Sorry, a rather late reply and comment on your above posting and several “dreamland requests, Treaty of Sevres, Land Reparations, Genocide Denial, Israel Charny etc.:
Here is a short chronological run-down of the repetitive Dashnak blunders and lost gambling, for which restitution, compensation is demanded, by diverting certain irrefutable land/history marks: (More details in my English Book, page 492 or Turkish book page 240)( Note: I have added suffix T-with a number to show the number of treachery of ARF!) . .
a. August 1914: CUP members go to 8th Dashnak Congress in Erzerum, offer autonomy, in return of Turkish Armenians fight alongside Turks and those in Russia make turbulence! This request was based on a secret agreement in 1907 between CUP and Dashnaks to support each other. Offer refused, (T-1). Dashnaks side with Russia, lead Russian troops as scouts into Anatolia! January 1915: Sarikamish disaster greatly caused by Dashnakist-revolutionary resistance, sabotages and fighting! (Read Pastermadjian)
b. April 15, 1915, Armenians in Van in full control of city, declare Van Republic, give city key to Russians.
April 25, 1915, Allied Troops land at Dardanelles. Ottomans under attack from South – Palestine, from West Dardanelles, and East Russian & Armenians. {T-2}
May 25-30,1915 Law for relocation of all people in the war zones! Relocation of Armenians in the zones they rebelled and on the routes of logistic supply, to Southern Provinces where there is no war.
c. Late 1915 – Early 1916: Russian advance Bitlis, Van, Erzurum, Erzincan also landing in Trabzon. Armenians in the Russian army hostile, can hardly be stopped by Russian commanders...
d. May 1917, Russian soldiers start returning to Russia. Autumn 1917:, Russian soldiers left front (ammunition arms, and food) in control of Armenian volunteers and soldiers! Armenian atrocities increased towards defenseless Moslem civilians. Late 1917 Turkish troops start retaking, Erzincan-Erzerum areas; streets full of corpses, burnt villages on the routes of Armenian revolutionaries retreat.
c. Dec. 1917: Russia (communist) sues peace with Germany . Brest Litovsk Treaty signed on 3.3.1918
Russia pulls out of all occupied East Anatolia – Armenia provinces returned to Ottomans. Federation (SEYM) formed by Armenia-Georgia-Azerbaijan in late 1917 – breaks down in April 1918, Armenia declares on 28.5.1918 “Democratic (Dashnakist) Republic of Armenia.” Kachaznuni is Prime minister!
d. Armenian voluntary units fighting against Ottoman Armies, now without Russian protection, sue for peace with Turks. Heroes such as Pastermadjian, Dro, Antranik take refuge to Britain etc. Batum Peace Treaty signed on June 4, 1918. (Armenia represented by A.Hatisov, M. Papacanov, O.Kacaznuni, Turks; by Halil and Vehip)
e. On June 8, 1918 a series of several annexes to the Batum Peace Treaty (reconfirming Brest-Litovsk) is signed by same Turks and the young Armenian Republic. The Ottomans impose their victorious terms for the new borders (initially agreed by Brest-Litovsk), Armenia agrees to reduce army conscripts, both sides agree to exchange prisoners, reciprocally extend the advantages and benefits of most preferential country, return and repatriation of properties, etc..! Under separate annex, Ottoman Empire undertakes “protection of Armenian Republic” against any outside interference. Thus, the young Armenian Republic founded on May 28, 1918 has become a protectorate of the Ottoman Empire in mid June 1918.
f. Delegations of the three new Caucasus Republics, in late June 1918 went to Constantinople, to pay their thanks and gratitude to the Sultan. Armenian Republic was represented by A. Khatisoff (signatory-foreign minister) and Aharonian. They were received on Sept.6,1918 after Friday prayers. The text bof the telegram they sent to Kachaznuni on 9.9.1918, can be seen in page 409, ref.# 7 of my book.
g. Shortly thereafter Bulgaria surrendered and the European front failed. Talat Pasha Cabinet resigned on Oct.8,1918 so that Ottomans can ask peace with Allies. On 30.10.1918 Mudros Cease Fire was signed.
