247) And Just Where In The World Are The Turks? & Samuel A. Weems Takes On an Armenian-Sponsored Bill
FOR THE LAST TWO YEARS the Armenian National Committee of America has been begging the Citizens' Stamp Advisory Committee of the United States Postal Service to issue a United States stamp to mark the Armenian self-invented genocide of 1915. And just where in the world have the Turks been during these past two years? They said nothing and were and are NOWHERE to be found!
In December, 2000 the Armenian National Committee of America issued an e-mail Action Alert stating: "The American response to the Armenian Genocide marked the entry of the United States on the world stage as a leading defender of international justice and human rights. And yet, the U.S. Postal Service has never issued a stamp on the Armenian Genocide."
The Armenian Action alert told the Armenians throughout the United States "What You Can Do." The following is how the Armenian campaign is targeting the United States Postal Service.
"Ask the citizens' Stamp Advisory Committee to recommend a stamp on the U.S. Response to the Armenian Genocide. Send correspondence to the:
"Citizens' Stamp Advisory Committee c/o Stamp Management United States Postal Service
475 L'Enfant Plaza S.W.,
Room 4474
E Washington, D.C. 20260-2437
"Dear Committee Members:
"As an American who values the vital role of our nation in advancing justice and human rights around the world, I am writing to urge the creation of a postage stamp on the American response to the Armenian Genocide.
"Our response, as a nation, to the Armenian Genocide marked the entry of the United States on the world stage as a leading defender on international justice and human rights."
The Armenians then go on to praise President Woodrow Wilson, diplomats and Christian organizations that helped the Armenians. I can't believe the Armenians are saying they "value the vital role of our nation in advancing justice and human rights around the world." Just think--these same Armenians have one of the world's worst justice and human rights abuse records anywhere, as shown in the most recent "US State Department Report on Armenia."
The apogee of all bogus statements is the following: "The American response to the Armenian Genocide marked the entry of the United States on the world stage as a defender of international justice and human rights." Such a statement is a bald faced lie! Armenia wasn't the reason the United States became involved with "international justice and human rights." America has never recognized the fake Armenian claims of genocide in 1915! In fact, the United States never went to war against the Ottoman Empire government in 1915, or ever for that matter. This statement is typical of the way the Armenians rewrite true history to fit their false campaigns seeking Christian world handouts. Nothing more--nothing less!
I am stupefied, and I am wondering where in the world are the Turks? What is the Turkish government doing? Where in heaven's name is the Turkish Foreign Service? No one seems to be doing a darn thing in defending truth and the Turkish interest. If the Armenians get their unopposed way, Turks will be licking those postage stamps commemorating the so-called Armenian genocide each and every time they mail a letter within the United States and abroad and thus unwillingly advertise the very thing they are disgusted about.
As an American who appreciates the Turks' support and friendship for the United States throughout the entire Cold War, I feel it is incumbent upon myself, a Scottish American citizen, to protest vehemently this Armenian outrage concerning their campaign for the above-mentioned Armenian-Genocide stamp. It saddens me to see the Turks, sitting back and doing nothing. Time is running out. This is not a joke and is quite serious. The Turks have to do something, and it had better be soon!
With these thoughts in mind, I am writing my letter to the Postal Service today and I am sending along a copy of my book ARMENIA--SECRETS OF A "CHRISTIAN" TERRORIST STATE. I shall object to this Armenian "Help Stamp Out Genocide Denial" campaign. This American not only denies that such genocide took place--I wrote a book that proves it!
There is no valid excuse for dozing off while the Armenians are making hay. Why in the world would the Turkish-American community not care? To sit back two full years and do nothing while the Armenians are laboring day and night to force the United States of America to issue a postage stamp based on totally fraudulent claims of genocide and making the United States government advertise this bogus affair will remain a mystery to me. I am declaring to every Turk who loves his homeland or to every Turkish-American who is ready to help his country of origin, to wake up to reality and rid himself or herself of this corrosive apathy, and of this masochistic sense of self-destruction.
