- $500 Award For Teachers implement innovative lesson plans about the Armenian Genocide into their curriculum
- Current Campaign in Carleton University - Ottawa, Canada
- Roadside Billboards in Boston USA
-Be Pro-active is an alternative or ignorance(!) is bliss?
- - - Please Email Your Comments - - -
Comment #1
"There's something inherently distasteful about MARKETING genocide claims."
Comment #2
" "Distasteful" is an understatement."
Comment #3
-"Agreed with this whole marketing genocide claims bit, although I think this could backfire on the Armenian camp. . . . . .
Had you seen this article? It could benefit from some depth of analysis relating to the mutual inter-ethnic conflict in World War I Anatolia. I doubt Benjamin Wachs is an Ottoman Historian, so we can take it with a huge grain of salt that he says "no doubt about it" when endorsing the Armenian claim. Yet I think this is still a valuable article because it shows someone who understands that this is about politics and that offending Turkish sensitivity is actually something stuffed shirt politicians should care about.
But nonetheless, I think this is an interesting take on the special interest element of genocide recognition. It is nice to see an alternative weekly taking an interest in stuff like this. I think this is a good counter point to the billboard strategy, alt weekly's will reach younger people who are more likely to be taken in by "flashy billboard history." Perhaps the Boston alternative weekly ((which I don't think is part of Village Voice Media as the SF Weekly is) would entertain an article from a Turkish perpsective.""
Comment #4
"Comments posted by Armenians to that article are pretty amazing ... what a bunch of sadistic violent anti-semitic hate mongers. What a lovely group of people San Francisco's Supervisors pander to...
November 7, 2007 says:
I can tell you what you can do on April 24:
You can rape your girlfriend, bring your friends to rape her together, stick a knife in her ass and then rip her belly open and hope she is pregnant with your child - that would be your bonus for the day.
says: Stupid animal benjamin wachs,
#1 I WISH YOU DIE TODAY so that the world would have one less maniac like you.
November 9, 2007 says:
Mr. Wachs is a ZIONIST pig that is protecting Turkey because if the Armenian Genocide is recognized than the truth may actually be revealed that Turkish Jews are blood thirsty savages. Jews can't afford to be linked to genocide because they'll lose their moral authority they gained from obtaining sympathy over their Holocaust.
American Jews don't want genocide recognition because it will make them look real stupid. Just like Mr. Wachs.
November 9, 2007 says:
jew filth always write such things when it's a genocide of Amalekites.
says: The only thing that will "bite you in the ass" will be the orphan that you give to your girlfriend
November 17, says:
You are a piece of shit. There's really nothing to say to someone like you and I can't tell you how disgusted and sick you have made so many people with your racist and erroneous account of the Armenian situation.
November 26, 2007 says:
let me slaughter your mother, father, gradparents and children like sheep and then tell me you dont seek recognition and justice because the killer is freinds with the police.
you have NO SPINE, youre a worm
January 29, 2008 says:
Mr. Brian Wachs,
I hope tonight when you're sleeping Turkish gendarmes will not come barging through your door, rape your girlfriend, gauge out your eyes, make your family march until they're starved, burn down your neighborhood, piss on your religion, force your mother to have sex with you in front of them, tattoo your daughter's face with a number, take all of your fellow writers and intellectual colleagus, chop off their heads, place them on a shelf, and let you live to remember it all.