Guerrilla Print Materials
Haytoug is committed to stimulating thought and offering a fresh interpretation of the social, political, cultural and economic conditions of the Armenian nation.
As the flagship publication of the Armenian Youth Federation, we are guided in our mission by the following core set of values:
-Youth Empowerment
-Cutting Edge
-Public Service
-Diversity of Thought
-Community Engagement . . .
Nothing new! Armenians keep feeding the hatred among their youth. They poisoned for decades the columns and screens in this country with their brand of selective morality and dishonest, even racist, version of history. Today no wonder why Armenia found itself suffering from isolation, poverty, corruption, and violence; it is all self-made.
Even the U.S. Congress records (Harbord Report of 1920, HR 192 of 22 April 1922) reveal Armenian atrocities victimizing Muslims and 1.414 million Armenians still alive as of 31 December 1921. Subtracted from their total population of 1.5 million, that leaves 86,000 Armenians died or killed (very close to the 54,000 figure painstakingly documented by the Turkish Historical Society.)
Did you know, until 1850s, 70% of present Armenia was Muslim and the country was full of mosques, monuments, baths, stores, and other cultural, traditional, and commercial buildings and structures. How many are in existence today?
Only one Iranian mosque in Yerevan, with no Muslims left to worship. Such was the devastation of the cultural and ethnic cleansing of Muslims in Armenia. At present there are over 50 Armenian Churches in Turkey open for service for present Armenian community of some 60.000 Turkish citizens and some 70.000 illegal Armenian workers. Muslims should get reparations from Armenians, not the other way around.
When Hrant Dink was murdered, Turkish people, president, all members of goverment, bureaucrats from all levels, journalists sincerely mourned and condemned the murderer. Millions of Turkish citizens gathered in his funeral ceremony and shouted as ‘we are all Armenian’ with tears. Including the annual Press Freedom Award of Turkish Journalist Association, Hrant Dink was awarded with many prizes, after his death. However you dont wanna remember that Armenians established terror organizations to kill Turks!
Take a look at;
“The main targets of Armenian terror organizations, ASALA in particular, were now being chosen from among Turkish diplomats abroad. The first of the series of terrorist attacks was carried out against Mehmet Baydar, the Turkish Consul General in Los Angeles and his Deputy, Bahadir Demir. The assassinations were perpetrated by an Armenian by the name of Gurgen Yanikan in 1973. This individual action turned into organized Armenian terror as of 1975 and further escalated as of 1979. 110 acts of terror were carried out by Armenian terrorists in 38 cities of 21 countries. 39 of these were armed attacks, 70 of them bomb attacks and one was an occupation. 42 Turkish diplomats and 4 foreign nationals were assassinated in these attacks, while 15 Turks and 66 foreign nationals were wounded.” In neither of the funerals of the murdered Turkish diplomats, no Armenian held placards on which it was written:’We are all Turks’ ‘We are all Kemal Arikan, Bahadır Demir, Selçuk Bakkalbaşı, Haluk Sipahioğlu, Galip Özmen’. None of our innocent diplomats were rewarded with ‘Annual Reward of Peace, Brothership or Friendship’ by the Armenians. No Armenian shed tears. Just the opposite, as we heard in a conference of Richard G Hovannisian, held in Florida Atlantic University, on April 2, 2008, Armenians did not hide their sorrow for not murdering more Turkish diplomats! 1) Ismet Binark “Archive Documents About the Atrocities and Genocide Inflicted Upon Turks by Armenians” Published by the Turkish Grand National Assembly, 2002, Ankara
http://www.tbmm.gov.tr/yayinlar/yayin3/atrocity.htm, http://www.avim.org.tr/sablon3.php?icerik=gir&bolum=1&dil=0
2) GORDUKLERIM YASADIKLARIM - I witnessed and lived through Written by a Russian Lt Colonel- PDF format in Turkish-English-French and original Russian
3) http://armenians-1915.blogspot.com/2009/07/2903-video-excavation-of-mass-grave.html
4) http://armenians-1915.blogspot.com/2009/01/2728-photos-nationalist-armenian.html
5) "Azg",http://www.radical.com.tr/Radikal.aspx?aType=RadikalHaberDetay&ArticleID=921474&Date=14.02.2009&CategoryID=98The
6) www.prima-news.ru/news/articles/2001/9/13/15705.html
* It is the first time that I read the contents of HAYTOUG, magazine of the Armenian Youth with the symbol of a fist or fighting, in other words it is published for hatred and revenge as a means of happiness and success. Sounds very unusual from a humane standpoint.
* I read the article of the editor Vache Thomassian, which is flawed with the same mentality of distortions, to name but a few:
* "Dozens of top Turkish leaders were EXTRA JUDICIALLY brought to justice". So the act of murder is approved as "extra-judicial"! Wow!
* "Britain took massacres seriously": No, they made a mess out of it! First they appointed Armenian researchers in the Turkish archives who found nothing, secondly they prevented the formation of a neutral Tribunal with the participation of two each judges from Sweden, Switzerland, Spain, Holland and Denmark saying that they will hold the trials themselves in Malta (without the consent of France). The Kangaroo court-martials set up by British in mid 1919 to satisfy Armenian hysteria, where defendants were not given the right to defend, no records were kept etc. are a shame in the name of justice..
Tevfik bey, Kemal Bey were innocent but lynched just for the show; they had followed the orders only!
* Malta Tribunals: Some 144 Ottoman dignitaries were interned in Malta, kept for trial but the British Judges, required "serious documents" for concluding a decent trial; but these were not found in the Ottoman or British and not even the US Archives which was the last hope. Hence, not even an indictment could be made and the prisoners were quietly released in 1920, under the pretext of exchange of some British officers which were taken as hostage-prisoners when the British abolished the newly elected Ottoman Parliament in 1919.
* Churchill's words are hearsays. General Harbord wrote in his report of autumn 1919 that "the British were provoking Armenians" to attack Turks on the other side of the border.
* Mustafa Kemal was given the name of "Ataturk" after 1930's when the new law of family or surname was put into force by the Turkish Republic.
* Regarding "Nazi" reference, it is ironic that Mr. Thomassian made no reference of the 22.000 men Armenian Legion Army in Nazi Uniforms during WW-II.
* Regarding the August 1920 Sevres Treaty, which was born as a dead fetus from the very first day, again Mr. Thomassian forgets to remind that the map of the borders were drawn by W.Wilson on Nov.22, 1920 and even before this map arrived Europe the Dashnakist Armenian Republic surrendered and signed peace with Nationalist Turks on Dec.2,1920 at Gumru/Alexandropol and revoked all previous treaties.
See Posting 3267 and my comment.
* The editor has generously used ballast words such as "genocide-massacre-blood-culpability-criminal prosecution etc." of the Dashnakist literature, but has put the picture of Soghmon Tehlirian as an Armenian Hero, when we know that he was the assassin of Talat Pasha.
CONCLUSION: A century of Dashnakist method of thinking and achieving results by murders and force, is successfully being injected in the logic of the young Armenian generation, based on distorted or falsified knowledge, just to "keep the ball of animosity rolling"!
Like previous experiences, this can bring no happiness to any community in this small world in which we are compelled to love and understand each other. Wrong sermon, wrong history Mr. Thomassian and the wrong street to nothingness other than waste of time and money!
Sukru S. Aya Istanbul May 22, 2011
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