1672) Too Much Of A Sneaky, Snidy Armenian Propaganda Is Going On
Send your protest note here please, There is too much of a sneaky, snidy Armenian propaganda is going on
Books News
Author is harassed at book signing, man denies genocide
By M&C News May 5, 2007 . . . .
Margaret Ajemian Ahnert is the author of the memoir The Knock at the Door, which is about her mother and her experience with the Armenian genocide. Thinking this was only going to be a casual reading of her work at a Barnes & Noble on the Upper East Side in New York, instead led to a man being arrested for harassing the author.
The man began shouting, passing out leaflets, as well as interrupting Ms. Ahnert’s reading, shouting how the genocide never occurred. Anhert’s book goes into detail about how her mother survived the genocide as a teenager during World War I before she came to the United States.
“Here I was trying to tell the story of my mother, not making a political statement,” she said. “It’s a mother-daughter story, it’s how it affected my life. It’s not just about the Armenian genocide, it’s about my mother growing up, my life, and events in her life that affected me. It’s a mother-daughter memoir. I’m not making any historical statements.”
The Ottoman Empire was responsible for the death of more than one million people around 1915, as a means of eliminating the Armenian population throughout what is now Turkey. The man who was arrested was identified as Erdem Sahin, 41, a Turkish immigrant who lives on Staten Island.
When asked about his views on the Armenian genocide, he said, “Honestly, I’m not a historian, but historians say there is no genocide.” A spokeswoman for the Barnes & Noble chain said that passing out pamphlets violated the company’s no-solicitation policy. “They were asked to stop passing out leaflets. They refused. They were jeering the author. They were asked to sit down and they refused.” That was when the police were called,” she said.
Zareh SahakianMay 5th, 2007 - 20:11:02
It is one thing to be in Turkey and claim ignorance, due to the Turkish government's tight control on the education system, yet it is altogether another thing to be in the United States and still cling to brainwashed fanaticism of a third world.
In their new country, the US, Turkish immigrants have all the freedom to study the issue of the Armenian Genocide without any persecution or hindrance. Those who want to find out the truth the field is wide open for them.
Unfortunately, the US government has its own share of guilt in letting Turkey get away with rewriting history with the full blessing of successive US administrations. Now, people brainwashed with lies actually believe that no genocide of Armenians has occurred in the Ottoman Empire.
First we witnessed the silencing of brave Turkish individuals in Turkey who dared to talk about the Armenian Genocide, such as the Nobel winning author Orhan Pamuk, now we witness the harassment of American authors, in America, who are merely telling the stories of their families’ ordeals during the genocide.
This is indeed sad!
Zareh Sahakian
Montreal, Canada
Erdal FirinciMay 5th, 2007
It is so sad that the lop sided story of the alleged Armenian genocide is going unchallenged peacefully and democratically (around the world)!.
It must be highlighted that 200,000 armed Ottoman Armenians (1/5 of their population) had risen in armed uprising, armed by outside powers to cause disruption to Ottoman Army fighting in the WW1, aiding and abeting the invading Russians hence committing high treason and 92 years later they are claiming they are the victims of genocide. Well, this is simply a fabrication.
May I refer you to some source of information (sadly the post does not accept internet links, so please do a search)
Find out what Armenian Premier Senin Ovanes Kacaznuni said
in 1923 Dashnak Party Conference in Bucharest-Romania
Available from iletisim @ kaynakyayinlari . com ISBN 975-343-438-3
You may peruse www . tallarmeniantale . com, by author Holdwater
& www . eraren . org / bilgibankasi / en / index . htm
Read on internet www . tallarmeniantale . com / c-f-dixon-BOOK . htm,
written by a British officer in 1916
examine Guenter Lewy's 'The Armenian Massacres in Turkey, A Disputed Genocide'
ISBN-13:978-0-87480-849-0 available on Amazon . com (Jewish writer)
Salahi Sonyel's 'The Turco-Armenian Imbroglio' ISBN-0-9504886-6-6, available at Cyprus Turkish Association kibristc @ btconnect . com (Cypriot Turk author)
films to watch are:
'The Armenian Revolt 1894-1920' documentary DVD by Third Coast Films, P.O. Box 664, Clarion, PA 16214, USA (by an American Director)
'Sari Gelin' documentary DVD through www.sarigelinbelgeseli.com info @ sarigelinbelgeseli . com (maybe available on eBay) (by a Turkish Director)
have a look at www . armenians - 1915 . blogspot . com by Turkish Armenians (including free downloadable books and automatic translation of site text into several languages),
ISBN 1=4243=1004-0 (obtainable from ssaya @ superonline . com), (Turkish author)
'MYTH OF TERROR' by late Erich Feigl (1986)Zeitgeschichte/Bucherdienst Austria (Austrian Author) which contains the signatures of 63 foreign Academics refuting the Armenian claims
www . tallarmeniantale . com / terrorism - breakdown . htm
for Armenian terrorism against Turks.. why Armenians are not talking about their terrorists?
an interesting read (in 3 languages) of memoirs of a Russian Officer on Armenians at www . tsk . mil . tr / ermeni_sorunu / kitap . htm (click on the book for downloading) or access it and others at www . tsk . mil . tr /eng/ermeni_sorunu_salonu/armenianissues_index . htm (from Turkish Military archives reputed to be richest for this issue)
There are also several powerful books on this subject by the American author Justin McCarthy html // homepages . cae . wisc . edu /~dwilson /Armenia /mccarthy . html
The TURKS ARE READY, WILLING AND ABLE TO FACE THE ARMENIANS AT A PUBLIC INQUIRY FOR THE SAKE OF TRUTH. The Turkish Government wants an independent International historical commission to thoroughly research the background but the Armenians are refusing to participate!. do ask them why ..!
