INTRODUCTION: This memorandum is signed by Armenian PM Ov. Katchaznuni and rushed to the American Senate, before the overall report of General Harbord on Turkey and Armenia was sent in.
To make the reader understand the situation, some sections-sentences of the memorandum are quoted verbatim, with clarifications where it would help. This memorandum brings some light regarding the period ending 1917, when the Russian troops went back to Russia because of the Bolshevik Revolution and also end of 1919, when the Armenian Republic surrendered with Gumru Treaty on Dec.2,1919,- weeks after this memorandum was resolved in the U.S. Senate.
“But in November 1917, when the Bolsheviks overthrow the Kerensky government and established the soviet rule in Russia, Transcaucasia declined to recognize the authority of the Bolsheviks and the Comissariat of Transcaucasia on November 28, 1917 declared itself the supreme authority in Transcaucasia In February 1918, the Seim or legislative assembly of Transcaucasia convened in the city of Tiflis, accepted the resignation of the commissariat and in its place instituted a temporary government composed of several ministries.”…
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