What hand did the Jews play in what is called the Armenian Genocide?
If you think the answer has anything to do with the ridiculous and anti-Semitic theories floating around, you will be in for a surprise. . .
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The Jewish Role in the So called Armenian Genocide is a sympathy propaganda for Arabs! It aims at pressure against Jew Lobby!
Jews had fighted against Ottoman Army in Gallipoli Campaign during ww1..
There are some inaccuracies in this interesting video, and some points which deserves precisions:
1) Arnold J. Toynbee himself wrote that the "Blue Book" was "war propaganda", and that this "propaganda" work was diffused as a reply to information about persecutions of Jews by Russian army.
2) There were verbal as well as physical attacks against Jews in the Ottoman Empire, but always by Christians (mostly Greeks, Armenians and Maronites) and punished by Ottoman authorities, as demonstrated by Stanford J. Shaw.
3) There were Russian Jews who refuged in Ottoman Empire (not only Palestine), from 1880's to 1914, and also during WWI.
4)The declaration of Entente powers in May 1915 is not only hypocritical, but also without legal basis. Indeed, the Geneva (1864) and Hague conventions on war law (1899, 1907) do not protect the civilians of a country who take arms against their government. They protect the prisoners of war and the civilians of a country invaded by another country. US State secretary Robert Lansing underlined this fact.
French documents edited and published by Ramkavar activist (!) Arthur Beylerian in 1983 indicate that Russia played the main role in this propaganda statement.
5) It is not a crime in France to dispute the "genocide" label for Armenian case. The penalization bill was never scheduled in the Senate, and the huge majority of Senators, as well as the current government, do not want to schedule such a bill. Bernard Lewis was sentenced because he called the "genocide" label "the Armenian side of this story", not because he disputed this label; he was sentenced on the basis of the article 1382 of civil code, but in 2004, the Cour de cassation (French supreme court) forbidden completely to use this article to limitate free speech about individuals.
There are books which include a critical discussion on Armenian issue and which are (or were until recently) freely printed in France, including the French translation of the "History of the Middle East" by Bernard Lewis.
Compliments for another excellent video, confirming the same information in my Vol.1 book, about the distortion of Russian massacre of Jews, which was turned around by the Wellington House, Lord Bryce and introduced to the World as massacre of Armenian by Turks, thus shifting the attention of U.S. correspondents from German-Russian front to Anatolia.
The video should have also mentioned that the last Jewish tribes in Caucasus were wiped off by the Armenian Volunteers when wiping and fighting Kurdish tribes.
See also Chapter 14/1 in my new book showing the involvement of Nazi Armenians in wiping of Jews in Europe during WWII
Best regards and thanks
The real Mets Yeghern is here for the Armenian liars.
Turks killed (!)1.500.000 men/women/babies etc and put them in 9000 Train wagons and carried to Syria and buried (!)
In Auschwitz-Birkenau Hitler killed 1.300.000 in 5 years but Turks done their own(!) genocide in a year without showing even one homicide to the world very secretly(!).
The 9000 Train wagons were at least 225.000 meters totally long and this was a distance from Athens to Patra :))
From Istanbul to Edirne
and from London to Manchester it is 350kms.
If Turks could kill %50 more Armenians, Wagons may fit this distance too
Turks were poor in WW 1 they could not kill them all with gas and burn them in specially designed owens with coal it took only 5 years to built them all.(!)
They killed them with rifles and pistols.
Every single victim has been shot with 3 bullets for the certain result.
That means 4.5 millions of bullets.
One bullet is 20 grams
that makes 90.000.000 grams
90.000 kilos
90 tons(!)
It took 5 minutes to kill a victim and at least 15 minutes more to carry to the wagons
That makes 20 minutes.
1.500.000 victims X 20 minutes minutes
500.000 hours
At least 2 soldiers must be there to carry.
that means 3 millions soldiers.
that makes another transportation problem
All Ottoman empire was 10 millions in the ww 1 and they were fighting in 12 fronts in the same time.
Only in Dardanelles 250.000 and in Sarikamis 90.000 soldiers have been killed in 1915 .
If The Turks worked 12 hours a day
500.000 hours made 41.666 days.
It means 114 years.
1915+114 years
That means the genocide(!) will be ended in the year of 2029
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