Look at what the Armenians are saying: "Americans can be extremely proud of the efforts by leaders such as President Woodrow Wilson, diplomats such as Ambassador Henry Morgenthau" and of other Christians... On the one hand they are praising President Wilson and on the other hand they ignore the fact they had attacked him viciously after World War I because he didn't do enough to send 70,000 US troops into harms way just to give a minuscule self-anointed "Christian" Armenia Muslim lands for free. Had President Wilson and the United States Senate made a 'faux-pas' and spent almost a billion US tax dollars in terms of 1920 rates, and sent an American Army to take away these lands which belonged to someone else, they would have committed the first "Vietnam" of the twentieth century. They would have gotten the United States involved in a tragedy of gargantuan proportions--all because the Armenians wanted something for nothing!
By attacking President Wilson, the U.S. Senate and American Christians in 1920, these very Armenians showed their true colors. Because the U.S. Senate refuses to accommodate them by offering them Muslim lands on a silver platter, they began to unleash a dirty campaign against them. These same Armenians even attacked the Christians of America because even though they had received from them more than $40 million US dollars, they whined and complained that that amount was not enough. There is a double standard here. The Armenians ignore their intrigues and their double-dealings of the past and they are bragging today about these same Americans they had attacked so vociferously in the 1920s.
Since Turkish Americans don't seem to care if they lick stamps which accuse their forefathers of mass murder--as an American who cares about them, I must speak out on their behalf until I wake them up and have them join me in winning this cause. My reason is two fold: the first one is to prove that the Armenian claims of genocide is totally fabricated, just to fool gullible Americans, and the second one is to tell the whoever is willing to listen to me that as an American taxpayer I have had it with freeloading Armenians. I object to the Armenian campaigns they conduct including this one in order to secure even more free handouts from my government, from my fellow religionists and the sum total of all the Christian churches of the United States of America.
Turks must not allow the Armenians to go unchallenged in their actions which are clearly and utterly false, here in the United States. You must do a lot to defend the honor your great nation. You must not buckle under to their intrigues. The Armenians here in the United States are nothing more than an extension of the colony Armenia sent to our shores in 1918 to fleece and deceive Americans of their hard-earned tax dollars. Even though we hear and witness phenomenal Turkish-American success stories here in America, and Turks should be proud of that fact, I would say that there are too many apathetic Turks who may read this and agree, and still do nothing. No person of Turkish descent should find himself or herself in that dubious unpleasant category. No true-blooded Turk can be proud of their personal success here in America if they find no reason to be proud of defending their great nation--Turkey!
If a non-Turk American, like me, can research and find such unbelievable data so destructive for the Turks' and Turkey's vital interests, I ask myself why in the world don't the Turks do such research and realize that time is running out for their action and response?
Not one of the many components of the Turkish-American organizations should be exempted from this duty. ATAA, FTAA, TURKISH FORUM and all other assemblies of Turkish-American organizations must participate in this action drive. Not only the Turkish Americans but the Turks that live outside the US also must wake up and find ways to "Stamp Out The Armenian Stamp Scam". Let us all work together and deny these hapless Armenians the enjoyment that they one day may have if we miss the proverbial "boat."
Judge Weems was so outraged by the Armenian Con Job, he did much to defend the honor of Turks... more than many Turks themselves. Below is a letter he wrote, confronting a 2002 attack by the Armenian lobby, thinly veiled as California Assembly Bill AB2003. There is a link to a second letter afterwards, directed to a television evangelist who aired an anti-Muslim program.
Weems Takes On an Armenian-Sponsored Bill
From: Sam Weems
To: Assemblymember
Subject: AB2003
Dear Assemlymember
I am writing to you regarding AB2003. I don't have a drop of Near Eastern blood in my veins. I am a life long Baptist, and have spent four years researching and writing a book titled Armenia--Secrets of A "Christian" Terrorist State. My book is scheduled for publication within 30 days and I would respectfully suggest that you wait until this book is released before your committee considers this legislation.
The reason I make this suggestion is because I was amazed and shocked to learn the actual facts of the Armenian claim of "massacre and genocide." I can assure you, based on the evidence provided by Armenian historians, that there was no massacre nor was there a genocide!
The truth of the matter is that the Armenians have created a genocide industry for no other reason than to play Christians off against the Muslim world and to get the Christian world to give them massive foreign aid year after unending year. Now, after September 11th, America must reach out to the Muslim world and we all must be careful what we do and not offend, without cause, other religions.
The evidence is absolute that a high priest of the Armenian Church made up and told the tall tale of a massacre. This tall tale was told long before a single Armenian was removed because of their disruption of the Ottoman government's army supply lines. There are several American eyewitness who state that the Armenians were alive and did in fact leave the Ottoman lands as ordered because they were disloyal to their government. How could they be massacred if they were seen by Americans leaving the country?
