May 3, 1920, Monday, The New York Times
Rabbi Wise Says President Declared Land Would Never Go Back to Mahometans.
Free Now to Reveal PropheciesMade in June, 1917, Clergyman Asserts.
J.W. Gerard and Bishop Burch Join in Pleas at Mass Meeting to Help Armenia.
Speaking at a mass-meeting arranged last night by friends of Armenia in the Synod Hall of the Cathedral of St. John the Divine, Rabbi Stephen S. Wise told for the first time of a promise made to him by President Wilson in the White House at the end of June, 1917, shortly after the United States entered the war.
“Dr. Wise," the Presient said, "when the war will be ended, there are two lands that will never go back to the Mohammedan apache. One is Chritian Armenia and the other is Jewlsh Palestine."
Dr. Wise, in the course of his remarks, said: *Last Sunday the Supreme Council at its meeting at San Remo, took two historic steps. It conferred a mandate over Palestine on the BrItish Government, a mandate which includes in its provisions the terms of the Balfour Declaration of November 2, 1917.
"The other historic act vas the request that the American Government, through Congress and the people, accept a mandate for Armenia. So that on one and the same day at The same place the prophecies of President Wilson have come very near to fulfillment. Whether both prophecies are to be futfilled depends on whether you and I and millions of other Amerlcans can move congress to understand that we earnestly will that a mandate shall be taken for Armenla In the name of the United States.”
The other spenkers were James W. Gerard, Dr. Frederick J. Coan, a resident of Armenia for forty-seven years. and James H. Darlington, Bishop of Harrisburg. Bishop Charles Summer Burch presided.
Supplies for Army Urged.
The meeting adopted unanimously a resolution which expressed the hope that when the President determIned the boundaries of independent Armenia it should include the six vilayets and Cilicia. The United States was also asked to furnish arms and munitions for an Armenian army of 50,000, and to see to it that the supplies are safely placed in the capital at Erivan.
The resolution recited that as European powers were unable to render Armenia the assistance it needed, and which the United States was qualified to extend, the Government of the United States was petitioned, in the name of humanity and Christian civilization, to take measures that seem wise and efficacious for the protection of Americans in Armenia, and to take such legislative und executive action as might be necessary to assist the Armenians to protect themselves.
Urges Writing of Letters.
"Don’t leave this to Congress and to the President,” he urged. it is not their job. It is your job and mine. Write to your representatives In Congress, if you think you have any. Remember that the holiest privilege has been offered America. We can decide tomorrow if Armenia is to live or die, to remain alive as a nation or pitiably perish. In every church, Roman and Protestant, and every Jewish synagogue, the cry must go up. 'America must save Armenia.’”
Dr. Wise said if ae were President he would undertake a mandate for Armenia. He recognized it as an unprecedented thing, but America was in the business of doing unprecedented things. He felt that it would have been breaking a trust had he told before of the words of the President in June, 1917, but felt privileged to tell of it In view of the action at San Remo.
Former Ambassador Gerard said that the United States in determining the boundaries of Armenia should include the six vilayets and Cilicia, so that the nation might have an outlet to the sea.
In his opening remarks Bishop Burch said the meetitng was called to protest against further injustice and massacres visited on the Armenians and expressed the hope that the United States Government would stand behind any sane policy that aided the Armenians.
Dr. Coan, an eyewitness of many massacres in Armenia, denied that a mandate for Armenia would take billions of dollars and 500,000 American soldiers. A small police force and the moral backing of the United States would be enough, he said, He said the greatest tragedy of all history was the massacres from 1915 to 1920, in which 1,000,000 ArmenIans were done to death.
The 1,000 men and women in the audience promised to write ten letters each to the President, Senator Lodge and others, calling attention to the suggestions made on behalf of Armenia at the meeting. Telegrams of sympathy for the cause of Armenia were received from Cardinal Gibbons, President John Grier Hibben of Princeton, William j. Bryan and Governor T. E. Campbell of Arizona.
Jemal Pasha Wrote in his Memoirs:
I owe it to him (Ambassador Henry Morgenthau, in response to Morgenthau's "Story" book) to let him know that it would never have occurred to Enver Pasha, Talaat Bey, and all my colleagues even to use a bitter word to each other — much less resort to weapons... We have not come from low and obscure origins, as Mr. Morgenthau believes and desires others to believe. Some among us finished their studies at the Military Academy; several have been to Turkish and European Universities; and Talaat Bey (who was never a postman as the Ambassador alleges) was at a law college in Salonica after leaving school. It is thus ridiculous to suggest that we behaved like Apaches.
The above New York Times article is revealing on many levels. The most sensational revelation was President Woodrow Wilson's idea of Turks as "the Mohammedan apache." (Naturally, Indians had the reputation of being savages, particularly in those less politically correct days; the Apaches in particular had and still have the image of being perhaps the most mindlessly violent Native American tribe.) This is only fitting; The devoutly Christian Woodrow Wilson, as a preacher's son, maintained an anti-Turkish prejudice rivaling that of many missionaries.
"We hold it to be the Christian duty and privilege of our government to assume the responsible guardianship of Armenia..."
President Woodrow Wilson, appealing to the Democratic Party to pass a resolution to support Armenia. Richard Hovannisian, The Republic of Armenia, Vol. IV, p. 16.
On the coin's other side, regarding Wilson's "pledge":
"Wilson said that he had been impressed by what the Moslem delegation had said about Turkish sovereignty. He himself had forgotten that he had used the word in the Fourteen Points until he had been reminded of it by the delegation."
The above is in reference to "a delegation of prominent Indians appearing [May 17] before the Council [of Four] to plead for the integrity of the homeland of the Turkish race," Evans, The Peace Conference, p. 167; footnoted source: Foreign Relations, Paris Peace Conference.
