University of Minnesota Press 1971
For understand of the Middle East today, it is essential to know something of the historical background of that region, traditionally known as the Near East. In tracing the influence of American Protestant missionary activities on American foreign policy and diplomacy in the Near East, Professor Grabill contributes significantly to an understanding of contemporary affairs. It becomes clear, in this account, that missionaries and philanthropists were the most influential force in the United States relations with the Near East through the First World War and its aftermath. An important turning point in the history occurred in 1915 when officials of the Ottoman Empire massacred or deported several hundred thousand Turkish Armenians, among whom were the principal constituents of the American missionaries. This prompted the mission groups to shift their emphasis from evangelism and education to the development of the second largest relief organization in the United States history )eventually called Near East Relief). Through powerful lobbying, the missionaries got their government to consider seriously a protectorate over Armenia or all of Asia Minor. Despite their political failure, the religionists succeeded as cultural frontiersmen through their colleges, such as the American University of Beirut, and their technical assistance programs, which showed the way for the Fulbright, foreign aid, and Peace Corps programs. The archives of the American Board of Commissioners for Foreign Missions (Congregrational) and the Presbyterian Board of Missions provided rich source material for this book. The illustrations include photographs and maps. . . .
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" An important turning point in the history occurred in 1915 when officials of the Ottoman Empire massacred or deported several hundred thousand Turkish Armenians...."
1. several hundred thousand ??? Who says ?
2. 1915 : Just for the record, if one refers to missionary sources, protestant, too, swiss or German, we may remember that between the lines accusing the Ottoman Empire, we can find, too, lines "happy" to pass the message that "in September 1915" thanks to the aid given to Armenians, and the arms brought to them, Armenians were better armed than the Turkish population of Urfa (for instance) "who were afraid of them". These Christian missionaries were happy to note, too, that in September of this year, your could not find a Mollah climbing any minaret in this region without being shot down" (how funny)
3. Fact is that since 1915, Germany had so many successes on the ground, it could begging to breathe (between France and Russia) and could play "buddy" on this "Christian" front. It was even, for Germany, a way to buy at a cheap price, a kind of "redemption" for its own crimes, referred to, in French as "brutalization de la guerre"
It was easier for some, to focus on the "axis of evil" (first edition. Bush just created a copy of the mould), than look at the global violence of WW1. Useful for USA to titillate Americans to enter the war (yes, we saw a remake, too. Some need to feel beautiful and Savers of the World, I suppose).... and Useful for Europe, to forget the deportations in France/Germany, and the wars around Alsace Lorraine, since 1840, 1870 ...
The more I study the pieces, in French, German, English or Turkish, and more am I totally shocked how 5 sources (more or less) are copy-pasted, on and on and on. How is it possible not to observe, too, how the "accusing pieces" were copy-pasted and edited once more, since the 70's... just in time and in chorus, with ASALA (Christian Armenian terrorism) new crusade. The 70's... good timing, isn't it ? in the UdSSR - USA game, nothing like some new pawn of the same chess game.......
In 1915, Turks were surrounded by a very united Christian Force, benefiting from the "pénétration pacifique" Germany loved to talk about (to excuse its links with something so... unchristian as Turks) + Russia's buddies (Armenians on the verge to taste what their Revolutionary dreams would mean for their own "auto-determination"...) Well... to be a pawn is a risky choice. To be a buddy of 2 antagonist forces (at war) fighting against a Third is a super risky bet.
The more so as even Christians were divided... The newly "converted" Armenians (to protestantism) discovered this, too... But of course, it's easier to accuse Turks alone than note the complexity of the situation. Note the specificity of all the actors present and their own agendas. All this is a little bit like Euler intersecting circles. Sadly for some, closed circles leave some out.
See posting 383) "Protestant Diplomacy": Missionary Influence ( ) ....
It is an extremely valuable book,
Grabill was an expert on Armenian churches, an ardent missionary.
Thank you, it will be a great contribution to those who care to read
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