The proof is also clear that the Armenians have created two separate set of books and use the same numbers to claim on the one hand a massacre and then on the other hand use the same numbers to claim refugees.
There is another fact you should consider: The tall tale told by the Armenians in 1918 regarding this false claim of massacre, and now genocide, was first made against the Ottoman Empire. The Armenians went to the World War I Paris Peace Conference to ask for land and money from the Ottoman government. The Paris Peace Conference heard the claim and gave the Armenians nothing--zero!
History records that Turkey didn't come into existence until 1923--more than 8 years after the Armenians claim they were massacred by the Ottoman government. How can any reasonable person today, 87 years later, say that Turkey was guilty of a terrible massacre and genocide when the country wasn't even in existence?
I have done research twice in the Moscow archives. The proof is overwhelming and absolute that it was, in truth, the Armenians who committed a massacre! Your committee should read the hundreds of Russian officer reports complaining of the massacre of Muslim women and children by Armenians fighting with the Russians trying to overthrow the Ottoman Empire.
These Russian officers were professional soldiers who were trained to fight men--not unarmed women and children. They were sick at their stomach at the horror they saw the Armenians commit against unarmed Muslim women and children. The many Russian military reports speak for themselves. It will be a gross injustice and will offend the entire Muslim world if your state takes the one-sided Armenian Christian view to the exclusion of the truth regarding their cruel acts against Muslims.
Should the California legislature pass Bill AB2003 a great injustice will be created based solely on tall tales made up by the Armenian Church. Today, in Armenia, there is no freedom of religion nor is there freedom of speech. The Armenian Church and the State are one and the same. The Armenians have engaged in a campaign to create an ethnic pure state and it is now made up of 94.5% Armenians only.
All Christian churches, other than the Armenian church, is being driven out of the country. Just a few weeks ago, the Armenians even threw one of my fellow Baptists out of the country. He was born there, went to the Ukraine and became a member of my Baptist Church. When he returned to his home in Armenia and began talking about his new faith, the Armenians threw him out of the country. There are many other such examples as this! And these same Armenians today want you to condemn Turkey! Why should California even become involved in such a one-sided tall tale?
Don't you find it strange that there are more Armenian churches in Turkey than there are in Armenia. Yet, there isn't a single mosque allowed to be open and operate in Armenia. What kind of a people are these Armenians who want you give them special consideration by attacking the Turks?
Turkey is the 7th largest grain buyer in the world. They buy 80% of their rice from your state of California. What does Armenian buy from your state--0--nothing unless you sell to them on credit they can't and won't pay! Is it fair and right for the California Assembly to attack a good friend and trading partner about a matter that history cries out that didn't happen? How can any member of the Assembly who represents the rice growing region of California vote for such legislation when the facts are in grave doubt? I am certain that Turkey spent more than 40 million dollars buying rice in your state just last year. Turkey and the United States did more than 7 billion dollars in trade with each other last year alone. There was almost zero trade between the US and Armenia.
Permit me to make one last point: At this very moment you should know that Armenia has one of the most powerful lobby organizations in our country. They spent more than 14 million dollars in political campaigns over the past few years. They have received more than 1.4 billion dollars in foreign aid from us American taxpayers over the past ten years--more per capita than for any nation on earth. Yet, Armenia has invited the Russians into their tiny state. There are two Russian army bases in Armenia today. There are two squadrons of MIG Russian fighter jets in Armenia today. There are dozens of Russian surface to air missile batteries in Armenia today. Why should the American and California taxpayers do anything for Armenia? Why not let their old friends the Russians give them foreign aid rather than us? Why hasn't the Russians pronounced that there was a 1915 genocide? The Russians were there during the time the Armenians claim the massacre took place. The Armenians were friends to the Russians then as they are now. Perhaps the reason the Russians are silent about the made up Armenian tall tale of massacre is because they were there and know that the claim is false and not true.
In fairness and honesty, I beg you to wait until my book comes out before you rush to judgment on this issue. If you vote to attack Turkey you will be doing so based on Armenian political pressure rather than historical fact. I challenge your committee to check out my facts, based on Armenian research, to determine if I am telling you truth. If what I am sharing with you is true then clearly your committee should not approve this Armenian pressure campaign to teach all American children untrue history.
