Diplomats Witness and Condemn the Armenian Genocide
Collection of Documents and Testimonies Compiled and Edited
by Éva Merenics, Yerevan: AGMI, 2016, 244 pages.
In late October 1914 the Ottoman Empire entered First World War as an ally of Germany and Austria-Hungary. Under the guise of the War the Ottoman government implemented the plan of deliberate exter-mination of the Empire’s entire Armenian population. By this way the ruling Young Turk party wanted to put an end to the Armenian ques-tion, as well as paved a way for the Pan-Turkic expansion to the East and expropriation of the Ottoman Armenian industry and property.
This hideous act of total destruction of an entire nation could not escape the attention of the diplomats, accredited to the Ottoman Em-pire. 1 Foreign ministries, ambassadors, consuls and other diplomatic representatives of allied and neutral states witnessed and reacted to the unfolding deportations, destructions and massacres.
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