Request for permission to work for the Armenian officials in the Ottoman Bank in Adana

Ciphered telegram from the Ministry of the Interior to the province Aleppo, regarding that Edvar Simkiyan, Manok Sarrafyan and Agop Gagayan, employees of the Adana Ottoman Bank, and Serkis Kisiyan, of the Tarsus branch, may be employed in the Aleppo branch.
14 Z. 1333 (23 October 1915)
Thanks to Mavi Boncuk
Hopefully, the readership may not need be reminded that the above constituted an internal government document, never meant to be publicized, and therefore cannot be construed as propaganda.
The fact that the above regarded the Aleppo branch brings to mind the forged Naim-Andonian documents, as the supposed Naim Bey was employed in Aleppo. The idea that Andonian tried to put forth is that these "genocide-proving" documents went through Aleppo; the fact that Armenians were being employed in the highly important institution of the Ottoman Bank, within the Aleppo region, is ironic beyond words.
While we have the opportunity, we should not neglect to remind you that it was "the foremost authority of the Armenian Genocide," Vahakn Dadrian, who attempted to validate the Andonian forgeries. One of Dadrian's foremost followers, Yves ("Freaky Frenchy") Ternon, regarded Dadrian's attempt at validation "brilliant." Among these documents was a March 9, 1915 one where Talat Pasha (actually, Dadrian tells us the author was Behaeddin Shakir, because Dadrian tells us the letters BEHA were on the document. He does not explain that the Turkish version of Behaeddin's name is "Bahattin," and the letters BEHA would have been meaningless) was made to write: “All rights of the Armenians to live and work on Turkish soil have been completely cancelled, and with regard to this the Government takes all responsibility on itself, and has commanded that even babes in the cradle are not to be spared.”
Isn't that wild? So Dadrian is telling us the Ministry of the Interior outlawed any Armenian from working in the Ottoman Empire in March 1915, and in October 1915, the same Ministry of the Interior is telling us it would be okay for Armenians already working in other branches of the Ottoman Bank that it would be okay for them to be transferred to the branch in Aleppo.
But if we put the Andonian forgeries aside, just think about the significance of Armenians being allowed to work in such an important institution, after the "genocide" had been underway. Armenian propaganda tells us "genocide" was perpetrated because Armenians were regarded as "the Other," and that racial animosity formed the reason why Armenians were being targeted (just as the Nazis had treated the Jews. Imagine that a Jew would be allowed to work in the primary bank of Germany in 1941). If such hatred existed, there would have been absolutely no way Simkiyan, Sarrafyan, Gagayan and Kisiyan could have remained bank employees as late as October, 1915.
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