translation from the Armenian from some of his lyrics: “the beautiful bodies of water of lstanbul...how the sweet breeze of love flows... if God would grant my wish for me to go and enter the sea...� THIS is my kind of Armenian! But Hrant’s words were NOT printed by Hagopian, as I have accurately translated them — because to do so, to present the eight facts presented above, would conclude that the totally fallacious accusations of the Armenians against the Turkish Nation would be proven false to the very letter!!
Mr. Hagopian appears to be a victim of the Armenian enigma, in that his apparent love for his cultural music has been manifestly destroyed by the diabolic mentality of the Armenian “hate merchants.� But that corrupt design has not and can not penetrate the heart and soul of this humble servant of my ancestral, cultural, and historical homeland — The Republic of Turkey! Where my future humble efforts will take me, I have no way of knowing, but by the Grace of our God of all mankind, our work continues...
(Holdwater: During the early 1950s, Mr. Tashji had the distinction of being a member of the first Middle-Eastern band in New York City, named Nor Ikes [Armenian for music]. The five members of the band were all Armenian-Americans, led by Charles "Chick" Ganimian, who would later become perhaps the most successful American-born ut player. The band's repertoire included Turkish, Armenian, Arabic and some Greek dances and songs... and just like the Beatles, the ability to read music was superseded by playing by ear!
Not long after, and as a member of the American Musicians Union Local 802, Mr. Tashji found better harmony within the group The Garabed Boys, led by Joe Garabed — a master violinist, and of Syrian Orthodox extraction.)
Edward Tashji
I am Called: "Turk Dostu" — A "Friend of Turks"
The Turkish Times
March 15, 1998
Why Did I Testify Against My Own People?!
One Armenian’s Soul-Searching Self-Interrogation!
By Edward Tashji
It is a pleasure for me once again to be able to greet the Turkish-American community by way of the printed word. For numerous years articles and commentaries written by this writer, have appeared in many issues of the “Vision� and “Gorus� magazines and Turkish newspaper publications, on issues of major concern to the people I am proud to serve. My present contribution was requested by the Chairman of the World Turkish Congress, to whom I am deeply grateful for allowing me the opportunity of extending my best wishes to the readers of the “Focus� magazine, and to the members of the Turkish-American community.
But the purpose of this offering, as indicated by the title, wishes to draw the reader’s attention to a situation in which few people have had the misfortune to find themselves confronted with. If you have read any of our many published contributions on Turkish-Armenian relations, the negative posture of our news media pertaining to the Turkish people, and our efforts pertaining to the Turks of Cyprus, Bulgaria, Crimea, Azerbaijan, Germany, the newly established Turkic Republics and the slaughter of the Muslims of Bosnia-Herzegovina, then you are aware of this monumental effort. But as an American born of Armenian and Syrian-Orthodox parents, my life and the cause to which I have dedicated myself, attempts to respond in all honesty and sincerity, to a profound question which I have asked myself: Why did I publicly criticize and oppose my own people?! The following describes the latest scene:
On December 6, 1993 — the New Jersey State Senate Education Committee assembled in the Legislature Building in Trenton, New Jersey, to discuss Assembly Bill 2780 which had been passed by the Assembly one week earlier. The Bill, which proposed the teaching of high school students on the subject of genocide and the holocaust, includes the words: “...genocide and the events in Armenia..." Considering the Bill was sponsored by the Assembly Speaker, Garabed Haytaian, the reason for the vague inclusion, this blatant subterfuge — becomes conspicuously evident. In an attempt to express the position of the Turkish-American community, after the State Assembly and Senate were flooded with letters and faxes, representatives of the World Turkish Congress, the Federation of Turkish-American Associations, Inc., and the Jewish-American community, made themselves present at the committee hearing, and numerous of our eloquent speakers presented our opposition in factual, succinct, and most effective manner. Among our distinguished speakers was the emphatic, impassioned, challenging and inspiring presentation of one, who has come to be known as, “Turk dostu� — a friend of Turks. His delivery created a hush in the entire room.