(Let's bear in mind this phrase comes to us second-hand, and some may feel its authenticity should not be questioned, coming, as it did, from a "Man of God." Yet Rabbi Stephen Wise probably came as close as possible to the "Zionist Vahan Cardashian," wth a willingness to bend the truth, as long as his propagandistic agenda got served. In this case, however, the odds are Wise was being truthful, and the prejudiced Woodrow Wilson very likely uttered those exact words.)
Wise did not appear to be the most moral man, spreading vicious propaganda demonizing the Turks, propaganda one suspects that the "wise" guy knew were not all based on real facts. The Zionist's idea was to hasten the demise of the Ottoman Empire, once the USA was enticed into the war, and thus freeing the path to a Jewish homeland. (We can see the corroboration even in this article, with the manner by which "Palestine" is mentioned in the same breath as the Armenians.) The Armenian affair served as a convenient outlet to heighten the prejudice of Christian Americans, already heavily under the influence of hatred-spreading missionaries. Everyone thought, of course, that clergymen would not lie.
Clergymen did lie, as did Rabbi Stephen Wise. Henry Morgenthau was a close friend of the rabbi's, allowing us to better understand the lengths Morgenthau went to, in order to make the Turks, in accuser George Schreiner's words, "the worst being on earth."
James Gerard was one of the most intense Armenophiles and Turk-haters of the period; a heartbroken Rev. James Barton (who had sacrificed so much to serve Armenians, only to have Cardashian vilify him) revealed in a letter to Admiral Mark Bristol, that "Gerard signs anything that Cardashian writes," and Gerard, as the bigoted president of the "American Committee for the Independence of Armenia," advocated Indian-style reservations as the future home for Turkish people. Note as well from the above how James H. Darlington, almost certainly a missionary, was "a resident of Armenia for forty-seven years." (The utter dishonesty; as if there were a country called "Armenia" in near centuries, let alone in far centuries other than scatered little kingdoms, before 1918. But, of course, calling the eastern region of the Ottoman Empire by the imaginary name of "Armenia" was commonplace in the Western press.)
"The one success story for the Armenians was the labor of their paid agents in Christian countries. The British Government was flooded with petitions instituted by Armenian special interest groups... Armenian agents` work in the United States was equally successful. 'On the initiative of the American Committee for the Independence of Armenia, a cardinal, 85 bishops, 20,000 clergymen, 40 state governors, and 250 college and university presidents petitioned [President] Wilson to aid in the establishment of an independent Armenia bordering the Black and Mediterranean Seas, to recognize the de facto Yerevan government, and bolster Armenia in every way possible.' (P 309-310 [of Richard Hovannisian's The Republic of Armenia]) In plain language, this was an organized and active campaign by a foreign country (Armenia) to influence American foreign policy within the United States. Such well-organized and orchestrated work by Armenia continues within the United States today."
The above has been excerpted from Samuel A.Weems, Armenia: Secrets of a "Christian" Terrorist State, 2002, p. 133; emphasis Holdwater's. Some of the folks mentioned in the Times article undoubtedly pitched in "pro bono," because of their strong Christian feelings, but how many constituted the ranks of "paid agents"? Could James Gerard, as president of the mentioned Armenian committee (note his affiliation is not revealed in the article, and the distingished-sounding "former ambassador" comes across as yet another indirectly involved party; Gerard had a large hand in getting these clergymen, politicians and professors together), have been the Rep. Adam Schiff of his day? (Let's keep in mind payment comes in various forms, and not simply as cold cash under the table.)
"The United States was also asked to furnish arms and munitions for an Armenian army of 50,000," we are informed. The USA had already lent Armenia $50 million in 1919, at least $16 million of which was to be paid back at 5% interest, but Armenia to date has not paid back one cent (instead devouring over one billion dollars in outright giveaways from U.S. taxpayers since Armenia's independence, thanks in no small part to their congressional stooges, such as Adam Schiff and Frank Pallone.)
Regarding the mandate these partisans were hoping for ("We can decide tomorrow if Armenia is to live or die, to remain alive as a nation or pitiably perish"; is that what happened to Armenia without a mandate? Did Armenia "die"? Even after Armenia's looney Dashnak leadership provoked a war with the Turks and was handily defeated in late 1920 did Armenia not come close to "pitiably perish"; the lack of honesty is simply incredible), "in the name of humanity and Christian civilization" (Rabbi Wise shamelessly added that getting embroiled in a Vietnam War-like hornet's nest would amount to the "holiest privilege [that] has been offered America"; Wise was one patriotic American all right, considering what would have been best for the USA) was, of course, anything but a "sane policy." (As Bishop Burch worded it.) Thank goodness the Congress of that time had intelligent and capable members, representatives such as James Reed, who made sure such lunacy would not come into being. (Here were the exciting arguments that stopped the mandate dead in its tracks.)
Dr. Coan was described as "an eyewitness of many massacres in Armenia" by the New York Times' biased journalist. Of course, this likely missionary did not eyewitness a single massacre, as did no one else. (He must have seen suffering Armenians during wartime, in a land where everyone was suffering, and maybe a corpse here and there. That is far different than witnessing an occurring massacre.) Who knows where he got the idea that "billions of dollars and 500,000 American soldiers" would be called for; in reality, the requested figures would amount to three-quarters of a billion dollars or more, and a commitment of some 60,000-72,000 American troops. Far from "A small police force," as this "man of God" misrepresented, along with his having amusingly added another requirement, "the moral backing of the United States." When millions of people are dispossessed of their centuries-old lands through force and stuck in Indian reservations, even those who have no pretensions of being "holy" would more correctly term such business as "immoral."
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