1) Nagorno-Karabakh - A Forgotten Conflict - An Introduction To The Special Issue by Umut Uzer And Adil Baguirov
2) Nagorno-Karabakh: Competing Legal, Historic And Economic Claims In Political, Academic And Media Discourses by Adil Baguirov
1)Nagorno-Karabakh - A Forgotten Conflict - An Introduction To The Special Issue
by Umut Uzer And Adil Baguirov
In the general area of Southern Caucasus, the conflict over Nagorno-Karabakh is among the frozen disputes in the region, the others being South Ossetia and Abkhazia, which are nominally independent states, however de facto occupied by Russia. Pre-sently there is a cold peace in all these regions with the potential to turn into armed con-flict. The fact that the three historically significant countries in the region, namely Russia, Iran and Turkey are very much interested in Southern Caucasus can make any clashes in the region turn into a regional war with wide ranging repercussions.
This state of affairs makes the Caucasus a highly sensitive area of the world for war and peace. Focusing on the NK conflict with its historic, political, security, ethnic and anthropological dimensions, the collection of nine scholarly papers in this special issue of JMMA make serious contribution to the study of world politics in general and regional issues in particular which involve major international players and global security policies as being played out in the Southern Caucasus . . .
Continued at:
Nagorno-Karabakh: Competing Legal, Historic And Economic Claims In Political, Academic And Media Discourses
Adil Baguirov
The Armenia – Azerbaijan conflict over the Nagorno-Karabakh (NK) region of Azerbaijan, which in its modern form has continued for some 20 years, is a compli-cated case study of multi-vector and multi-layered claims, mostly from the Soviet times, ranging from history, economy and legal status, used to justify the war, occu-pation and ethnic cleansing. The article illustrates that some of the weaker claims were dropped altogether, whilst others were continually mixed with additional charges to make them “ stick ” and are being repeated even today. Despite solid legal, historic and moral grounds, Azerbaijan has been lagging in clarifying and explaining the fictitious charges of NK ’ s supposed transfer to Azerbaijan ’ s suzer-ainty in 1920s, the legal status of NK itself, its economic and financial conditions in Soviet times, and the impossibility to apply the 3 April 1990 Soviet Law on Seces-sion to the NK case whether for the purposes of justifying its independence or attach-ment to Armenia. Despite all the challenges and blame shared by all sides, NK and adjacent currently occupied territories are recognized as part of Azerbaijan, with the latter retaining all rights, including military, to return it under its full sovereignty.
Both sides are well-armed and ready to wage another war instead of backtracking. The goal of this article is to help clarify some of the main claims related to the conflict, so that the international community can play a more pro-active and constructive role in helping to peacefully resolve this conflict.
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Direct Link: Nagorno-Karabakh Competing Legal, Historic And Economic Claims In Political, Academic And Media Discourses
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