2653) Genocide Crowds Are The New KKK
Turks are the new Jews. Genocide crowds are the new KKK. Although there has been no due process or a jury verdict by a competent tribunal, these genocide crowds already made up their minds about the Turkish-Armenian conflict. Facts, figures no longer matter to these lynch mobs.
These genocide lynch mobs burn crosses not on Turkish lawns (yet,) but in public conscience. They claim, scream, and attack… They insult, intimidate and terrorize… They already have their chosen verdict in their minds which comforts their anti-Turkish bias: Turks are guilty and there is no need to discuss this verdict; it is execution time… get the rope! . .
To these genocide lynch mobs, there is only one side to their coin: their side… The Armenian side… Armenians are all white; Turks are all black. And that’s that… They want you to believe their bigoted black & white picture. There is no gray areas for them. So, don’t even think of bringing it up, or you will be labeled a denier and hung in their mind and soul.
If you believe these genocide lynch mobs, they’ll love you instantly. And if you question them even in the lightest degree, they will hate you instantly. This love/hate relationship is evident in all of their letters, op-ed, newspaper columns, book, documentaries, full feature films, and more. They are so arrogant about it that they see no reason to hide it or sugar coat it.
These genocide lynch mobs will have you believe that April 24, 1915, is the start of their bogus genocide. What happened that day? The Ottoman Government Home Security forces launched a drag net operation and arrested the Armenian ring leaders who were involved in terrorist attacks, rebellions, and/or treasonous acts. These were seemingly respectable Armenian community leaders— just like that Topalian fellow whose pictures with American presidents adorned his office before he was convicted of terrorism charges a few years back. To Armenians, April 24, 1915 was genocide (how hollow, meaningless, and unjustified.) To Turks, it represents defending your home against domestic terrorist cells, sort of like an Ottoman-Guantanamo.
But you cannot discuss April 24, 1915, the Ottoman-Guantanamo-Not-Armenian-Genocide concept, because their hatred quickly takes over their reason. You cannot prove to them that, for example, Gomidas, an Armenian priest and a musician, was let go after a while when the charges against him could not be proven. Gomidas went back to Istanbul first and then moved to Europe eventually, and died in France. This episode alone is powerful enough an example to prove to any open-minded truth-seeker that Turks had no intention of eliminating those few Armenian leaders arrested for foul play. More than a few were eventually let go. But you cannot discuss these facts with the genocide lynch mobs, No Sir. If you do, your life may be in danger (see Armenian terrorism, Part 1, Part 2, Part 3, and Part 4.)
Neither can you debate with these genocide lynch mobs, the Armenian rebellions that started in 1890 and went uninterrupted until the most heinous and bloodiest of them all, the VAN Rebellion in Feb-April 1915, which caused their TERESET (temporary resettlement) in May 1915 and lasted until the spring of 1916.
Neither can you debate with these genocide lynch mobs, the Armenian terrorism which started in 1882 and continued until 1921. After a hiatus of about 50 years, it re-started in 1973 with the Santa Barbara killings of two Turkish diplomats by an older, hate-filled Armenian man. You cannot show these lynch mobs the threads of continuity in their love affair with aggression, violence, and terrorism. They feel they are blameless. Victims are to blame for standing on the trajectory of the Armenian bullets! Such blinded are these genocide lynch mob by their hatred for all things Turkish. They need help. The psychological kind, I mean.
Neither can you debate with these genocide lynch mobs, the Armenian treason that started in 1914 and climaxed in 1915. You cannot show these genocide lynch mobs documents from their own Armenian archives (like the 1919 Nubar letter and the 1923 Katcahznouni Manifesto, and many others like those) proving Armenian treason and how wrong it was then and it still is now…
Neither can you debate with these genocide lynch mobs, the Armenian territorial demands since 1877, going unabated to this very date. The irony is not lost: the Armenians were not even a majority in those areas and if the Armenians succeeded in realizing their delusion, the Greater Armenia, it would have been the first apartheid regime in the 20th Century where a tiny Armenian minority would be ruling over a massive non-Armenian majority. Is this a dream worth taking up arms against your own government, terrorizing your neighbors and joining the advancing enemy armies? Was it worth it? After all, didn’t all these heinous Armenian crimes force Turks to defend their home, like any citizen anywhere, including the U.S., would do? Was not Tereset a direct outcome of Armenian rebellions, terrorism, and treason?
In short, you cannot discuss anything with these genocide lynch mobs, period.
But you know what? Truth does not take a hike, just because Armenians do not want to hear it.