At that time Batum and the whole area was under Ottoman occupation. The Ottoman army pulled back as per Treaty terms, the British Forces in Iran moved in the area to establish law and order
h. On 30.11.1918 (one month after the cease fire or 2 months after Sultan’s reception) Armenian Republic declared full independence since they no longer needed Ottoman protection. (T-3)
i. Armenian delegation which was in Istanbul goes to Paris, to join the Allied Peace conference (Feb.1919)
Boghos Nubar writes an official letter to French Minister of Foreign Affairs and also newspaper, praising the heroism of Armenians. Free E-Book: Armenian Question Before The Peace Conference 1919
j. In early February 1919, Kachaznuni asks British General Wocker’s protection, occupies Oltu and enters Kars.
In the meantime, two Armenian delegations sent to the Paris Conference, declare that they have a population of nearly 900.000 and demand all of the Eastern Anatolia, from the Black Sea to Mediterranean for their Republic, almost up to the Caspian Sea, as a war reward. Also request to be a protectorate of one of the Allied countries, and that the area cleaned of non-Christian population (which was more than 80%) (T-4).
k. Greeks land on 15.5.1919 in Izmir. Mustafa Kemal Pasha lands at Samsun on 19.5.1919. (Note: There are already many Armenians and Greeks who returned and resettled in their old places.) Mustafa Kemal starts his “People’s National Self Defense” by a provisional parliamentary (rebel) government against the Ottoman Empire. Greeks penetrate Anatolia on the West, Armenians take advantage of British protection in the East.
Atrocities start anew, expanding in the area of conflict (Russians, Georgians, Azeris…)
l. (After Mudros Treaty) about 200-300.000 Armenians (mostly refugees from Russia and some from Syria) move in the South East part of Anatolia and Cilicia under British protection. Later, French occupation with special Armenian Battalions, reputed for disturbances. Local people take arms against French–Armenian forces.(T-5)
m. Armenian Army (during peace contacts with Russians and French) on 27.06.1920 make a sudden attack and occupy Oltu region. (Even before Sevres Treaty) (T-6).
n. Sevres Peace enforced on the Ottoman Government signed on 10.08.1920: not ratified by any party but Greece only! Nationalist Government declared they would not accept any treaty not approved by them. Sevres Treaty, was already a dead - unborn fetus! Land borders were left to President Wilson to decide, and it was only in late November 1920 that he could make his border plan. and send it.
o. France makes peace with Nationalist Parliamentarian government of Ankara on 20.10.1921, French troops evacuate Cilicia – Southeast Anatolia. About 200-300.000 Armenian refugees who had come with the British and French troops, immigrate themselves to Syria-Iraq, French-British occupied zones and refuse the offer to stay. Since all the commerce and artisans was run by capable Armenians, they thought that by going out for good, the economy of the new Turkey will never stand up.
p.. Before even the Sevres borders map, reached Yerevan, Kazım Karabekir’s Nationalist troops counter attack at the end of October 1920 and enter Yerevan. On 2.12.1920 (all-time rebellious) Armenian Democratic Government sign the Alexandropol/Gumru Peace Treaty themselves, which stay up to date. One day later, the Armenian Government becomes Sovietized and authority of representation is passed to Moscow. The Moscow reaffirms on 16.3.1921 Gumru agreement. Third Kars agreement on 23.10.1921 confirms previous agreements and was ratified by Yerevan on 11.9.1922. and stands valid to date!
CONCLUSION: Under the light of above events and pivotal incidents, any cries of “victimization” and right of “restitution for abandoned properties” sounds to be nothing but one of the many examples of BOASTING after SO MANY BLUNDERS with the excuse to save Armenians, but in reality causing their destruction so many times with so many repetitions! Some writers “still hope that strong Christian countries will stand and protect their interests” (with their lives) against the Terrible Turk! Only few Armenians can evaluate “realities versus money-making fantasies” but cannot make themselves heard.
Turkish proverb: “A neighbor may need even ashes from his neighbor”! If Armenia is to stand a good neighbor, better “behave properly” and stop writing tales of diverted history, or build castles of sand!
Sukru S. Aya Istanbul, 4.08.2009
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