Yours truly,
Sam Weems
© Holdwater
FOR THE LAST TWO YEARS the Armenian National Committee of America has been begging the Citizens' Stamp Advisory Committee of the United States Postal Service to issue a United States stamp to mark the Armenian self-invented genocide of 1915. And just where in the world have the Turks been during these past two years? They said nothing and were and are NOWHERE to be found!
In December, 2000 the Armenian National Committee of America issued an e-mail Action Alert stating: "The American response to the Armenian Genocide marked the entry of the United States on the world stage as a leading defender of international justice and human rights. And yet, the U.S. Postal Service has never issued a stamp on the Armenian Genocide."
The Armenian Action alert told the Armenians throughout the United States "What You Can Do." The following is how the Armenian campaign is targeting the United States Postal Service.
"Ask the citizens' Stamp Advisory Committee to recommend a stamp on the U.S. Response to the Armenian Genocide. Send correspondence to the:
"Citizens' Stamp Advisory Committee c/o Stamp Management United States Postal Service
475 L'Enfant Plaza S.W.,
Room 4474
E Washington, D.C. 20260-2437
"Dear Committee Members:
"As an American who values the vital role of our nation in advancing justice and human rights around the world, I am writing to urge the creation of a postage stamp on the American response to the Armenian Genocide.
"Our response, as a nation, to the Armenian Genocide marked the entry of the United States on the world stage as a leading defender on international justice and human rights."
The Armenians then go on to praise President Woodrow Wilson, diplomats and Christian organizations that helped the Armenians. I can't believe the Armenians are saying they "value the vital role of our nation in advancing justice and human rights around the world." Just think--these same Armenians have one of the world's worst justice and human rights abuse records anywhere, as shown in the most recent "US State Department Report on Armenia."
The apogee of all bogus statements is the following: "The American response to the Armenian Genocide marked the entry of the United States on the world stage as a defender of international justice and human rights." Such a statement is a bald faced lie! Armenia wasn't the reason the United States became involved with "international justice and human rights." America has never recognized the fake Armenian claims of genocide in 1915! In fact, the United States never went to war against the Ottoman Empire government in 1915, or ever for that matter. This statement is typical of the way the Armenians rewrite true history to fit their false campaigns seeking Christian world handouts. Nothing more--nothing less!
I am stupefied, and I am wondering where in the world are the Turks? What is the Turkish government doing? Where in heaven's name is the Turkish Foreign Service? No one seems to be doing a darn thing in defending truth and the Turkish interest. If the Armenians get their unopposed way, Turks will be licking those postage stamps commemorating the so-called Armenian genocide each and every time they mail a letter within the United States and abroad and thus unwillingly advertise the very thing they are disgusted about.
As an American who appreciates the Turks' support and friendship for the United States throughout the entire Cold War, I feel it is incumbent upon myself, a Scottish American citizen, to protest vehemently this Armenian outrage concerning their campaign for the above-mentioned Armenian-Genocide stamp. It saddens me to see the Turks, sitting back and doing nothing. Time is running out. This is not a joke and is quite serious. The Turks have to do something, and it had better be soon!
With these thoughts in mind, I am writing my letter to the Postal Service today and I am sending along a copy of my book ARMENIA--SECRETS OF A "CHRISTIAN" TERRORIST STATE. I shall object to this Armenian "Help Stamp Out Genocide Denial" campaign. This American not only denies that such genocide took place--I wrote a book that proves it!
There is no valid excuse for dozing off while the Armenians are making hay. Why in the world would the Turkish-American community not care? To sit back two full years and do nothing while the Armenians are laboring day and night to force the United States of America to issue a postage stamp based on totally fraudulent claims of genocide and making the United States government advertise this bogus affair will remain a mystery to me. I am declaring to every Turk who loves his homeland or to every Turkish-American who is ready to help his country of origin, to wake up to reality and rid himself or herself of this corrosive apathy, and of this masochistic sense of self-destruction.
Look at what the Armenians are saying: "Americans can be extremely proud of the efforts by leaders such as President Woodrow Wilson, diplomats such as Ambassador Henry Morgenthau" and of other Christians... On the one hand they are praising President Wilson and on the other hand they ignore the fact they had attacked him viciously after World War I because he didn't do enough to send 70,000 US troops into harms way just to give a minuscule self-anointed "Christian" Armenia Muslim lands for free. Had President Wilson and the United States Senate made a 'faux-pas' and spent almost a billion US tax dollars in terms of 1920 rates, and sent an American Army to take away these lands which belonged to someone else, they would have committed the first "Vietnam" of the twentieth century. They would have gotten the United States involved in a tragedy of gargantuan proportions--all because the Armenians wanted something for nothing!
