*Turkey will eventually open Armenian-Turkish border, Armenian official says
*Prospects of the Armenian-Turkish relations
Giro Manoyan
Director of ARF Bureau's Central Hai Tad Office
Sargis.- What do you think Turkey's place is in the new US plan of the Greater Middle East, and is it possible that the US would take steps for an Armenian-Turkish reconciliation or at least a dialogue?
K.M.- First it should be noted that the US plan of the Greater Middle East is still in the stage of elaboration, and the initial plans and perceptions could be changed depending on what the real players would do. However, it is apparent that Turkey’s role will be changed according to the American understanding of the Greater Middle East. In the military aspect, due to its negative stance in the Iraq issue, Turkey has already become less important than it was before the Iraq war, though even today, the Americans are trying to use Turkey’s territory and military infrastructure for their “war on terror.�
Regardless of the American plan for the Greater Middle East, the United Sates have a goal of normalizing the relations between Armenia and Turkey due to other concerns, one of them being the reduction of the Russian influence in the South Caucasus. If Turkey is no more seen as a threat to Armenia, the American strategists say there will be less need for the Russian troops in Armenia. Due to this and other reasons, the US is trying to normalize the relations between Armenia and Turkey, seeing the opening of the border as a first step.
Shamil Rashidov, Istanbul. Given that Armenia is not going to drop the Armenian Genocide claim and Turkey is not going to recognize it, is it possible to find some solution in the middle to satisfy both sides. If yes, what in your opinion are the solutions and when can they be reached?
K.M.- Armenia is not going to and cannot drop the “Genocide claim,� because Turkey closed the border and refused to establish diplomatic relations with Armenia when it was ruled by an administration which did insist on the Armenian Genocide issue in the international arena and especially before Turkey. This means that Turkey has proved that it expects from Armenia to completely forget its history because Turkey is not satisfied by merely not raising the issue in the international arena: however, no Armenian administration that considers itself to be really Armenian, will do that. The truth has no middle way; it is not a subject for a bargain. A middle way can be only considered in terms of the future plans and only after the truth has been admitted. Turkey cannot avoid its history forever, it will recognize the Armenian Genocide sooner or later.
Aram. - Taking into account that the official Turkish history denies the Armenian Genocide, do you think a dialogue with historians denying the Genocide is possible?
K.M.- A so-called dialogue between the Armenian and Turkish historians is largely dangerous because it would mean the disagreement over the Armenian Genocide is only between the historians. A great number of non-Armenian historians and genocide experts admit that the Armenian Genocide is the first genocide of the 20th century. Any dialogue between historians – even with those who admit the fact of the Genocide – would reduce the issue to an Armenian-Turkish dispute over history.
Hovnathan Spangenberg - It is greatly possible that in the near future the Armenian issue will regain international attantion to the degree that it forces Turkey to recognize the Armenian Genocide. What should we as Armenians do as a next step, for the future positive developments, having in mind the aim of the ARF?
K.M. - Unfortunately I do not share your optimism regarding Turkey's recognition of the Armenian Genocide. I hope I'm soon proven wrong. As I've stated in my responses to previous questions, recognition of the Armenian Genocide by Turkey would pave the way for discussions and eventually negotiations to resolve the outstanding differences between the two peoples, whcih would naturally include reparations and restitution. By recognizing the Armenian Genocide Turkey would demonstrate its sincere desire to coexist next to Armenia and the Armenians and not on their account. Thus, this would be the first step for normalizing Armenian-Turkish relations.
Vladimir - What can we gain if Turks finally admit Genocide?
K.M.- The recognition of the Genocide by Turkey would be the minimum indication that Turkey has changed its adverserial agressive policy towards Armenia, which would create the necessary conditions for the possibility of constructive dialogue between Turkey and Armenia, between the Turkish and Armenian peoples to resolve their historic differences based on truth and justice and to eventually open the way for a peaceful and secure coexistence. Thus, Genocide recognition by Turkey would pave the way for stable security in the region.
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