Subject : Armenian Issue, 3 Jan 2011
The Ealing council accepted, the last month, the allegation of “Armenian genocide”. In a democracy, history is not written by political institutions but by historians. The Blois appeal (2008), signed by several hundreds of historians, from Europe, North America, and elsewhere, says:
“History must not be a slave to contemporary politics nor can it be written on the command of competing memories. In a free state, no political authority has the right to define historical truth and to restrain the freedom of the historian with the threat of penal sanctions.”. . .
Chief Executive Martin Smith seemed to share this view in an e-mail to Betula Nelson, in April 2010:
“The council is conscious that, while there is agreement that large numbers of people were tragically killed in appalling circumstances, there is a difference of opinion on whether this amounted to genocide. The council does not have an official position on this. We do not endorse the views of Armenians, but respect their right to express one.”
How the Ealing council could contradict itself during the same year?
This self-contradiction is especially disturbing, since it is an example of double standard on war crimes, based on the religion or ethnicity of the victims and perpetrators; and, at least in practice, a reward to terrorism.
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With the hope that this “recognition” will be annulled, I wish to you an happy new year.
Maxime Gauin,
MA in contemporary history (Paris-I-Sorbonne University)
Vice-chairman of Confluence France-Turquie
Please see the attachment below for the full document
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Sent: January 06, 2011
Subject: Decision of Ealing Council to officially recognize the long discredited political claim of Armenian 'genocide' as settled history
To: Honorable Councillor Julian Bell
Leader of the Ealing Council
c/o Labour Group Members' Room,
Ealing Town Hall, New Broadway, London, W5 2BY, England
email: julian.bell at ealing dot gov.uk
Copy: All councilors, as listed in the attachment below
Re: Decision of Ealing Council to officially recognize the long discredited political claim of Armenian 'genocide' as settled history
Dear Honorable Councillor Julian Bell,
It is difficult and painful for me, the son of Turkish survivors on both maternal and paternal sides, to hear of Ealing Council’s unfortunate resolution, based on an Armenian’s misrepresentations—i.e. Councillor Iskendarian—where Armenian war crimes, Armenian hate crimes, and their Muslim, mostly Turkish, victims, are curiously missing. If one excludes half the story, well, even the American civil war can be made to look like a genocide.
I realize that this was not a unanimous decision and that some prudent members considered the motion tabled by an Armenian (Cllr Iskanderian) one sided, without input from responsible opposing views and hence, judged it ill-advised and divisive. I am also aware of at least one councillor saying “…I have never come across a motion in my nine years on the council that so blatantly sought to pitch one community against another - especially on a subject which is highly sensitive and where no member of the council is really able to make a proper and considered judgment…” I truly appreciate those members who thought that way, but I wish they took the trouble to stay on and vote no so that this blatant and malicious fraud could be thwarted.
In summary, if I could manage to raise a grain of doubt in your mind that the Armenian narrative may not be the whole story and that there might be another side, equally ghastly and genuine, where Armenians are the victimizers not the victims, then I consider my mission is accomplished. Thank you for reading.
Respectfully Yours,
9741 Irvine Center Drive
Irvine, California 92618-4324, U.S.A.
Please see the attachment below for the full document
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We'll be happy to publish comments from The Ealing Council, If/when the Council members want to contact us.
Dear Madam/Sir,
The Ealing council accepted, the last month, the allegation of “Armenian genocide”. In a democracy, history is not written by political institutions but by historians.and mathematicians.
Turks killed (!)1.500.000 men/women/babies etc and put them in 9000
Train wagons and carried to Syria and buried hahaha
In Auschwitz-Birkenau Hitler killed 1.300.000in 5 years but Turks done their own(!) genocide in a year without showing even one homicide to the world very secretly(!).
The 9000 Train wagons were at least 225.000 meters totally long and this was a distance from Athens to Patra
From Istanbul to Edirne
and from London to Manchester it is 350kms.
If Turks could kill %50 more Armenians, Wagons may fit this distance too:)))
Turks were poor in WW 1 they could not kill them all with gas and burn them in specially designed owens with coal it took only 5 years to built them all.(!)
They killed them with rifles and pistols.
Every single victim has been shot with 3 bullets for the certain result.
That means 4.5 millions of bullets.
One bullet is 20 grams
that makes 90.000.000 grams
90.000 kilos
90 tons(!)
It took 5 minutes to kill a victim and at least 15 minutes more to carry to the wagons
That makes 20 minutes.
1.500.000 victims X 20 minutes minutes
500.000 hours
At least 2 soldiers must be there to carry.
that means 3 millions soldiers.
that makes another transportation problem
All Ottoman empire was 10 millions in the ww 1 and they were fighting in 12 fronts in the same time.
Only in Dardanelles 250 soldiers have been killed in 1915 .
If The Turks worked 12 hours a day for the genocide,
500.000 hours made 41.666 days.
It means 114 years.
1915+114 years
That means the genocide(!) will be ended in the year of 2029.
See the genocide of the Truth instead of Armenian so-called Genocide.
Respectfully yours
Oguz Tolga
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