The Armenian terror organization, ASALA, has written its name for years on the world’s history of terror especially by massacres of Turkish diplomats abroad... The ASALA was esteblished to "insure that Turkey acknowledges the so-called Armenian genocide, to rescue the so-called invaded lands by Turkey and to unite this land with the so-called Armenian lands under invasion of the other neighboring countries” .
The Armenian terror organization like ASALA-RM, JCAG, ARA and especially ASALA began their assaults against the Turks in 1973 and killed 42 Turkish citizens including diplomats, security officers and businessmen.
The power of ASALA started to diminish at the beginning of 1980’s and run out at the end. However, soon its name has been mentioned with PKK and especially with the armed training of PKK militants in Bekaa.
Within the course of history, the Kurds too aim to establish a Kurdish state in the lands belonging to the Republic of Turkey and they didn’t hang back from supporting the Armenians in the framework of the same aspirations.
One of the examples of the Armenian-Kurdish cooperation regarding the near past is the "Haybun" Association, which was established in 1927 with British promotion. Various rebellions stirred up by "Haybun" were suppressed by Turkish military operations.
The establishment of a "Kurdish-Armenian Fraternity and Brotherhood Association", which was set up in accordance with the agreement in 1939 between the Armenian Union in Beirut and Kurdish representatives, forms another initiative. However, right after the association dissolved without any activity, this time in 1969 the Tashnak Party in Lebanon gave both moral and financial support to “the Kurdish Charity Association” in Beirut.
As a matter of fact, the decision taken by the second World Armenian Congress in Lausanne, Switzerland, in July 20-24, 1983, intended the establishment of "Armenian" and "Kurdistan" in eastern Turkey, indicated the cooperation between the Armenian and Kurdish associations. Besides, it proves explicitly this collaboration the fact that the existence of people with Armenian origin are among the Kurdish militants who launched terrorist acts in the said region of Turkey.
That the meeting convened to determine tactics and strategy against Turkey by ASALA and PKK on April 1980 and later both organization undertook the responsibility for a common bombing assault against the Turkish Consulate General are the only another examples of the dimension of terror of this cooperation
Even though the name of ASALA is not heard anymore with its terrorist activities and also there is no sign that it either withdraws from the terror stage or acts under a different name, nowadays we see that the Armenian and Kurdish formations that began to perform its activities in 70’s as a pawn of imperialist countries act together in the frame of the same aims.
The Damascus Armenian-Kurdish Movement in Damascus, which is another reflection of the cooperation, opened its Yerevan branch on May 2002, and its Nagorno Karabagh-Shusha went into operation on August 2005. The Armenian Interior Ministry officially approved the office of the movement there.
The Damascus Armenian-Kurdish Movement that put together the Armenians and the Kurds to struggle against the Republic of Turkey for gaining the so-called "Armenian and Kurdish lands" set up in 2003 in Damascus. The chairperson of the association is a Yezidi Kurd, Asad Asadurian, with the code name "Mirage." Members of the movement are going to Nahchivan by passing through Syria-Iraq and Iran and later into Nagorno Karabagh. The members get military training from Russian and Armenian officers in Hankenti and Shusha in Nagorno Karabagh.
Actually, the Nagorno Karabagh extension of Armenian-Kurdish cooperation is not new. The existence of PKK camp in Armenia indicates that the activities against everything Turkish have expanded, beside the statements made by Former Azerbaijan's President, Abulfaz Elchibey, saying that Armenians are coming to Karabagh via Armenia passing through the Mount Ararat and killing Azerbaijanies with support of PKK and the terrorist organizations are taking part in the Armenian rank against remuneration.
Another reflection of Armenian-Kurdish cooperation nowadays is efforts to hinder Turkey’s EU membership. Many meetings and press statements are conveyed by Kurdish organizations in Armenia like Kurdistan Committee and the Caucasian branch of Kurdistan Worker Party (PKK). These organizations publish communiqués. The Coordination Council of Ethnic Minorities under President’s consultant in Armenia also gives support these activities.
Another example in near the past was "the World Armenians" conference in Yerevan in 2004 calling for the same statements and demands. The conference focused on "enmity against Turks." The opening of the Armenian border gate to Turkey, the would-be demanded compensations from Turkey for the so-called "genocide" and the determination of the would-be demand for lands from Turkey were the matters of the conference. The importance of Armenian-Kurdish cooperation is underlined in the conference.
Yet it is not difficult to understand that the efforts that have been made until now for Armenian-Kurdish propaganda and the cooperation for terrorist activities are just a short-lived power gaining tactics.
The dialog between the participants in The World Armenians Conference II which was conveyed in Lausanne in 1983 with the participation of members of the Kurdish terror organization gives the answer to the question "Until when this cooperation?"
We witnessed that the Kurds and Armenians could not overcome the conflict due to the claims for the same regions in Anatolia’s land. The disagreement between participations about "the so-called Armenian lands are represented as the Kurdish lands" and ambiguity caused by disagreements and discussions prove that this cooperation is doomed to fail. Of course, it should not be forgotten the statements made by the Armenian terror organization blaming Kurds for the so-called genocide.
However, the activities of the Damascus movements indicate that the Armenian and Kurdish terror groups are hoping to disturb the stability in Turkey and the region.
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