In fact, truth may take a Hye, but never a hike.
Son Of Turkish Survivors From Both Maternal And Paternal Sides
November 15th, 2008
These genocide lynch mobs burn crosses not on Turkish lawns (yet,) but in public conscience. They claim, scream, and attack… They insult, intimidate and terrorize… They already have their chosen verdict in their minds which comforts their anti-Turkish bias: Turks are guilty and there is no need to discuss this verdict; it is execution time… get the rope! . .
To these genocide lynch mobs, there is only one side to their coin: their side… The Armenian side… Armenians are all white; Turks are all black. And that’s that… They want you to believe their bigoted black & white picture. There is no gray areas for them. So, don’t even think of bringing it up, or you will be labeled a denier and hung in their mind and soul.
If you believe these genocide lynch mobs, they’ll love you instantly. And if you question them even in the lightest degree, they will hate you instantly. This love/hate relationship is evident in all of their letters, op-ed, newspaper columns, book, documentaries, full feature films, and more. They are so arrogant about it that they see no reason to hide it or sugar coat it.
These genocide lynch mobs will have you believe that April 24, 1915, is the start of their bogus genocide. What happened that day? The Ottoman Government Home Security forces launched a drag net operation and arrested the Armenian ring leaders who were involved in terrorist attacks, rebellions, and/or treasonous acts. These were seemingly respectable Armenian community leaders— just like that Topalian fellow whose pictures with American presidents adorned his office before he was convicted of terrorism charges a few years back. To Armenians, April 24, 1915 was genocide (how hollow, meaningless, and unjustified.) To Turks, it represents defending your home against domestic terrorist cells, sort of like an Ottoman-Guantanamo.
But you cannot discuss April 24, 1915, the Ottoman-Guantanamo-Not-Armenian-Genocide concept, because their hatred quickly takes over their reason. You cannot prove to them that, for example, Gomidas, an Armenian priest and a musician, was let go after a while when the charges against him could not be proven. Gomidas went back to Istanbul first and then moved to Europe eventually, and died in France. This episode alone is powerful enough an example to prove to any open-minded truth-seeker that Turks had no intention of eliminating those few Armenian leaders arrested for foul play. More than a few were eventually let go. But you cannot discuss these facts with the genocide lynch mobs, No Sir. If you do, your life may be in danger (see Armenian terrorism, Part 1, Part 2, Part 3, and Part 4.)
Neither can you debate with these genocide lynch mobs, the Armenian rebellions that started in 1890 and went uninterrupted until the most heinous and bloodiest of them all, the VAN Rebellion in Feb-April 1915, which caused their TERESET (temporary resettlement) in May 1915 and lasted until the spring of 1916.
Neither can you debate with these genocide lynch mobs, the Armenian terrorism which started in 1882 and continued until 1921. After a hiatus of about 50 years, it re-started in 1973 with the Santa Barbara killings of two Turkish diplomats by an older, hate-filled Armenian man. You cannot show these lynch mobs the threads of continuity in their love affair with aggression, violence, and terrorism. They feel they are blameless. Victims are to blame for standing on the trajectory of the Armenian bullets! Such blinded are these genocide lynch mob by their hatred for all things Turkish. They need help. The psychological kind, I mean.
Neither can you debate with these genocide lynch mobs, the Armenian treason that started in 1914 and climaxed in 1915. You cannot show these genocide lynch mobs documents from their own Armenian archives (like the 1919 Nubar letter and the 1923 Katcahznouni Manifesto, and many others like those) proving Armenian treason and how wrong it was then and it still is now…
Neither can you debate with these genocide lynch mobs, the Armenian territorial demands since 1877, going unabated to this very date. The irony is not lost: the Armenians were not even a majority in those areas and if the Armenians succeeded in realizing their delusion, the Greater Armenia, it would have been the first apartheid regime in the 20th Century where a tiny Armenian minority would be ruling over a massive non-Armenian majority. Is this a dream worth taking up arms against your own government, terrorizing your neighbors and joining the advancing enemy armies? Was it worth it? After all, didn’t all these heinous Armenian crimes force Turks to defend their home, like any citizen anywhere, including the U.S., would do? Was not Tereset a direct outcome of Armenian rebellions, terrorism, and treason?
In short, you cannot discuss anything with these genocide lynch mobs, period.
But you know what? Truth does not take a hike, just because Armenians do not want to hear it.
In fact, truth may take a Hye, but never a hike.
Son Of Turkish Survivors From Both Maternal And Paternal Sides
November 15th, 2008
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