By attacking President Wilson, the U.S. Senate and American Christians in 1920, these very Armenians showed their true colors. Because the U.S. Senate refuses to accommodate them by offering them Muslim lands on a silver platter, they began to unleash a dirty campaign against them. These same Armenians even attacked the Christians of America because even though they had received from them more than $40 million US dollars, they whined and complained that that amount was not enough. There is a double standard here. The Armenians ignore their intrigues and their double-dealings of the past and they are bragging today about these same Americans they had attacked so vociferously in the 1920s.
Since Turkish Americans don't seem to care if they lick stamps which accuse their forefathers of mass murder--as an American who cares about them, I must speak out on their behalf until I wake them up and have them join me in winning this cause. My reason is two fold: the first one is to prove that the Armenian claims of genocide is totally fabricated, just to fool gullible Americans, and the second one is to tell the whoever is willing to listen to me that as an American taxpayer I have had it with freeloading Armenians. I object to the Armenian campaigns they conduct including this one in order to secure even more free handouts from my government, from my fellow religionists and the sum total of all the Christian churches of the United States of America.
Turks must not allow the Armenians to go unchallenged in their actions which are clearly and utterly false, here in the United States. You must do a lot to defend the honor your great nation. You must not buckle under to their intrigues. The Armenians here in the United States are nothing more than an extension of the colony Armenia sent to our shores in 1918 to fleece and deceive Americans of their hard-earned tax dollars. Even though we hear and witness phenomenal Turkish-American success stories here in America, and Turks should be proud of that fact, I would say that there are too many apathetic Turks who may read this and agree, and still do nothing. No person of Turkish descent should find himself or herself in that dubious unpleasant category. No true-blooded Turk can be proud of their personal success here in America if they find no reason to be proud of defending their great nation--Turkey!
If a non-Turk American, like me, can research and find such unbelievable data so destructive for the Turks' and Turkey's vital interests, I ask myself why in the world don't the Turks do such research and realize that time is running out for their action and response?
Not one of the many components of the Turkish-American organizations should be exempted from this duty. ATAA, FTAA, TURKISH FORUM and all other assemblies of Turkish-American organizations must participate in this action drive. Not only the Turkish Americans but the Turks that live outside the US also must wake up and find ways to "Stamp Out The Armenian Stamp Scam". Let us all work together and deny these hapless Armenians the enjoyment that they one day may have if we miss the proverbial "boat."
Judge Weems was so outraged by the Armenian Con Job, he did much to defend the honor of Turks... more than many Turks themselves. Below is a letter he wrote, confronting a 2002 attack by the Armenian lobby, thinly veiled as California Assembly Bill AB2003. There is a link to a second letter afterwards, directed to a television evangelist who aired an anti-Muslim program.
Weems Takes On an Armenian-Sponsored Bill
From: Sam Weems
To: Assemblymember
Subject: AB2003
Dear Assemlymember
I am writing to you regarding AB2003. I don't have a drop of Near Eastern blood in my veins. I am a life long Baptist, and have spent four years researching and writing a book titled Armenia--Secrets of A "Christian" Terrorist State. My book is scheduled for publication within 30 days and I would respectfully suggest that you wait until this book is released before your committee considers this legislation.
The reason I make this suggestion is because I was amazed and shocked to learn the actual facts of the Armenian claim of "massacre and genocide." I can assure you, based on the evidence provided by Armenian historians, that there was no massacre nor was there a genocide!
The truth of the matter is that the Armenians have created a genocide industry for no other reason than to play Christians off against the Muslim world and to get the Christian world to give them massive foreign aid year after unending year. Now, after September 11th, America must reach out to the Muslim world and we all must be careful what we do and not offend, without cause, other religions.
The evidence is absolute that a high priest of the Armenian Church made up and told the tall tale of a massacre. This tall tale was told long before a single Armenian was removed because of their disruption of the Ottoman government's army supply lines. There are several American eyewitness who state that the Armenians were alive and did in fact leave the Ottoman lands as ordered because they were disloyal to their government. How could they be massacred if they were seen by Americans leaving the country?
