by Professor Türkkaya Ataöv
This short article of mine is a rushed response to an e-mail message informing us that some Armenian quarters in the United States, who neither represent their brethren in that country nor the whole Armenian people, were planning to reprint the New York Times and Missionary . . . Herald news items pertaining to Armenian-Turkish relations around the year 1915. I am describing my present reaction as “short” because there exist lots of books, articles and archive material on the subject. I wish to draw the attention of the readers, however, to the fact that the basic source in question happens to be the missionary bias, pronouncements, letters and reports, which were copied and printed by the American national and local media without any scrutiny that journalistic ethics demands, now and then. When the emphasis is on the value, or lack of it, as far as missionary interpretations are concerned, reliable printed works are indeed very few. I must emphasize that
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