Hoping for the truth to surface sooner or later
Kind regards
Books News
Author is harassed at book signing, man denies genocide
By M&C News May 5, 2007 . . . .
Margaret Ajemian Ahnert is the author of the memoir The Knock at the Door, which is about her mother and her experience with the Armenian genocide. Thinking this was only going to be a casual reading of her work at a Barnes & Noble on the Upper East Side in New York, instead led to a man being arrested for harassing the author.
The man began shouting, passing out leaflets, as well as interrupting Ms. Ahnert’s reading, shouting how the genocide never occurred. Anhert’s book goes into detail about how her mother survived the genocide as a teenager during World War I before she came to the United States.
“Here I was trying to tell the story of my mother, not making a political statement,” she said. “It’s a mother-daughter story, it’s how it affected my life. It’s not just about the Armenian genocide, it’s about my mother growing up, my life, and events in her life that affected me. It’s a mother-daughter memoir. I’m not making any historical statements.”
The Ottoman Empire was responsible for the death of more than one million people around 1915, as a means of eliminating the Armenian population throughout what is now Turkey. The man who was arrested was identified as Erdem Sahin, 41, a Turkish immigrant who lives on Staten Island.
When asked about his views on the Armenian genocide, he said, “Honestly, I’m not a historian, but historians say there is no genocide.” A spokeswoman for the Barnes & Noble chain said that passing out pamphlets violated the company’s no-solicitation policy. “They were asked to stop passing out leaflets. They refused. They were jeering the author. They were asked to sit down and they refused.” That was when the police were called,” she said.
Zareh SahakianMay 5th, 2007 - 20:11:02
It is one thing to be in Turkey and claim ignorance, due to the Turkish government's tight control on the education system, yet it is altogether another thing to be in the United States and still cling to brainwashed fanaticism of a third world.
In their new country, the US, Turkish immigrants have all the freedom to study the issue of the Armenian Genocide without any persecution or hindrance. Those who want to find out the truth the field is wide open for them.
Unfortunately, the US government has its own share of guilt in letting Turkey get away with rewriting history with the full blessing of successive US administrations. Now, people brainwashed with lies actually believe that no genocide of Armenians has occurred in the Ottoman Empire.
First we witnessed the silencing of brave Turkish individuals in Turkey who dared to talk about the Armenian Genocide, such as the Nobel winning author Orhan Pamuk, now we witness the harassment of American authors, in America, who are merely telling the stories of their families’ ordeals during the genocide.
This is indeed sad!
Zareh Sahakian
Montreal, Canada
Erdal FirinciMay 5th, 2007
It is so sad that the lop sided story of the alleged Armenian genocide is going unchallenged peacefully and democratically (around the world)!.
It must be highlighted that 200,000 armed Ottoman Armenians (1/5 of their population) had risen in armed uprising, armed by outside powers to cause disruption to Ottoman Army fighting in the WW1, aiding and abeting the invading Russians hence committing high treason and 92 years later they are claiming they are the victims of genocide. Well, this is simply a fabrication.
May I refer you to some source of information (sadly the post does not accept internet links, so please do a search)
Find out what Armenian Premier Senin Ovanes Kacaznuni said
in 1923 Dashnak Party Conference in Bucharest-Romania
Available from iletisim @ kaynakyayinlari . com ISBN 975-343-438-3
You may peruse www . tallarmeniantale . com, by author Holdwater
& www . eraren . org / bilgibankasi / en / index . htm
Read on internet www . tallarmeniantale . com / c-f-dixon-BOOK . htm,
written by a British officer in 1916
examine Guenter Lewy's 'The Armenian Massacres in Turkey, A Disputed Genocide'
ISBN-13:978-0-87480-849-0 available on Amazon . com (Jewish writer)
Salahi Sonyel's 'The Turco-Armenian Imbroglio' ISBN-0-9504886-6-6, available at Cyprus Turkish Association kibristc @ btconnect . com (Cypriot Turk author)
films to watch are:
'The Armenian Revolt 1894-1920' documentary DVD by Third Coast Films, P.O. Box 664, Clarion, PA 16214, USA (by an American Director)
'Sari Gelin' documentary DVD through www.sarigelinbelgeseli.com info @ sarigelinbelgeseli . com (maybe available on eBay) (by a Turkish Director)
have a look at www . armenians - 1915 . blogspot . com by Turkish Armenians (including free downloadable books and automatic translation of site text into several languages),
ISBN 1=4243=1004-0 (obtainable from ssaya @ superonline . com), (Turkish author)
'MYTH OF TERROR' by late Erich Feigl (1986)Zeitgeschichte/Bucherdienst Austria (Austrian Author) which contains the signatures of 63 foreign Academics refuting the Armenian claims
www . tallarmeniantale . com / terrorism - breakdown . htm
for Armenian terrorism against Turks.. why Armenians are not talking about their terrorists?
an interesting read (in 3 languages) of memoirs of a Russian Officer on Armenians at www . tsk . mil . tr / ermeni_sorunu / kitap . htm (click on the book for downloading) or access it and others at www . tsk . mil . tr /eng/ermeni_sorunu_salonu/armenianissues_index . htm (from Turkish Military archives reputed to be richest for this issue)
There are also several powerful books on this subject by the American author Justin McCarthy html // homepages . cae . wisc . edu /~dwilson /Armenia /mccarthy . html
The TURKS ARE READY, WILLING AND ABLE TO FACE THE ARMENIANS AT A PUBLIC INQUIRY FOR THE SAKE OF TRUTH. The Turkish Government wants an independent International historical commission to thoroughly research the background but the Armenians are refusing to participate!. do ask them why ..!
Hoping for the truth to surface sooner or later
Kind regards
Labels: Salahi SONYEL
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