The proof is also clear that the Armenians have created two separate set of books and use the same numbers to claim on the one hand a massacre and then on the other hand use the same numbers to claim refugees.
There is another fact you should consider: The tall tale told by the Armenians in 1918 regarding this false claim of massacre, and now genocide, was first made against the Ottoman Empire. The Armenians went to the World War I Paris Peace Conference to ask for land and money from the Ottoman government. The Paris Peace Conference heard the claim and gave the Armenians nothing--zero!
History records that Turkey didn't come into existence until 1923--more than 8 years after the Armenians claim they were massacred by the Ottoman government. How can any reasonable person today, 87 years later, say that Turkey was guilty of a terrible massacre and genocide when the country wasn't even in existence?
I have done research twice in the Moscow archives. The proof is overwhelming and absolute that it was, in truth, the Armenians who committed a massacre! Your committee should read the hundreds of Russian officer reports complaining of the massacre of Muslim women and children by Armenians fighting with the Russians trying to overthrow the Ottoman Empire.
These Russian officers were professional soldiers who were trained to fight men--not unarmed women and children. They were sick at their stomach at the horror they saw the Armenians commit against unarmed Muslim women and children. The many Russian military reports speak for themselves. It will be a gross injustice and will offend the entire Muslim world if your state takes the one-sided Armenian Christian view to the exclusion of the truth regarding their cruel acts against Muslims.
Should the California legislature pass Bill AB2003 a great injustice will be created based solely on tall tales made up by the Armenian Church. Today, in Armenia, there is no freedom of religion nor is there freedom of speech. The Armenian Church and the State are one and the same. The Armenians have engaged in a campaign to create an ethnic pure state and it is now made up of 94.5% Armenians only.
All Christian churches, other than the Armenian church, is being driven out of the country. Just a few weeks ago, the Armenians even threw one of my fellow Baptists out of the country. He was born there, went to the Ukraine and became a member of my Baptist Church. When he returned to his home in Armenia and began talking about his new faith, the Armenians threw him out of the country. There are many other such examples as this! And these same Armenians today want you to condemn Turkey! Why should California even become involved in such a one-sided tall tale?
Don't you find it strange that there are more Armenian churches in Turkey than there are in Armenia. Yet, there isn't a single mosque allowed to be open and operate in Armenia. What kind of a people are these Armenians who want you give them special consideration by attacking the Turks?
Turkey is the 7th largest grain buyer in the world. They buy 80% of their rice from your state of California. What does Armenian buy from your state--0--nothing unless you sell to them on credit they can't and won't pay! Is it fair and right for the California Assembly to attack a good friend and trading partner about a matter that history cries out that didn't happen? How can any member of the Assembly who represents the rice growing region of California vote for such legislation when the facts are in grave doubt? I am certain that Turkey spent more than 40 million dollars buying rice in your state just last year. Turkey and the United States did more than 7 billion dollars in trade with each other last year alone. There was almost zero trade between the US and Armenia.
Permit me to make one last point: At this very moment you should know that Armenia has one of the most powerful lobby organizations in our country. They spent more than 14 million dollars in political campaigns over the past few years. They have received more than 1.4 billion dollars in foreign aid from us American taxpayers over the past ten years--more per capita than for any nation on earth. Yet, Armenia has invited the Russians into their tiny state. There are two Russian army bases in Armenia today. There are two squadrons of MIG Russian fighter jets in Armenia today. There are dozens of Russian surface to air missile batteries in Armenia today. Why should the American and California taxpayers do anything for Armenia? Why not let their old friends the Russians give them foreign aid rather than us? Why hasn't the Russians pronounced that there was a 1915 genocide? The Russians were there during the time the Armenians claim the massacre took place. The Armenians were friends to the Russians then as they are now. Perhaps the reason the Russians are silent about the made up Armenian tall tale of massacre is because they were there and know that the claim is false and not true.
In fairness and honesty, I beg you to wait until my book comes out before you rush to judgment on this issue. If you vote to attack Turkey you will be doing so based on Armenian political pressure rather than historical fact. I challenge your committee to check out my facts, based on Armenian research, to determine if I am telling you truth. If what I am sharing with you is true then clearly your committee should not approve this Armenian pressure campaign to teach all American children untrue history.
Yours truly,
Sam Weems
© Holdwater
Labels: Holdwater, Samuel WEEMS, Woodrow Wilson
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