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Front Full Page: Engraved Picture three Ottoman Officers -
Title: THE OTTOMAN ARMY (Near Palace of Sultan Abdulhamid II)
Sadik Bey, Infantry Colonel, Palace camps
Riza bey , Cavalry commander
Chefket Bey, Lt. Colonel ARTILLERY . .
Rear Full Page: Engraved full page picture, showing mob massacring others in front of a mosque
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Title: Events of the East - Attack on a mosque by Armenians
(Note: Same full size picture is also used in Eric Feigl’s last book “Armenian Mythomania”
(Translation of description on page 375, from French into Turkish English)(French Original attached)
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Events of the East
Those who expect personal benefits would not hesitate to create a storm within a glass of water, and in particular would exaggerate the incidents in the East.
Treaties authorize many nations of Europe to intervene in the Turkish affairs, when the necessity is demonstrated. Those who have good intentions, pay great care when using this right. Others who would profit from the incident, would exaggerate simplest matters or may even create such an incident to take advantage.
This is also the cause why the troubles in Armenia are given more importance than what has been in the past.
Regarding reprisals, the Ottoman Consulate in Paris has issued the following note:
“ For quite some time, the correspondents of the foreign press, are reporting the news concerning the situation in Turkey in dark colors, whether this is a set-up, or imprisonment, or the innovative capacity of these correspondents relative to massacres of Christians in proportions depending on their personal appreciation, and which they claim, that took place.
In the presence of this campaign biased voluntarily, the Paris embassy of the Ottoman Empire, finds it necessary to inform the public, in reply to all these sensational rumors. As it is the case in all other countries of the world, some local disturbances which was intended to be related to the general situation of the empire, but could not provide expected new effects in public disorder, have been suppressed The administration will not hesitate to punish, those who disturb the public order.
The generous intentions of his highness the Sultan for all his subjects, without any distinction of race or religion is well known all over the World and inspires all administration officials, for the tranquility and progress of the people.
The Turkish government is sufficiently armed to put down the seditions of the Armenians. Our director M. Marinoni, had the occasion of being assured of all of this personally.
In his voyage to Constantinople, he was received by the Sultan who is extremely open to progress and had a very sincere and warm conversation. Thereafter the Sultan appointed one of his adjutants to show Mr. Marinoni the military possibilities they posses.
Mr. Marinoni saw in maneuvers, these admirable soldiers who at Plevne made a heroic resistance which is immortalized; the marvelously disciplined men and their officers who would follow their Sultan up to death, and which would assure them the eternal happiness, when dying in fight with the enemy.
Our director visited the arsenal Top-Hane, one of the best in the world, and their production of complicated arms, in considerable quantities.
He talked with officers such as you see in the front page for long periods, and was highly impressed of their military education, their knowledge of combat and their love for the army as a soldier.
The situation in Armenia, we repeat, does not present any serious danger. But if the incidents, -although it looks impossible- develop for worse, the Sultan with his wide knowledge and sharp intelligence, will surely triumph.
In other words, there is no need to worry for this little spark, which is being talked in Europe for much more that it needs. If this is to be left to the authority of the Sultan, he will surely know how to handle the few insurgents.
Courtesy of Miss Gunseli Basar, (1952 Ex-Europe Beauty Queen)
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