The attention paid by each Senator on his every word was very evident as they sat literally riveted by his emotion and continuous flow of factual information. Because of his Armenian ethnicity, his avowed testimony conveyed a unique significance, and his opening remarks attempted to dispel any question pertaining to his veracity and motivation. The following comments were among our statements presented to the Senators, which had followed a television interview, and are offered here for your consideration:
My initial introduction to the Turkish-Armenian history was not from a book or any newspaper, but from my parents who had been born and lived in Ottoman Turkey during the early period of this century. Their eyewitness accounts and descriptions of the events taking place during the First World War, remained free of animosity toward Turks, and they had possessed extraordinary honesty in revealing the open rebellion as carried out by several Armenian political and paramilitary groups. In my countless writings, speeches and conversations, I have never denied the suffering of the Armenian people. But to dwell on, to sympathize for the Armenian tragedy while totally negating the suffering of the Syrian-Orthodox (my father's background), the Jews, the Arabs, and other ethnic groups, is to accept only half a truth. Does not scholarship demand that we consider the Turkish-Muslim dead?! What of the many facts which refute the Armenian allegations against Turkey?
Yes, I testified against my own people, but not because I am anti-Armenian, but because of the Armenian preoccupation with hatred. They have created a Frankenstein monster known as hate and its legacy is carried from generation to generation. This monster has turned against its own creators, and this manifestation of hatred has destroyed the Armenian family and the sanctity of its church. No American editor or politician is qualified to pass judgment upon the Turkish Nation! Their source of information are the enemies of the Turkish people, who enjoy a highly financed and well orchestrated anti-Turkish influence upon State and Federal legislators. The New Jersey Assembly Speaker, a victim of the hate monster, has become incensed at the inclusion of the suffering on the Ukrainian and Polish peoples in his Bill, and he demands the removal of the Senate amendments.
Political expediency had become the weapon of the “hate merchants� and under the guise of education, they will corrupt the minds of our children. I abhor this wicked philosophy! My judge is not Armenian, nor Turkish, nor American, my one and only judge is Almighty God Himself to whom one day I shall answer. Yes the Honorable Senators listened to my testimony, each with his own interpretation of my position, and the following represents my conclusion to the committee:
I am free of hate! My wife and I are living examples of the six centuries of Turkish-Armenian brotherhood, which continues to this day in the Republic of Turkey. If the New Jersey State Legislature is to legislate education of genocide, then it should begin with our own history and teach the genocide of the original indigenous people of this land! The Armenians of Ottoman Turkey were not a subjugated or persecuted people, as some politicians believe. The Armenians had been revolutionaries against the nation where they had prospered and had achieved the highest levels of authority in the Ottoman Government. But this fact, among many, remain unknown — a more correct word would be, unaccepted, by certain groups. And the New Jersey Legislature purports to enlighten our youth with “factual� history. Dear reader, much more needs to be stated, but I shall conclude with my final comments directed to the youth of the Armenian and Turkish communities:
Beloved Armenian youth: You have every reason to be proud of your culture, your Christian Faith, and the genius of Armenian creativity and intellect. Through no fault of your own you have become inflicted with the same genetic malady as experienced by the New Jersey Assembly Speaker; it is known as eternal animosity. Free yourself of this bondage, be proud of your history, of being an Armenian-American and extend your hand in friendship to those you have been taught to hate. May love bring peace to your heart.
Beloved Turkish youth: You are the children of a great people; you are the children of the immortal Mustafa Kemal Atatürk, and as a result you have an awesome responsibility. Each of you must face the challenge of those who malign, ridicule, and defame the honor of your race and culture. Stand tall, revere your Islamic Faith, be proud of the humanity of your Turkish origin, of being a Turkish-American, and extend your hand in friendship first — as it will signify the inherent compassion of the Turkish heart. I know well, that only love will bring peace to your heart.
Dear reader of the “Focus,� my life approaches its final chapters and as I look back, just as each of you must do — I measure my failures and successes. I have aroused the emotions of love and hate (of those who oppose me), but in my heart I believe far more the former than the latter. Love recognizes no flag, no religion, no language, no geographical boundary. Love is universal and no power on earth can surpass its impact upon each of us. On behalf of my beloved wife, I bid each of you the infinite joy of love, as I thank you for reading these lines. Till next we meet again, the work continues....
Edward Tashji
I am Called: "Turk Dostu" — A "Friend of Turks"
The above appeared in "Focus" Magazine, date unknown
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