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406) Letters: Caucasus General Governor Grand Duke Nikolas - Russian FM Sazanof

© This content Mirrored From Letter To Caucasus General Governor Grand Duke Nikola Nikolayeviç By Russian Foreign Minister Sazanof on 14 June 1916:

“It is fundamental to take precautions at this very moment, for the future administration of the lands, that are certain to be annexed to Russia by taking into consideration that the most significant parts of the Eastern Anatolia is under our invasion.

The negotiations, which have been going on over the sharing of Anatolia with Allies, should be accelerated. Russia has set up a committee for the determination on how the lands, that is to be annexed to Russia, will be administrated.

In this regard, the most difficult and most sensitive matter is the Armenian issue. According to the agreement reached between us with the allies, the considerable part of Armenia will be under the safeguard of France. In this regard, this issue does not interest Russia, as much as it did in the past. While examining Armenian issue, two major points should be considered: Firstly, to demand for the foundation of an independent Armenian State under the safeguard of Russia. This suggestion is strongly defended by the Armenian nationalists.

Another viewpoint is to locate Muslims, again in place of Armenians. According to my opinion, the Russian government has to oppose strongly to both of the two major points. As for the foundation of the Great Armenia; the Armenians in this region have never managed to constitute the majority. Furthermore, the foundation of a great and independent Armenia is absolutely against the interests and foreign policy of Russia. Founding an Armenia state as it is demanded would be the domination of the minority to the majority. These states of affairs would never be convenient to Russia.

Sazanof . .

Grand Duke’s Respond to Sazanof’s Letter:
03 July 1916 No: 21083

“I have received your letter dated 14 June. I completely agree with your opinions. I think that there should not be an Armenian issue inside the boundaries of Russia. It is every Russian citizen duty not to permit even talking about these kinds of subjects. As a matter of fact, in Caucasus, where I am in charge as an General Governor, Armenians are not involved with the Armenian issue. Since the Armenians, who reside here are completely indifferent from Muslims, Georgians and Russians and have the same rights. Under these circumstances, it is natural that it will never be allowed to the demands of privileges. I will apply the same policy to the Eastern provinces of Turkey, which will be annexed to Russia.

As for the independent Armenia, Russia would never defend such a thought. Since, an independent Armenia could constitute a great danger for Russia in the future. However, it is possible to give special privileges to the Armenian schools, religious and other institutions, in the lands we invaded. In this connection, I would like to add that we have to take precautions right away to return the Armenian refugees to their lands, who took shelter in Caucasus at the moment. Since, we will be saving the money; we have been spending on the refugees.

Nikola Nikolayeviç

Source: Armenian’s Oppression to the Other Armenian



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