After reading so much of washroom style talks and editorials about the inexplicable protocol initialed in the “wind of hope” I made a revaluation of the facts to see whether “this intention or deception” had any chance of success.
Many Armenian columnists and some (even Turkish) scholars write and defend “G” as a fact and for evidence, they say that “so many parliaments recognized it”, so it “must be true, even if there was never any investigation, debate, argument, legal evidence, authorized court, defense or verdict”. Some reputed organizations and congressional representatives spit fire to Obama management for not having spelled the G-word or his inciting studies by joint commissions. Well, there must be an extremely valid reason for diaspora drum beaters, to avoid any investigation or unborn efforts of pacification. I made a little “thinking gymnastics” and following headlines struck my attention which I share with all.:
1- Was Bing Crosby related in any way with Armenian claims or was he a relative of Charles Aznavour - in some way or another? That I do not know, but his much heard old song “Oh, give me lands, lots of lands…under starry skies above…don’t fence me in!” could have been a prophecy for many claimants! Therefore, you have the cause and reply to the “demand of land” (where they were never more than 20% of the inhabitants”, and their complaint for “being fenced-in”! Due to the aggressively and land demands of this naughty “bad neighbor” apparently the neighbors had to “fence-in” instead of Armenia fencing herself against outside intrusions.
2- There is still talk of “compensation”! People, you had better wash your eyes and read The Free-Consolation! If that will not clear up your soaked brains, I suggest that you read further “American-Turkish Claims Settlement book, by Fred K. Nielsen, US Government Printing Office 1937. If you want to learn more on who the author is, go into the internet and learn that he has been the Solicitor of the US State Department since 1920. Whether you like or accept or not, these are the facts.
3- Regarding the G-palaver which holds no numbers or documents, it will be very difficult to reject the figures I have listed on page 303 of my book for the population in 1914. The French-Armenian land distribution report of 1.3.1914 is irrefutable (1.280.000)! Otherwise take National Geographic’s 2.000.000 including Armenians in Persia and Russia, which reconfirms the first figure. Then go to page 307, and read the figures of the people living in 1919. These are taken from Akaby Nassibian (Armenian Historian) book and they belong to the official records of Dr.F. Nansen , head of the National Emigrants Committee,and Red Cross a much reputed Nobel prized philanthropist. I learn that the exchange of population between Greeks of Turkey and Turks of Thrace was initialed and carried out by Dr. Nansen! I knew that it was the proposition of Venizelos after Lausanne.
Dr. Nansen gives a total of 1.080.000 living in 1919, George Montgomery of the US delegation gave the figure of 1.108.000, Bogos Nubar and Venizelos gave the figure of 880.000 which matches with Armenian historian Lalaian’s figure of 885.000, but says that within two years under Armenian Republic, 195.000 died of starvation.
Finally, the joint US Congress-Senate Report (192) says that 1.414.000 are alive on 31.12.1921. Therefore, someone must explain how you can kill so many and have a residual balance as officially acknowledged. Who is lying about the 1.5 million G-victims? Is it Nansen, or Nubar or Venizelos or U.S. Senate-Congress? Someone must have fabricated an impossible lie, which average intelligent persons can see what a palaver it is!
CONCLUSION: I cordially ask the diaspora fanatics to do “just a bit of reading outside of the trash they have been supplied with” and learn for their own decency and see the irrefutable evidences, or else write to this blog site their comments belying above written evidences.
A small group of decent humans regardless of their nationality or faith are struggling to shake clean hands! Grow up please; forget the propaganda, the Ottomanism, Turkism, Armenianism, Islamism, Christendom, Judaism and all mythological stories presented as scientific facts! I want some one (even Turkish zealots who sold out their personality and scholarship), to come out and tell me that I am a LIAR or IMPOSTOR! Please Do It… Or Else … SHUT UP FOR EVER!
Respectfully, sincerely and truly,
Sukru S. Aya 10.09.2009
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