By Har Dayal,
The author of the following pages has been well known for the last ten years as one of the most active leaders of the Indian revolutionary party.* Born of a Kayasth family in Delhi in 1884, he was educated in . . . . .
St. Stephen's College, until he took the B.A. degree of the Punjab University and was awarded a scholar-ship tenable in the Government College, Lahore. In 1904 he stood first in the list of the successful candi-dates for the M.A. degree in English literature, and on the recommendation of the Punjab University was given a State scholarship of £200 a year by the Government of India. He entered St. John's College, Oxford, in 1905, and began to read for the Honours School of Modern History, but in 1907 resigned his Government scholarship and removed his name from the college books. He associated himself with Shyamji Krishnavarma, who was at that time the recognised leader of the Indian revolutionary move-ment, and in his journal. The Indian Sociologist (October, 1907), stated that HarDayalhad re ignedhis scholarship, "as he holds that no Indian who really loves his country ought to compromise his principles and barter his rectitude of conduct for any favour whatever at the hands of the alien oppressive rulers of India."
After a visit to India, where he spread the doctrine of active hostility to the British Government, Har Dayal in 1908 rejoined Shyamji Krishnavarma in Paris, but finding him unwilling to adopt violent methods in the furtherance of political ends, he deter-mined to transfer the centre of his activities to America, and in 191 1 settled in San Francisco. Here he published in several Indian languages a newspaper called Ghadr (" Mutiny "), in which he advocated murder and revolution, the formation of secret societies, and the adoption of every possible means of violence for the expulsion of the British from India. He also addressed meetings in various towns in America in support of the Indian revolutionary movement, until in March, 1914, he was arrested by the authorities of the United States Government, with a view to his deportation as an undesirable alien. Released on bail, he escaped to Switzerland, and after the war broke out, joined the Indian National Party, which worked in Berlin under the directions of the German Foreign Office. In the following pages he has described his experiences and the reasons that have led him to change his attitude towards British rule in India.
I. General Impressions
11. In Constantinople
III. " Asia Minor '* in Berlin
IV. The Germans in Asia
View The Document Below:
Forty-Four Months In Germany & Turkey, Feb 1915 To Oct 1918, Record Of Personal Impressions.
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