Thanks to Gokalp.
From The Reno Evening Gazette, November 14, 1915
Having imposed upon a committee of well-meaning but admittedly prejudiced American missionaries, the same agencies that have been engaged in reporting Armenian outrages which never had been committed are now trying to mislead Christian charity in America and Switzerland into furnishing funds for the relief of the supposed victims of the unspeakable Turk.
It would not matter, so far as the country at large is concerned, but unfortunately there is danger that a self-sufficient person like President Woodrow Wilson will accept these stories of atrocities as truth, with no further evidence than the statements of Armenians who are directly interested in raising money for the support of themselves. Professional beggars who have bled their own countrymen for years are now trying to to induce kindly Americans to support them, not caring for whether the United States would or should not be imbroiled with Turkey and through Turkey with Germany. Ambassador Morgenthau appears to have fallen a ready victim to the same smooth rascals that, by apocryphal tales of outrages, have procured contributions from their Armenian countrymen abroad and in this country and have lived in luxury on the proceeds for the last 30 years.
The ambassador seriously notified the state department that the Turks had slaughtered "the majority of the Armenians of Asia Minor." This "majority" now turns out to be 32,000 known to be hostile to Turkey and, therefore, dispossessed of their homes in Erzerum and Zeitun and interned in a district where they could be watched by Turkish troops — not killed, nor even dying. The English have done no more with German residents and even with English subjects of German birth and the Germans have done the same with English residents of the German states.
If this country, therefore, does not want to appear foolish before the whole world it will refuse to be duped by impossible tales and will let the Armenians severely alone.
The article above is simply astounding for the American news media of 1915. How could the writer have been so amazingly correct about everything?
"...With no further evidence than the statements of Armenians..." That's right! Why should the honorable, objective person simply take the word of Armenians when it comes to extremely serious charges, even if the person is unaware of how "patriotic" Armenians freely falsify for the betterment of Hai Tahd, the Armenian Cause?
"...There is danger that a self-sufficient person like President Woodrow Wilson will accept these stories of atrocities as truth..." The article was not correct about everything, of course; unfortunately, Wilson the preacher's son easily accepted Christian tales of victimhood, at the hands of the heathen Turks.
"Professional beggars who have bled their own countrymen for years are now trying to to induce kindly Americans to support them..." Yessir! And that characteristic has been continuing without let-up, as Armenia connived over a billion dollars from American taxpayers since the Soviet Union's breakup, the corrupt state serving as the second greatest recipient of U.S. aid, per capita, after Israel.
"Ambassador Morgenthau appears to have fallen a ready victim to the same smooth rascals that, by apocryphal tales of outrages..." Morgenthau wasn't that dumb, he knew what he was doing. Let's reserve the status of "victim" for our perpetual martyr nation, shall we?
"The ambassador seriously notified the state department that the Turks had slaughtered 'the majority of the Armenians of Asia Minor.' This 'majority' now turns out to be 32,000..." That figure is certainly a lot more reasonable than the runaway numbers those as Morgenthau and Bryce were providing at the time. Too bad the article did not get into the detail as to how their figure was arrived at. It's double what Le Figaro figured in later years.
"[Armenians] interned in a district where they could be watched by Turkish troops — not killed, nor even dying. " That is the fact! (Well, of course some were dying, as everyone else was dying in the empire, through famine and disease — even Turkish soldiers. But the idea that the Armenians were gathered together to get slaughtered is being firmly rejected.) Incredibly uncompromising with the truth, this is unheard of..!
"The English have done no more with German residents and even with English subjects of German birth..." An actual fair, comparative look. It's outrageous!
"If this country, therefore, does not want to appear foolish before the whole world it will refuse to be duped by impossible tales and will let the Armenians severely alone." Dream on, bucko. They truly blew it with that one.
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