I leave it to the Armenian diaspora readers, to weigh Sassounian’s directives versus realities.
The author, at the end of his article of Jan.7, 2010, had first buttered the Armenians of Armenia and ended his article with the following (empty) words of courage to serve as “his final solution or relief”!:

Now the very same author accuses the Armenian Government, as if they are a mandate of diaspora!.
Really I do not wish to interfere in “family or nation privacy” but cannot help myself of pinpointing my counter comments against itemized suggestions or directives since they do not speak trying.:
1. Armenian Government leaders should obtain advance permission from diaspora for any contacts they would make with other countries, and thus behave like “a good behaving children”.(!)
2. “Diaspora-wide Leadership”(?) should…etc! Is there an outside Diasporian Armenian Leadership elected under democracy with rights of sovereignty in the Republic of Armenia? When, How, Why?
3. Empty “ballast words” without any reason or meaning!
4. Armenian Government “can be held responsible for splits in diaspora disagreements”. (!)
5. Armenian President needs to get advice on critical matters from diaspora (and act obediently)!
6. Armenian Government should share her authority with diaspora on protocols or similar foreign affairs! Why? What will be the responsibility and liability of “diaspora experts”? Who are them? Who decides them to be true experts!
7. Armenian officials were totally wrong in agreeing on a historical committee, because the diaspora principle that “there is no need of any discussion for a topic known by overwhelming majority”(?) The truth is that diaspora and Armenian scholars very well know that they have no legal evidences!
The author, by his usual method of bullying or exaggerating, has increased the population of Armenia to 3 millions, when it is known to be very slightly over 2 millions. Likewise, the diaspora Armenian population estimated to be around 5 millions is doubled to 10 millions!
The author makes frequent reference to “Genocide” which is nothing but an unproven hearsay or fabrication, and also “restitution”, for which they even had a tax exemption law in California! Gentlemen, do not lie to your own people who trust you. By this time, if you have still not read the accord between USA and Republic of Turkey which started in 1934 and was settled by written agreement in 1937, then do not expose yourselves “as experts or advisers”! The blog site of Turkish Armenians is full of official irrefutable non-Turkish documentation. Turning your heads and logic elsewhere, will serve nothing, but loss of time and new frustrations. What more, I am shocked to read that Armenians of Armenia “will be hurting you if they do not follow your advices or interests”.
I want to hear it clearly if it is the Armenians of Armenia who need the philanthropic assistance and support since otherwise they are hurt or is it the Diaspora in need of the help coming from Armenia? What a comedy, what logic?
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