Image Credit: TruckTurkey
Now, "Everything Nancy Did For Them" is forgotten and she became their new prey. James Barton, head of the Relief Organization and their long time father and president Woodrow Wilson had experienced an equal hatred and open insult when the ARF-Dashnak dreams could not materialize!
Don't doubt that they will find new actors to push these resolutions, as long as no one does anything to blow up their balloon of lies and fabrications!

Name Withheld upon permission
ANCA PRESS RELEASE / For Immediate Release, December 22, 2010, Contact: Elizabeth S. Chouldjian, Tel: (202) 775-1918
Tell Speaker Pelosi what YOU think about her decision NOT TO schedule a vote on the Armenian Genocide Resolution
-- House Democratic Leadership Blocks Bipartisan Majority from Voting on Genocide-Prevention Measure
WASHINGTON, DC - The U.S. House Democratic Leadership failed today to schedule a vote on the Armenian Genocide Resolution, H,Res.252, despite support for this human rights measure from a broad bipartisan majority, killing the prospects for the passage of this legislation during this session of Congress, reported the Armenian National Committee of America (ANCA).
ANCA Chairman Ken Hachikian issued the following statement in response to U.S. House Democratic Leadership's decision:
“Armenian Americans are angered and disappointed by the failure of Speaker Pelosi and the House Democratic leadership to honor their commitment to allow a bipartisan majority to vote for passage of the Armenian Genocide Resolution.”
“Speaker Pelosi clearly had the majority, the authority, and the opportunity to pass the Armenian Genocide Resolution, yet refused to allow a vote on this human rights measure.” . .
"The Speaker chose not to move forward, in the face of broad bipartisan backing for this human rights measure, including from the current House leadership and the incoming Majority Leader and Majority Whip, and despite both the relatively muted opposition from the White House, and the fact that Turkey's effectiveness in opposing its adoption was seriously undermined by controversial policies on the part of Ankara toward Iran, Israel, and Sudan that have angered lawmakers."
“Her decision to not move this legislation forward during her four years as Speaker represents a failure of Congressional leadership on human rights and, sadly, a setback to America's standing in the struggle to end the cycle of genocide.”
“Coming in the wake of President Obama's string of broken promises to recognize the Armenian Genocide, Speaker Pelosi's refusal to schedule a vote on the Armenian Genocide Resolution represents a major breach of trust with Armenian American voters.”
“Although sharply disappointed by the Speaker's unwillingness to schedule a vote on the Armenian Genocide Resolution, we were, throughout this session of Congress, tremendously encouraged by the scope and depth of support for the Armenian Genocide Resolution, not only from a bipartisan majority of Congress but also from a growing cross-section of American civil society. We look forward to building on our progress and to continuing the work of the Armenian American community for a strong U.S. moral stand on the Armenian Genocide, an end to Turkey's campaign of denial, and a truthful and just resolution of this still unpunished crime against the Armenian nation.”
House Democratic Leadership Blocks Bipartisan Majority from Voting on Genocide-Prevention Measure Asbarez
WASHINGTON – The U.S. House Democratic Leadership failed today to schedule a vote on the Armenian Genocide Resolution, H,Res.252, despite support for this human rights measure from a broad bipartisan majority, killing the prospects for the passage of this legislation during this session of Congress, reported the Armenian National Committee of America (ANCA).
ANCA Chairman Ken Hachikian issued the following statement in response to U.S. House Democratic Leadership’s decision:
“Armenian Americans are angered and disappointed by the failure of Speaker Pelosi and the House Democratic leadership to honor their commitment to allow a bipartisan majority to vote for passage of the Armenian Genocide Resolution.”
“Speaker Pelosi clearly had the majority, the authority, and the opportunity to pass the Armenian Genocide Resolution, yet refused to allow a vote on this human rights measure.”
“The Speaker chose not to move forward, in the face of broad bipartisan backing for this human rights measure, including from the current House leadership and the incoming Majority Leader and Majority Whip, and despite both the relatively muted opposition from the White House, and the fact that Turkey’s effectiveness in opposing its adoption was seriously undermined by controversial policies on the part of Ankara toward Iran, Israel, and Sudan that have angered lawmakers.”
“Her decision to not move this legislation forward during her four years as Speaker represents a failure of Congressional leadership on human rights and, sadly, a setback to America’s standing in the struggle to end the cycle of genocide.”
“Coming in the wake of President Obama’s string of broken promises to recognize the Armenian Genocide, Speaker Pelosi’s refusal to schedule a vote on the Armenian Genocide Resolution represents a major breach of trust with Armenian American voters.”
“Although sharply disappointed by the Speaker’s unwillingness to schedule a vote on the Armenian Genocide Resolution, we were, throughout this session of Congress, tremendously encouraged by the scope and depth of support for the Armenian Genocide Resolution, not only from a bipartisan majority of Congress but also from a growing cross-section of American civil society. We look forward to building on our progress and to continuing the work of the Armenian American community for a strong U.S. moral stand on the Armenian Genocide, an end to Turkey’s campaign of denial, and a truthful and just resolution of this still unpunished crime against the Armenian nation.”
The 111th Congress came to a close without a vote on the so-called "Armenian Genocide Resolution" (H.Res. 252).
Last Friday, Turkish Americans were alerted to the possibility of a vote under Speaker Nancy Pelosi’s leadership during the final hours of the 111th Congress. A rapid action alert set-up by the TCA enabled Turkish American constituents and friends of Turkey to voice their opposition to Members of Congress, as well as the Democratic Leadership. The ATAA, FTAA and TCA joint nationwide campaign drew thousands of letters and calls from Turkish Americans. Leading members of the Congressional Caucus on US Turkish Relations and Turkish Americans called attention to the negative consequences of passage of H.Res. 252 on U.S.-Turkish relations and played a major role in the outcome.
“TCA applauds the leadership of the Congressional Turkish Caucus, its membership and above all the Turkish American community that came together as never before. We thank all Turkish American national and local organizations across the country, as well as our friends in the Azerbaijani community, for moving quickly and in unity on this issue. Our combined efforts have added the Turkish American voice, stronger than ever, to this important debate,” said G. Lincoln McCurdy, TCA president.
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